land-back · 1 month
Why are agriculture classes the first time I've learned extremely basic info about nutrition and how digestion works. Why isn't this stuff in health textbooks or any easily accessible resource about healthy eating.
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land-back · 1 month
little used fantasy trope i love: when two people are playing cards in a shady bar and it's the tense moment where they show their hand but it's a fantasy so they can't say things like "full house" or "royal flush" so they same some nonsense like "three crowns and a dead crow" and the crowd is like "oooOOHH" so we know that's good
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land-back · 10 months
there is so much love in friendship, people forget that
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land-back · 2 years
“Foraging is more than just a hobby. It’s more than just “free food.” Foraging is more than just “what if” in an apocalyptic scenario. Foraging IS all about getting in touch with the land. It is about acknowledging and understanding the ways that our Mother Earth takes care of us. Foraging is all about connection. Foraging is an amazing way to revitalize our cultures. It’s a way to recognize those who came before us … and to stop the erasure of their legacies.”
— Linda Black Elk
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land-back · 2 years
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land-back · 2 years
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this actually is rewiring my brain as we speak
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land-back · 2 years
no matter how bad things get remember at least you don’t have an entire social media presence based around consuming beauty products
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land-back · 2 years
not to be all “think of the children” but the fact that companies can openly admit to using methods to intentionally form addictions in children and we’re not killing their ceos in the streets yet is astounding
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land-back · 2 years
A fun fact is that there are exactly zero cases of any US child ever being killed by Halloween candy that has been tampered with by a stranger, but the myth is so widespread that news stations report on it every single year, simply assuming the fact that it is talked about means that it has happened before. A reference with no referent. But making people needlessly terrified of the other people they live near is how the local news makes most of its money anyway so what’s a little lie once a year
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land-back · 2 years
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Anarchism: The opposition to all hierarchical power structures, the framework for locating and understanding them, and the method by which we might dismantle and replace those hierarchal power structures with a horizontal society of free association, controlled together by the people, which we call anarchy.
1. - Means cannot be disentangled from ends.
2. - Hierarchal power begets monopoly and domination.
3. - Power structures seek to perpetuate themselves.
Power: the ability to successfully enact one's will.
An Introduction To Anarchist Politics | (Text)
To Change Everything: An Anarchist Appeal | (Text)
Anarchy Works | (Primer/FAQ)
An Anarchist Theory of Power | (Video/Youtube - 1 hr.)
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land-back · 2 years
U kno what yea I’ll just say it I’m a passenger seat princess . I was meant to look hot beside u while being driven around
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land-back · 2 years
To top or to be topped, that is the question.
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land-back · 2 years
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Rio Grande Blue Corn
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land-back · 2 years
Prison abolition isn’t a solution to interpersonal harm. It’s meant to be a solution for the violence of prisons.
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land-back · 2 years
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land-back · 2 years
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why have i been disgraced
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land-back · 2 years
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