lando-disasterchild · 2 years
Everyone please read this article on why the 22/23 race calendar is bad but also here are some of the most shocking bits by an anonymous mechanic
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lando-disasterchild · 2 years
if you feel bad for mazepin. please unfollow and block me. cheers
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lando-disasterchild · 2 years
Merry Christmas and happy holidays to everyone who celebrates! Even if you don’t celebrate I hope you have a joyful day 😊
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lando-disasterchild · 2 years
every morning when i wake up i like to remind everyone that the fia rigged the 2021 formula 1 drivers championship, therefore making it meaningless
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lando-disasterchild · 3 years
There’s never going to be anyone like Sir Frank Williams in F1 again, he was a man who started from scratch and built a multi championship winning F1 team from the ground up.
He was as much of a face of F1 as any driver ever has been.
Thank you Sir Frank Williams, you are a self made motorsport legend and a true pioneer of the sport.
Rest Well, I hope you enjoyed the podium for Williams this year.
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lando-disasterchild · 3 years
The FIA have had three opportunities this year to prove their 'We Race As One' message is more than words:
- Supporting Lewis in wearing his tshirt bringing attention to the injustice of the Breonna Taylor case
- Punishing Max Verstappen properly for his use of ableist and racially offensive slurs over team radio
- Making sure Haas never allowed Mazepin to race a single lap in F1 for his vile behaviour both recently and in the past
They failed in each and every one. They better take that stupid slogan away next year because they never fucking meant it.
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lando-disasterchild · 3 years
god I’m just fucking fuming. I’m so angry. The FIA created a new rule to stop lewis wearing A FUCKING T-SHIRT but ACTUAL SEXUAL ASSAULT is grounds for ABSOLUTELY NO ACTION? 
Don’t fucking tell me this doesn’t matter, that this doesn’t affect F1′s image. My dad was laughing about it, making jokes, saying it wasn’t that bad a thing, laughing and joking about mazepin repeating this behavior in the paddock when I asked him if he expected the women working in the sport to just accept him being there. This doesn’t just affect F1′s image, it is literally reaffirming misogynistic ideas for the ALREADY overwhelmingly misogynistic audience that watches the sport. Fuck you. 
You already butchered We Race As One when you made it clear you prioritized the comfort of fans over anti-racism action, but now you’ve made it clear you don’t take women seriously, you have no intention of making this sport accessible to women. You want women to take the W series and be grateful you’re not asking them to parade around the cars in bikinis serving you beef cuts.
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lando-disasterchild · 3 years
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lando-disasterchild · 3 years
Let’s not let this petition fade out!!
Continue to post it on your social media platforms so as many people have the opportunity to sign it as possible!
I did not create this petition but it’s already at more than 23,000 signatures which is a small positive in this situation!
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lando-disasterchild · 3 years
Mazepin deleted his apology. The guy obviously doesn't give a shit. Let's show everyone that we do care!
If you haven't signed the petition please do it here
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lando-disasterchild · 3 years
Please keep your ‘That’s the sport’ and ‘its just a business’ comments on the minimum cause you don’t sack a driver and only tell him on the afternoon of that day, at the end of a whole season when he cant even look for other prospects because god forbid he performs better in a different car and exposes all the problems in a team that discards drivers like trash.
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lando-disasterchild · 3 years
Please Read!
Hey everyone.
So recent reports have come out that a law professor from my university has been using his position to represent the Trump administration in their failing legal battles to undermine American democracy and overturn the will of the people. John Eastman, the professor in question, has also posted articles in Newsweek racially profiling Vice President Elect Kamala Harris. He represents the university and has been using that position to spew hate and try and push the will of fascism on the American people. Chapman University, my current school, has done nothing to show the students that they are willing to take a stand on this and remove him from our staff. His words and his actions are undermining the integrity of the school and everyone connected to it, and is also threatening the lives and well-being of the students who attend, myself included.
Please, if you have time, sign our petition to have John Eastman removed from Champan University’s staff. He is spreading hate and violence, and we cannot stand by and be complicit.
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lando-disasterchild · 3 years
FIA: we need more women in the sport
Also FIA: have sexual predator in the paddock
FIA: we race as one
Also FIA: ignores all kinds of human rights abuse
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lando-disasterchild · 3 years
Remember when the FIA investigated Lewis for wearing a shirt that said “arrest the cops that killed Breonna Taylor”?
Remember when the FIA thought wearing a T-Shirt was damaging for the image ofthe sport?
Because if that is damaging, I wonder what a guy who films himself groping drunk girls does for that!
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lando-disasterchild · 3 years
tw // nikita mazepin
“the matter is being dealt with internally” doesn’t sit right with me. as a woman watching this sport i want to know how haas plans on dealing with this vile human.
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lando-disasterchild · 3 years
if you want to do something about the mazepin situation, i would recommend politely contacting haas’ sponsors and letting them know your feelings about the driver who will soon we driving a car with their names on.
they are:
1. peak/bluedef - all contact details available here and here
2. richard mille - all contact details available here
3. mindmaze - all contact details available here
4. nominet cyber - all contact details available here
5. stichd - all contact details available here
they also have sponsorship from jack and jones, but i believe this is a personal sponsor of kevins, and they are partnered with alpinestars who provides the fireproofs and boots.
haas’ sponsors have infinitely more sway than we do, so a polite email or tweet may actually help things x
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lando-disasterchild · 4 years
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