landsharkattack · 3 days
Reminder: Bi Visibility Day is September 23. Remember to leave cookies out for Freddie.
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landsharkattack · 9 days
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landsharkattack · 9 days
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landsharkattack · 9 days
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landsharkattack · 29 days
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landsharkattack · 29 days
Me teaching my friend about the different parts of fishing
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landsharkattack · 29 days
reading and watching “classic” books and films is such an interesting experience because, before you get into them, when you only know them by name and maybe the vaguest plot outline, they’re intimidating and stuffy and up on a pedestal, but then you finally take the leap and check them out and realize that almost every story that’s achieved such a legendary level of popularity did so because something in its emotional core reached out and grabbed a lot of people by the throat and you are NOT immune.
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landsharkattack · 29 days
It's so easy to forget that reading in and of itself is a skill, one that you can build and one that you can lose. You're a kid and you can read a book every day, ones far above your grade level. And then the next thing you know, you blink, and the sheer mountain of reading you're assigned in college is so odious that you put aside any books for pleasure reading because you simply don't have the energy. And after that, life intrudes. You're too exhausted from your job. You're made a caretaker before you were ready for it. You have so many things to do in your free time to keep your life running that you don't realize you haven't picked up a book recently until it's been nine months. And then when you finally grab something from the library, you can barely read three pages before your mind's wandering.
It's taken me a long time to really understand how easy it is to lose that ability to read for hours on end. I've had to be patient with myself while I figure out the way to get my foot back in the door. Fanfiction helps—these are my best friends in the TV, so of course I wanna hear about more of their adventures—but it's not quite enough. Books from the library help, but inevitably my foot catches on a root of the plot and I put it down and then two months later, I haven't picked it back up.
Finally I grabbed a favorite YA novel from my bookshelf, something easy to digest, something I've read a hundred times, something I could recite the plot to in my sleep, and finally, finally I read. Finished it in less than 72 hours. And it's such a baby step, but it's more than I've been able to do in years. So I think I'm gonna keep stretching my tight reading muscles by going through my entire YA shelf and then we'll see what I'm able to digest after that. I'm not giving up this passion. I don't care what it takes, I'm fighting for it.
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landsharkattack · 29 days
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landsharkattack · 29 days
we need to normalize making friends like this in real life
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landsharkattack · 29 days
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landsharkattack · 29 days
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landsharkattack · 1 month
News - If you live in the US, you can now watch all 200 episodes of the original 90s Sailor Moon anime on Viz Media’s Youtube channel for free! Viz also added all of the Inuyasha TV series and movies, as well as more recent shows like Death Note and Hunter x Hunter. 
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landsharkattack · 1 month
There's an EU initiative going on right now that essentially boils down to wanting to force videogame publishers with paid games and/or games with paid elements such as DLC, expansions and microtransactions to leave said games in a playable state after they end support, or in simpler terms, make them stop killing games.
A "playable state" would be something like an offline mode for previously always online titles, or the ability for people to host their own servers where reasonably possible just to name some examples.
I don't think I need to tell anyone that having something you paid for being taken from you is bad, which is a thing that routinely happens with live service and other always online games with a notable recent example being The Crew which is now permanently unplayable.
Any EU citizen is eligible to sign the initiative, but only once and if you mess up that's it. You can find it here. (https://citizens-initiative.europa.eu/initiatives/details/2024/000007_en)
Even if you're not European or you signed it already, you can share this initiative with anyone who is, even if they don't care about videogames specifically because this needs a million signatures and there is different thresholds that need to be met for each EU country for their votes to even count and could also be a precedent for other similar practices like when Sony removed a bunch of Discovery TV content people paid for.
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landsharkattack · 1 month
Hello skinny tgirl. Lately you've been complaining that your tits aren't growing. In front of you is a plate of food.
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landsharkattack · 1 month
A little girl in my 4th grade class came up to me after recess and said, “I got married at recess!” and I said “Oh? I didn’t know anyone was ordained under the age of twelve.” and she asked me what ordained meant and I explained and then she said “Oh, well, no, my wife and I were married by the slide, but we’ll be happy together anyway.”
So apparently on school playgrounds, slides are already legalizing same-sex marriage.
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landsharkattack · 1 month
One Piece has really made me appreciate how fucking good and necessary a wide age range is for an ensemble cast.
If it was a crew of 10 teenagers we’d have run out of ways to switch up character dynamics a long time ago. Things would feel same-y and far less charming than what we have now, which is a crew consisting of five way-too-ambitious dudes in their late teens and early twenties, a fifteen year old who everyone treats like a baby cause he still has a spark in his eyes, two criminals in their early-to-mid 30s who despite being more mature still let the teens do whatever they want for their own joy and entertainment, a dude in his mid-40s who doesn’t realize that quitting his current job to go on a world tour with a 19 year old he just met ABSOLUTELY counts as a midlife crisis, and an old man so old he DIED. I love you Strawhat Pirates.
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