languageswithlogan · 5 years
Fun fact: when something is leaking and water (or anything else) is running out of it (auslaufen), we sometimes call it "Auslaufmodell", too, no matter what it it.
etw. ist ein Auslaufmodell
something is becoming a thing of the past, is on its way out
das Auslaufmodell
discontinued model
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languageswithlogan · 5 years
I took a step in the right direction: I just ordered a French copy of one of my favourite books. My French is still good enough for reading, so I guess I should do that.
Unfortunately the book has the super ugly movie cover, so I'll have to come up with something to hide that...
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languageswithlogan · 6 years
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Giveaway Contest: We’re giving away fifteen paperback classics that were hand-picked by you! Won’t this collection look lovely on your shelf? :D To win these classics, you must: 1) be following macrolit on Tumblr (yes, we will check. :P), and 2) reblog this post. We will choose a random winner on December 29, at which time we’ll start a new giveaway. And yes, we’ll ship to any country. Easy, right? Good luck!
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languageswithlogan · 6 years
Any tips on how to teach a language to someone?
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languageswithlogan · 6 years
I'm on Instagram now! Let me know if you follow me, so I can follow you back :D
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languageswithlogan · 6 years
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Giveaway Contest: Thanks to the generosity of @harperperennial, we’re giving away all eight of the brand new, limited edition 2018-19 Harper Perennial Olive Editions! And this year, all of the Olives are CLASSICS! <3 Won’t these look lovely on your shelf? :D To win these books, you must: 1) be following macrolit on Tumblr (yes, we will check. :P), and 2) reblog this post. We will randomly choose a winner on November 10, at which time we’ll start a new giveaway. And yes, for the third straight year, Harper Perennial has agreed to make this an International giveaway! Good luck!
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languageswithlogan · 6 years
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👨‍👩‍👦‍👦 МОЯ СЕМЬЯ
[majA ssemjA] - meine Familie
👨 папа / отец [pApa / atEts] - Vater
👩 мама / мать [mAma / mAt’] - Mutter
👩👨 родители [radİteli] - Eltern
👱🏻 муж [mUsch] - Ehemann Он женат. [zhenAt] – Er ist verheiratet. Вы женаты? – Sind Sie verheiratet? (Frage zu einem Mann)
👩🏻 жена [zhenA] - Ehefrau Она замужем. [sAmuzhem] – Sie ist verheiratet. Вы замужем? Sind Sie verheiratet? (Frage zu einer Frau)
👱🏻👩🏻 супруги [ssuprUgi] – Ehepaar Я разведён/ разведена (f) [ja raswed’Ön/ raswedinA]– Ich bin geschieden.
👧🏻 дочка / дочь [dOchka / dOch] - Tochter, дочки – Töchter
👦🏼 сын [ssyn] - Sohn, сыновья – Söhne
👧🏻 сестра [ssesstrA] - Schwester, сёстры – Schwestern младшая/ старшая сестра [mlAtschaja / sstArschaja ssesstrA] – jüngere/ ältere Schwester
👦🏼 брат [brat] - Bruder, братья – Brüder младший/ старший брат [mlAtschij/ sstArschij brat] – jüngerer/ älterer Bruder
🧒🏻 ребёнок [rib'Önak] - Kind
🧒🏻🧒🏻 дети [dEti] - Kinder
👶🏻 младенец [mladEnets] – Baby
внук [wnuk] - Enkel
правнук [prAwnuk] – Urenkel
внучка [wnUchka] - Enkelin
правнучка [prAwnuchka] – Urenkelin
внуки (внучки) [wnUki] - Enkeln ([wnUchki] – Enkelinnen)
👵 бабушка  [bAbuschka] - Großmutter
прабабушка [prabAbuschka] - Urgroßmutter
👴 дедушка [dEduschka] - Großvater
прадедушка [pradEduschka] - Urgroßvater
дядя [d'Ad'a] - Onkel
тётя [t'Öt'a] - Tante
племянник [plem'Annik] - Neffe
племянница [plem'Annitsa] - Nichte
тёща [t’Öshcha] – Schwiegermutter (Mutter der Ehefrau)
тесть [tesst’] – Schwiegervater (Vater der Ehefrau)
свекровь [sswekrOf’] – Schwiegermutter (Mutter des Ehemannes)
свёкр [sswÖkr] – Schwiegervater (Vater des Ehemannes)
зять [s’At’] – Schwiegersohn
невестка [newEsstka] – Schwiegertochter
👰🏻 невеста [newEssta] – Braut
🤵🏻 жених [zhenİh] – Bräutigam
🤵🏻👰🏻 молодые [maladYje] – Brautpaar
двоюродная сестра [dwajUradnaja ssestrA] – Cousine
двоюродный брат [dwajUradnyj brat] – Cousin
отчим [Otchim] – Stiefvater
🐕 собака [ssabAka] – Hund
🐈 кошка [kOschka] – Katze
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languageswithlogan · 6 years
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Giveaway Contest: We’re giving away twelve Bantam Classics paperbacks by Walt Whitman, Emily Bronte, Edgar Allan Poe, James Joyce, George Eliot, Shakespeare, and others! Won’t this collection look lovely on your shelf? :D To win these classics, you must: 1) be following macrolit on Tumblr (yes, we will check. :P), and 2) reblog this post. We will choose a random winner on September 29, at which time we’ll start a new giveaway. And yes, we’ll ship to any country. Easy, right? Good luck!
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languageswithlogan · 6 years
Studying languages makes my head feel awesome
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languageswithlogan · 6 years
Tomorrow at this time I'll be in bed (like right now) after studying Russian again, and I can't wait!
My understanding of physics is still limited to a minimum, but I hope it's enough to pass the exam.
0 notes
languageswithlogan · 6 years
I'm looking forward to Tuesday.
I have to take a physics exam which I'm not looking forward to, but that means I can go back to language learning again.
And I get to go to two different book cabinets. What is a book cabinet, you wonder? Well, in bigger cities in Germany, there are often cabinets put up where people can put in their unwanted books and take out the books other people put in. You can either borrow them or keep them. Last time I took a collection of Western short stories, so this time I'm going to put something in the cabinet. And probably take something else home.
I really miss my Russian studying sessions, so I'm glad I can take that up again soon. (I did Duolingo while I couldn't properly study Russian, but that doesn't even get close.)
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languageswithlogan · 6 years
Fluency in a language has different interpretations. Mine is that fluency means that I can use a language that isn't my native one as intuitively as I use English, which was my second language.
So that's my goal for the languages I'm learning.
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languageswithlogan · 6 years
Breaktime would be translated as Pause.
Crime novels are Kriminalromane or Krimis for short.
For the very last sentence: Was ich am liebsten las waren historische Zeitschriften, in denen die Geschichte wie ein Comic erzählt war.
Good job though! 😁
September Writing Challenge
Day 2
What is your favorite childhood memory from school?
Als ich in der Grundschule war, bin ich jede Aussparung in die Bibliothek von der Schule gegangen. Ich habe viele verschiedene Bücher gelesen, von Comics bis Neuheit. Ich las alles.
Meine Lieblingslesen waren historische Zeitschriften, in welchen die Geschichte war wie ein Comic erzählt.
When I was in elementary school, I used to go to my school’s library during every breaktime. I read lots of different books, from comics to crime novels. I read everything.
My favorite thing to read were historical magazines where the story was told through a comic.
As always, corrections are welcome.
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languageswithlogan · 6 years
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I found something awesome! It's a textbook that uses jokes as examples to explain grammar. This is so cool 😆
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languageswithlogan · 6 years
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Giveaway Contest: We’re giving away twelve Bantam Classics paperbacks by Walt Whitman, Emily Bronte, Edgar Allan Poe, James Joyce, George Eliot, Shakespeare, and others! Won’t this collection look lovely on your shelf? :D To win these classics, you must: 1) be following macrolit on Tumblr (yes, we will check. :P), and 2) reblog this post. We will choose a random winner on September 29, at which time we’ll start a new giveaway. And yes, we’ll ship to any country. Easy, right? Good luck!
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languageswithlogan · 6 years
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What is your native language?
What dialect or variety of your native language do you speak?
What other languages do you speak and on what levels?
Do you think you have a strong accent?
What official and minority languages are spoken in your country?
Do any of your family members or relatives speak a language you don’t?
If you want any children, do you want to raise them multilingual?
What languages are you currently learning?
When and why did you start learning the languages you’re learning?
What languages would you like to learn in the future?
What languages are you not interested in learning?
Is there a language that you’re interested in but are too scared to learn?
Have you ever stopped learning a language? 
If you could instantly learn any language in the world without having to study it, which one would you choose?
Are you interested in learning any dead or endangered languages?
Are you interested in learning a sign language?
Are you interested in learning a conlang or creating one?
What do you think is the best thing about learning languages? How about the worst?
What language do you think is the most beautiful?
What language do you think has the prettiest script?
Which languages do you think are underrated/overrated? 
What language do you think is the hardest to learn? How about the easiest?
What methods and techniques do you use to study languages?
Do you prefer to learn languages at school or by yourself?
Do you prefer to concentrate on only one language at a time or learn multiple languages at the same time?
What are your favourite language learning resources?
What language books and dictionaries do you own?
What are your favourite apps or websites for language exchange? 
Which do you like learning more, vocabulary or grammar?
What advice would you give someone who is trying to learn a foreign language for the first time?
Are you willing to teach or help anyone who is trying to learn your target language or a language you’re proficient in?
What is your favourite word in one of your native or target languages?
What is your favourite idiom or proverb in one of your native or target languages?
What is your favourite tongue twister in one of your native or target languages?
Have you ever been to a country where your target language is spoken?
What is your favourite thing about the country/culture where one of your target languages comes from?
Have you ever been mistaken for a native speaker of your target language?
How does your personality change when you speak another language?
What is your definition of the word “fluent”?
What is your definition of the word “polyglot”?
What do you think about the statement “learning languages is cultural appropriation”? 
Are you interested in linguistics?
Which field of linguistics do you find the most interesting?
Is your dream job somehow related to languages or linguistics?
Do you have any language learning or polyglot role models?
How do other people react to your language studies? 
Why did you start your own langblr?
Do you think having a langblr benefits your language studies?
What do you think about the langblr community?
Who are your favourite langblrs?
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languageswithlogan · 6 years
Sunday night talk - 3
Another week has passed, and I’ll start this review by looking at the goals I set for myself:
complete at least three chapters of textbook
Nope. I realized that I was going too fast. I need to take more time with each chapter so that the grammar will stick. I completed two chapters though.
learn at least half of the Memrise course
Yep, did that. Although I have to admit I forgot about that until today and then did it all in an hour or so. That’s fine though.
study physics
I actually did and I’m very proud of myself because I had zero motivation for it. Besides I remembered that I’m allowed to bring one sheet of paper to the exam, ob which I can write ANYTHING beforehand. So I’m writing down what I think is important, and whatever I can’t get into my head goes on that paper.
put podcasts on walkman
Nope, I gave up on that. I’m going to put them on my phone instead. That will also eliminate the “ah dang, I wish I had my walkman with me” thought because I rarely go anywhere without my phone.
Okay, so that’s how it went with completing my goals. Besides that, I did my usual Memrise stuff. My mom doesn’t even ask what I’m doing anymore when I randomly whip out my phone and start learning vocabulary.
Oh, and I translated a song from Russian to German and English! I had tried before, with the same song, but I wasn’t good enough yet to do it. Now I could translate it with the help of a dictionary and a grammar book. There’s still two things in the lyrics I’m wondering about, but I’ll get there.
I haven’t done anything Danish in a while. I kinda put that on hold to focus on Russian. As of now I only do my Memrise stuff so I won’t get too rusty.
Coming across things in Russian and actually understanding them makes me so incredibly happy. I also see a lot of stuff that I don’t understand yet, and that motivates me to work harder.
So, like last week I’m closing with tasks for this upcoming week:
complete the summary of the first six chapters from the textbook
complete two more chapters
100 words in the Memrise course
continue doing one or two Duolingo lessons every day (just for that little extra practice)
listen to at least one podcast every day
do some Mondly
put the verbs from the textbook chapters in verb notebook
work on culture notebook
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