lannah97 · 3 years
Week 12 - Progress
This week, what’s working is I’m learning more about the importance of analyzing spending. I spent time this week reviewing my 2020 spending in my business to try and analyze what was a necessary purchase vs. what was an unnecessary purchase. I took mental note of things I don’t need to be spending money on this year compared to last year. Also, I reflected on what purchases were well worth it, specifically investments that are longer term (ie, the laptop I purchased that has made my editing experience much more efficient, so I can get more done in less time).  What is not working is the current lockdown postponing some shoots. However, thankfully photography shoots aren’t perishable goods, but rather a service, that can be saved for later. I can use this time to market and book for the future. I feel like the project is coming along ok! I’m still happy about my recent booking and I’m looking forward to booking more weddings soon. What I’m learning about running a business is that some purchases, although large, are well worth it, though the return may take time to see, but it’s well worth it in the end (ex: my laptop to help with editing, as mentioned). I’m learning that I don’t need to be scared of the numbers / book keeping side of my business, but rather should be scared of avoiding that area of my business. I’ve made a plan to review my spending and to work on book keeping on a regular basis as well as prepare for the future in that area. 
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lannah97 · 3 years
Week 10 - Progress
This week, what was working is that I booked a wedding photoshoot for July for a small backyard wedding! It happened through word of mouth. A friend of my fiance’s family, who follows my photography instagram page, recommended me to her friend. I’m really excited! In terms of what isn’t working, I’m still struggling to consistently market. I think when I’m finished my other classes’ exams in a couple weeks, I’ll be pretty freed up to succeed at marketing my business. 
I feel like the project is coming along alright. I am definitely motivated to book more weddings, especially after booking one this week. 
I’m learning that to run a business, especially when you are starting out, you have to be willing to lower prices to a point where people will book you. Recently, I’ve had inquiries that didn’t get booked in the end. I think that was likely due to my pricing not being as low as it should have been. I’ve heard one other photographer stress the importance of not budging your pricing for people, and I’ve heard other people in general explain the importance of charging what you’re worth, etc. So I was afraid to lower my price for a little while. After realizing that my price points didn’t seem to be helping me, this time around, I decided to lower my price, and I booked them right away. I also remembered what Jasmine Star, a social media marketing guru and photographer said in a YouTube video I watched a long time ago said - that she had to lower her prices and it helped her book more clients. This helped me get to the point where I was comfortable doing so.  Obviously, costs need to be covered and I’m running a business. But I think that when I’m still new, it’s important to have people book at a slightly lower than ideal price, then no clients at all.
What I’m learning about myself is that my adaptability is my strength and that I can really use that to my advantage. Going forward, i am willing to adapt my pricing to best suit the market and myself. I am willing to be adaptable with Covid cancellation postponements, refunds, etc as I understand the stress of planning a pandemic wedding. And I know those were things I really looked for in Vendors, and went a long way in making me a happy client!
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lannah97 · 3 years
Week 9 - Progress
What’s working this week is that I am getting more confident in front of the camera (thanks to the Online Showcase Assignment!) and I am becoming more confident in the photography services and value I provide (which is motivating me to market more because I am starting to believe in myself). I am really thankful for the Showcase Assignment because, even after just looking at some of my old photos to include in it, and reflecting on the unique value I have to offer, it re-sparked my excitement for my business that was dampened for the past while with the lockdowns, etc. 
In terms of what’s not working is planning. I want to start making weekly plans of the work that needs to be done so that I can get it done in an organized and efficient manner. 
There hasn’t been much progress compared to last week in terms of how the actual progress is coming along (besides making the showcase video) but when my other exams are done that will change. 
I’m learning that to run a business, you have to show people what you offer, if you want to get inquiries. You should show people how to book you, and let them into your business and your life, to stand out as an individual photographer!
About myself - I am learning to believe in my capabilities, which is motivating and will result in more progress!
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lannah97 · 3 years
Online Showcase
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lannah97 · 3 years
My Progress- Week 8
What’s working this week is that I’m learning more about the concept of budgeting and how to use excel budget spreadsheets in a practical way to track business spending. What’s not working as well is how to balance this as a side hustle. Completing other pressing tasks while prioritizing building a business is an art I have yet to master. I feel like the project is coming along okay. I have a few clients lined up, so my next steps are following up with them on details as well as marketing to new clients. I’m learning that in running a business, you get in return what you put in to it! Generally speaking, I get the most inquiries and engagement with my audience when I am actively marketing on Instagram. I am learning that I am the type of person to take a lot of things on at once, which means I need to learn how to manage my time well, and schedule time to work on my business, so that the quality of areas in my life don’t suffer. Also, I’m learning that it’s ok to ask for help and not take on too much at once so that I can do my best work on what I do end up focusing on. 
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lannah97 · 3 years
My Progress- Week # 7
In terms of what has been working for my business since starting the course, is that I am now more aware of and thinking more about monthly costs. Through using the budget template, for example, I’ve realized that making a budget on excel is a lot less daunting, as well as easier than I thought it would be. It has made me more motivated to grow my business because I can see the expenses laid out in a clear way which makes me want to make sure I am making a regular profit to ensure the expenses are worth the investment. What hasn’t been working that well is consistently marketing. I want to allot more time to advertising (and having specific promotions) so that once I graduate I can make a consistent income even off wedding season - through family photoshoots, prom, Christmas shoots, etc. This will involve quarterly planning in my business. I feel like the project could go a little better, but after consistent advertising and when Covid restrictions lift a little, I think it will go much better! I’m also learning that it’s really important to set expectations to clients clearly through contracts, as well as finding the balance between taking charge of situations (so that your client trusts that you are capable) while including your clients in decision processes so that they feel heard. I’m also learning the benefits of using excel to balance expenses. I’m learning that I am adaptable and that even though there are areas I still need to grow in, I am willing to grow and adapt.
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lannah97 · 3 years
Business Financial Source
In this day in age, with the rise in outdoor photography, I don’t need to pay rent on a photography studio or an office, as I travel to weddings, and office work can be done from home. For those reasons, my financial source for my business will be through my return on investment. I worked full time at another job while getting into photography, so a lot of my upfront costs were paid for through that job, and as well a lot of my equipment was gifted to me. Going forward for future expenses, I don’t want to rely on loans if I don’t have to, so I plan to invest some of the money I make on photography, back into the business to pay for future equipment, monthly subscriptions to editing software, website platforms, etc. 
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lannah97 · 3 years
Tumblr media
Smart Sweets Message Map
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lannah97 · 3 years
Strengths and Weaknesses
I’ve always felt like I had a lot of weaknesses. For as long as I can remember, I often felt disorganized, behind, and like I’m incapable of reaching my goals. For example, when I was a teenager, I worked in a deli. Almost every closing shift, I would spend so long trying to do every task “prefect”, and didn’t manage my time well, and by the end of the night would end up frazzled, scraping for time, and would often not finish my tasks until after my shift was supposed to end. I have struggled with being on time for things, many times. It’s lead to embarrassment and a lot of unnecessary stress. In this moment, looking back on some awkward memories, wondering why on earth I couldn’t have just done better, worked faster, been more organized in life - I have to stop and remember one thing - my weaknesses have lead to some of my greatest strengths in life. Because I know what it’s like to grow up in busy and disorganized environments, feeling like a big procrastinator and inadequate, it has given me a strong compassion and understanding for others who don’t have their lives together. It has made me a pretty easy going person, who is rarely bothered if my friends or clients I’m meeting are running late - because I know stuff comes up, and I can work with it. Having awareness of my own issues (past and present) has made me flexible and adaptable, to go with the flow in work situations and in personal relationships. Because I know the pains of being human, I don’t want to belittle someone else for having a human moment.
All of my weaknesses are thankfully things I’ve been trying to work on, and I’ve seen some progress with my efforts. I often write lists to help me remember everything I need to do to help me stay on track with my tasks. I’ve realized that things often come up along the way somewhere, so leaving early does wonders - who would have thought?! I try to get up earlier than I did before, so I can start the day earlier in case things come up later. I don’t stress over making things perfect any more, and it has saved me a lot of time and stress, and my grades are still good despite not obsessing over details like I used to. I also make an effort to keep a clean and organized home, as I find that does wonders to motivate me and to help me stay organized in the day to day life. I still am not where I want to be yet, but I am happy that I’ve fought my weaknesses and found strength in both recognizing and overcoming them. In improving my weaknesses, I’ve realized that I am capable of reaching my goals.
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