laratrio · 4 years
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laratrio · 4 years
Gonna start a post with blank memes. Please add any you have on hand and reblog to spread them.
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laratrio · 4 years
Time for Childhood for you 90s/Early 2000s kids
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laratrio · 4 years
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“Prince Noctis / Commander! Impressive, is it not?”
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laratrio · 4 years
I know your 'Scumbag Ex' series is kind of old, but can I please request Kirishima for this? (and Axel too if it's okay, I love the two redheads. If not, then just Kiri) Thank you ❤
I love writing for the Scumbag Ex series! It’s never too late to ask me to add someone else in~
Also YES! Let’s hear it for the redheads! I get so weak for the redhead in every show I watch ughhh
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When Eijirou Kirishima Sees Your Scumbag Ex-Boyfriend
Eijirou is on a date with you at a puppy café when he notices your ex-boyfriend sat at the other end of the room.
When he realises you’ve noticed your ex too, he tells a bad dog pun to distract you. 
Inside he’s cursing his bad luck. What a way to turn the best place on earth into the worst.
Then again, there are enough small and fluffy puppies to hold your attention.
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laratrio · 4 years
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Game Over
I'm not really satisfied with how this came out, but I felt like making a gifset (・`ω´・)
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laratrio · 4 years
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laratrio · 5 years
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laratrio · 5 years
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The internet is losing its collective mind over these adorable new cat paw cups that have been released by Starbucks China. The cups feature double walls so that the inner shape looks like a cat’s paw dipping into the cup, as well as a cute cherry blossom design on the outer glass.
The cups were only just released on Tuesday, but there have already been reports of arguments and even fistfights in various Starbucks locations across China as collectors try to score one for themselves. These adorable cups are also available online for a limited time, get yours HERE.
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laratrio · 5 years
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Who is the person Cloud is looking for? In the FM version, Cloud and Sephiroth are shown looking for each other. However, the person Cloud referred to is not limited to one person. It appears from the ending scene that he’s looking for Aerith, and there is the possibility that he is pointing to another person as well. -Kingdom Hearts Ultimania Alpha p. 133
(Pst. It’s Zack.)
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laratrio · 5 years
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Sora and his last 4 brain cells meeting for the first time
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laratrio · 5 years
Walk into the club like. Tweet by booch!
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laratrio · 5 years
Organization XIII Bad Habits
Suggested by: No one
Cracks his knuckles way too much.  Most of the organization members cringe when they stand too close and happen to hear his knuckles pop
Loves alcohol a little too much.
Swearing, no doubt.  Xigbar has a potty mouth, especially when he’s annoyed
Also likes to pick fights - usually with Xaldin
Picks fights - usually with Xigbar
Borrows items with no intention of returning them and doesn’t care.  When you ask for your stuff to be returned, he lies and says he doesn’t know what you’re talking about
Workaholic.  Loses himself in work and doesn’t really notice things around him when he’s busy.
Drinks way too much coffee
Too quiet, even when people are trying to have a conversation with him
Stares at people long enough to make them uncomfortable to the point where you aren’t quite sure if he’s plotting your death or getting ready to jump your bones
Rambles a lot and tends to talk to himself even when there are other people in the room.
Definitely a workaholic, like Vexen
Bites on his pen or pencil when working.  Tends to dog ear pages of whatever he’s reading
Doodles on important documents
Talks way too loud, even when he’s right in front of your face, and monopolizes the conversation
Gossip Queen
Likes to pawn off his work onto other people.
Sings and hums to himself all the time.  Fiddles with his hands like he’s playing an instrument to a song that only he can hear.
It’s probably the English part of him, but he drinks way too much tea.
Loves to eat anything sugary.
Gambling fiend.  Loves making bets with the other members, usually because he knows he’ll win
Constantly playing with and fixing his hair.
Despises it, but always happens to have dirt under his fingernails no matter how much he washes his hands - and he washes his hands a lot.  Boy is a compulsive hand washer.
Always likes to have something to do with her hands - fiddling with keys, her hair, pencils, or anything within reach.  Usually she doesn’t even realize it, but she constantly fiddles with her knives.
Loses focus easily, but it’s not his fault.  Poor baby really tries to pay attention, but his mind tends to wander
Partially a hoarder, if only because he gets attached to things easily and has trouble giving his possessions up even if they’re broken/damaged/old/don’t work anymore.
Bites her fingernails.  It’s a habit that she’s tried to break hundreds of times before, but it’s almost impossible.  Usually only does it when she’s nervous, but at this point her nails are bitten down to the skin.
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laratrio · 5 years
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Don’t hold back, Lea. Promise?
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laratrio · 5 years
Get u a friend
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laratrio · 5 years
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laratrio · 5 years
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