lasselantealda · 20 days
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lasselantealda · 20 days
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I saw someone point out that Captain Gerard is at this ceremony and will watch watch a black lesbian woman, an asian man, a hispanic man and two queer men getting medals for being firefighters and I think that’s called divine retribution or something and I love it
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lasselantealda · 20 days
you've gotta have friends who are older than you, not because you're a dumb kid, but because you'll be terrified of growing up otherwise
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lasselantealda · 20 days
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I love them so much 🥹💜
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lasselantealda · 20 days
christopher is old enough for regular sleepovers and late nights hanging out with his friends but he’s still happy to hang out with buck and that just. chris is past the age of making buck hand drawn cards calling them bffs but that’s still his buck. buck is the only other adult in christopher’s life who chooses him. he’s not eddie’s son to buck. he’s christopher. buck jumped into a tsunami trying to go after him. chris ran to buck when he was upset about eddie dating ana. they held each other when eddie got shot. they go to the zoo together. they bake together. they have nights just the two of them. there’s no way chris didn’t have someone’s house he could go to, but eddie said he was gonna take him to buck’s and christopher didn’t suggest an alternative because he loves him. it’s so special. he’s out of the arts n crafts phase, maybe, but pizza and movies and buck getting tagged on christopher’s insta story next to string of emojis buck doesn’t know how to decipher but that ends in two hearts, well. that’s pretty good, too.
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lasselantealda · 20 days
Christopher as soon as his dad started dating his teacher instead of his Buck:
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lasselantealda · 24 days
supernatural actor men getting married and. I can't believe but we. well we. we got a. we got a gif for it
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lasselantealda · 24 days
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lasselantealda · 1 month
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You two guys have a goodnight, okay?
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lasselantealda · 1 month
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I know how much you love your son. That's why I know you are gonna do what is right for him. Don't drag him down with you, Eddie.
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lasselantealda · 1 month
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I know you were doing your job. And I'm proud of you for that, but there is a small selfish part of me that wishes you didn't want to anymore.
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lasselantealda · 1 month
beyond just, the general themes of ghosts this season, just the profound, heartfelt moment of Kevin, Chimney's childhood best friend and brother, being there for him on his wedding day when he needed him most, saving him and pointing him back home.
"you're here?" "you invited me"
i just. i need a minute
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lasselantealda · 1 month
It's driving me absolutely insane that as far as Amir knows at this point, Bobby got away with it. He's still a firefighter. He's happy. He got introduced like a hero and he walked in like one. He might've even noticed the wedding ring on his finger. He has no idea how much Bobby hates himself, how long and how hard he had to work to get to this point, that mere weeks ago he was about to die and his last thought was that he didn't deserve his second chance. Amir has the physical and emotional scars to show his suffering and Bobby looks fine
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lasselantealda · 1 month
I am fancinated by the people who responded to Misha calling the network that made Supernatural (CW) homophobic by basically being like why did he work at a homophobic network then. It's a small segment of fans, but I just can't wrap my head around the sort of geographical and chronological and economic privilege that implies they've just always been able to walk away from any group, or job they didn't morally agree with.
Not only that, but the "why" he did it is so obvious to me. It's similar to the reasons why I get out of bed in a broken world every day. He worked at that homophobic company to make it less homophobic. So the queer writers would feel safer coming to work, with a good chunk of the homophobia aimed at him, the ally, instead of them. So he could have a 50% success rate at helping his costars unlearn the homophobia they were raised in. So he cold post "You're not crazy" on Twitter when fans were being gaslight by creators about whether things had been on purpose. So he (and others in cohots with him) could literally sneak a queer love confession of his character past the network sensors. So when the network tried to make him take that queer confession back he could say, "I'm supposed to say you interpret it anyway you want, but I as the actor who did the scene think it's a homosexual declaration of love." So when they tried to stop someone at cons from asking a question about the cannon queer character he intervened saying, "No. I want to hear her question. Let her ask it." So, he could call the network homophobic 20 years later and get in trouble for it too.
He stayed with the homophobic network, because when Supernatural started only 1% of people on tv were queer and now we're up to 11% which is much closer to in line with the population. He was a small part of that change. Almost all change happens by fighting within the system, and it absolutely alarms me that some people fear tainting their moral purity by association so much that they are going to take themselves out of the fight all together. A lot of us don't have a choice but to live within the broken system, but I'd do it either way, because I think looking bigotry in the face and demanding change is where the real morality lies.
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lasselantealda · 1 month
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you don't have to pretend with me
[Image description: 4 gifs of Buck and Eddie from 9-1-1, with a quote from Eddie's therapy session with Frank in season 5 episode 13, Fear-O-Phobia. Gif 1: Two scenes blended together from the truck bombing in season 2. On the left, Buck lies on the street, face bloody. On the right, Eddie stands off to the side, waiting to help. The text says "maybe you should talk about your pain." Gif 2: Two gifs faded together. In the first, Buck tells Eddie about losing Christopher in the tsunami while Eddie struggles to maintain his composure. In the second, Buck holds Eddie up after he swims up from the collapsed well. The text says, "with someone who shares it." Gif 3: Two gifs back to back of Buck and Eddie on the ground, staring at each other after Eddie gets shot. The text says, "...someone who can understand." Gif 4: Two gifs faded together. In the first, Buck and Eddie watch the guards after being taken hostage. In the second, Eddie looks up at Buck in search of comfort after they lose the two kids in the hospital fire. The text says, "exactly what you've been through." /end ID.]
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lasselantealda · 1 month
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Eddie's selective memories vs the full picture
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lasselantealda · 1 month
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