lastarchived · 2 years
new  blog,  same  url  ❤︎
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lastarchived · 2 years
new  blog,  same  url  ❤︎
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lastarchived · 2 years
new  blog,  same  url  ❤︎
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lastarchived · 2 years
new  blog,  same  url  ❤︎
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lastarchived · 2 years
new  blog,  same  url  ❤︎
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lastarchived · 2 years
new  blog,  same  url  ❤︎
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lastarchived · 2 years
new  blog,  same  url  ❤︎
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lastarchived · 2 years
so I think I’m going to transition jill over to a fresh, new blog, just to properly clean out inactives and shake the dust off; if we have a thread going right now that you’d like to continue, please like this post and I’ll come talk to you about that/get that squared away.
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lastarchived · 2 years
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You see? You’re learning. The only life that matters is your own.
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lastarchived · 2 years
on an unrelated note i’m debating between just dropping a lot of older stuff in my drafts/inbox vs. starting completely fresh on a new blog. i’m not hardcore struggling with muse at the moment but focusing it is another story; i’ll sleep on the options and figure them out this weekend but i wouldn’t mind input, as well ❤︎
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lastarchived · 2 years
having  relationship / sex/intimacy  related  headcanons  for  your  muse  but  not  wanting  to  bombard  the  dash  with  them  on  normie  hours
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lastarchived · 2 years
like  this  for  3 - 5  memes  ❤︎
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lastarchived · 2 years
like  this  for  a  one  liner  maybe  👉👈
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lastarchived · 2 years
favorite dynamic is buddy cop stuff where jill has to work alongside people and/or monsters who have tried to kill her it literally NEVER gets old
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lastarchived · 2 years
would you rather fight 100 angie-sized nemesis' or one nemesis-sized angie?
I would rather have a single day off without monsters or mad scientists or ultimatums
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lastarchived · 2 years
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Resident Evil 3 Remake (2020)
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lastarchived · 2 years
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INCOMING  TRANSMISSION  FROM  KARL  HEISENBERG  [  @macabremachinations​  ]:        are  you...  jealous?
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it  takes  everything  in  her  not  to  laugh.  it  had  been  her  idea  to  venture  into  the  village,  do  a  quick  sweep  of  the  area,  mostly  for  her  sake      —      get  a  feel  for  the  full  parameter,  take  note  of  significant  landmarks,  symbols,  et  cetera,  maybe  talk  to  a  few  villagers.  she’s  assuming  he  got  the  note  she  had  left  behind    (  H;    GOING  OUT  FOR  SOME  AIR.  BE  BACK  IN  AN  HOUR.    -  J.  )    and  had  decided  to  make  an  entrance,  for  whatever  reason.  whether  or  not  that  was  the  case      —      whether  or  not  he  had  meant  to  intercept  her      —      remains  to  be  unseen.  all  she  knows  is  that  she’s  the  one  who  finds  him,  locked  in  conversation  with  a  woman  smiling  a  little  too  wide,  laughing  a  little  too  loud,  lingering  a  little  too  long.  it’s  a  practiced  routine  she’s  seen  play  out  many  nights  grabbing  a  post-shift  beer  at  bar  jack  with  the  other  alphas,  usually  on  chris.  
what  should  be  a  pleasant  memory  turns  sour  fast;    to  think  that  a  year  ago,  the  highest  stake  thing  in  her  life  was  winning  a  game  of  billiards  alongside  chris,  against  barry  and  joe.  times  have  changed  quickly  and  it  all  seems  like  a  lifetime  ago,  a  memory  that  belongs  to  someone  else.  maybe  that’s  why  she  doesn’t  look  like  the  picture  of  happiness  when  she  finally  meets  his  eye;    it  takes  her  a  second  too  long  to  realize  and  when  she  does,  she’s  sighing  under  her  breath  and  turning  away,  continue  on  the  path  she  had  been  following.
it  hadn’t  been  anything  more  than  jill  wanting  to  cover  the  ground  she  intended  to  before  nightfall,  so  much  so  that  by  the  time  she  returns  to  the  factory  and  has  situated  herself  at  a  table,  expanding  her  notes  into  a  proper  entry  into  her  diary,  his  question  catches  her  off-guard.  it  takes  a  moment  for  the  pieces  to  fall  into  place  and  when  they  do,  she  can’t  hold  back  the  scoff  that  falls  from  her  lips  or  the  inevitable  eye  roll  to  go  with  it.
❛   I’m  building  an  investigation,  actually.   ❜          sarcasm,  laid  on  a  little  too  thick,  somewhat  undeserved,  though  good  luck  getting  her  to  admit  that.  she  doesn’t  look  up  from  the  page  as  she  writes,  aware  in  the  back  of  her  mind  that  it  probably  looks  like  she  is  jealous,  but  not  nearly  invested  enough  to  care  about  defending  herself.  he’ll  forget  sooner  rather  than  later;    something  else  will  occupy  his  attention  and  she’ll  be  better  or  worse  off  for  it.  in  the  meantime?  flat  tone  remains  as  her  pen  continues  to  scribble  against  paper.          ❛   points  for  creativity,  though.   ❜
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