lastflcwers · 4 years
*  GINA  +
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it was not quite what she’d expected would happen, when she’d begged cas to pretend to date her for a bit, but gina couldn’t say she minded having him around. to be fair, they had always been friends, but they’d never hung out as much as they were doing lately, and it was very easy to be with him, something about how similar they were making gina feel relaxed around him in a way she wasn’t quite used to. “does that mean you were too high to pay attention to anything, or just, not doing anything fun?” gina asked with a chuckle, shifting in place so she could look at him from where she was sat on the bed, most of it covered with books since she’d been trying to finish an assignment when he’d come in. “i — well, i hung out with romy and annoyed the worst dude in the world until he had to decide between hitting a girl or walking away, that was fun,” she started saying, choosing to begin with the easier stuff. “mostly spent time with blake, to be honest,” she added, making it sound final. “oh, and i — i may have kissed dom. bit of a mistake, don’t have to worry about it, it was — you know, spur of the moment kinda thing. totally didn’t mean for it to happen.”
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cas couldn’t help but think about how much easier this would’ve been to process if he was allowed to be jealous, like a normal person.  “  romy’s fucking sexy.  ”  he spoke to deflect his own feelings, still mulling them over, sorting through them with a lack of expertise. technically there hadn’t been any rules established at the beginning of their hoax, so he had no room to be upset. there was no one stopping him from doing the exact same thing. loyalty to their fake relationship didn’t mean actually staying true. it was figurative. almost metaphorical. perhaps it was easier to understand when he thought of it from that perspective.  “  actually,  ”  he took a deep breath,  “  now that you mention dom that kinda makes sense. he uh, came up to me. confronted me, even. did you tell him we were doing coke  ?  ”  it’s a question he already had the answer to, so he just continued.  “  it wasn’t a fight, per se, but you wouldn’t have liked it.  ”  or maybe she would’ve. at this point, castor’s formulated idea of the kind of person gina was, was unraveling. and rightfully so.  “  does he know we’re faking  ?  ”
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lastflcwers · 4 years
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feet were propped up on the bed, fingers folded loosely across his chest as he laid on the floor in the girl’s bedroom.   “  we should probably like, do a run down about what both of us were up to in provincetown, just in case people ask. when i wasn’t with you i wasn’t uh,  ”  castor looked down at his hands,  “  paying much attention to anything.  ”  voice was laced with a hollow laugh. they were alone together, something that had been happening more and more as of late. time spent in the public eye made sense, however, when it was just the two of them, cas found himself returning to the same question over and over.  why  ?  @knoxgina​
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lastflcwers · 4 years
sexiest sexies on campus?
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“  my girlfriend, obviously. but from an um,  ”  he clears his throat,  “  objective  standpoint...  lana comes to mind. mimi. saige. oh and that fucking kid tiago. they’ve all got a lot of sex appeal. wish i could relate.  ”
@knoxgina @lanajvmeson @mimimartincz @scige @tiagcmontes
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lastflcwers · 4 years
do you feel a sense of superiority over dom for dating his ex-gf? i would
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“  no  ?  not really. i guess i haven’t thought about it. i feel kinda cool, i s’pose, but not superior at all. he’s still taller than me.  ”
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lastflcwers · 4 years
aquamarine, emerald, zoisite
aquamarine: where my muse feels most calm/relaxed
in small, quiet spaces. usually alone. either with headphones in or reading a book. probably very early in the morning. like 4am.
emerald: how my muse tells someone they love them without words
this is a tough one, because cas is a writer and so by nature he’s very wordy. it’s probably unintentional when he conveys love otherwise. small touches and a deep interest for the things the other person cares about. would probably buy them candy a lot, too, or weird little stoner snacks.
zoisite: does my muse believe everything's going to work out for them in the end or not?
definitely not, considering he doesn’t even know what “working out” entails.
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lastflcwers · 4 years
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FOXGLOVE: Name three facts about your family?
“  aw man...  um, my dad’s name is simon, which is my middle name, and sometimes girls have told me they think he’s hot but i think he’s a stupid right-leaning asshole. my mom died five years ago. i’m an only child.  ”
AZALEA: What’s a movie you cried while watching?
“  bold of you to assume i don’t cry while watching  every  movie.  ”
DANDELION: Do you think you’re important?
“  fuckin’  no.  get real.  ”
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lastflcwers · 4 years
best thing to happen on this trip?
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“  not to sound like a total fucking basket case but i’m kind of glad to be home. the beach just really isn’t my thing and i ran out of weed like half way through, so...  ”
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lastflcwers · 4 years
how're things with gina?
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“  fucking joyous. i wake up every day and like don’t even want to die. that shit they say about dating someone you were already friends with is fucking true man. it’s  that  good.  and the pussy game is fucking immaculate. here ye’ here ye’ i must scream it from the rooftops.  ”
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lastflcwers · 4 years
who was your last sex dream about?
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“  i shouldn’t be saying this... but freya.  ”
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lastflcwers · 4 years
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lastflcwers · 4 years
* txt → freya
FREYA: maybe!
FREYA: but i'm so so so busy
FREYA: unless there's something in it for me ofc
CAS: i mean
CAS: [...]
CAS: there can be...
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lastflcwers · 4 years
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lastflcwers · 4 years
* txt → freya
FREYA: passes ig
FREYA: but i was thinking a funky pattern. b bold
CAS: maybe you should
CAS: help me pick some out then
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lastflcwers · 4 years
* txt → freya
FREYA: [...]
FREYA: hey! if ur texting to ask if u should get watermelon patterned swim shorts, the answer is no
CAS: oh
CAS: [...]
CAS: what about a pair with little umbrella drinks on them
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lastflcwers · 4 years
* txt → freya
CAS: hey..
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lastflcwers · 4 years
*  CAIN  +
If you laid beneath the sun for an unspecified - unknown, too - amount of time; you’d soon feel like an egg, potentially - sunny-side up, laid out on the sidewalk. Except the sidewalk had been a beach towel not suited for your height, head and feet sticking out from either end; hair filled with sand, and your heels burning against it, too. You’d feel like Cain, potentially - face slathered in sunscreen and hair pushed back with an awfully neon headband; rest of them covered head to toe in clothes; a sweater, typical pants - leather gloves, always leather gloves. It’d been a miracle that they hadn’t been cooked alive, already - though it’d only been May, and it’d only been Cape Cod, something about the sun, and the climate, maybe. Who knew. Cain hadn’t - only that the sun had been obstructed, suddenly, and they opened their eyes, peered up at the silhouette, “I have a doctor’s note - no, va-volleyball uh, all w-week. Purely a sp-spectator.” They dug through their pocket, produced said note - waved it in the air, for evidence, “Head’s - uh, fragile. Like fucking - china plates, or s-something. Want piña colada in a can? It - uh, comes in a can, n-now.” A finger pointed to said can - note wrinkled in their fist - it’d been buried into the sand, partially, to keep it standing.
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          in truth, castor wasn’t much for the beach. sure, some part of him was a  california girl  on the inside, but katy perry didn’t exactly relate to him in regards to physical location. despite a distaste for where, he’d been eager for a vacation, and used it as an excuse to play the part. a pair of khaki shorts cut off just above his knees, a brightly colored beach towel slung over his bare shoulders. it was a relief to see someone he knew right off the bat. the last thing he wanted was to wander alone, or have to deal with girls in bikinis before a nice buzz could set in.  (  a cooler dragged along behind him.  )  plus cain was always interesting, at the very least. cas felt like he learned something new every time they hung around eachother. even something as simple as pina colada now coming in a can.  “  going for a nice beachy glow, ah  ?  ”  the male joked, taking a seat in the sand next to his companion, hands digging into where the earth was cooler and wet.  “  not to sound like some  anakin skywalker  ass but... i fucking hate sand.  ”  specifically, when it was sticking to him. the mere idea of the feeling had cas shuttering. he shook the stray granules off his hands before plucking the drink from it’s perch.  “  is it good  ?  ”
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lastflcwers · 4 years
*  SYDNEY  +
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Agreeably, Syd held out the cigarette. It was half spent and smouldering in the junction between her fingers, and wide hazel eyes settled on his as they spoke. “Gina’s nice,” she replied, despite the fact that she didn’t really know the other girl– but it felt like the right thing to say. She was good at that, conjuring the right and the nice thing to say. Her lips curled up, “Think Prof Cohen would be into it? Kinky. Might have to send him a pic in an email to get my grade up.” They both knew she was top of the class. “What about you?” She asked, lifting her chin slightly. “What do you think?”
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          “  what do i think  ?  ”  castor swallowed hard, mulling over the proper way to answer her question. he’d thought about scenarios such as this more times than he could count or cared to admit to even himself. in truth, she was breathtaking. although that was always the case. sydney could’ve adorned rags  ---  a literal burlap sack  ---  and he still would’ve thought so.  “  if i’m being honest,  ”  he paused, taking a few steps closer to her. smoke plumed from his mouth like thick fog.  “  i’m really into it. you look like you’d murder me and then leave a kiss mark on my cheek to let ‘em know who did it.  ”  he handed the cigarette back before a finger ghosted along the pink strap on her shoulder.
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