lateenough · 8 years
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lateenough · 8 years
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lateenough · 8 years
I could watch this all day. Maybe I will
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“Just keep your eye on the ball, son.” [video]
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lateenough · 8 years
And now he's king of my fandom heart
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King of Jordan in Star Trek - WTF fun facts
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lateenough · 8 years
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lateenough · 8 years
The Guesthouse
by Rumi
This being human is a guesthouse Every morning a new arrival A joy, a depression, a meanness Some momentary awareness Comes as an unexpected visitor Welcome and entertain them all! Even if they’re a crowd of sorrows Who violently sweep your house Empty of its furniture Still treat each guest honorably He may be cleaning you out For some new delight! The dark thought, the shame, the malice Meet them at the door laughing And invite them in Be grateful for whoever comes Because each has been sent As a guide from the beyond
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lateenough · 8 years
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lateenough · 8 years
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Owl facts. (via dave)
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lateenough · 8 years
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lateenough · 8 years
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Hillary 2016
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lateenough · 8 years
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lateenough · 8 years
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lateenough · 8 years
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It can be a low level wizard or even a cleric if you are tight on cash
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lateenough · 8 years
out of all the aspects of millennial-bashing, i think the one that most confuses me is the “millennials all got trophies as a kid, so now they’re all self-centered narcissists” theory
like— kids are pretty smart, y’all. they can see that every kid on the team gets a trophy and is told they did a good job; they can also see that not every kid on the team deserves a trophy, and not everyone did do a good job
the logical conclusion to draw from this is not “i’m great and i deserve praise”— it’s “no matter how mediocre i am, people will still praise me to make me feel better, so i can’t trust any compliments or accolades i receive”
this is not a recipe for overconfidence and narcissism. it is a recipe for constant self-guessing, low self-esteem, and a distrust of one’s own abilities and skills.
where did this whole “ugh millennials think their so-so work is super great” thing even come from it is a goddamn mystery
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lateenough · 8 years
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They’re really milking the situation. (via zamirahernandez)
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lateenough · 8 years
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lateenough · 8 years
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The Rules of the Game (1939)
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