latina-and-rad · 23 days
A man can decide to brutally murder a woman because she left him, because she refused to date him or fuck him, because her behavior hurt his pride/honor/masculinity, or even slaughter a bunch of women (serial killers, school shooters, etc) and it's a more or less accepted conduct. We shrug it off like it's nothing, like it's out of our hands. Another cloud in the sky.
But a woman complaining about men's behavior's in a little corner of the internet? Oh, you evil bitch. You fascist bigot. You should face a firing squad.
I once read a post mentionning that whites should count themselves lucky that black people want "only" equality, and not revenge. But if I say the same about men and women — despite women's mistreatment having lasted millennia while slavery, segregation and racism combined have lasted centuries — I'm downright crazy.
It's so maddening to think about. If anything, women are incredibly kind and understanding towards their murderers. Way too much. Fuck, when I see groups of men with power that make women's lives a living hell, like the talibans, I think women should wipe them out. They can’t be reasoned with, and it's a question of life or death, or life or enslavement, so it's self-defense.
And outside of those groups? There comes a time where you can only acquire your rights by force, because mentalities and culture won't change spontaneously. Gender parity in governments is a law forcing gender parity because it's been proved and recognized that otherwise, it would never happen on its own.
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latina-and-rad · 23 days
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Omg give me a fucking break.
1. Abortion is women’s healthcare. STOP TRYING TO CHANGE THE WORDING. What you cannot define, you cannot defend.
2. Yes, lesbians can get pregnant, but not by other women.
3. If a lesbian makes a joke about not being able to get pregnant and your response is “well AKSHUALLY,” you’re a dickhead.
4. If you are a woman and your partner can get you pregnant/you can have PIV sex, you are in a hetero relationship. Cry harder and stop pretending to be a lesbian.
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latina-and-rad · 23 days
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latina-and-rad · 23 days
Chris Chan is a rapist and I don't feel sorry for him one bit. He raped his mom and it's his fault and no one else's.
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latina-and-rad · 23 days
Reminder that 75% of men in a 3000 person survey said if they wouldn’t get caught they’d sleep with a minor. But it’s not all men right? Just a very staggering percentage for every fucked up statistic right, and every man I meet, but it’s just on me for not having come across a good one yet.
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latina-and-rad · 23 days
Hey, I saw your post on autistic men and I want to say I wholeheartedly agree with it as an autistic woman. I was wondering your opinions on other spheres of this where women and men are both disadvantaged, in my experience men who are SA victims use it to garner sympathy and harass women or rape us, men who are gay are just as misogynistic and treat lesbians like shit, men of color just hurt women of color, there is not enough of an awful experience a man can go through that makes him have empathy for women in my opinion
Definitely agree, I mean the first thing you say rings true in many regards, something I’ve noticed is how men who were SAed like to also use it as an excuse to be pedophiles. I think they’ll take any issue that we are forced to endure and smile though and turn it into something we’re not allowed to feel just because society lets them, they’ll cry “men can’t be emotional” all the while gaining sympathy for things we are expected to just sit with. Commonly in the medical world men are commended for being emotional and called “brave” for expressing pain while we’re “dramatic.”, this is seen commonly with things like endometriosis where a women goes to the hospital asking for help only to be called a drug seeker or the overly-emotional, a man does the same for a different illness and is commended. We are demonized and hated for expressing nearly anything while they’re rewarded for merely being.
This is why I hate when men ask me the question “What about men who go though it? Huh?” Because they don’t have the layer of hatred we experience and have been put through for generations, their issues will never be as bad as ours even of the same cloth.
Adding to what you said, there is no human solidarity in a world with men, homeless men are feared by homeless women because they frequently rape them. No solidarity.
And yes I agree on the sympathy thing because men will always minimize women’s issues and struggles all in the name of their own validation and comfort, the only time men remotely feel sympathy for women is when the experience is exact but that too is rare.
Anyways, all men are the same and their experiences don’t change that. Socialized to hate and to be rewarded for such.
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latina-and-rad · 23 days
I love that I get under the skin of men so much with my little tumblr account that they feel the need to repeatedly come back to it for more.
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latina-and-rad · 23 days
women really do need better class consciousness.
before you are religious, before you are a citizen of your nation, before you are anything else; you are a woman. your identity is complex but womahood is one of its first pillars. and womanhood is so important because so strictly tied, during her whole existence, to her implications: the ability to reproduce and the relative independence (ie: not having to desperately find another mate to pass on your genes + developing a physiological selectiveness) coming from it. female objectification, sex work, misogyny, female modesty, FGM, everything that hurts women stems from it. males want to control women sexuality because of it. it is therefore natural that womanhood is ontologically more important than any other label - because if you neglect it, others will surely not.
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latina-and-rad · 2 months
It’s honestly pathetic af that most normie straight people are better allies than a lot self proclaimed queer people.
Most straight people who aren’t conservative or terminally online tend to have a “live and let live” attitude and it’s great. They don’t think lesbians are bigots for not wanting to suck dick because they understand what a homosexual is. Like that bullshit doesn’t even cross their minds. They may misspeak or make stupid assumptions sometimes, but that’s infinitely more tolerable than getting talked down to or threatened or sexually harassed by some honey nut queerio who thinks my sexuality isn’t “inclusive” enough.
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latina-and-rad · 2 months
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since @actualadvocacybruh refuses to get off my tumblr.
1. men don’t go around ripping off other men's pants? my brother in christ!?!?! men rip off everyone’s pants without consent and more as an overwhelming majority as any statistic on sexual violence would tell you.
2. men don’t have to be "screeching" about their spaces or sports being invaded because they are not the oppressed sex and continue to hold powers in those spaces regardless. and they still whine btw, about more women and queer people in their offices etc.
3. "real problem" "disposable meat for the tyrannical capitalist system" 😭😭😭😭😭😭 wtf do you think women are? except we also get paid less and are those disposable meat in addition to our care labour responsibilities and our entire personhood is also not recognised sooo…..
4. buddy i wish i had the privilege to never have interacted with a man. like you right now. but y’all are so obsessed with unnecessarily offering your two cents in women’s spaces and bothering women who clearly don’t want to do anything w you. how and why do you think i became a radfem? after interactions with men and gendies obviously.
5. yeah i care about women and that is why i don’t think feminism should be about men and gendies.
6. why would my feminism only care about white women from america when i am, myself, a south asian?
7. also, the men you so desperately defend hate all of you gendies w a burning passion, it simply doesn’t threaten their safety so it isn’t all that political to them.
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latina-and-rad · 2 months
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since @actualadvocacybruh refuses to get off my tumblr.
1. men don’t go around ripping off other men's pants? my brother in christ!?!?! men rip off everyone’s pants without consent and more as an overwhelming majority as any statistic on sexual violence would tell you.
2. men don’t have to be "screeching" about their spaces or sports being invaded because they are not the oppressed sex and continue to hold powers in those spaces regardless. and they still whine btw, about more women and queer people in their offices etc.
3. "real problem" "disposable meat for the tyrannical capitalist system" 😭😭😭😭😭😭 wtf do you think women are? except we also get paid less and are those disposable meat in addition to our care labour responsibilities and our entire personhood is also not recognised sooo…..
4. buddy i wish i had the privilege to never have interacted with a man. like you right now. but y’all are so obsessed with unnecessarily offering your two cents in women’s spaces and bothering women who clearly don’t want to do anything w you. how and why do you think i became a radfem? after interactions with men and gendies obviously.
5. yeah i care about women and that is why i don’t think feminism should be about men and gendies.
6. why would my feminism only care about white women from america when i am, myself, a south asian?
7. also, the men you so desperately defend hate all of you gendies w a burning passion, it simply doesn’t threaten their safety so it isn’t all that political to them.
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latina-and-rad · 2 months
No one is more stereotypically feminine than a masculine man.
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latina-and-rad · 2 months
The concept of 'woman' is not a feeling, hairstyle, makeup, fashion, or a trash bin for delusional/loser men.
Men's moods are not as important as women's right to be safe from male violence.
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latina-and-rad · 2 months
Just had a conversation with a man about the ‘it’s not all men’ debate.
He proceeded to argue that it’s ‘not all men’ because he would personally never verbally or physically assault a woman .. then he went on to recount a story about his friends catcalling women in front of him as an example ‘I’d never do that’ he said.
But would you speak up? Would you tell them it’s wrong? Would you stand up for the woman? Or would you laugh it off for some male validation.
It was the latter. ‘It’s just a joke’ he said, ‘it’s not the deep’ he said.
Tell that to the girl who’s walking home in the dark with one headphone out, her keys between her knuckles, her location sharing on and who shouts ‘I’m home’ to an empty house in case she was followed.
It baffles me that men can’t come to the understanding that enabling and normalising misogyny makes you just as bad.
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latina-and-rad · 2 months
child sexual abuse content sharing communities have a high correlation with communities that share animal abuse content, sexual or otherwise. People are delusional to think pedophilia is about attraction. It's about sadism, that's the true commonality among all pedophiles, and this level of sadism is caused by entitlement etc like you said. It's also why some pedophiles think they're not that bad and compare themselves to pedophiles who injure children more, they're claiming virtue because they're less sadistic than they could conceive to be. Sorry if this is weird to share, you get these insights by understanding Internet history and how these communities form, are caught, etc, even though very few people make the connection of what it's about. But next time you're unfortunate and see a pedo being arrested or something notice how their behavior fits this. Meek in front of authorities but often brazen and smug if they think they got away with it for example makes sense if you understand they're sadists, and not that there is some unrelated personality defect in all pedos like being cowardly
THIS 100%
As someone who is also very online, this addition isn't weird at all and honestly I would love for this to be reblogged on my post as this is an excellent addition, and sums up better than what I was trying to say.
Society has always endorsed abusers and abusive like tendencies. It's why the patriarchy has survived for so long and why misogyny has existed in every culture. The creation of porn is a direct result of this, and from porn consumption, it puts society's teachings into motion, which is why these paraphilias are often seen developing through frequent pornography use. And because the nature of fetishes and paraphilias always escalate, as any addiction does, soon the furries become zoophiles, soon the loli-consumers become pedophiles, and as because they all coincide with another like you say, it's why most trans identified men are revealed to be pedophiles/consume pseudopedophilic material, and are also furries. It really is all major taboo fetishes all in one. Most notable TIMs on Tumblr, like patricia-taxxon and assignedmalecomics, have been exposed to have all three fetishes/paraphilias.
It is no coincidence, then, that we see furries and other paraphilia-havers being pushed to be accepted as "Queer", same with kink and even that post going around trying to make kink be "non-sexual" as well, because most trans identifying males are these things too, and they want to be able to normalize further abusive/sadist tendencies they have.
We have real societies in history to look at to see the normalization of pedophilia, like Roman men who raped young boys, the normalization of child rape amongst Christian nations (and even seen today in the Vatican ignoring child abuse/rape scandals). I have to wonder, if men succeed in dominating "Queer" ideology with their kinks and paraphilias, would we also see a resurgence in accepted cases of child abuse?
My apologies anon, I kinda rambled here lmao. I just find this acceptance of male degeneracy so disgusting and yet amazing, how we all as a collective have seemed to accept it as normal. It drives me insane.
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latina-and-rad · 3 months
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has this been done yet or
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latina-and-rad · 3 months
forgot how many people fake serious mental disorders on here, like did for example, and funnily enough most of them are tras.
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