“We were investigating the ruined city of Oppos, near Quackmandu,” he told her. “I don’t remember what Mr. McDee said the tribe was called.”
Opposing Forces
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“It’s worse than that!” he cried, tugging at the straps of his cap in distress. “He’s been drafted into some nutty native government! They made him a king and wouldn’t let him come home!”
Opposing Forces
Thanks to a few unscheduled pit stops, it took just over a day to get back to Duckburg, and it was just about lunchtime by the time Launchpad made it to McDuck Manor. He didn’t bother to knock, simply letting himself in and calling dramatically into the house at large, “Everyone, come quick! Mr. McDee is being held against his will by the long arm of the law!
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Thanks to a few unscheduled pit stops, it took just over a day to get back to Duckburg, and it was just about lunchtime by the time Launchpad made it to McDuck Manor. He didn’t bother to knock, simply letting himself in and calling dramatically into the house at large, “Everyone, come quick! Mr. McDee is being held against his will by the long arm of the law!
Opposing Forces
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The pilot sighed, broad shoulder slumping in defeat.
“Alright, Mr. McDee. But I promise, I’ll be back with them as soon as I can!”
Opposing Forces
“But what about you?” he insisted, the phrasing not lost on him. “I can’t just leave ya here! What’ll I tell the kids?”
Launchpad took a few steps forward, only for his way to be barred by angry natives. He gave Scrooge a pleading look.
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“But what about you?” he insisted, the phrasing not lost on him. “I can’t just leave ya here! What’ll I tell the kids?”
Launchpad took a few steps forward, only for his way to be barred by angry natives. He gave Scrooge a pleading look.
Opposing Forces
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“So wait, you’re a king now?” he asked with no small amount of surprise. One would think that they’d have been treated a bit more gently on the way here, if that was the case. “Gee, that sounds like a lotta responsibility... how are ya gonna take care of everything here and everything at home, too?”
Opposing Forces
“Maybe they just don’t have any treasures worth taking?”
They walked for several miles to the village. Outside around the center of the village was a large electrum throne.
“Tis*,” the chief commanded Scrooge.
Scrooge gave a puzzled look and sat on the throne.
The chief then pulled him up from the throne and said in his native language “All hail our new leader!”
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Hey LP. How are you? :)
“Cold,” the pilot pouted, tying his scarf just a little tighter. “At this rate, I may just get in my plane and fly south for the winter!”
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Launchpad watched in confusion as Scrooge was instructed to sit upon what appeared to be a throne, only to immediately be pulled up again. The crowd around him erupted into cheering, confusing him all the more. Were... were they not in trouble, then?
“Uh... Mr. McDee?” he said uncertainly. “What’s goin’ on?”
Opposing Forces
“Maybe they just don’t have any treasures worth taking?”
They walked for several miles to the village. Outside around the center of the village was a large electrum throne.
“Tis*,” the chief commanded Scrooge.
Scrooge gave a puzzled look and sat on the throne.
The chief then pulled him up from the throne and said in his native language “All hail our new leader!”
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Launchpad simply sighed as they were surrounded; he just had to open his big mouth. He got to his feet, hands raised in a show of compliance, and watched with mild confusion as Scrooge spoke to the chief. When Scrooge translated the command, he nodded and followed along.
“Why is it we can never find friendly natives?” he grumbled.
Opposing Forces
The ground shook as the temple exploded below.  After the explosion, a tribe of villagers started running toward them spears.
“Here, take the crown.  I’m too tired to give chase,” said Scrooge in Beakki-Deakki, the natives’ local language.
Scrooge reluctantly handed over the crown.
“Klaw!*” the chief said, aiming his spear closely at Scrooge.
Scrooge did as he was told and started walking.
*Translated from Beakki-Deakki
“Walk,” Scrooge said to Launchpad.
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The pilot pulled his scarf up over his beak as he ran, trying to keep the flying powder out of his airways. It was nearly impossible to see, and his friend seemed to be struggling as the fire crept ever closer. Deciding he’d take whatever the old duck decided to dish out once they were safe, Launchpad scooped him up, carrying him over his shoulder as he continued to run for the exit.
As he climbed back up the spiral staircase, it began to sink, and spikes rose from the floor. He was having trouble keeping just pace as he stumbled on the old, uneven steps, but as soon as he hit a more level patch, he was out of there just in time. He skidded to a halt a little ways away from the ruin, and promptly collapsed in a panting heap, dropping Scrooge on the ground in the process.
“I think... (huff, huff)... I think we’re safe now.”
Opposing Forces
Just then there came what Scrooge initially believed to be a sandstorm - only it was actually a storm of gunpowder.  Meanwhile the fire started to rise from the floor below.  They ran for their lives as a trail of gunpowder followed them, with spreading flames closely behind Suddenly Scrooge got some powder in his eyes.
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Treasure Chest Opened! You acquired SPANCH!
He stared in bewilderment at what appeared to be a twig with paper leaves haphazardly glued to it, stuck into a pot of dry topsoil. The leaves were covered in green glitter.
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Treasure Chest Opened! You acquired a single lima bean
“Now I have something to plant in my dirt!”
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Treasure Chest Opened! You acquired a new phone with an unlimited data plan. Pokemon Go is already pre-installed. Happy hunting!
“Oh! Oh wow! I mean, I’ve already been catching ‘em all, but this... oh boy! Now I can spend my money on snacks instead of data!”
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Treasure Chest Opened! You acquired one of those tiny plastic drink skewers shaped like a sword. There is still a piece of lemon skewered to the plastic sword.
The pilot gingerly held the tiny plastic sword between two fingers, frowning at the withered lemon.
“This is what we call a disappointment.”
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Treasure Chest Opened! You acquired a jar of dirt!
“Oh, wow! Dirt! Maybe I’ll start an herb garden!”
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Send “Treasure Chest Opened! You Acquired _____” Along with an Item My Muse would obtain by opening a secrete treasure chest, Make it ANY item you want and see My Muse’s reaction to obtaining said Item.
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