Bellarke Creator Shoutout: Part 2.
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1. Bellamy Blake fanart (May 21, 2021) by lallixart (Instagram).
2. Bellamy Blake fanart (September 9, 2021) by lallixart (Instagram).
3. "He’s among my stars now; a blessing and a curse always in sight but just out of reach" by ejtcylor (Twitter) - Bellamy Blake fanart.
4. Bellamy Blake fanart (Etherea) by @silvernyxa (Tumblr).
5. “My little princess” by @laura-mago-art-fanart (Tumblr) - Bellamy Blake fanart - Bellamy embracing his daughter.
6. "And the universe said I love you..." by @silvernyxa (Tumblr) - Bellamy Blake fanart.
7- Bellamy + mythology references by @bellamyblake (Tumblr) - Bellamy Blake gifset.
8. Bellamy Blake fanart by marambaia.art (Instagram) for scarletbela (Twitter).
9. The 100 Season 7 Episode 13 "Blood Giant" Bellamy Rant by Maymoney In Da' Building (Youtube) - Review.
《I'm just like wtf and [...] when it happened I was like not even prepared for it. I didn't even feel emotionally prepared for it and then she just left him bleeding on the f floor to die alone. He's been a character since season one, episode one, male lead. It's like what happened behind the scenes that's so bad for you to like... have no professionalism to write his character off correctly. You can kill him off. I don't want Bellamy to die, he's my favorite character, but if he dies give him a better depth than that garbage that you just tried to force down our throats and make us accept like [...]. You just ruin this entire f show for me. I'm pissed, I feel so... It's so stupid, it doesn't make any sense and it doesn't make any sense for all of the other characters to just write him off as a villain like so easily when he's done nothing but protect them and believe in them and save them and all sorts of things [...]. I mean it's outrage, it's disrespectful, it's disrespectful to the fans too [...].》
《You were just a spiteful small little heartless little man, okay? And you know who I'm talking about. I'm talking about this f writer because there's no way like [...]. You must have no experience with love or relationship at all because that's not how it works. Whatever you're going through in your personal life you need to learn how relationships and love f works. And because this ain't how it works you have to be real small and stupid and ignorant and just egotistical to pull that [...]. I feel hella hurt and betrayed by that bs and I hope you never ever write anything ever again.》
《That shit's just wrong bro that [...] is just wrong and it's like damn... He wasn't even in the season and the season for me personally suffered because Bellamy wasn't there. There was no Bellamy in it and when we finally got him things were looking up... Even though he was on the wrong side I was still happy to have his character in because he's a dynamic character that we all love and it don't matter what side he's on because we always know that he comes back to the right side. He can make mistakes but that'll mean he can't come back. But you just completely obliterated everything that he stood for as a character in the whole message that we thought... I guess was trying to be portrayed with his character . But apparently I must be stupid, okay? I must be just dumb as f because everything that I thought his character stood for... Love for his friends and family and trying to always trying to protect the people that he cared about and his people... Obviously that just goes out the window like... What was it all? What was the point?》
《It doesn't matter to me because obviously this show doesn't matter to you. Obviously the character of Bellamy doesn't matter to you, so why should I care when your spin off... I hope it spins all the way off into oblivion where it never is seen by a soul.》
10. The 100 7x13 "Blood Giant" | Reaction - "Ranting about how bad this show has gotten for almost half an hour" by Bia Reacts (Youtube). - Review.
《Bob, if you ever watch this... I'm so sorry, you deserved so much better than this and also I would like to point out... I have been in this fandom for a while now and I would just like to say [...] Hey, Jason. We all know what happened, okay? And if you're watching this... We know what happened, we know why this happened, okay? You can't fool us, you can't fool us. We know why this happened. [...] We all know what happened and Bob, I'm legit sorry, I'm utterly frustrated and mad and I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry for Eliza too that she has, she had to, you know, shoot the scene... This is so disrespectful. The thing that makes me very angry is that this right here was just for shock value, you know? You are doing a tv show just because of the shock value. You're not thinking about the story and when you do a tv show I mean... Don't get me wrong, I love plot twists on the story. I love to be surprised but every plot twist, every good plot twist has a story behind it and if you do it only for the shock value you're just doing it to try to prove a point. You're just doing it to say "oh, I can do a plot twist on my show. I can surprise you. I can make your brain explode", you know? But you're not doing it for the sake of the story, you're just doing it to try to prove a point. You're just doing it to say "oh, my show is edgy, I can do plot twists, I can make people think" but you're forgetting everything that makes your show your show. You're forgetting all the character developments, you're forgetting all the relationship between the characters, you're forgetting all the story. It's just centered on the plot and this is not how a good tv show is.》
Part 1.
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"Children of the world".
Oil on wood.
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There was a second tent, at one point, there was a second tent.
I love him your honor 💞
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"Bob, you're my Bellamy" or "Bellamy, you're my Bob"... ????
Hard question...🤔🧐😅
Beliza/bellarke in manga style
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"Despite everything I love you".
I literally can't get off Bellarke.... poor me
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If we disregard Bellarke for a moment, lets say Jason ONLY wanted to destroy them, then what the hell was up with the rest of the story?
What was the point of Jordan? What did Jordan do? What did he chage? The only thing he did in S7 was know enough Korean to understand the last war was just the last test. That was the point of his ENTIRE place in the show? What was his character devolepment?
What was the point of Niylah? What did she do? How did her part in the story change anything? What was her character development? Jackson, Miller? They didn’t have a storyline at all. They were just there.
Echo had this whole identity storyline that ended up… nowhere. So the very relationship that kept her back, didn’t even have closure. He just died. And so did her storyline. Suddenly she just disappeared. Did Echo end up finding a purpose? Did she choose her own path? What does an identity do, when you are not allowed to actually live? Echo, like the rest of them, will live until she’s old and then die without finding more for herself. How is her being trapped on a beach living life? She’s just doing what she’s always done, following others.
What was the point of Madi? She grew up hiding. All she wanted was to grow up and be happy. Be a kid. Have a life. Yet she had nothing to do the entire season and then just died. There was no hope, no future, no own life??
Hope. What was the point of Hope? To give Octavia someone other than Bellamy to love? Just like they gave Clarke Madi. So that the women in Bellamy’s life would always love someone else more than him. What did Hope do that changed anything? How did Diyoza’s future vision of having a school, a place for kids to play and grow up etc mean nothing? Not even Hope got to grow up and make that a reality? She’ll live some years in the woods and then die, childless, family-less, future-less. There’s no reason to build anything for the future.
What was the actual point of Hope and Jordan? You want them to represent doing better? Well then, shouldn’t the kid of Marper and the kid of terrorists actually make the world better? Have their own kids to build the world? Didn’t Diyoza literally ask her to be better than her? Where did that storyline go?
What was the point of depriving a future and kids for Memori? They both grew and became mature adults doing better for others. You are telling me Emori, someone who was cast out as a baby was never allowed to have her own and break the cycle? Murphy, who started as a selfish, unloved kid never got to grow up to be a dad and follow his own father’s path of loving his kid and making sure they didn’t feel cast out and unloved like Memori had?
Raven. Raven who wanted love. Above all else. She wanted love and to be chosen first. Family is love too. But for Raven, a romantic relationship, HER PERSON was always a big part of what she wanted. She tried to find that yet they all kept dying on her. Now, she’s got a family sure but what about her personal individual desires? And she doesn’t even get a future where she can do what she loves. No tech. No evolving or building the world up. No work accomplishments that will survive 97 years worth of weather?
What was the point of giving Hope to Octavia when she time and time again kept leaving Hope behind? We had an entire episode watching Octavia trying to find ways to get back to Bellamy because Hope and Diyoza weren’t enough for her. We saw how when she was reunited with Hope, she still went back to Sanctum, leaving Hope behind. We then saw Octavia have a rushed love story with a random dude who kept poping up whenever. By the end of the show, all Octavia could talk about was how important Hope was, yet they didn’t even share scenes? In name she was important, just so they could force Octavia to understand Clarke murdering Bellamy but on screen, they barely spent time together? Again she left Hope behind on earth to go back to Bardo to fight a war with Clarke. Was she even around Hope at all in 7x16? The last scene on the beach had Octavia sitting with Levitt as her endgame, meanwhile we still didn’t get to see anything with Hope, because Hope is an adult who stuck with Jordan. But she had to forgive Bellamy’s murderer because “she understands”?
What was the point of Gabriel in season 7? Seriously, what was the point? Other than watching him walk around in white and eating all the time. What did he change? What was his purpose following them to earth? Did he use his 200+ years of knowledge to change anything/understand anything? Why did Gabriel die for Madi? Had Gabriel even met Madi? Other than Hope, Echo and maybe Octavia, the rest of them didn’t even have a relationship with him? Yet Echo wasn’t even there when he died?
Gaia??? Who went missing ¾ of the season. Who had barely a reaction to Madi’s death. Was kept around just in case Clarke needed an endgame on that beach, lol. Because that’s what Gaia was worth, a standby for a white woman.
And let me just get to Bellarke. Fine, they got the ending they got. Did someone bury Bellamy? Where is his body? Did anyone go back for him? When Clarke walked around looking for people in 7x16, did she just step over his cold dead body still on that floor? Did Clarke not care where his resting place was? How did Clarke have a happy ending with spacekru? How could she stand there laughing and smiling with them when she murdered Bellamy, didn’t even regret it at all and then lost her kid too? Is Clarke so ungrateful and so disgusting, that’s what she apparently wanted for her ending?
Seriously, what was the reason? They just dropped character developments. They didn’t finish storylines. They didn’t even finish plot story!
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Unpopular opinion: I love Bob Morley with all my heart (this is not the unpopular part), but actors frustrated with storylines (?) being shady, cryptic and passive aggressive on Twitter doesn't feel right for me. Keep it in the house, talk to the showrunner, it's not for the audience I think.
Look at it from Bob's perspective. This has nothing to do with screentime, not agreeing with storylines or ships. Bob doesn't ship. It's not about that. It's about Bob, the actor, doing his job and then getting told in an interview basically "oops, you didn't do your job". Because that's literally what it sounds like.
Bob has been told by his boss, Jason, to play Bellamy a certain way. Bob has read the scripts and acted out what was expected of him. The show was edited a certain way. The audience then got to see the episodes and followed the story on screen.
Bob's boss then goes out and publicly states that the audience misinterpreted the storyline and what was happening on screen didn't actually happen. Two things are happening here.
One, it is disrespectful to Bob as an actor to read in an interview how he basically didn't do his job and acted out something that wasn't Jason's intention. Bob who has stated that he has literally read lines in the script saying "Bellamy looks at Clarke lovingly". Bob, who has called out Jason at different times, always in a joking matter, like at SDCC in 2015 when Jason refused to deny Bellarke and Bob said "oh, we're playing that game now, are we". That was what Bob called out; "so you tell me one thing in private and then you tell the audience something else in interviews?" Bob as an actor follows Jason's vision. Just like the writers room all have to follow Jason's vision. So why is Jason going out in public stating that the story was misinterpreted? Why has Bob been given direction by the showrunner, by the writers, by the directors to take Bellamy down a certain path, only to then be told that it... wrong? My interpretation of Bob's reaction is not "oh so Bellarke is not real" but "why are you telling me, your actor, a certain vision, then going out in public saying that wasn't your vision making me look bad as an actor because apparently I haven't been doing my job, even though you told me to do it this way".
And second, it is disrespectful to the audience. There's a big difference between not giving out spoilers and literally gaslighting your audience. Especially when it's done at the expense of your male lead actor, putting him in a position where his acting is somehow blamed or at fault for how the audience interpreted the storyline. It strips Jason of any responsibility when it comes to the writing (Bob only acted what the script said), direction given to his actor (making it seem like Bob didn't do his job), the editing (as if the show wasn't edited to look a certain way).
It's not about if Bob cares if Bellamy and Clarke kiss or not. It's not about if he agrees with a storyline/screentime. It's about Bob, whatever the storyline is, being told one thing and then basically having his boss throw him under the bus in a way, in interviews. Whether or not Bob has spoken with Jason about this in private too, we don't know. But I appreciate Bob for being real and for standing up for himself as an actor and the audience.
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Yes bob, YES
(Shout out to these girls for sharing their m&g! Tysm! Also how did u keep ur cool when he said this i wouldve thrown myself lmao)
In conclusion: despite what comes out of that dipshit jroth’s mouth in recent interviews, BELLARKE WAS WRITTEN AND DIRECTED AS ROMANTIC BY JROTH HIMSELF AND WRITERS FOR SIX SEASONS
Expose him bby, were all ready for it
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“They were written as romantic, regardless.” (Bob Morley)
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Speaking of The100. Over the years I made a lot of bellarke drawings, like these.
I loved this show and I was sure that bellarke was a romantic development and now, s7 aside, I know for sure because of Bob.
It's a cold comfort but...I know now that I was right. WE was right.
Thanks Bob.
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It still doesn't feel real to me. It doesn't feel real to me that 'Love is weakness' is the moral of the story. It doesn't feel real to me that 'If I'm on that list, then you're on that list' didn't end up being true, that 'if you need forgiveness' didn't happen one last time, that the 'traitor who you love' was for nothing that Clarke DID apparently forget how important to her Bellamy was. It doesn't feel real that this is just.... it.
That’s because the story WAS all those things and they betrayed their story.
They did not take their story home. So you’re left hanging with all these loose narrative threads that really gave meaning and focus to the entire story.
The only way to really make sense of the story is to ignore the last season.
But it’s weird, because it’s really ONLY the last season that doesn’t fit and the last season was so DIFFERENT from the others.
So just pretend the show never got a final season.
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I’m sure you’ll get a ton of messages about this but I literally can’t process it so I have to tell you, today Bob confirmed that bellarke was written romantically, so we really didn’t misinterpret anything okay good night
I did not hear that, but of course it was written romantically. That’s why I said it was a canon romance.
It’s not that “it didn’t turn out” romantically. It was canon.
The story SWERVED in season 7 and dropped it.
And everyone felt the loss, because the story didn’t made sense anymore.
Hollywood is undependable. They can tell a story that is clear as a bell, and then change their minds.
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I think this is my first original post, but the series finale of The 100, my favorite show, has frustrated me to the point of a compulsory blog post.
I never thought I'd say this: This show was derailed by a narcissistic, spiteful showrunner who felt disdain and resentment towards his own fandom, his own characters, and his own lead actors. He hired all new writers, who didn't have the history and understanding of these characters and storylines. He changed the genre and themes of the show after 6 years. He gave us a nihilistic, City of Light-esque ending where the human race fails to do better or live happily and just accepts absorption into an alien hivemind instead. Where Clarke is made the villain and scapegoat for humanity's sins. Where giving her any semblance of a peaceful end required the destruction of the human race. And, most importantly, he systematically destroyed the most beloved and foundational relationship dynamic on the show: Bellamy and Clarke. They were the head and heart, the driving force of the plot, and it became more obvious when they were not there anymore to do so. Clarke's story was inexorably tied to Bellamy, so she and the story as a whole floundered in his absence. And that was because Jason insisted on ignoring a missing Bellamy rather than making that the story. And when he returned, the head/heart dynamic was dispatched cruelly, complete with painful callbacks and parallels, effectively stripping the show of its narrative backbone. It also dismantled the greatest familial relationship: Bellamy and Octavia. And worst of all, such a monumental loss had no aftereffects on the plot or characters and gave us no closure. A seven year journey of one of the most important characters came to an abrupt and pointless end.
This season was Jason's self-sabotage of the worst kind. He thinks his show was a "tragedy", but his legacy is the greatest tragedy of all. His personal vendettas and utter disregard of the story elements fans loved most benefit no one, least of all himself. We did not feel betrayed because he gave us loss, pain, and suffering. We felt betrayed because the show has always shown us that life was about more than brutal survival and tragic ends. That humanity was capable of something greater. That we could do better and learn to live happily. That we could find true peace if we were willing to work for it. That as long as we were still breathing, we could have hope.
And with this series finale, that hope has finally died.
Seasons 1-6 are the true story. Season 7 is, for lack of a better word, an anomaly.
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(1/4) (Turns out the unlimited ask doesn't work for me. Huh. How do people do that?) I'm not an active Bellarke shipper, but even to me it was always evident that they're basically canon. Like you, I always defended Jason, because CLEARLY Bellarke are endgame, WHY can't fandom see that. Even when B died, I was willing to give Jason the benefit of the doubt, because there's no way in hell he'd just kill B. Obviously it was just for shock; even his goodbye tweet to Bob – OF COURSE (...)
(2/4) it was just a red herring, so it would be an even bigger surprise when B does get miraculously saved and ends up with Clarke – AS THEY SHOULD HAVE. I must admit, the Blarkes and their negativity and calling people delusional for actually trusting Jason and trusting the story for the first six seasons pissed me off to the point where I kind of hoped he WOULDN'T make BC canon. But I didn't actually expect it, because it wasn't what the story was showing, and I certainly didn't expect...THIS.
(3/4) I know, I could be happy – my faves Murphy and Emori got the best ending they could possibly get, and the annoying Blarkes didn't get their endgame. But I'm pissed. I'm pissed on your behalf and all the other civil Bellarke fans. I've been soo looking forward to saying „SEE! We were right! We're not delusional! We saw the story, we understood the story, and Jason isn't the asshole you guys always made him out to be.“
(4/4) I still don't think I was delusional, because despite this last season, up until then Bellarke were canon. Period. Yes, the Blarkes bullied and abused Jason, yes, they kind of didn't deserve to get what they wanted – but he could have been their king if he just went with the story he's been telling for six years, and it makes absolutely no sense to give up on that. But now I'm the idiot who didn't see that Jason is indeed an asshole... What a stupid dick.
I thought I wanted vindication more than I wanted Bellarke. But it turns out that’s not quite so.
I wanted a good story the most. And I actually trusted him to give us that. I told everybody that if we didnt’ get bellarke I’d have to see what happened before I made a judgment because there are ways to take an ending I don’t like and make it something I’m satisfied with.
But THIS???
This death of humanity? This alien god thing? This Clarke as the real villain all along? Erasing Clarke’s character? Dropping all the narrative threads and leaving them gaping holes? THIS WAS UNACCEPTABLE. And that’s not even including what they did to Bellamy, just erasing him like that and pretending he WASN’T the leading man and trying to retcon that he wasn’t important or he was easy to write off. To not even give him a decent death scene? I was excpecting him and Clarke to die, that wasn’t the problem. The problem was THE WAY he died. And THEN to pretend that Bellarke wasn’t the center of the narrative all along. Dropping Bellarke as the main heroes started the season with a feeling of deep unease. Something felt off from the beginning, like we had to hold our breath waiting for the story to start, and then it never did. Or no. There was one episode where it felt right, when Bellamy came back and they were fighting, and it should have reconnected from there but it didn’t. 
I LIKED the other stories they told, but they never tied together. The season didn’t connect even when the episodes were good. We wanted to hear about the other characters. But we NEEDED Clarke and Bellamy. 
AND THEN. We had JR telling us off screen that the story we’d been watching was not the story we were watching and it was something else? Clarke was really the bad guy in Mount Weather and we had to be in their shoes?? WTF? THEY HELD PEOPLE IN CAGES AND BLED THEM. THEY TURNED PEOPLE INTO A ZOMBIE ARMY. THEY EXPERIMENTED ON THEIR OWN PEOPLE. THEY REFUSED VOLUNTEERS FOR MARROW DONORS AND INSTEAD DECIDED TO TORTURE THEM TO DEATH FOR NO REASON. They were not innocent. Clarke was RIGHT. If she hadn’t done that they would have spread over the earth with their advanced technology and enslaved everybody on the ground because they thought it was their birthright. 
HOW DARE you tell us we were wrong and we have to sympathize with the evil villains or we’re the villains.
Listen Rothenberg. You don’t get to tell me the story I saw was something different. No gaslighting here. I’ve got reams of meta with evidence from the text, from YOUR TEXT saying MW are the nazis. Don’t tell me to sympathize with them. I HAVE EVIDENCE that Bellarke was the backbone of the narrative. That Clarke and Bellamy were soulmates. That Bellamy was the heart of the story, of the delinquents, and to Clarke’s head.
They were the true loves. They were soulmates. And that’s the story you wrote. You want to pretend Bellamy wasn’t there that’s not going to work. Because it’s all on screen. Evidence. We saw it and it’s not going away.
We also saw your sloppy mop up of the end and your complete failure, because there were SO MANY different ways you could have taken it where it would have made sense and you chose this.
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When @the100writers make for a really confused and contradictory bunch:
Shauna Benson in 2015: Mount Weather was kind of like Nazi Germany.
Jason Rothenberg in 2020: When we made Clarke murder Bellamy, it’s because we wanted to make the audience see Clarke as a villain and relate to Mount Weather people.
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Even though it ended how it ended, I dont regret shipping Clarke and Bellamy. Not for one second. Even after she killed him, i was convinced he was coming back somehow. And even tho, he didnt, I still have no regrets
No regrets at all.
The show and JR disappointed me, he betrayed the story and characters.
I don’t regret loving it when I loved it. Or STILL believing that Bellarke was a canon love story.
Listen, if it weren’t, then they wouldn’t have needed to change the story entirely to kill it.
What a bastard though. I regret defending him. That’s what I regret. 
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hey asking for a friend but uh. what’s it gonna take for fandom to relearn the difference between “canon” and “word of god”?
★ canon = the text itself; the show/movie/book/comic; the actual up-on-Netflix content; anything a casual fan would reasonably interact with ★ word of god = anything else, i.e. interviews with cast/crew/showrunners; DVD commentaries; comments from the crew on social media or at cons; literally any written or verbal remarks about the text made by writers or showrunners or actors
word of god does not equal canon, and yet i increasingly see fandoms conflating the two and acting like word of god comments from The Powers That Be count as canon and are equivalent to canon footnotes to the text and i’m. NO. listen. it’s not. that’s not what canon means, and word of god comments should not be treated as part of the canon text. this isn’t just me being a pedantic text purist, this has actual negative consequences for shows and fandoms and people’s experience of the stories, i mean:
it privileges the creator’s interpretation of the text as the only “correct” one. death of the author? no one’s heard of her. writers and showrunners get to tell fans how to interpret the text, and a solid 80% of fandom is going “okay, if you say so!”
it stifles fandom debate and analysis, because fan analysis of the text at hand is rejected outright by other fans on the basis that “well the showrunners said it’s like this”
it contributes to fandom bullying, in which word of god comments are used to harass people who have the audacity to want to interpret the work differently, or who disagree with the powers that be, or just don’t want to consider those comments at all in their understanding of the story
word of god comments may be confusing; they may change over time or contradict earlier statements; they may even contradict the text itself. all of which leads to fans frantically trying to reconcile word of god comments with actual canon, rather than going “okay fuck this, it doesn’t make sense so i’m disregarding it”
again: this only creates more arguments in fandom; if creators say x at one point, and y at another, you end up with more fandom slap-fights over which comment was the ‘correct’ one and which interpretation ‘wins’
it encourages lazy and unsatisfying storytelling. if fanon will accept word of god comments as canon, showrunners develop an attitude of “it doesn’t matter if it doesn’t make sense, we can just handwave it in an interview”
this results in poor writing, or important plot points being explained in word of god comments rather than in actual canon
this in turn makes the story confusing and incomprehensible to anyone who’s not knee-deep in fandom. casual fans, kids, someone bingeing the series 5 years from now on crunchyroll… they’re not reading the interviews or tweets or watching the comicon panels. those viewers still need to be able to understand the story, and we are slip-sliding towards a creator-fandom model in which they won’t be able to, because word of god comments run the risk of becoming required reading for understanding the story
this has serious implications for how stories handle representation: if fans start accepting word of god as equivalent to canon, it means shows can keep canon rep (particularly queer rep) vague and ambiguous, and prop it up with word of god comments that “confirm the representation”. there’s no incentive to actually commit to unambiguous, clear canon rep if stories can lean on word of god to compensate for the utter lack of actual diversity in the canon text itself
the canon text has to stand alone. word of god should serve as a trove of fun trivia or behind-the-scenes tidbits about the writing process; it is not supposed to be a substitute for clear, concise, and comprehensive storytelling. a story that doesn’t make sense unless you’ve read 8 different explanatory interviews by the writers is badly written. showrunners who treat interviews as a place to offload all the character development or plot explanations they didn’t bother to include in the actual text are lazy hacks who are bad at their jobs.
word of god can be handy and fun and informative, and for people who are interested in creator comments or interviews there’s no harm in paying attention to that stuff. but it’s not canon. the canon is the text itself. anything else is supplementary to that, and fans are absolutely allowed to disregard anything not in canon if they choose.
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