laurahphoto · 5 years
Amazing Photographers around the world: part 2
Things are changing daily, and the majority of the world are at home. For many freelancers that means no work, and for many photographers that means they barely have any means to make income. Here’s a part 2 in a series of uplifting blogs to introduce you to some of the best photographers in the world.
Kimberley Ross // Rome+Milan, IT
Being able to adapt to work in many different scenarios as a photographer can be incredibly challenging but Kimberley makes it look easy. Whether it’s dreamy portraits or edgy live shots, I adore Kimberley’s work.
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Ellen Offredy // Manchester, UK
I’ve always admired the way Ellen makes her artists look so comfortable in front of camera, especially in her behind-the-scenes shots. A bit of an all-rounder, Ellen produces stunning work, whether it’s album artwork, portraits, behind the scenes or of course, live.
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Lucy Foster // Dublin/London
If there is anyone who can document a tour, it’s Lucy. Working alongside Dermot Kennedy, her work is a near of extension of his music, and I know that’s something music photographers thrive to achieve. Beautiful, moving photos.
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Tom Pullen // London, UK
Tom’s unique style of photo/video is ridiculous. His video recaps on tour are incredible; he has that insane ability to document the most energetic moments, and make you feel like you were there. His work always continues to blow me away.
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Ami Ford // Nottingham, UK
A multi-talented creative, Ami’s warm-toned photos are beautiful. Her outdoor portraits are always stunning and I love checking out her wedding work too.
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Cameron Brisbane // Glasgow, UK
Super bold, clean and simple, I love how Cameron captures the Glasgow music scene. With a good mixture of colour and black and white, he always gives a great essence to the show he’s shot.
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Karyssa Leigh // Calgary, AB
Dreamy, sparkly cool-tones is the best way I could describe Karyssa’s beautiful work. It’s cinematic and theatrical and her artistic talent is beyond music. Her portrait work is stunning.
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Jenna Hum // Toronto, ON
Constantly photographing fast movement in both music & sports, somehow Jenna always nails “the moment”, and does so while always maintaining her own vibrant style.
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Penelope Martinez // Chicago, IL
A multi-talented photographer/artist who I’ve followed for a long time! I love how she is so experimental and has such an eye for details. Her work is incredibly emotional, and always makes me feel something.
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Anam Merchant // Chicago, IL
Creating some of my favourite moody photos+videos, Anam’s bold work always inspires me. One of the best out there, for sure.
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Aysia Moretta // New York, NY
Aysia pushes the boundaries for creative expression in music photography - never limiting herself and using several mediums including video & film to create genuine moments.
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Adele Sakey // New York, NY
Adele’s work is atmospheric, she understands light so well and finds beautiful moments within music and other elements of her work, whether it’s portraits or landscapes.
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Roger Ho // Austin, TX
A content machine, Roger always manages to let us feel the atmosphere of the festivals he’s shooting (and he shoots A LOT). He’s able to switch between the intimate & energetic moments so well.
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Ana Massard // Tampa, FL
Ana’s work engages all of your senses - you can really feel/smell/hear the concert she shoots. 
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Sofie Milton // Texas
Sofie’s photos give me an 80′s/90′s vibe - something about them that make you feel super nostalgic which is a really cool. 
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Skyler Barberio // Los Angeles, CA
Skyler has the ability to somehow capture so much energy in every concert she shoots, which can be insanely difficult. She makes it look easy. I particularly love her wide angle shots.
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Nicole Solero // Orlando, FL
Nicole can do it all. The pastel tones across all of her work is warm and dreamy, creating romantic imagery across her photos + illustrations.
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Meg Meyer // Los Angeles, CA
A storyteller with her stills, Meg’s work is beautiful, emotional and always feels honest. Her vibrant, high contrast edits always work perfectly alongside her style of shooting.
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Danny DeRusso // New York
Washed out, vintages vibes of some of your favourite underground bands. He makes shooting in a packed, sweaty tiny venue look easy (it’s not)
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Beth Saravo // Los Angeles, CA
Beth’s (@baeth) photos are SO crispy. Between her stunning portraits (where each artist always looks incredibly comfortable - creds to the photographer) and all of her live work, Beth is one of the most versatile photographers that I look up to.
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Christian Sarkine // Indianapolis, IN
Warm and surreal is the best way I can describe Christian’s work. I love the glossy feel to his photos and pretty much every image he produces blows me away.
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Zennieshia Butts // Brisbane, QLD
One of those amazing photographers who executes “the moment” as well is being technically perfect. I’m jealous. Her images are simple, yet powerful.
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Ruby Boland // Sydney, NSW
Ruby creates MAGIC, it’s the only way to describe it. Her photos are so eyecatching and vibrant, I’m always exciting to see what she’ll produce next.
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Georgia Moloney // Sydney, NSW
Georgia is an artist, creating mixed media collages that are beyond just live photos. She creates unique pieces with glitter, patterns, sequins and more to create a style like no one else.
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laurahphoto · 5 years
Amazing music photographers around the world
We’re currently facing a world crisis unlike we have seen in a generation. Due to shutdowns of pretty much all normal life, the music industry has completely shutdown touring. Festivals and tours all over the world have been cancelled, and the loss of income to all of those connected to that industry will be devastating. 
This is my very small attempt at trying to help out some of my favourite photographers, nearly all of whom are affected by these shutdowns. I’ve tried my best to link to all their print stores, instagram and websites, but if there are direct ways you want to help them, please reach out. Give them a follow. Share their posts. Tell them how amazing they are. Spirits are low right now, and boosting someone’s spirits is one of the best things we can do to get through this.
We’re all in this together. I hope you discover your new favourite photographer.
Bethan Miller // Cardiff, UK
Bethan Miller is a Cardiff based photographer who works within music, event and wedding photography. I’ve followed Bethan’s work for years, and seeing her come as far as she has, and being a full-time freelancer is incredible. She tours regularly with rising UK band Holding Absence, and her work with them truly captures their moody-vibe.  PRINT STORE // INSTAGRAM // WEBSITE
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Corinne Cumming // London, UK
Best known as ‘Captured by Corinne’, one of the music industry’s NICEST humans on the planet, London based Corinne is also an incredible photographer, from her work with Rock Sound with some of your favourite bands, to her unmatched stunning studio work with Drag Queens. I feel so proud when I see her work - we would often share the pit together when we were newbies and now she’s a full-time photographer and owner of her own studio, Hot Dog Studios.
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Isha Shah // London, UK
Honestly, a true legend. Isha’s work is so vibrant, innovative and quite genius. She’s able to work with a range of artists and musicians, and also inspires other creatives with her creative collective, Platform London. Never afraid to speak up, Isha’s no BS attitude makes her so unique, and honestly my feeds would be way too quiet without her. 
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Jennifer McCord // London, UK
Finding beauty in the minimal, Jenny’s work is emotive in the way she photographs some of the most delicate moments, no matter whether she’s shooting live music, portraits or weddings. Seeing her grow from shooting hardcore shows to working with Ellie Goulding, Jenny is IN DEMAND, and there’s a reason why.
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Phoebe Fox // London, UK
It blows me away that Phoebe (SHOTBYPHOX) is only 22. She has toured with artists such as Anne Marie, SWMRS, Anteros and The Amazons and is a powerhouse of beautiful content. Her work is clean, bold, and simply stunning.
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Zac Mahrouche // London, UK
Zac shoots a lot of live music, but also creates some really beautiful editorial/fashion photos. I can always look to Zac’s work for inspiration, and I love the way he presents his work across socials.
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Doug Elliott // Brighton, UK
The moody cold tones of Doug’s work make it really atmospheric and cinematic. It’s been amazing to follow Doug’s journey over the years and see him work with artists such as Against The Current. 
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Martyna “Gingerdope” // Stroud, UK
One of the most unique viewpoints in music photography come from Gingerdope. She captures some of the most delicate, overlooked moments on tour, and has introduced me to some of the UK’s best indie bands. 
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Ellie Mitchell // UK
Ellie is a machine, and seems to be always touring! I admire how she works within particularly male-dominated genres and has become one of the most consistent music photographers out there. 
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Arne Desmedt “CardinalsMedia” // Antwerp, Belgium
I’ve followed Arne’s work for a while, and he always delivers stunning, dynamic live photos across multiple music genres. His portfolio is an endless stream of incredible shots.
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Sarah Louise Bennett // London, UK
Another amazing woman working in the music industry, and killing it with every shoot she does. Sarah is so hardworking, producing stunning covers/features for Upset & Dork magazines and continuously setting the bar high. 
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Brandynnleigh // Calgary, AB
One of THE most creative photographers out there, I love the concepts and essence of her work; there’s a story within every photo and there’s a vintage feel to them that works perfectly. Brandynnleigh is based in Calgary and shoots live music as well as portraits, conceptual projects and landscapes.
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Lindsey Blane // Vancouver, BC
Ok, I’m biased, because Lindsey is one of my closest friends but also a ridiculously talented human, a bit of a workaholic and someone who gives every project 110%. When we met, we were both working at a camera store (in different locations) and she stalked me on Instagram and messaged me on Christmas Day 2016, and within weeks she was sleeping on my sofa a couple times a month, so she could come over to Vancouver from Victoria and shoot some shows/build her relationships with artists. It’s paid off and seeing her work with some of the biggest artists in Canada is mindblowing.
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Brandon Dacosta // Toronto, ON
Brandon works with a range of indie artists including Canadian bands Bearings and Belmont. His work is so energetic and he checks off everything live music photography is all about. Brandon always delivers stunning content, and as a photographer who tours so much, he will need as much support as possible!
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Shayla Lee // Edmonton, AB
A multi-talented incredible human, Shayla has continued to develop her own unique style and approach to her work, particular with electronic and EDM acts. We were introduced by Lindsey Blane (she threw us all in a car and took us to Bumbershoot) and have been great friends since. Shayla is also a writer and runs her own blog, Femme Riot. She attends more festivals than I knew existed and creates weird and wonderful photos/collages. 
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Timothy Nguyen // Vancouver, BC
One of the most humble, kind humans I’ve had the pleasure of calling my friend. Having road-tripped down to Seattle for Warped Tour and Bumbershoot, Tim is always so much fun to be around, and you can always lean on him for advice. An amazing photographer with a big heart, you’ll see him catching no sleep and shooting 5 gigs in one night. 
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Kelli Anne // Vancouver, BC
My favourite Kiwi, and potentially one of the funniest people I know, Kelli has come a long way since she started taking photos on her phone at concerts. She is now one of the most consistent live music photographers, continuously producing incredible content. Her portrait work is always STUNNING and I’m jealous of how she achieves those warm dreamy tones.
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Bailey Morgan // Vancouver, BC
I’ve only known Bailey a short amount of time, but she is slowly becoming one of my favourite photographers. She has a heart of gold and creates beautiful visuals, working mainly with music, portraits and families. She recently set up Rebel Gal Creators, a collective of womxn photographers.
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Heather Hawke // Los Angeles, CA
Heather is more than just a photographer. She works within the music industry in PR, runs her own magazine - Decorated Youth and writes thoughtful articles and interviews. She also has really great taste in music. She’s a hard-working powerhouse, and a wonderful human. Support her work!
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Sara Feigin // New York, NY
I met Sara at a gig in London waaaaay back. She moved back to the States, where she is currently working as a photographer and writer. Her artist portraits are among my favourite, and she continues to blow me away with her consistency. 
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Kaytlin Dargen // Fargo, ND
I know her as ‘kaydargs’, I’ve loved her work for so long. She has such a unique style and perspective, always putting out incredible work. She works with lots of bands, and I loved her recent album cover for Hot Mulligan. A true artist, and a big inspiration of mine.
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Carter Howe // Los Angeles, CA
Carter’s work feels like a movie - dramatic and emotional. I love how her photos are so well executed, and how she finds beauty in the ordinary. 
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Alyson Coletta // NJ
A live-music photographer who’s work continues to always make me feel like I was at the concert she shot. She always captures ‘the moment’ whether it’s an arena or tiny sweaty show. Message her to buy any print off her IG/website!
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Maggie Friedman // New York, NY
One of the most active music photographers, she’s probably shot at least five of your favourite artists. Minimum. A content-machine, Maggie’s work is always outstanding. You can buy a print buy messaging her!
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Melodi Ramirez // Austin, TX
A versatile photographer, often switching between bad-ass live music and strong bold portraits.
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Cina Nguyen // Washington, DC
Known as her handle ‘ilikeyourface’ on IG, Cina creates art-pieces with her surreal, dreamy photos. I could honestly look at her work all day. 
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Victoria Sanders // Chicago, IL
Victoria Sanders does’t just photograph concerts - she’s an advocate for pushing for more women in music, and cofounded The Photo Ladies, bringing together a community of women around the world who work in music. Oh and she takes amazing pics, of course.
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Gina Scarpino // New York, NY
Inspirational portraits & live music photos, Gina’s got a real eye for visual concepts, and I always admire how well she executes all of her work.
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Natalie Somekh // Newport Beach, CA
Natalie has a vintage feel to her portraits + live music photos which are super dreamy. Message her for prints!
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Kat Nijmeddin // Los Angeles, CA
Kat is a photographer/designer who works with Pure Noise Records. I really love how energetic her photos are, yet her tones are soft and pastel colours which create a really cool style. PRINT STORE // INSTAGRAM 
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laurahphoto · 6 years
My top albums of 2018
IDLES - Joy As An Act of Resistance
Boygenius - boygenius
Father John Misty - God’s Favourite Customer
Deafheaven - Ordinary Corrupt Human Love
The Wonder Years - Sister Cities
Death Cab For Cutie - Thank You For Today
Black Foxxes - Reidi
Khurangbin - Con Todo El Mundo
HONNE - Love Me/Love Me Not
Let’s Eat Grandma - I’m All Ears
Brian Fallon - Sleepwalkers
Shame - Songs of Praise
Ben Howard - Noonday Dream
Courtney Barnett - Tell Me What You Really Think
Beach House - 7
Leon Bridges - Be More Kind
Lucy Dacus - Historian
Spanish Love Songs - Schmaltz
Piano Becomes The Teeth - Wait For Love
CHVRCHES - Love Is Dead
Honourable mention:
Lo Moon - Lo Moon
Nathaniel Rateliff & The Night Sweats - Tearing At The Seams
Janelle Monae - Dirty Computer
Black Panther soundtrack
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laurahphoto · 6 years
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Stone Sour // Abbotsford Centre, Abbotsford BC // 01.27.18
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laurahphoto · 6 years
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Halestorm // Abbotsford Centre, Abbotsford BC // 01.27.18
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laurahphoto · 6 years
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The Dead Deads // Abbotsford Centre, Abbotsford BC // 01.27.18
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laurahphoto · 7 years
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Jaira Burns // The Cobalt, Vancouver // 01.22.18
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laurahphoto · 7 years
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K.Flay // Commodore Ballroom, Vancouver // 01.21.18
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laurahphoto · 7 years
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Mikky Ekko // Vogue Theatre, Vancouver // 01.20.18
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laurahphoto · 7 years
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Børns // Vogue Theatre, Vancouver // 01.20.18
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laurahphoto · 7 years
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August Burns Red // Vogue Theatre, Vancouver // 01.19.18
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laurahphoto · 7 years
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Born of Osiris // Vogue Theatre, Vancouver // 01.19.18
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laurahphoto · 7 years
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ERRA // Vogue Theatre, Vancouver // 01.19.18
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laurahphoto · 7 years
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Ocean Grove // Vogue Theatre, Vancouver // 01.19.18
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laurahphoto · 7 years
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Sir Sly // Commodore Ballroom, Vancouver // 01.21.18
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laurahphoto · 7 years
Top 20 Albums of 2017
Phoebe Bridgers - Stranger In The Alps
Lorde - Melodrama
PVRIS - All We Know Of Heaven, All We Need Of Hell
Noah Gundersen - White Noise
Marika Hackman - I’m Not Your Man
Manchester Orchestra - A Black Mile To The Surface
Creeper - Eternity In Your Arms
Paramore - After Laughter
Gleemer - Anymore
Julien Baker - Turn Out The Lights
Conor Oberst - Salutations
Turnover - Good Nature
Ryan Adams - Prisoner
Oh Wonder - Ultralife
The War On Drugs - A Deeper Understanding
Sundara Karma - Youth Is Only Ever Fun In Retrospect
Neaux - Chain Up The Sun
HAIM - Something To Tell You
Adult Mom - Soft Spots
Jay Som - Everybody Works
I’ve probably forgotten something and the order of this will most likely change but for now, these are the albums which stood out the most in 2017. Major shout out to all the female musicians who RULED this year.
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laurahphoto · 7 years
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Flume | Bumbershoot Festival | 09.01.17 | Seattle, WA
website | instagram | facebook
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