lauranunya · 5 years
Icelandic Feldspar
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Also known as “optical calcite” and “Viking sunstone.” Photo taken from Wikipedia.
“Icelandic spar [or optical calcite[ is a transparent variety of calcite, or crystallized calcium carbonate, originally brought from Iceland, and used in demonstrating the polarization of light” (Wikipedia, par. 1). As a form of “Viking sunstone,” it’s thought that Icelandic feldspar was used by Vikings as a navigational tool.
Magically, optical calcite can act as a crystal for clearing negative energy and emotions in order for positive energy to make its way back into a space. A lot of sources write that optical calcite can be used in a similar way to clear quartz (i.e. to amplify intent and be programmed for specific purposes). It can also be used to clear energy blockages and help re-balance energy centers.
Scientific Properties
2.5 to 3 hardness on the Mohs hardness scale; clear in colour; double refraction (or birefringence).
Magical Properties
Growth, development, energy clearing, energy purifier. Good for use in meditation and helping to see situations in a new light.
Peach Notes
While most of the information presented here I collected from various metaphysical websites, I thought I’d make a quick note on Icelandic feldspar/optical calcite and how I personally use it. The stone is also called sunstone but when holding my piece of optical calcite, it feels like I’m holding a piece of ice in my hand. It’s like inhaling a breath of cold, wintry air, and negative emotions end up melting away. This stone is excellent for mental clarity and helping ground myself while I’m meditating, journeying, or trying to dive into my own past lives. It helps me sift through all the information that I receive and help discern between the truth and what’s false. I personally keep it on my computer desk and fiddle with it while I’m writing papers since I find that it really helps me sort out my thoughts. Also: when I hold up my piece of optical calcite in the light, the light refracts into rainbows and it’s really, really beautiful.
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lauranunya · 5 years
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lauranunya · 5 years
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Coffee & Sugar - After the Rain ep4
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lauranunya · 5 years
for the last 2+ weeks, the Amazon has been catching fire. Yes, it’s the season where that’s normal but because of the sayings (aka incentive) of our new president, some farmers are taking advantage of that and intentionally setting the trees on fire. Yesterday, because of this, the sky of São Paulo looked like this. AT THREE IN THE AFTERNOON.
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Hospitals of the northern states are filling up with people (especially children and seniors) claiming they can’t breathe properly. ALREADY ENDANGERED ANIMALS ARE DYING. THIS IS SERIOUS.
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Germany and Norway, huge donators to the Amazon cause will stop sending money because they don’t see results (that can also be credited to our president, who has been tweeting angrily ever since - not because he cares about the environment, btw). That money gives this guy and his team equipment to save little guys like these:
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THIS AFFECTS EVERYONE, NOT JUST BRAZILIANS. The Amazon is the largest rainforest in the world, and it’s being destroyed. WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING.
If your country is holding elections, vote for someone who cares about this. Don’t let another Bolsonaro or another Trump have the power to do something and then do nothing. This is going to shape our future — if we have one.
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side note: not to sound bitter or ungrateful but also like what’s up with Europe... y’all exploited South America for centuries but just because you “aren’t seeing results” you stop helping altogether??
edit: I’m sorry if it sounded like I’m blaming Europe. I’m not. It’s our own government’s fault (Bolsonaro merged the agriculture and environmental ministries when he was elected, for God’s sake) and I’m really sorry if I offended anyone, I was just angry. Please don’t let that be the only thing you take away from this post.
Update: GUYS FRANCE JUST CALLED FOR AN EMERGENCY G7 MEETING TO RESOLVE THIS. I’M SO GLAD!! Let’s hope they get together to like punch our president or something...
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lauranunya · 5 years
How to help Amazônia:
You can donate to SOS Amazônia which is one among the 100 NGOs selected as “The Largest NGOs in Brazil”.
( http://www.sosamazonia.org.br/conteudo/doacao/ )
And remember: 1 dolar is like 4,04 reais. If you donate only ONE dolar you're helping a lot.
Please. Boost if possible, this is REALLY important.
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lauranunya · 5 years
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lauranunya · 5 years
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Do you see this image? Do you know what is happening? Well, I'll tell you what is happening:
Sixteen days. Without any help or declarations of the Brazilian government. Our biggest form of animal and vegetal wildlife is being destroyed and no one is making anything about it.
São Paulo was covered by a smoke cloud this week during hours, as a result of the fire, if that single fact wasn't already alarming.
I lost hope in humanity. Because the trees are still burning right now as you read this text. Because no "famous environmentally friendly" person is talking anything about it. Because everyone else is too selfish to even care about the wellbeing of our own world.
Please, please someone help us
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lauranunya · 5 years
dear Americans very concerned and angry about the concentration camps your government is running:
you should be angry, you should be furious, you should do everything and anything you can to shut them down.
but here in Australia, we've had concentration camps for refugees for nearly 25 years. we've protested and petitioned and yelled, but the government was 'clever' and put them offshore, away from the mainland where we can't reach them, can't storm them. then they banned journalists from going. then they banned doctors.
the only time mainstream news tends to report on the "offshore detention centres" is when yet another group of children try to commit suicide.
yes, the Australian government has concentration camps for people fleeing warzones, and the people in those camps are tortured so bad that the children try to kill themselves.
Americans, I hope you manage to close your governments camps, by law or by force. maybe when you're done, you can turn your attention to us? we could use some loud international outrage from a western ally, the government might care. the public has spent 20 years trying and failing.
non-Australians, please spread this information. I don't think many people know internationally, except the island nations we pay to host our camps and keep quiet.
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lauranunya · 5 years
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lauranunya · 5 years
For example Frederick Douglas’ wife did so much for his ungrateful ass. She helped him get on his feet, gave him her last name, and supported him financially and took care of house and home. And in return was does this nigga do? He lets white abolitionists tear her down and treat her like a slave in HER HOUSE. Moved two bitches into HER HOUSE over a span of 20 years. Belittles her for being illiterate while using HER MONEY. Not even in death does she get the respect she deserves. His last wife is more recognized as being apart of his life than she was. Just trash. And y'all still normalize that shit as if it’s a black woman’s job to struggle. Fuck that.
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lauranunya · 5 years
Okay…….donate to The Rainbow Railroad to help LGBT+ people flee Brunei…please feel free to drop some other ideas on how to help
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lauranunya · 5 years
Autism: why I (as an autistic person) don’t believe in functioning labels or severity levels
-Calling someone “low functioning” takes away their agency and discredits any abilities they may have. It’s especially unfair to call someone this solely because they are nonverbal
-Calling someone “high functioning” discredits any difficulties the person may have and often puts an expectation on them to display little or no autism traits
-Autism isn’t just one thing; it’s a myriad of different traits. It’s each specific trait that a person may have or display an “amount” or “level” of, not autism itself
-Autism is a spectrum, but it is not a straight line from “low functioning” to “high functioning”. Some better ways of describing it, suggested by members of the online autism community, are a circle with sections for different traits, and a sundae bar with ice cream and toppings representing traits
-An individual may have some traits that would make the individual considered “high functioning” and others that would make them considered “low functioning”, and they may have an even amount of both
-All autistic people are members of the autism community, and we don’t need or want to be divided against each other by what we can or can’t do, especially by non-autistic people
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lauranunya · 5 years
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True leadership.
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lauranunya · 5 years
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lauranunya · 5 years
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lauranunya · 5 years
Listen up. There is literally an app that can help you avoid self harm and I don’t know why we aren’t talking about it.
Calm Harm can be tailored to your needs and will provide strategies to help you get past those crucial moments of wanting to harm.
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It’s also totally FREE.
once again, it’s called CALM HARM
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lauranunya · 5 years
hey guys i don’t like doing this but i’ve run out of money until next week and i need money for bus tickets to and from college and if i want to see my girlfriend at all, which i do because she’s the only thing keeping me together rn. i know a lot of people have more pressing issues but if i miss any more days in college i won’t get paid because it’s the government paying me not a job. if you can donate please consider, if you can’t please don’t stress about it i don’t want money from people who are struggling themselves. thank u so much
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