laurel-dreams · 3 days
KNY rewrite part 3: The slayers in White
Oc time let's fing go!!!! What are the slayers in white?
Some demons have claimed to have seen "Slayers in white". The demons that havent misteriously disaperared or died after encountering them claim the slayers in white were "Neutral" towards them, only attacking after the demons themselves initiated the battle.
These slayers in white were once part of the Official Demon slayer Corps, until a very important figure in the corps decided to "Branch out" due to ideological differences. The descendants of said figure now run the Slayers in white.
Their objective isn't to kill demons or the demon king, but to return humanity to them.
their ranks are made by previous demon slayers who saw a glimpse of humanity in demons at some point, demons recruited who regret their choices in life and doctors and botanics determined to find a cure for the demons.
They don't fight demons stright on, but will kill to defend themselves if necesary
The Slayers in white are mostly unknown by the official demon slayer corps, since no one has interacted with them. the only one who knows of their existance is the corps leader and his family. They aren't fond of the idea of saving demons, even less Muzan, unlike the slayers in white.
I need an official name for the organization, because slayers in white souns dumb lol
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laurel-dreams · 3 days
Reblog if ur autistic and know what sex is. Ill go first
not to be crude but the people who think Laios is one of those fandom characters that doesnt know what sex is are completely missing like. his whole deal. you think the dude who obsessively studies monster anatomy and behaviors doesn't know what sex is? you think he hasn't memorized the mating rituals of every single goddamn beast under the sun? you think he doesn't have an encyclopedic knowledge on how to fuck? thats his goddamn special interest brother. he knows sex better than anyone on the goddamn planet.
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laurel-dreams · 3 days
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I designed some Ichigo charms and they turned out so gooood!!!!
(˵ ᗒ ᗢ ᗕ ˵)
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laurel-dreams · 3 days
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I literally don't know what possessed me to make an 11 page comic over these sad old men! bon appetit <3
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laurel-dreams · 3 days
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laurel-dreams · 3 days
Felix + Yume duking it out but it's a still-life piece
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In my art class, we did a still-life project. Stil lives are kinda boring, so I decided to do mine based on a picture I took for a different project that featured tiny little oc dolls I made! In the photo, it had felix and Yume duking it out, thus the title of this one being "Felix and Yume duking it out"
Some points from the insta point I made since I'm kinda lazy to retype the whole thing
I did this one on clip studio paint rather than the usual ibis paint x. that means me trying to replicate my usual style on that art program!
my teacher let me do the whole project digitally! i asked her and she was like "yeah sure"
the original photo I took was based off of their relationship (yume's beef with felix and his tolerance of her), and also Hokori to Ogori (revstar!), despite their relationship being more similar to Claudine-Maya than Karen-Maya
Hokori to Ogori is fire
felix and Yume are silly
Heres the original photo btw
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I did a whole photoshoot with these guys and head sm of other ocs I made. I might share all of those if I feel like it
anyways bye guy
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laurel-dreams · 3 days
KNY Rewrite part 2: Demon Slayer Corps
Let's see what Changes I will add to the DSC
Breathings are a visible thing. Some sort of elemental manipulation that can be like, focussed using weapons made of a specific material
Since breathing styles derived from nature, there can only be nature based breathings. Sorry mitsuri but as much as I love love breathing, it just doesn't fit with a nature element. You'll get something fire derivative like maybe magma or lava breathing.
Hashiras get golden buttons with a custom shape to them (Giyus buttons will look like water droplets, for example) Tsuguko get Silver buttons shaped as the ones of the hashira they train under (Kanao will have butterfly shaped ones) Regular slayers get white round buttons.
To become a Hashira you have to either kill 50 demons or one of the moons (be it upper or lower) that stays the same
The DSC isn't the only organization out there trying to stop demons, there are individual demon hunters as well as a smaller organization that, was initially part of de DSC but got separated from it due to "diferent ideologies"
thats the basic stuff I can think of for the DSC, mostly esthetic stuff but yeah. Next I'll probably be talking characters so if you want to know changes to a specific character let me know in the coments
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laurel-dreams · 3 days
Dear Friends,
I hope this message finds you well. My name is Issam Aziz, and I am reaching out in a moment of profound desperation. The relentless conflict in Gaza has brought my family to the brink. My mother is gravely ill, and our only hope is to evacuate her to a safer place where she can receive the medical care she so urgently needs.
I have launched a campaign to raise funds for my mother's evacuation and treatment. Her condition worsens with each passing day, and time is running out. The thought of losing her is unbearable, and I am pleading for your support.
Please, share our campaign on your social media platforms. Your kindness and generosity could be the miracle that saves my mother's life. Every share, every donation, brings us one step closer to safety and hope.
From the depths of my heart, I thank you for your support.
With gratitude,
Issam Aziz
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laurel-dreams · 4 days
KNY Rewrite Part 1: Demons
I'm going to change a bunch of things so, beware!!!Part one talks mainly about Demons!
Yokais are a thing that exists in the universe now, hidden between humans
"Demons" and "Onis" are different things, despite sharing a name. Demons are not born as such, instead being turned by Muzan or the Uppermoons, Onis are born the way they are.
The Demon Slayers don't know of the diffrerence between Demons and other Yokais (since they live hidden), so anything "demon looking" will be considered as such by them, and therefore killed. This had led to many Yokais being injustly killed by Slayers.
The flower that was used in the medicine that turned Muzan into a demon, the Blue Spider Lily, is a flower used in traditional medicine in Yokai culture. But it doesnt have the same healing effects on humans. Still Muzan believes that if anything can make him resist sunlight is that flower. In actuallytiy, the BSL is the reason whe he can't walk in the sun, so his search is, ultimatley pointless.
Mentioned previoulsy but: only the demon king and the uppermoons can turn people into demons. The lowermoons can change demons apprerance and powers to a certain degree. (Like Rui does in canon) Humans turned by Muzan might look very different, but demons turned by the Moons will share similar features to said uppermoon. (A human turned by Gyokko, for example, might showcase scales on his body, like a fish)
The demons do not know of the existance of Yokais, believing them to be rumors derived from their existance.
Muzan enjoys experimenting on other demons, specially those who share his bloodline (he has an habit of trying to convince/forcefully turning whatever Ubuyashiki is in charge of the DSC at the time to turn into a demon. Thats why the Ubuyashikis are always hiding and move locations frequently). He uses them as experiments and has them locked in a room in the infinity castle. they rarley get food, ofen eating eachother. Some have lost regenerative properties due to the experimentation, others have become imune to a certain degree to flowers like wisteria.
The reason Muzan does this experiments is to create a "perfect replacement" if anything were to happen to his moons. He also has them forcefully fight kokushibo untli their fighting level is "good enough"
The reason demons don't remember their past is due to their long age, as time goes on they begin to forget their human lifes, and because once they get turned their first instinct is to eat, none of them are actually able to control themselves (Until Nezuko). Some of them however get to have a perfect memory of their lifes as humans, such as the demon king himself and Douma.
Tamayo stil managed to get freed because of the Yoriichi fight, so everything in her storilne goes as canon, mostly
Before Nezuko, there was another demon that managed to conquer the sun, Muzan made a deal with her to absorb her blood, but it wasn't enough for him to walk in the sun without burning, but it made the burns appear slowlier and more tolerable. Said demon is refered as the demon queen, and is a silent ally to Muzan with her own agenda.
Demons turned after muzan absorbed the demon queen blood inside them, also carry her blood in their veins.
The demon queen is not present in the majority of the story, only begining to play a role after Muzan's death. (Which is where the majority of my oc lore takes place lol)
the demons that had her blood inside them, managed to survive after Muzan's death.
The demon queen is baisically the actual final boss, not Muzan. Think of it as a game of schess, but the game doesn't end with "Checkmate" rather when the queen is dead
(Yes the demon queen is one of my ocs and she is OP you can't do anything against this lol, I also mentioned two more ocs of mine during this whole ordeal, but I wonder if you can figure out who they are)
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laurel-dreams · 4 days
Dendro Qiqi
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For one of my last excersises at class we had to design a new skin for a videogame character, as well as props, and finally draw a Splash art ilustration imitating the style of the original videogame. I took desktops wallpapaers as reference rather than the spalsh arts they do, because the teacher wanted us to add backgrounds. This is my attempt at Dendro Qiqi, decided to swap her from a jiangshi to a mummy!
What do you think?
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laurel-dreams · 4 days
Seating Chart 2024
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It's the 2024 1-E SEATING CHART REDRAW!!! yippee
The first seating chart I posted a while back was the 2022 redraw, and before this one, it was the latest version of the seating chart. So I basically haven't made one since then which is kinda crazy. There are 4 versions as of now, the original, two redraws, and the silly redraw version.
The seating chart usually takes a while to do, like 19-21 days to finish the whole thing. I drew every headshot individually and then edited them all together on the black template, which was made by Serafina-Zephyr on Deviant Art!
I had two main motivations for redrawing the whole thing:
THE OLD ON WAS SO UGLY. At the time it looked good. some of the headshots actually aged decently actually (ikumi, takage, daishin, etc, etc), but like the rest of them ended up looking so ugly wth
I was a stupid back then. I somehow convinced myself that the seating order in MHA was actually random and not by their last names. SO thus 1-E being randomized for like 3 years before me realizing that they shouldn't be
not much else to say, i yapped too much int he original caption, so I tried to sum it up the best I can here.
anyways bye guy
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laurel-dreams · 4 days
Kny Rewrite?
Remember when I did the BNHA rewrite stuff? I kinda want to to do the same thing with KNY sinec its the thing currently consuming my thoughts + I want to introduce my silly KNY Ocs.
Should I do this??
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laurel-dreams · 1 month
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wip dump!! some little things I've been working on but I'm like a snail so the boys are just waiting for me ;;
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laurel-dreams · 1 month
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Castoff Mail Club - May 2024
Happy May everybody! The theme for this month's mail club is "Star gets to have fun on her webcomic's birthday", and to celebrate, I freestyled a little~ I finally finished the main cast set of stickers featuring their new chapter 11 outfits, and put together a new promotional print for the series featuring everybody's favorite nerds. And fun watercolor brush effects. Love 'em~ Get this month's merch by joining my Patreon before May is over! Full details here~
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laurel-dreams · 2 months
TODAY'S YUMI'S BIRTHDAYYY (late bc i took 3 hours to figure out how to edit this)
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laurel-dreams · 2 months
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i cant make original content anymore have a momo edit with my redesign
i dislike the pallet of the cheerleading uniforms so i changed that too lol
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laurel-dreams · 2 months
Im not a shipper myself, but if I see ANY interesting shipping dynamic? I turn into a YESS GUURL person. Ship your crack ships
be cringe
be free. If you have any ships this is your invitation to talk about them. I WILL LISTEN
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