recycled owl- art final
For the art final project, I had the opportunity to use materials from my old high school art class while I was home for the thanksgiving break. I decided to use all recycled materials as I did not want to use all of their new items and materials. One of my favorite animals is an Owl, so I wanted to capture a real sized owl, using only recycled material, which was a little tricky. 
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to begin, I used a chunk of wood that was used previously by a high school art student. I used wooden steaks to support the body by drilling holes into the wood and allowing the wooden steaks to rest in there, with glue! Then I began to create the body with used newspaper and a lot of tape. I also used another wooden steak to make and support the wings (the wooden steak going laterally). It looks crazy right now, so I started to become a tiny bit worried about how it would actually turn out lol. I focused on just trying to get the outline of the owl body before making any drastic changes.
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 the second picture shows a more formed owl body, as I focused on trying to form the owl belly. I used and cut four pieces of card board in order to make the wing shape, smaller towards the body and slowly getting bigger as the wings expand. I also began to cut little card board feathers for the body of the owl, which was insanely time consuming, but worth it in the end. I hot glued all of these on and went through about 5 sticks of hot glue.
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As you can see the wing shape better in this picture, I also finished the feathers around the owl head and surrounding the body. I was excited with how the owls body shape turned out as I feel as if it is as realistic as I could get it, with the bulging belly.
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Here I began to cover the owls wings with the cardboard feathers as well. Using even more hot glue!
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I began to not care for the wing shape as they looked  a little too flat and unrealistic. I decided to add more definition and shape to the wings by adding newspaper to areas I felt needed more volume in order to form the realistic owl wings. I then crumbled the newspaper up and shaped it to how I liked it and taped it al onto the cardboard on the wings. I did this to the other wing as well, but then finished applying the feathers. 
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A huge change! I spray painted the whole owl, using white spray paint in order to make it look more like a winter snowy owl. I also thought the feathers needed a tiny bit more definition and value, so I cut up used old CDs. I shaped them into feather shapes and hot glues them to the body of the owl, giving the feathers a little bit more shine. I also started to work on the face of the owl, using cut up wine corks for the eyebrow of the owl and the inside of a metal soda can that was cut up and flattened as the owl nose. I also used these soda cans for the feet as well, which is hard to see in the picture. I was going to stick with these eyes, which are painted black soda can tabs, but I knew that owl eyes are way cooler than what was on my owl.
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I lined the cork eyebrows of the owl with more little slivers of CD, as well as put some right below the head of the owl. I used the ends of wine corks for the eyes and painted them a black and vibrant yellow, in order to make the eyes pop more. I also realized that owls usually have almost like a circle appearance around their eyes, so I used little close pins and broke them in half and hot glued them around the eyes, In a circle shape. 
Overall, I was extremely proud of myself for sticking to the recycled material idea and still was able to create a pretty realistic owl for the final. I am going to keep this untitled or just the boring “recycled owl.” Overall I had a ton of fun doing this and am very thankful for being able to be given a space and materials for this work.
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The Annunciation was made by Giovanni Francesco Barbieri in Italy and was finished in January of 1629. The media used throughout the art is different oils on canvases. When I first walked into the room with this painting, it was the first thing that caught my eye. The painting is enormous, more long than tall and made with bright gold framing. The colors incorporated are muted by the gold frame. The colors used create a realistic approach, with beiges, black, blues, and darker hues of these colors. Barbieri created clouds in the background of the painting showing a high amount of movement and wind in the sky. The subject of the painting is how Gabriel, the angel, is sending the divine message to the Virgin Mary telling her that she will be having baby Jesus. Barbieri created a great deal of balance as he created the angel rather big to fill up the left side of the painting, as for the right side Barbieri wanted to express Virgin Mary's innocence by including lillies and clouds in the background behind her. The painting shows unity throughout as the same colors progress throughout but in different tones and hues, showing contrast as the background tends to be darker than the subject Gabriel and Virgin Mary. When I first saw the artwork, I was amazed by the detail and the storyline behind it. When learning religion in churches or schools, the divine message was an important part in the storyline of how the world came to be. As I grew up in a very religious household, this painting meant a lot as it retouched on how the world truly came to be with baby Jesus. Giovanni Francesco Barbieri was most known for his paintings showing contrasting colors of light and dark, with the subjects showing emotion and gesture. Many know Beriberi to have a good grasp on psychology when it comes to interpreting the feelings of the subjects during the time and portraying them on a canvas. Barbieri was known as an accomplished draftsman of the Italian Baroque. This painting shows a time during reformation and shows the emotions of Virgin Mary. Barbieri was trying to show a realistic impression of the time when angel Gabriel did give her this exact divine message and wanted to interpret her feelings onto canvas. I think that Barbieri does get his message across quite clearly, as the painting is detailed within the subjects. Based on my research about the art and the artist, The Annunciation, reaches out to many individuals of spiritual and religious belief. Again, growing up around religion, this painting made me reflect upon how the world was actually created, by nature and not by science. The art shows a deeper meaning of how the world came to be and the detail behind the story line, as there was more behind Mary just giving birth to the child of God, there is creation of humanity and the world. The Annunciation, by Barbieri, overall shows the creation of power and life in the world. It creates the beginning of the world and the life that we are currently living now.
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Unity and Variety:
Unity is the same appearance and value throughout
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Variety is less orderly than unity, it has different appearances and values throughout the art.
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Balance: equal parts on both sides
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Emphasis and subordination: emphasis is used to draw attention to one area through the use of contrast and light and dark. Subordination is the use of neutral colors so that we are not being distracted from the focal point that is being emphasized.
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Directional forces: They are used to distinguish the way the viewers view the piece of artwork, they are known as paths in the ways lines are directing your eyes to specific parts of art.
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Repetition and rhythm: repetition is the unity or a continued occurrence of an element. Rhythm is known as a sequence or elements going in order.
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Scale and proportion: scale is the size of something compared to another whereas proportion is the size comparisons as individual parts.
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The image by Cildo Meireles includes a hand, two small joined blocks of wood, one section pine and the other oak, including a unique scale. A neutral background to focus on focal points and emphasize the hand and finger holding the block.
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Color has affected me in many ways throughout my life so far. Color is a source of happiness for me as I tend to gravitate to something with bright colors and intense hues. One way that color has helped me is whenever I am feeling stressed or overwhelmed by something, I will go sit on the beach and watch the sunset. I tend to enjoy warmer colors rather than cool, as I am from Pennsylvania and we experience a lot of the blue hues. The sunset has many different hues and tones of oranges, yellows, and maybe even some reds, some lighter in saturation and some deeper in saturation. I tend to enjoy the sunsets with the high saturated reds and oranges that really give the sky the full warmth. Usually when the sunsets start they have a lesser value then when they are ending, the sky starts off with light yellows and oranges and as the sun goes down they start to increase in value and become darker. Sunsets are meaningful to me as they resemble a start to a new day and the ending of another, that there are brighter days ahead of a bad one. The color scheme I would choose for my life would be orange, yellow, red, browns, and white.
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This painting that I created is very meaningful to me as they resemble mountains and the lake in McCall Idaho. This specific place is very important to me as it is where my parents got married. My parents are very special to me as they have helped me get to where I am today and have supported me through so much. I decided to paint this painting to resemble the love that was held in this town and how important the town is to not only my parents, but to our whole family.
Top 5 URLS:
My favorite interactive design website would have to be the mental health delta division games, which is a website designed for anyone experiencing times where they need to be distracted from difficulties or stresses occurring. The website has different games that will help with different stressors, like, anxiety, depression, school related issues, social media, family issues, and so much more. To make a good interactive design, it must grab my attention and create a way to release stress and have fun. I would say that this website would fulfill a good interactive design because it is not only fun, but it is super helpful for those that need a little break.
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Research and Writing
Hello, My name is Lauren Richter and I never really had an interest in art until I saw my sister doing art projects around the house and drawing and painting. My favorite kind of art is definitely 3D art and self portrait drawings. One fact about me is that I just moved down to Florida 3 months ago from Pennsylvania.
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  Judy Chicago 1974-1979 The Dinner Party. Mixed media: ceramic, porcelain and textile; 48“ x 42” x 3'.
First looking at this artwork, it is realistic but almost confusing. Modern and classy touches for "The Dinner Party." I like how the art has darker finishes with the pop of red in the corners. The art almost has an illusion to it.
2. five facts about Judy Chicago or The Dinner Party:
1) The Dinner Party represents a large ceremonial banquet, with 39 seats along a triangular table, each seating representing an important woman in history.
2) The names of 999 other women were graved in gold on the tile floor underneath the table. Leading to a total of 1,038 women being represented and remembered in one table.
3)Judy Chicago is mostly known for her birth and creation images and her interest in women's backgrounds and culture.
4)Judy Chicago is motivated by women's movement and trying to transform the male dominant population in the art scene.
5) Judy attended the University of California, LA, her husband later died in a car accident and she decided to change her name from Judith to Judy.
3) When first taking a look at the piece of art, I was confused about the concept of the table and the various accents throughout. After researching I found out that the table represents many important women in history. At first I saw just an empty table with no meaning, but now looking at the table I see representation of important female figures in history. The Dinner Table is definitely a meaningful piece of artwork, while Judy was trying to strive to reach female empowerment and equality during the time through her artwork, which is important.
Art and writing
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This artwork is important to me because it gives me a daily reminder that there is beauty and grace within me. This artwork is a beautiful outline drawing in gold of a portrait. The flowers on her head are there to almost show her natural beauty pouring out of her and reflecting towards others, which is how I hope to feel about myself as well. This artwork is hung next to my bed so that I see it every morning as a reminder.
I am a 19 year old female, from Pennsylvania, white, I enjoy swimming and hanging out with my friends and my dog for fun. I work at a Greek restaurant as a hostess and a server. I think what makes me uniquely me is my love for water. I grew up swimming competitively my whole life, but decided to give it up because of being a nursing major and wanting to focus primarily on my studies. Any chance I can get, I'll be in the pool or the ocean.
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