laurenslollipop · 7 years
okay this might be sacrilegious as a ‘harmonizer’ but hear me out...;
i don’t necessarily mind that ‘down’ is flopping... of course it would be better if it was doing great and getting tons of airplay and what not but... idk i just would rather wait for new 5H music.
i’m in no rush to hear the album or even a second single. in fact i think it would be terrible at this point for 5H to release anything before the end of summer. i hope this is already the plan, but if it isn’t... it should be.
let ‘down’ do its thing.. whether it be fizzle out or maybe make a come back later in the summer. they can continue their promotions they have planned and maybe do a couple of tv performances but i think it wouldn’t be in their best interests to push it too hard and try and salvage it.
they absolutely should not waste a primetime awards show performance on ‘down’. i don’t even know if there is an awards show coming up soon but i think this would put ‘down’ on a similar track to ‘that’s my girl’.
my problem with their promotion of ‘that’s my girl’ and it’s relative unsuccessfulness was that even after they announced the song as a single (early september) and dropped the music video (september 19) it took until september 27 before the song was sent to radio.
and if my memory serves me correctly, ‘that’s my girl’ had fairly little promotion besides the ama’s performance almost two months later on november 20.
looking back now, they might have planned this knowing camila would be on her way out at year’s end. if they had promoted ‘that’s my girl’ any more, it would have put themselves and camila in a more difficult position to start new eras in the new year.
however back to my main point; in this day and age, it’s incredibly difficult for a song to come back after being released for months and become a successful chart-topping single.
i fear that if ‘down’ doesn’t start moving up fast, promoting it any further would be all for nothing. it would wear the GP out of 5H at the beginning of their first era as a foursome all for a song that isn’t particularly ground breaking as it is.
this is why i do not want to see them performing ‘down’ in august at the vma’s or on a tv show. we do not need another ‘that’s my girl’ to start off this era. we do not need to be promoting a song that has been flopping for two months.
but! forget all i said if and only if 5H, epic, maverick, the girls, harmonizers, etc really put in work over these next 2-3 weeks. if ‘down’ is top 40 on billboard in a few weeks, by all means go for it. keep promoting.
if in a few weeks it’s still 70 or worse on billboard, just forget it. regroup. get a bomb ass second single ready for august and promote it just as ‘work from home’ was.
do y’all remember how much they promoted for that. the work across america thing. the jimmy kimmel performance. the ellen performance. the bbma’s. the mmva’s the cma’s. the radio play.
i was shocked when ‘down’ dropped and they didn’t do a similar thing to work across america. i know they probably wanted to show themselves as a tight knit foursome after camila left. however i think 5H (and other groups) truly has an upper hand when it comes to radio interviews and radio play.
how do you not use 4 beautiful, talented, professional and charismatic women to cover as much ground as possible. each girl could go out on a week long 5-8 city radio interview/promotion circuit interacting with fans, getting personal connections with the people who choose which music gets played at each station etc.
not to mention this would get the GP to better know their individual names personalities while at the same time promoting the 5H music and brand.
i just feel like they rushed into the 5H3 era and especially rushed into the ‘down’ era without much thinking and planning. i know they did it all with good intentions; to make fans happy, to keep their name out there, to promote the new 5H, etc.
i just hope they can salvage this quick or drop it, forget it, and move on.
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laurenslollipop · 8 years
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laurenslollipop · 8 years
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laurenslollipop · 8 years
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Lauren and that damn lollipop 🔥
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