lavenderleblanc · 6 months
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soloing ffxiv, for some unfathomable reason. so here's Sosorati Lolorati!
Sastasha clear @ 8 hours 26 minutes! Paladin, level sync w/ echo
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lavenderleblanc · 2 years
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Don’t know if I’ve ever posted these anywhere beforeeeee
chibi by kano_ffxiv!
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lavenderleblanc · 2 years
- You can do whatever you want
- No one is the boss of you
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lavenderleblanc · 3 years
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As promised, here’s the colors I used to make these stone designs and a quick tutorial on how to create your own stones that match the in game grey pathway! 
Tutorial under the cut!
✨please reblog, don’t repost!✨
All my designs
All my tutorials
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lavenderleblanc · 3 years
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✨Tada, it’s here!✨ A complete guide to creating your own bangs in whatever color you like! 
Tag me using #bramblescrossing if you use it; I’d love to see what you come up with! ♡ If you want to post designs you make using this guide, please credit me appropriately (see here!)! Creating this guide took quite a few hours and lots of trial and error, but I’m finally happy with all the colors and bang styles! 
Pixel art, colors, & and a step by step are below the cut.
✨please reblog, don’t repost!✨
All my designs
All my tutorials
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lavenderleblanc · 3 years
Prompt #22: Fluster
La Noscea by night was peaceful, but by no means still. Birds and bugs flew about between luminescent plants, and the reflection of the full moon even made the river seem to glow. Sumio was amazed by it all. Even in the days before the Calamity, the fields of Coerthas were nowhere near as vibrant. They had stopped to camp for the night, but he couldn’t think of going to sleep with being in such a place.
Quietly, Sumio approached the river, broad and lazily flowing. A quick glance confirmed none were around, man or beast alike; he would be able to enjoy a bath in peace, alone. He removed his armor, placing it carefully in a stack on a rock. As he reached for his undergarments, he hesitated. He was alone, truly? He paused, scanning the treeline and straining for any sound of nearby creatures, but nothing. He was far from Ishgard’s walls, he reminded himself, but to bare his scales still felt horribly heretical.
“It’s fine,” he murmured to himself, acting before he could worry himself further. His smallclothes fell to the ground below, followed by the lengths of bandages wrapping his hands and head. He shivered, though the air was warm and heavy, unfamiliar with being so exposed. He dipped a foot into the water, finding it pleasantly warm, before stepping in fully.
Enveloped in the river, it felt as though it was carrying his worries away with the stream. Sumio found a decent spot and sat, head just over the water, and let out a heavy sigh of relief. When had he last felt so at ease? Had he ever?
Horns unbound, he heard everything so much more clearly--and a bit too sharply. He held his breath and slid down, submerging his horns, and the calm and quiet of the water flooded his mind. The sounds of wilds around were fully muffled. There was nothing but him, and the soft moonlight reflecting off the stream. Time itself seemed to float away.
His peaceful trance was broken by a hand on his back.
Sumio shrieked and jumped away, reflexively reaching for his sword at his waist--which wasn’t there, of course--before looking up at his assailant to see it was none other than Danival.
“What the hells are you doing, Danival--a-and why are you naked?!” He quickly covered his eyes, before remembering he was exposed, himself. He covered his body, then his horns, not sure which was more scandalous--and instead, quickly crouched back down in the water, turned away from his companion. “Why are you here?!”
“I thought we could bathe together,” they said simply. After a moment, he felt their hands on him again, gently rubbing his shoulders. “Is it not common for companions to share that in your culture?”
Sumio opened his mouth to respond, but hesitated. He was nearly too embarrassed to admit to even himself the touch felt good. And invasion of privacy though it was, it seemed that, as always, they had been well meaning.
“Well, uh, no. Yes. It is, but I don’t. Because...you know,” he sighed, words failing him, and crept forward out of Dani’s reach. “You can stay, but look the other way? Please?”
He heard a soft hum in response, and glanced quickly behind him to see they had obliged. While not quite as peaceful before, he would at least try to relax and enjoy the night.
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lavenderleblanc · 3 years
God I really wish carrying stuffed animals around with you was socially acceptable
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lavenderleblanc · 3 years
Prompt #15: Thunderous
The rain flooded down suddenly, drenching both Sumio and Danival before they even had a chance to seek cover. Unluckily for them, they were in one of the sparser areas of the Shroud, and it took some running before they arrived below a tree large enough to provide shelter. Yet even then, though the trunk was broad, its branches were not, and they were pressed flat back against the bark to try to hide from the rain.
“I think I’d almost prefer the snow,” Sumio laughed bitterly, sliding down into a seated position, knees hugged tight to his chest. “Doesn’t soak through you so suddenly, at the least.”
Danival hummed in response, and attempted to wring out his long hair with little success. They paused, staring into the rain for a moment, then sat down kneeling next to Sumio. They stayed like this for a while more, then they leaned in closer to Sumio, bumping their shoulder to his.
“E-excuse me.” Sumio quickly scooted a few inches away, but Dani followed, then moved to wrap their arms around him.
“Aren’t you cold? I am,” they murmured, nuzzling their cheek against Sumio's head.
Sumio froze. Not particularly, but you can keep doing that, he wanted to say, though he couldn’t force out the words. Such foreign affection was warming his heart any more than the touch in itself ever could, and he feared even acknowledging it would bring its end. So, he sat still, soaking in the gesture as much as he could while the rain and thunder rolled on.
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lavenderleblanc · 3 years
Prompt #13: Oneirophrenia
End of Stormblood/Start of Shadowbringers spoilers.
At last, after a long and bloody battle, Luka and Laila had managed to fell Elidibus. Had it not been for the aid of their allies, he was sure he would’ve been the one to fall. As Zenos--Elidibus, he chided himself--collapsed before him, he fell to a knee himself. He was certain he was mostly healed from their fight with Seiryu, but it wasn’t the same as before. He hit his limit so much sooner. Was this truly the best he could do?
He could tell it took Laila what little she had left to remain standing, her gun visibly shaking in her hand. But as he looked to her face, he realized it had been from shock--for Elidibus had risen again before them.
“Your Mother chose her champions well. But it will not be enough.”
Damn it. He had hoped that had been enough to slow the Ascian, of course it wouldn’t slay it, but for him to rise again so easily? His grip on his sword tightened.
“Laila, you need to take the others and run,” Luka rose unsteadily, taking a staggered step in front of her.
“What, are you joking? I’m not leaving you.” He felt a hand on his back as she stepped beside him, shooting a smile full of projected confidence. “We’re in this together.”
“How quaint. It seems you will die together as well.” The moment was broken by Elidibus, stepping forward once again with sword drawn. Luka steeled himself, took a deep breath and stepped forward--
Only to be struck by an intense, dizzying vertigo, and a sharp ringing filling his head. He barely managed to drive his sword into the dirt to keep steady, trembling hands trying to hold on to his sword as it felt as if his mind was being torn away from the world. He turned to see Laila suffering the same fate. As if this, whatever it is, hadn’t taken enough from them already, and now it would cost them their lives.
“Oh? It would seem someone is calling you. Unfortunately, it is too late.”
The spinning intensified, so much he felt as if he were being torn apart. Gods, please… he barely managed to form a silent plea, and fell atop Laila.
It seemed as if he were everywhere and nowhere all at once.
Luka opened his eyes, not sure if it was moments or years later, surrounded by an inky blackness. Is this death? He turned, looking for any sign of anything at all--and as he blinked, eyes becoming accustomed to the faint, distant light of countless shimmering shards. Just as he began to get his bearings, he felt himself being pulled--yanked, really--towards them.
In an instant, he was surrounded by crystals of all sizes. Moving too fast to see any one too clearly, he could make out environments and faces in the facets as he flew by. Some repeated enough for him to recognize: Alphinaud and Alisaie, the other Scions, Aymeric...yet there were many and more of his partner, Lailathwen. As he was pulled towards one, it seemed within reach; he threw out his hand, just barely catching the tip of it with his finger. A scene flashed through his mind, clearer than a memory.
He found himself in the Waking Sands, watching from afar as a much younger version of himself sat at a makeshift desk busying himself with paperwork. He watched as Lailathwen entered, confident and carefree, and scanned the room before going over to bother his other self. Through the din of the other Scions, he managed to hear the conversation as though it was right in his ear.
“I’m occupied.”
“Well, hello to you too!” She huffed, sounding playfully hurt as she sat on the desk beside him. “I haven’t seen you around here before.”
“I keep to myself.”
“Well! Allow me the liberty to introduce myself. I am Lailathwen Nerayna, hero of Gridania, possessor of the Echo, conjurer extraordinaire! You may have heard of me?”
His other self seemed to pause, before turning to glare at the girl. “So you’re the one I’ve been waiting on for hours!”
Luka held back a laugh. They really hadn’t gotten on well at all at first, but now, he truly...loved her. Yet as suddenly as he had entered the memory, it was gone, as a bright light swelled into blinding. He tried to reach out again, pull back that memory, but he felt it slip away.
He came to as quick as a blink.
“At last, I found you.”
The dark marble floor below him felt refreshingly cool, but even so, he pushed himself up to see a room of gold and crystal. The concern and confusion must have been clear on his face, as the hooded figure before him spoke once more.
“There’s no cause for alarm. The battle is over, your danger passed. But your work is not yet done.”
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lavenderleblanc · 3 years
Prompt #10: Heady
What was only days trekking through the wilds of Gyr Abania had felt instead like weeks. They had planned to meet up with the Ala Mhigan resistance covertly, so Alphinaud’s only traveling companions were Nicolai, his drake, and the never ending expanse of sky overhead. Alphinaud didn’t mind being alone with the man; if anything, it seemed the only time Nicolai could truly be himself was when the two were alone. No, what bothered him was how much his own weakness was holding them back.
Typically, they would have traveled through the night to avoid the sweltering heat of day. However, the nights were just as intense, the freezing cold rivaling that of Ishgard. Despite his best efforts, Alphinaud was too taxed by either extreme, restricting the bulk of their travel to the hours around dusk and dawn. Meanwhile, Nicolai seemed fit to travel nonstop, not at all phased. Being from the region, he supposed, had hardened him to its extremes. He only hoped he wouldn’t delay them so much they missed the operation entirely.
As the last rays of sun fled behind the mountain range, a chill swiftly took hold in the air. Alphinaud pulled his robe tighter and leaned into Nicolai, starting to shiver. He wanted nothing more than to stop and light a fire, but he didn’t dare to risk delaying them further. He would hold on for as long as he could. He closed his eyes, trying to think warm thoughts. It helped, a little.
“You’re shaking. Do we need to stop?”
“No!” Alphinaud replied quickly, flustered. “Not yet. I can still go on.”
Nicolai grunted. “There’s an old ruin ahead. We’ll set up camp there.”
Partly relieved and partly ashamed, Alphinaud sighed and clung to the man tighter. A roof over their heads, even a crumbling one, would be welcome.
Alphinaud must have dozed off, for he jolted upright as the drake suddenly stopped. Nicolai dismounted without a word, lifted the pack from the mount’s back and entered a nearby building. Alphinaud rubbed at his eyes and took a moment to glance around. They had stopped at the edge of a town, full of sun-dried brick buildings--or what was left of them. It looked as though most had been blown away, presumably during the Garlean invasion. Whoever had lived here, once, it had been many years since they last set foot here.
He followed into the building to see Nicolai moving a stack of wooden crates from the corner of the room. “What are you…? Nevermind,” He was unlikely to get an answer out of the man, so he would let him work. He leaned against one of the remaining walls and slid down to sit. The brick was chilly against his back, but at least they were covered from the wind here.
After a few minutes, Nicolai finished, and Alphinaud was surprised to see a wooden trapdoor in the floor there. “Good, it’s still here. Can you make it down a ladder?” Alphinaud nodded, and followed him down.
A short trip climbing down through the inky darkness later, his foot touched down on solid ground. Behind him he heard the clack of fire shards lighting up a small stove, illuminating the small den. It wasn’t much larger than a closet, with barely enough space to lay out two bedrolls. Nicolai dug around one of the few crates, and pulled out a narrow, dark bottle.
“How did you know all this was here?”
“Old hideout,” He said simply, briefly examining the label before popping the bottle open. “Should still be good. Care for a drink?”
“No, thank you, I’m fine,” Alphinaud said, instead reaching for his flask of water...which he found was empty. He sighed. “I suppose I’ll have some.” Nicolai poured some into two old tin mugs, and placed them atop the stove for a time. He handed Alphinaud the mug, and he quietly hoped he wouldn’t get any diseases putting his mouth to metal this old.
Alphinaud stared into the indecipherable dark liquid. It had a pungent smell, earthy and a bit fruity, though mostly alcoholic. “Say, what is this, anyway?”
“Drink it. It’ll help warm you up.”
It was foolish of him to expect a real answer, after all. Though he may have hurt or misled him in the past, it had always been with his best interest in mind, in his own way. The room had begun to warm slightly, but the chill in his bones would be eased by a warm drink…before he could overthink it further, he downed a large gulp.
The intense alcohol burned his throat going down, only slightly eased by the warmth of the drink. He sputtered and coughed, quickly setting the mug down. “Wh--what is this, weapon polish?!” Nicolai let out a short laugh, and took a hearty sip himself with a sigh.
“Cider. Used to be my favorite.”
“Used to be?” Alphinaud picked the mug back up, cupping it with his hands. Vile a drink as it was, the warmth on his hands was a comfort.
“It’s a traditional Ala Mhigan drink. The Empire outlawed it. It was great business, back when I ran my crew.” Nicolai had an uncharacteristically tender look as he reminisced.
Alphinaud nodded quietly. It was unusual to get more than a few words out of him about his past, and while he wanted to know more, didn’t dare risk pressing for details and putting him off it altogether. He tentatively took another sip. While still vile, it went down slightly easier. He was starting to feel a bit...floaty.
“Brewer wasn’t far from here. Sold it all through Eorzea, you know, even managed to get some into Ishgard. Damn zealots are harder to smuggle past than Imperials, believe it or not.”
“Oh, I’m sure!” Alphinaud laughed, he thought distantly, perhaps a bit too hard. As small as the room was, he suddenly thought he was too far away from Nicolai. He scooted along the wall, still carefully holding his mug, before leaning against his companion again.
“Gods, look at you, already a mess. Already so honest.”
“Nooo…’m not,” Alphinaud mumbled, nuzzling his head against Nicolai’s chest.
“You’re right, you’re not. Have another cup.”
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lavenderleblanc · 3 years
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same as it ever was
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lavenderleblanc · 3 years
Tips for Writing a Difficult Scene
Every writer inevitably gets to that scene that just doesn't want to work. It doesn't flow, no matter how hard you try. Well, here are some things to try to get out of that rut:
1. Change the weather
I know this doesn't sound like it'll make much of a difference, but trust me when I say it does.
Every single time I've tried this, it worked and the scene flowed magically.
2. Change the POV
If your book has multiple POV characters, it might be a good idea to switch the scene to another character's perspective.
9/10 times, this will make the scene flow better.
3. Start the scene earlier/later
Oftentimes, a scene just doesn't work because you're not starting in the right place.
Perhaps you're starting too late and giving too little context. Perhaps some description or character introspection is needed before you dive in.
Alternatively, you may be taking too long to get to the actual point of the scene. Would it help to dive straight into the action without much ado?
4. Write only the dialogue
If your scene involves dialogue, it can help immensely to write only the spoken words the first time round.
It's even better if you highlight different characters' speech in different colors.
Then, later on, you can go back and fill in the dialogue tags, description etc.
5. Fuck it and use a placeholder
If nothing works, it's time to move on.
Rather than perpetually getting stuck on that one scene, use a placeholder. Something like: [they escape somehow] or [big emotional talk].
And then continue with the draft.
This'll help you keep momentum and, maybe, make the scene easier to write later on once you have a better grasp on the plot and characters.
Trust me, I do this all the time.
It can take some practice to get past your Type A brain screaming at you, but it's worth it.
So, those are some things to try when a scene is being difficult. I hope that these tips help :)
Reblog if you found this post useful. Comment with your own tips. Follow me for similar content.
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lavenderleblanc · 3 years
Prompt #3: Scale
It had barely been a moon since they had begun traveling together, but Sumio couldn’t bear not to ask any longer. As they--well, mostly just him doing the work--made camp in the thinning treeline at the edge of the Twelveswood, he tried rehearsing in his head.
What is wrong with your ears?
What’s the deal with the rabbit ears?
He groaned as he dropped a stack of firewood. There was no way to breach the topic delicately, but none of those were a good way to do it, that was for certain. Sitting nearby, Danival looked up at him with a curious expression.
“It’s, ah...nothing, nothing, don’t worry about it!” Sumio tried to sound reassuring, and went back about getting the fire ready. Thankfully they seemed to believe his weak excuse, and resumed whatever it was they were doing. The way they were so focused on twining the strands of grass together reminded him of the crowns of flowers and grasses he had seen other children make in his youth, but Dani’s work looked more akin to a lumpy mess of knots.
His gaze drifted up to his companion’s ears. While Dani was similar in stature to a tall, slender Hyur, the ears were the most notable feature he couldn’t explain. They were long and pointed like the ears of a rabbit, delicate and fluffy, and seemed to twitch and turn whenever there was a sound around. It was like nothing he’d ever seen.
Before long, night had fallen, and the two sat across the other, quietly eating the hard bread they portioned out for their dinner. Sumio tried the best he could to keep to himself, staring intently at the dirt below, trying to keep his mind empty, but the question kept springing back to mind.
“Danival? May I ask you something?”
His voice broke the silence before he could stop himself. His companion looked up from their bread at him, tilting their head slightly. Ah, now he’d gone and done it, may as well just follow through now. He tried to pick the least offensive phrasing he’d thought of before.
“Why are your ears like that?”
“Like what?”
“Well, you know…” Sumio sputtered, before gesturing with his ears over his head. “Pointy? Like a rabbit?”
“All Viera have ears like this…?” Dani frowned. Sumio recoiled.
“There are more of you?”
“Yes...why wouldn’t there be?”
“Well, I had assumed husbandry between man and rabbit to be too perilous that--”
“Excuse me?” Dani stiffened, ears sharply pointing upwards and back. Ah, Halone, now he’d upset him. Asking had been a mistake after all.
“Well, just. That’s how it is, isn’t it? I mean, I am too,” Sumio paused to unwind his bandages, revealing his scaled face and small curved horns in the firelight. It wasn’t the first time he’d let his companion see his face, but he was still far from used to being so vulnerable. Hopefully it would at least help get across that he was being genuine. “I was sired by a dragon and Hyur. So I just assumed…”
It seemed to have been slightly reassuring, at least, and Danival relaxed. “Surely you jest...I thought you were an Au Ra?”
“Au Ra…?” He echoed back, the first he’d ever heard the words. Dani nodded.
“I’ve seen others like you before, during my time in Nagxia. Though their scales were white, and they were…” They cleared their throat. “Of larger stature. My apologies.”
Sumio dropped his bread in shock. There were others like him. He wasn’t an abomination? He wasn’t alone? Despite himself, he began to cry.
“M-master Sumio!” Dani jolted and rushed to his side, offering him a handkerchief. “I didn’t mean to offend, truly, I--”
“No, no. It’s alright,” Sumio took the rag and wiped his tears, still reeling. “I hope...it’d be nice to meet one someday.
...so your father wasn’t a rabbit?”
“...no, he was not.”
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lavenderleblanc · 3 years
Prompt #2: Aberrant
While not a particularly notable or noble post, Sumio took his charge of guarding Saint Reinette’s Forum quite seriously. As an entrance to the Pillars, it would be an important point of defense should the lowborn rise up or dragons attack--not that either were likely to happen. But he had to convince himself there was some reason, some purpose, for this to be worth it, to justify him standing hours with weapons in hand in the harsh cold. After all, what purpose would there be to have anyone stand guard, should there be nothing to guard from, or nothing worth guarding?
It’s a show of power and force. No one’s safer with him here. He knows this, he’s always known, but he pushes the thought back down with the rest. Those thoughts would serve him no purpose in his duty and bringing honor to his House.
Sumio shook his head and stiffened his back. He’d been lost in thought again, and if the layer of snow that had accumulated on him was any indicator, it’d been for quite some time. Thankfully there were no other guards posted nearby, so no one seemed to have noticed. Years of experience spent standing at attention meant he could keep the stance in his sleep, thankfully. He scanned the plaza, looking for anything amiss, but saw mostly the same assortment of laborers and lowborn as usual. Except…
In a corner of the plaza, a young Elezen boy looked hard at work building a snowman. Ah, to enjoy youth. Sumio felt a tinge of envy--being able to live freely, as he wanted. Or at least, as free as one could be with no home and no family. He had been lucky, he reminded himself, that he had been adopted into House Chevraudan. While the work was hard, it was thanks to that that he had a warm bed and dinner secured for him every night. He was better than those lowborn of the slums, and he worked everyday to prove that.
Sumio watched on attentively while the boy continued his work. Dutifully he rolled another ball of snow and placed it atop the first, and then another after that. He stepped away, appearing to ponder a nearby brazier--looking for coals to make the eyes, perhaps? As soon as he did, though, a pair of children snuck out from a nearby alley, almost as if they had been waiting for this chance. They began kicking and stomping at the snowman, laughing as it fell.
“Wait! Stop!!” The boy rushed back, already too late. His hard work had been reduced to lumpy mounds on the ground around him.
“Iiiiiidiot!” The pair laughed harder, one stepping forward to shove the younger boy down. “Guess we oughta teach you a lesson too, huh? Huh?” They goaded each other on, then turned back to him, eyes gleaming with malicious intent.
The strong picking on the weak. Why was it always the strong picking on the weak...
The two began beating the child, still laughing all the while. It was a fairly common occurrence to see the lowborn fighting amongst themselves. It isn’t the Temple Knights’ responsibility to intervene. Sumio grit his teeth and watched. One of the boys reached for the rotting half-plank that was once the snowman’s arm.
“What’s going on over here?” Sumio approached, lowering his voice and attempting to sound in charge and intimidating the best he could. One of the boys must be mid-growth spurt, certainly younger but already nearly a fulm taller than him. He tightened his grip on his sword. “You lot should know better than to cause a disturbance. Move along.”
The boys stopped and seemed to size Sumio up for a moment, before shrugging and walking away, faint comments like “I coulda taken him!” and “It wouldn’ta been worth it!” following them. Sumio let out a sigh. He never took joy in cutting down the smallfolk, especially not children--he was grateful he could avoid that today, at least. He turned back to the younger boy to see him still curled in a ball on the ground, snow stained red around him.
“You should get back home,” he said, his tone still cold. “It might not be long before they return.”
The boy sniffled, then began to cry and shake. Sumio froze. He really had not thought this through. What does one even do in a situation like this? If he were too frightened or injured to move to chase him away, should he carry him home? Did he even have a home to be returned to? What was he even getting out of doing this?
“Th...thank you,” the boy below managed to cough out between hiccups and cries.
He caught himself about to give the line he always had been told to serve, should a citizen thank him. ‘It is merely my duty to serve.’ Yet, that didn’t seem right here. For once, he had actually wanted to do this. This wasn’t his duty at all. He felt something warm within him.
“You’re welcome.”
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lavenderleblanc · 3 years
Prompt #1: Foster
The sound of the heavy doors to the Ocular broke the silence, the soft noise of rain following the visitor in. The Crystal Exarch turned, surprised to see anyone this late in the evening, especially the Warrior of Darkness himself. “To what do I owe the visit?”
Luka closed the doors behind him, tail flicking about in frustration. “I’d like to ask for a favor. I need you to speak to the manager of suites at the Pendants for me,” He was thoroughly drenched, and began wringing out his tail as he spoke.
“Very well. I presume things did not go well when you spoke with him already? What is it you need?”
“Pretty much,” Luka sighed. “As for that, well,” he stepped aside, revealing a small black and white pup, which quickly dashed behind him again. “Apparently there’s a strict ‘no pets’ rule.”
“I see,” Exarch’s face softened to a smile. How very like him. “I can speak with him, see if there’s anything I can do. But where did you find it?”
“I think it followed me from Holminster Switch, but...I didn’t notice until I had gotten back to the Crystarium,” Luka pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and kneeled, trying to help wipe the dog dry somewhat. It wriggled away and shook dry in his face in response. Exarch had to stifle a laugh.
“It looks like you two get along well enough! I’ll have the guards ask the refugees if any have a lost pet, as well. We may not be able to return it home, but we may at least bring it back to its owner,” Luka’s face dropped slightly, and the Exarch continued. “But, should its owner not be found, I don’t see why you shouldn’t be given charge of it.”
“Really?!--I mean, yes, of course,” His ears perked up immediately, before quickly trying to hide his excitement.
“I’m sure you’ll take wonderful care of it.”
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lavenderleblanc · 4 years
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Dark Knight Alphinaud
Almost everyone’s design seemed to go dark in Shadowbringers, so I wanted to make one for the precious Elezen son as well
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lavenderleblanc · 4 years
FFXIV Character Sheet
Character sheet taken from bluespiritonfire!
Name: Luka LeBlanc
Age: 27, as of the end of Shadowbringers (23 at the start of ARR)
Pronouns: he/him
Birthdate: August 8
Race: Miqo’te, Keeper of the Moon, Arawahe clan
Interracial heritage: Miqo’te Keeper mother, Wildwood Elezen father. Appears mostly miqo’te, but taller and longer limbs. Also has some Elezen facial features.
Hometown/city: Fallgourd Floats, in the Shroud
Current residence/popular haunt: Owns a house in the Goblet with his wife, Laila; also spends a lot of time in Mor Dhona.
Eyes: Pale pink
Hair: Blue-white, natural
Hair type: Mostly straight with a bit of a wave to it
Hair style: Currently cut short, slightly wavy
Body type: Lean, muscular
Height: 5’ 10”
Skin: Olive
Facial features: Typical miqo’te markings around eyes, traditional miqo’te face tattoos
Body features: Very long, fluffy tail. Scars on his torso that look like gold-filled veins, after Shadowbringers.
Favourite/commonly used clothes
He prefers to wear clothes that are well-made and well-fitted, and doesn’t like baring much skin. Usually his clothes are mostly white or black, with gold or blue being common accents. 
Preferred sets:
WHM Eber’s Set, PLD Chivalrous Set, RDM Bozjan Casting Set
Botanist | Fisher | Carpenter | Goldsmith  |  Culinarian | Weaver
Fun (Fisher, Goldsmith, Culinarian) | profit (Botanist, Carpenter, Weaver)
Main discipline 
Secondary/Tertiary/Extra Classes
White Mage | Red Mage | Machinist
Fighting style 
cautious | tactical | protective | all out | self-sacrificing | party-oriented
Any difficulties with magical/physical disciplines?
Conjury came more naturally to him than thaumaturgy. Even before properly training as a conjurer, he was able to cast a few healing spells. He began learning red magic in part to round out his knowledge with black magic. 
accepting | analytical | assertive | brave | calm | caring | cautious | confident | determined | frugal | generous | intelligent | just | kind | loyal | modest | money-driven | overbearing | patient | perceptive | quiet | sarcastic | secretive | self-assured | self-conscious | selfless | strict | stubborn | tired | thoughtful | virtuous 
Environment: city streets | markets | the beach | being at home
Weather: snow | rain | cloudy days
Flavours: sweet | salty | tart | fruity | leafy greens
Textures: silk | cotton | metal
Favourite Dish: His mother’s Marmot Steak, strawberry dango
Favourite Colour: White
Favourite Sound: Piano
Favourite Smell: Maple syrup
Favourite Place: Wherever his loved ones are, Ishgard, Ul’dah
Favourite Holiday: Starlight Celebration/Christmas
Environment: mountains | jungle | surrounded by books
Weather: rain (when he has to be out in it)
Flavours: sour | bitter | spicy
Textures: spongy | dry granules (sand, sugar, etc)
Least Favourite Dish: Anything with cucumber, Ishgardian cuisine (salt rock………….)
Least Favourite Colour: Orange
Least Favourite Sound: Heavy machinery and warmachina
Least Favourite Smell: Oil and gasoline
Least Favourite Place: Ala Mhigo, Fallgourd Floats
Least Favourite Holiday: Hatching Tide
cooking sweets | gardening | golden saucer attractions (Lord of Verminion)  |  minion collecting
Parents/Legal Guardian/Parental Figure: mother | father
Siblings: Only child
Children: None
Romantic: Married to Lailathwen Nerayna LeBlanc 
Friends: Bounding Bear and Brenha Nightclaw, fellow founders of his company Fortune’s Bounty. Also close with Alphinaud and Alisaie, and G’raha. 
Rivals/Enemies: Isn’t too fond of Y’shtola, but cooperates with her when needed. Was wary of Urianger up until Shadowbringers, but now trusts him fully. Has complicated mixed feelings about Zenos and Emet Selch. 
acceptance  | a new romance | crisis of faith | depression | grief | loss | love | opening up to someone/others | reconciling previously held beliefs | self sacrifice | self-acceptance | trauma (mental, emotional) 
How are they dealing with the most prominent of the above? How does it affect their day-to-day life, if at all?
His most prominent was his relationship with Zenos, and the changes he brought out in him. He found him extremely alluring, and with Zenos’ taunts of him being a beast, a beast he became. He threw himself wholly and recklessly into combat for a time, eventually realizing he had gone too far, and tried to compensate by blind self sacrifice. After the fight with Shinyru, his allies forced him to realize that him wielding a sword any longer would only be a danger to himself. He began to pick up conjury, so as to still support his allies, but without losing himself in the process. His self-worth and confidence has since increased, but he still enjoys healing. 
Notable Weapons
Nirvana Zeta, which he acquired while training in conjury after liberating Ala Mhigo.
Notable Mounts
Fatter Cat, which he came across in the Shroud while dealing with the Sylphs. It’s very cuddly and affectionate. It eats just about anything, which makes it a good composter for failed dishes.
Albino Karakul, which he purchased off a merchant in Ishgard while assisting with the restoration of the Firmament. It was meant to be sold for its meat, but he thought it was too cute and took it in.
Notable Minion/s
Fat Cat, which appeared alongside his Fatter Cat one morning. He’s not sure where it came from. Thinks it may have sprouted off the larger cat.
Wind-up Alphinaud, which he likes to keep around to tease Alphinaud with.
Black Hayate, a stray pup he picked up in the First. It stayed mostly in the Crystarium while he adventured, and has since returned to the Source with him. It proudly guards his house in the Goblets. 
His wedding ring, symbolizing his bond with Laila. They crafted their rings for each other; he learned goldsmithing specifically to make hers.
Education Level
Luka went to a small informal school ran by one of the mothers in Fallgourd Floats, where he learned to read and write. He never went to a proper academic school, so scholarly texts are beyond him. He tends to learn better through practical experience.
His mother taught him weaving and sewing as he grew up. As a youth, he learned swordplay from a Paladin of the Sultana, and later inherited her soul crystal. He learned white magic from Laila and Y’shtola, as well as some assistance from Alphinaud.
He’s very neat and clean. Without fail he brushes his hair, ears, and tail every morning and night, and bathes regularly. He keeps his gear in good shape as well, making sure his weapon and armor are clean and in good condition after every battle. When his mental health starts to dip, his cleanliness is the first thing to suffer and the easiest sign to notice.
He’s rather fond of Dravanian Moogles and Namazu. His favorite place to go for sweets is Hingashi. 
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