laviexenrose · 7 months
“I think we should take Marlene to the park.”
Sam! Stillbclieveinhcroes
“That sounds wonderful.” Isabelle gave a smile, immediately thinking of how delighted their daughter would be. Having learned how to walk not that long ago, she was already practically running up and down the hallway and just about everywhere else in the house. “We could even have a picnic.” * . ⊹ @stillbclieveinhcroes
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laviexenrose · 7 months
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Alicia Vikander in Testament of Youth (2014) dir. James Kent
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laviexenrose · 7 months
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laviexenrose · 7 months
supportive / protective vibes … sentence starters
“i’m proud of you.”
“here, take my coat.”
“oh no… i’ll get the bandages.”
“you’re doing the best you can.”
“someone scared you, didn’t they?”
“it’s alright, you don’t have to be perfect.”
“are you alright? did something happen?”
“i care about you and i want to look after you.”
“you haven’t slept, have you? here, let’s lie down.”
“I heard you crying, so i brought you some tea/cocoa.”
“not enough people have told you how wonderful you are.”
“oh, you’re shaking like a leaf! come here, love, come here.”
“you look like you’re going to topple over. here, please, sit down.”
“you’re allowed to speak up. i want to hear what you have to say.”
“you haven’t eaten today, have you? here i’ll make you something.”
“no matter what anyone else has told you, you deserve to feel happy.”
“how about we get you into a warm bath, and then we can talk, alright?”
“you know how you’ve always been there for me? well, now it’s my turn.”
“shhh, no, it’s alright, it was just a nightmare. you’re safe, you’re safe here.”
“i’m going to wrap you in blankets and fight anybody who tries to touch you.”
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laviexenrose · 7 months
“It’s so rare that you meet someone who makes you feel so warm and happy like they are like sunshine and you just want them around all time.”
— Unknown
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laviexenrose · 7 months
The past few days had been such a wonderful experience for Isabelle. She had been on several mission trips before, each one that held indelible memories of their own. This one in particular felt different in that the Spirit of the Lord was a strong presence throughout the entire duration of the visit. As usual, God had done some truly amazing things at the orphanage and the villages they had been able to see, yet He never ceased to amaze her. With the trip ending on quite the high note, she couldn’t help wanting to savor the moment with Matthew a little longer before they returned to their normal routines. Once they were inside the airport, she took him by the hand, guiding him in the completely opposite direction of what was supposed to be the first flight back home. The puzzled look on his face prompted her to grin at him. “Surprise,” she announced, presenting him with their new flights. “Will you come with me?” Of course, she already knew he would say yes. Thankfully they still had a few more days to return home. * . ⊹ @wintcrstcrfall
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laviexenrose · 7 months
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Though she didn’t care for his money or success, even Isabelle had to admit that the accomplishments he had achieved at such an early age were quite remarkable. There were so few who could boast over something like that. To marry her off to a man with untold riches was just what Michel Allard intended for his only daughter. The man whom she married certainly couldn’t have a smaller fortune than her. And it wasn’t as though her father was gravely concerned over the quality of life she would have with less money. No, he couldn’t have anyone after his own wealth.
‘If you wish to marry there…’ Her eyes grew wide at the prospect of marrying at the church. If she had one decision in her wedding at all, it would be the location. However, she quickly reminded herself everything had already been decided— the who, the what, the where. Her steps came to a halt not long after his. Tentatively, Isabelle closed the space between them, lifting her gaze to his. “If we marry… when we marry, you are the only person I wish to be with, for as long as we both live.” But could the same be said for him? She was afraid to ask, unsure if she was truly ready for an answer, as much as it had been weighing on her mind from the moment she discovered they would be wed.
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He found her sheepishness refreshing, noted the soft smile that she wore, enjoyed the overall softness of her demeanor. Sometimes he had far too many heavy things hanging about him. Often he had far too many shadows flickering about for him to enjoy things to their fullest even if he did live life to the upmost amount of luxury. She was refreshing, he enjoyed her. He did wonder whether she enjoyed him. So many did but so many also cursed him under their breaths.
"What makes me say that I'm successful?" He questioned. "Perhaps it's the money I've made my family since I took over the plantation out before coming here to New Orleans, ever since I was 15." All arrogance he was. His sister would take that for a sin. "I go there for formal events of course and if you wish to marry there then we should." He thought further about the question that he had posted to her. He stopped walking and then turned to face her. "I mean two things...will you always wish to simply just be with me alone? And...well, do you believe in marriage everlasting?"
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laviexenrose · 7 months
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“Are you sure you’re supposed to be outside walking?” was the first thing Isabelle said, jokingly, when she saw her friend, giving a laugh as they shared a quick embrace. Fi looked like she was about to give birth any day now… any minute, really. She wasn’t sure how the woman was handling lugging a watermelon around her waist everywhere she went, but she seemed to be taking it in stride. “First things first, I thought we could have some brunch, if you’re feeling hungry.”
Nearly There {Fiona & Isabelle}
@laviexenrose gets a starter!
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With only a few days to go until her February 3 due date, Fiona felt absolutely huge. She’d already taken off for leave. Today, the chef waddled alongside a sweet friend, taking in the sights and sounds of the city. It was a good time to get her out of the house, she thought. The kids were at school and her husband at work. It was better than sitting around the house all day waiting for the popping. “What’re you surprising this giant preggo with today, love? The suspense is killing me.”
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laviexenrose · 7 months
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At his question, a small smile crept up on her. Isabelle didn’t have to sit there and mull it over. She knew what she wanted from the moment she heard the words ‘vacation’ and ‘Bahamas’. “Beach,” she replied without hesitation, smiling bigger now at him. While the Caribbean was quite a ways from the south of France, beaches anywhere in the world reminded Isabelle of her childhood home. “What do you want to do?”
A Trip {Sambelle}
@laviexenrose wanted a VDay starter!
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Part of the perks of the job meant having the opportunity to actually travel for vacation. It wasn’t something he took for granted, just as Sam didn’t take the brilliant and stunning woman sitting opposite him for granted. Their relationship grew day by day and, hopefully, would lead to something big down the line. “What’s the first thing you want to do when we get to the Bahamas, Isabelle?”
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laviexenrose · 7 months
what’s in my bag
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tagged by: @ericbrandonrp
tagging: @wintcrstcrfall (matt and scarlett), @luckhissoul, @stillbclieveinhcroes (sam and fiona), @withinkandquill (enya), @honorhearted, @socialseasons (hyacinth and/or francesca), @scftheartiisms
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laviexenrose · 8 months
Isabelle felt foolish. Foolish for having so little resistance and willpower. Three months ago, she had resigned that Lucian had used her, and because of that, he didn’t deserve to know about the baby. If he didn’t want her, why on Earth would he want this? For perhaps the first time in her life, she experienced a taste of bitterness towards him, though God knows how hard she fought to forgive him afterwards. Isabelle also felt foolish for the spark of hope she had felt at the sight of Lucian at her doorstep. Of course, she never truly believed he would change his mind, but it would have been an untruth to say she hadn’t entertained the possibility thereof… She wasn’t sure what to make of his apology, what he was apologizing for exactly. Seeing Lucian in this condition, however, the thing that mattered most was keeping him alive. The rest could be sorted out when his life wasn’t hanging in the balance. Isabelle desperately tried not to think about the worst possible outcome, though she also couldn’t help thinking how many times the people she cared for most had been taken from her too soon.
From the time she had spoken with Henri over the phone to the moment he arrived it seemed as though several hours had gone by, and she wondered if it was too late for Lucian. Henri wasted no time to assess him though, not even greeting Isabelle when he crossed the threshold. Before meeting Isabelle’s father, he was studying to become a doctor. If she didn’t know him any better, she would have believed Henri to be a professional, what with the way he handled the wound. While he ministered to Lucian, Isabelle remained by his side, silently praying everything would go smoothly. An hour later, when Henri was finally done, he turned to her, and almost as though reading her mind, said, “With any luck, there won’t be an infection, but… only time will tell. Without x-rays, I’m afraid we can’t see the full extent of damage from the inside.” She nodded quietly. It wasn’t the response she hoped for but knew it was the only one Henri could give. He had done what he could, that she knew. Before Isabelle could speak, he asked, “May I have a private word with Lucian here, darling?” Although initially reluctant, Isabelle went into the bedroom to give them privacy. Henri only spoke again when he heard the sound of the bedroom door securely shut. “You are especially audacious showing up here like this. Now, I don’t particularly care about whatever trouble you currently find yourself in, so long as you keep her out of harm’s way. And believe me when I say, I’ll be around to make sure that if you ever hurt her again, there'll be consequences for those actions. Are we understood?”
The guilt over making her see him like that was suddenly blinding. That, with the reality of how tired and in pain Lucian felt, it only worked against him, making his ability to fight her less and less by the second. What he could never be able to unsee would be that look on her face, the utmost horror etched onto her features, making him wonder what it was that he was thinking when deciding to come and wreck her life once more. Lucian hadn't been thinking apparently. That realization made him even more devastatingly sick; in his plans, he'd thought about fixing the wound himself - it wasn't like he hadn't done it before. And yet while he laid on the couch, his blood soaking the blanket Isabelle had pressed to his side, Lucian was unable to do anything but look at her. His ears were roaring with the rush of blood and for a second he worried he might actually pass out. But when Isabelle pressed his hand to her stomach, his fervent eyes focused on the bump. No, no, no, no. He thought by leaving her life he'd made it better but that wasn't true, was it? He'd already ruined her because of his selfishness and now... he'd thought that he'd been careful. He had been. And yet, it was just another reminder that there was no control left in his grasp. "I'm sorry...", the man whispered, suddenly resigned, willing to accept help from Henri. After all, he could always threaten him later not to say anything. But now... now he needed to live for her. For Isabelle and their child.
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laviexenrose · 8 months
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Alicia Vikander & James McAvoy in Submergence (2017) dir. Wim Wenders
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laviexenrose · 8 months
if you think isabelle won’t be baking any heart-shaped pastries for valentine’s day this year, you’re sorely mistaken friend
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laviexenrose · 8 months
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Parisian roses | dana_chels
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laviexenrose · 8 months
You deserve kindness and to be treated gently.
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laviexenrose · 8 months
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laviexenrose · 8 months
favorite color(s): gray
favorite flavor(s): sweet and salty, fruity
favorite music: love anything acoustic
favorite movie(s): heaven is for real, case for christ, the light between oceans, life of pi, titanic… idk there’s so many i can’t think of right now. i really like sad movies, apparently xd
favorite series: don’t have one?? i don’t think so at least! ahhh why can’t think of one right now?? welpp, moving on…
last song: a random song on the radio that i can’t remember lol
last series: a cooking competition show (if that counts haha)
last movie: greater
currently reading: technically i’m always reading my bible but i am also (trying) to read bridgerton and i’d like to re-read a light between oceans at some point this month or next
currently watching: imposters
currently working on: a BOATLOAD of paperwork, ew. i can’t complain tho bc the money is good and i love my job
tagged by: @luckhissoul (thank youuu)
tagging: @wintcrstcrfall, @withinkandquill, @stillbclieveinhcroes, @socialseasons
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