lawfulpride · 10 days
hey Neil. I'm 16 and from South Africa, and we're one of the many countries that have an election this year. since the US and UK are also having elections, I wanna ask, how do you deal with election stress? this is the first one where I've been old enough to understand the importance of what's going on, and it's been stressful. how do you deal with these feelings, and does it change as you get older?
I used to think, when I was a cynical teenager, it was all much of a muchness, and whoever you voted for politicians got in, and it wasn't going to make much difference in people's lives.
But I've watched things get noticeably worse in my lifetime, and have reluctantly come to the conclusion that some governments and politicians make things slightly worse for everyone (not just the ones in their countries) and some make them MUCH worse for everyone, and sometimes people manage to even make things better.
So you vote, if you can, for the people who seem likely to inflict the least amount of actual harm, and if you can't vote, encourage the people you know to vote for the people who will do the least harm. In countries where it applies, use tactical voting wherever you can.
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lawfulpride · 11 days
Before you hit send on that ask, reblog, or reply, remember to stop and PROOFREAD!
am I Pissing on the Poor?
did I Read the post in bad faith?
could I be Overexaggerating?
am I Out of line for saying this?
is it kind of Fucked up to say that to a total stranger?
is what I said Rude?
am I being Egotistical?
am I Angry at words that weren't in the post?
did I Dream up a pretend person to get mad at?
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lawfulpride · 13 days
normalize shipping two characters just because you like them both. “they never interacted” they interact in my brain when I think about them constantly. get fucked. they’re making out rn.
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lawfulpride · 21 days
Y’all, Davos literally is Knuckles the Echidna.  
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from an ancient warrior civilization with a mortal enemy just as ancient: check.
martial arts training with an element of the supernatural: check. 
the last of his kind: check.
has no concept of fun, relaxation or humor: check.
extremely high personal standards: check.
proud to a fault: check.
avenging a serious injustice: check.
partners with seriously sketchy, evil people to achieve his goals: check. 
both Sacha and Idris have worked for Marvel: check LMAO. 
LMAO like. It’s uncanny. 
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lawfulpride · 1 month
Describe how your Muse feels when they look at my Muse.
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lawfulpride · 1 month
I was looked at, but I wasn't seen.
— Albert Camus, The Misunderstanding
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lawfulpride · 1 month
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I know it’s not hard to point out reactionaries hypocrisy when it comes to like safe spaces or hug boxes or whatever but genuinely how much of an echo chamber do you have to exist in for you to think this is a reasonable thing to say
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lawfulpride · 2 months
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lawfulpride · 2 months
So I just saw a post by a random personal blog that said “don’t follow me if we never even had a conversation before” and?????? Not to be rude but literally what the fuck??????????
I’ve had people (non-pornbots) try to strike conversation out of nowhere in my DMs recently, and now I’m wondering if they were doing that because they wanted to follow me and thought they needed to interact first. I feel compelled to say, just in case, that it’s totally okay to follow this blog (or my side blog, for that matter) even if we’ve never talked before.
Also, I’m legit confused. Is this how follow culture works right now? It was worded like it’s common sense but is that really a thing?
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lawfulpride · 2 months
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She-Hulk: Attorney at Law 1.08 • "Ribbit and Rip it"
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lawfulpride · 2 months
when i say i wish people started using the reblog button more i don't mean it in a 'i want more notes' kind of way i mean it in a 'i want to read about your thoughts on this particular thing' and 'i want to have conversations in the tags' and 'i want this to feel like a community again and not like any of those boring social media platforms where artists are content creators and interactions never goes beyond a like'
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lawfulpride · 2 months
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Iron Fist: Davos is the villain! Also Iron Fist: Here is Season 1 Episode Eleven! Here’s what we learn: Davos, after a humiliating and questionable “loss” to Danny–a total outsider to his home and culture–decides to vow to Danny to be his “Second,” his right-hand man and unconditional supporter, helping him bear up under the pressure of this tremendous lifelong burden. At the same time, he tacitly, gently yet firmly, reminds Danny that he wanted the honor that comes alongside this burden, and guess what, it’s time to face it and stand by his duty like a responsible adult. 
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lawfulpride · 2 months
i’m here to have a good time, not a canon-compliant time.
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lawfulpride · 2 months
Normalize going into people’s ask boxes and ask them random ass questions.
Tumblr used to be so much fun with all the asks (anonymous or otherwise), and we need to bring those back, especially now that we finally have a half-decent blocking feature in place.
Ask people things! Message them! Don’t let tumblr inbox die! It’s one of the features that made tumblr tumblr.
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lawfulpride · 2 months
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Sacha Dhawan as Davos IRON FIST SEASON 1 (2017), created by Scott Buck
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lawfulpride · 2 months
nobody is coming to save you. get up
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lawfulpride · 2 months
Going insane about kicked dog with rabies type characters
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