lawyerjoegarza · 10 years
Keeping Your Business Taxes in Line
We're more than half way through 2014: Just where does your firm stand in terms of taxes?
Last week, a client of mine had an ugly surprise when I finalized his tax form and brought to light he owed a lot of money to the IRS. His first reaction was to be mad at the ambassador. Fortunately, upon careful reflection, he explained, "Well, I should have come to see you last year when my new product took off the way it did. I knew I was making a lot more money." He's correct. When there is a considerable adjustment to your business's bottom line (in either red or black), it's time for a trip to your tax guru. In fact, anyone who has a small business should take advantage of the mid-year off season to sit down with a tax pro to discuss their financial statements as well as likely tax liabilities. It's considerably easier to create and put a strategy in place now than to run around at year end upending jugs of water on all the small fires that have been boiling all year. Here are some recommendations to discuss with your tax pro to enhance your tax predicament and preferably maintain working capital in your bank account rather than in Uncle Sam's pocket:.
Open a retirement plan.
If you're now a few bucks ahead and do not have a retirement fund, now's the moment to create one. Here's the advantage: it's deductible!
Talk with a registered financial advisor or a rep from your credit union to establish what kind of plan best suits your demands.
There are a broad range of mechanisms from Individual 401(k) plans to SEP IRAs to EASY plans that may or may not call for you to include employees in the plan.
If a plan demands employee participation, do not automatically dismiss it.
Setting up a retirement plan for your workforces could be a substantial means to give increases that don't require the additional cost of employer paid payroll taxes. Read IRS Publication 560 for more information.
Examine your legal structure.
Take the time to examine whether your company is operating optimally in its existing entity structure. You may have started out as a sole proprietorship and have outgrown it. It is particularly important to assess entity structure if your business is now netting more than $100,000 per year.
Keep in mind that if you incorporate, you will now be required to take funds out of the business via payroll rather than simple draws.
There is a lot more written documents involved under this status, but the tax advantages and protection that a corporation provides may prove more beneficial. Always go over these alternatives with your legal representative and tax pro before making a choice.
Provide employee benefits.
Workers are our most significant business asset and should be treated keeping that in mind. There are many employee benefits that are not taxable to either the staff member or the company. Look at IRS Publication 15-B, Guide to Fringe Benefits to learn more on this topic. You will save money in payroll taxes while you develop a better working environment for your employees.
Purchase furniture and equipment.
The IRS has always rewarded outlays for capital assets by providing the Section 179 Deduction. This special deduction allows the immediate expensing of capital assets rather than depreciating them over their useful lives. Be warned however. This year, the limit for purchases decreased from $500,000 to $25,000. However, Congress will be considering extending that threshold probably sometime during fourth quarter. You can begin putting money aside for the purchases now.
Perform estimates.
Take a good look at your financial statements. Run a profit and loss and compare it to the prior year profit and loss through the end of June. Are there significant changes? Are you foreseeing an increase or decrease in sales and/or expenses through the end of the year? It's a simple matter to export your data from QuickBooks into Excel where you can tinker the figures to determine what your end-of-year bottom line will be. Give that data with your tax pro to learn if you must adjust your planned tax payments accordingly.
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lawyerjoegarza · 10 years
Top Attorneys offer Saving Advice for the Regular Joe
If you've just recently finished school; maybe you've even landed your first serious job, you might think that it's a bit soon to begin worrying about saving and investing your money. That really couldn’t be further from the truth. Regardless of how you look at it, the earlier you start saving for the future, the more you’ll have later in life. Furthermore, beginning to manage your money early on will only make make things far easier down the road when you are buying a house or preparing retirement. Initiating prudent financial habits will always bring life-long rewards. These small budgeting suggestions will help you get some financial security and make an investment toward your future.
First things first.
When you begin thinking about long-term professional goals, make certain that you have already made a plan of action set that addresses your immediate situation. For most millenials that includes covering any private/federal student loans you may be obligated to. With loans that bear an interest rate of more than 5%, it’s incredibly important to pay off those loans as soon as you can—especially considering that government student loans can be the hardest loans to take care of. There are planty of laws currently implemented to make it incredibly hard to forgive loans in the instance of bankruptcy, but an important aspect of planning a financially secure future is addressing debt before other obligations make your life get even more frustrating. One of the last things you want is debt from your past hovering over your head while you're beginning to plan for a family or looking to buy a home.
Beyond paying off your loan debt, it's also necessary to start putting away emergency savings. At some point in the future, you will more than likely get hit with some unexpected expenses. When you have to shell out the money for major car repairs or an unexpected surgery, you'll be able to thank yourself for setting the money aside earlier, and therefore sparing yourself from extra.
Identify your future goals.
Even if you don’t have your whole life mapped out, chances are you've got somewhat of a notion of what your largest priorities and interests are. If you intend on traveling the world while you're still young, your saving habits will look a lot different than those of a person whose goal is to retire at an early age. Visualizing your financial goals will help figure out how much he or she needs to set aside every week. Others suggest that youngsters set aside as much as 1/3 of their paychecks, while others say to save at least 10% of their money. Whatever amount you decide fits for your budget, make sure to put away something for every one of your important goals (from owning a home, to traveling the world, to having your dream wedding) every month so that none of your goals gets forgotten.
The benefit of good saving habits is that you won’t get used to a type of lifestyle that you later find out is too expensive. It’s much easier to start out modest and work your way up than it is to get rid of what you used to love.
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lawyerjoegarza · 11 years
Government Unveils New Tax-Filing Initiatives
Seemingly every year, tax policy changes, get more confusing, and transform in order to benefit (and disappoint) different people. This year, you will likely to see many new additions to income tax, including adjustments for inflation, new regulations for same-sex couples, and some drawbacks for {not paying for health insurance through either refusing to register for health care. One hallmark of the 2014 legislationtax season may be its several-week delay, thanks to the government's shutdown last year. But, this season will also mark the beginning of a different type of national tax change — in terms of not only the amount we pay, but to how we file.
The New Federal Tax Guide
This month, the IRS issued a “newly revised comprehensive tax guide,” or, as some call it, Publication 17: a resource that should assist citizens file their taxes more efficiently during the new year. The initiative touts its interactive links and in-depth discussion of what it calls “tax-saving opportunities.” In addition to Publication 17's new features is information on the American Opportunity Tax Credit, impacting current college students and their parents, as well as Earned Income Tax Credit and Child Tax Credit.
Distributed by the Internal Revenue Service for over 60 years, the new tax guide still features material on how to report your earnings, capital gains and losses, IRA’s and necessary info. However, at a towering 292 pages, it's unlikely that many taxpayers make time to review the entire thing. Given the growing complexity of Federal income tax, it comes as no surprise that the IRS would reveal updates to the instructions on an almost daily basis.
Fewer Face-to Face Help Resources
New tax policy proves a considerable shift from in-person help resources, with more tech-oriented resources created to help people get through their taxes.
Tighter IRS budgets — mostly due to sequestration 2013 — mean that there will be less resources for in-person tax filing assistance. Rather than having human interaction, filers will be directed to a variety of online referential materials, including nearly 13,000 partnering volunteer sites, and resources on the Internal Revenue Service's offical website - like the IRS 'Free File' program. Even the most basic questions are now handled with online resources or through one of the IRS' various hotlines. With such a huge emphasis on online assimilation, it makes sense that a branch of the U.S. government would start offering more of its services in the form of web resources.
A Shift Toward Web Accessibility
Though less assistance in the form of human interaction will certainly be frustrating for many, there will be others will be glad to know they can handle more tax-related issues online than ever before. Tax payers can now view and complete their tax forms at their desktop. Additionally, the IRS will also continue to provide Employee Identification Numbers from IRS.gov. Finally, to avoid answering taxpayer inquiries concerning the status of refund checks over the telephone, the IRS now handles all related questions on its website.
Read More by Tax Planning Lawyers
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lawyerjoegarza · 11 years
Supreme Court May Preside over Crucial Halliburton Securities Case
Leading Oilfield Services supplier Halliburton has recently asked the United States Supreme Court to review a past Supreme Court Case, Erica P. John Fund v. Halliburton - To be certain, the Erica P. John Fund (the “Fund”) is an official shareholder of Halliburton. EPJ's years-old courtroom battles with Halliburton comes from the allegation that Halliburton falsified key information concerning Halliburton's activities with shareholders; for instance, they are now being accused of exaggerating income and mitigating liabilities. Therefore, Erica P. John Fund insists on having its lawsuit against Halliburton certified as a class action: a kind of lawsuit which is enacted on behalf of a particular group of people who have experienced similar injuries. A class action lawsuit would allow EPJ to represent all Halliburton shareholders, which would seriously increase the damages at stake in the suit.
The NY Times recently published an astute analysis of the question the Supreme Court will have to decide in the Halliburton case, should it hear the case. The New York Times piece explains how most securities fraud lawsuits involve the notion of “reliance”, which means the litigation - or in this case, the shareholders behaved in reliance on the company's fraudulent behavior. Supreme Court precedent has a expansive interpretations of "reliance". In order to prove reliance, an involved shareholder need not read a prospectus and the fraudulent statements it contains. Instead, the court views any allegedly criminal statement(s) made by a business that is also accepted by the public that affects the financial value of the company as being thrown into the price of the company’s securities. Courts typically justify this decision on the basis that markets price securities by using all available information, an idea that is widely encouraged in finance. Thus, although most investors/shareholders do not thoroughly review prospectuses and financial statements made publicly available by the companies with whom they invest; plaintiffs involved with the class action suit can still demonstrate “reliance” as long as they can prove that they have acquired securities of the corporation. As an increasing number of shareholders are capable of proving reliance, class action suits become easier.
In defense's request to the Supreme Court to reconsider the case, Halliburton made it appear that it will proceed to contest that the court is defining reliance much too broadly. They will say that the Court should interpret reliance as something more serious than simply purchasing securities; for example, they could start by requiring plaintiffs in the CAL to review a financial statement/fraud. prospectus. Such a contention could receive strong backing from the greater business community.
As the NY Times piece indicates, last year in an unrelated case, four justices stated that they would be willing to overrule the traditional, nebulous meaning of “reliance.” If the Halliburton case ultimately reaches court, the crucial question will be whether they can find a decisive fifth vote from the Court. 
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lawyerjoegarza · 11 years
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lawyerjoegarza · 11 years
Tax Reform to be Hot-Button Issue in 2014
Earlier this summer, The New York Times featured an exceptional article by David Leonhardt covering the American corporate tax system and the possibility of its reform in the immediate future. Among the arguments in the piece is the remarkable variance in the corporate tax rates for financial entities in various sectors. For instance, businesses with easily portable goods, such as concentrate to make carbonated beverages, can easily move operations to low-tax jurisdictions. Business with intangible assets such as software application manufacturing can structure their accounting so that revenues are reported in low-tax territories.
New information from financial research firm S&P Capital IQ (and also pointed out by the New York Times),disclosed the speculated tax rate (including federal, state, local, and foreign taxes) of the following corporations are: Amazon.com, 6 percent; Boeing, 7 percent; Apple, 14 percent; General Electric, 16 percent; Google, 17 percent; eBay, 19 percent; and FedEx, 23 percent. These tax rates are incredibly low considering that the nominal U.S. corporate tax rate is 35 percent, which doesn't take into account state or local taxes.
On the other hand, companies with brick-and-mortar operations, frequently merchants, pay larger gross tax rates: Wal-Mart, 31 percent; CVS, Best Buy, the Gap, and Whole Foods all paid tax rates in between 35 and 40 percent. Exxon Mobil, due mainly to stiff foreign taxes, paid 37 percent. Small companies that don't have worldwide operations are unable to get a preferential tax rate by transmitting earnings to a low-tax jurisdiction, although they can of course choose to incorporate in a certain U.S. state to minimize taxes.
The trouble with the variation in what should be a fixed corporate tax rate is that the tax code is essentially selecting winners and losers rather than leaving that choice to the free market. There is no prepared explanation for why the makers of soft drinks deserve to be taxed at a lower rate than the soft drink vendor. There is significant agreement throughout the political spectrum that the nominal corporate tax rate ought to be reduced (possibly to 25 percent) and particular reductions and tax credits gotten rid of; although, whether that reform needs to be revenue-neutral is going to be the subject of debate.
While both parties support tax code reform among political leaders, lobbyists could possible frustrate issues. A coalition of company groups called Let's Invest for Tomorrow (LIFT), which consists of big names such as Caterpillar, Coco-Cola, and Proctor & Gamble, wishes to move the U.S. to a "territorial" tax system. Under this system, the U.S. would tax only the section of a company's earnings that is received as a direct outcome of U.S. operations. Under the existing "worldwide" way of taxation, the U.S. imposes tax law on U.S.-based businesses on their international earnings but then grants them a tax credit for taxes paid to foreign governments.
The trouble with LIFT's proposal is that it enables large businesses to simply move their operations to low-tax foreign territories, while smaller sized U.S.-based companies pay much greater rates. Obviously, sound policy arguments can be lower tax rates, however it is antithetical to progressive taxation to tax huge, U.S.-based international businesses at lower rates than smaller sized ones with solely domestic operations, especially when multinational companies count greatly on benefits offered by the U.S. (a court system with well established legal precedents and a substantial, regulated safeties market, to name a few). The post notes that a compromise is possible; the U.S. could embrace a territorial system while imposing a minimum tax on any business in the United States. So if an American soda-maker relocates their operation to Europe and pays a tax rate of 3 percent, the U.S. could impose a tax on the company's earnings to the point that the company is taxed a predetermined minimum rate (for instance, 15 percent) on its global revenues. Congress has shown that tax reform might be a vital part of the agenda in 2014.
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lawyerjoegarza · 11 years
Apple Cider Makers Disgruntled Over Odd Taxation Method
You’d think, at first glance, that makers of hard cider would be taxed the same way that beer makers are taxed. The many similarities that these beverages share coincides with the notion that beer and cider are basically in the same category. But according to the IRS, they are not. Joe B Garza offers some insight into this matter.
Makers of hard cider are fretting over a constantly fluctuating tax rate on the beverages they brew. This rate can actually change every year and is determined by a number of different factors. To better offer more clarity, we turn to a recent article that was published in Bloomberg.
The tax model on this fizzy beverage has been explained by Bloomberg BNA’s Marc Heller, who says:
When the alcohol content is less than 7 percent, the tax is the same as on beer, or 22 cents per gallon for large producers. Small producers receive a discount and pay 17 cents per gallon. When the alcohol content exceeds 7 percent, cider is taxed as wine, based on a sliding scale that goes as high as $1.07 per gallon for producers making more than 100,000 gallons a year, reported the U.S. Association of Cider Makers, a coalition created by producers in 2013.
You’d think that this model would be enough, and already is overly complex. However, that’s not the only determining factor in the taxation model. The fizz amount in the cider also will dictate its taxation model, too. For example, if cider contains more than 0.39 percent carbon dioxide, it’s actually taxed as champagne.
Cider makers, tired of this odd scenario, have appealed their woes to Congress. They say that their brews should be taxed on a flat rate of $.022 per gallon, which is the same tax rate that brewers of beer tender. They are taking their battle to the courts to try and get a new bill passed that would better regulate this confusing tax model.
Prominent Texas Lawyer Joseph B Garza enjoys writing about a wide variety of topics that can range from current tax issues and news to estate planning and asset protection, all the way to educational articles.
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lawyerjoegarza · 11 years
Texas State Bar Association Certification: Texas Lawyer Joseph B Garza’s Guide to Getting a Legal Degree
One of the main prerequisites for certification by the Texas State Bar Association is a law degree. Yet, to get into a law school, you have to meet certain conditions too. Below are the steps to take to get the legal degree that will pave way for your admission into the state of Texas bar:
Step 1: Take-up a Four-Year University Degree Course  The American Bar Association requires that you take undergraduate education in an accredited institution of higher learning. You can check the accreditation status of your preferred institution with the US Department of Education. Any accredited degree course will suffice as qualification for admission into law school, though disciplines such as political science, philosophy, language, human behavior, world cultures and fine arts may serve as more suitable backgrounds for a law degree. 
Besides, your capacity for legal practice will be tested at later stages and this makes it advantageous to expose yourself to a similarly challenging environment beforehand. Thus, you should consider a prelaw course or training that exposes you to extensive writing, research, critical thinking and public speaking. Don't forget to sharpen your English, especially if you're not a native speaker. In order to pursue a goal of becoming certified by the Texas State Bar Association, a strong educational background and people skills are required foremost, as these are an integral aspect of arguing cases in court once you are a practicing attorney.
Step 2: Study Hard and Attain Excellent Grades If you hope to join one of the best law schools, your undergraduate grades must demonstrate that you're a top learner. You should understand that law school being highly competitive, admission committees will be going through hundreds of brilliant applications and having a high GPA is one way to stand out. This means that if you're taking an undergraduate degree in order to study law in future, you've got to work hard for high grades from the word go.
Step3: Take the Law School Admission Test (LSAT) Having a law degree already, you should prepare rigorously to take the LSAT for admission into law school. The standardized test takes about half a day to complete and is administered four times a year. If you intend to join law school in the following fall, December is the most appropriate time to take and pass the LSAT. There is always a chance to do a repeat test if you fail the first time, in which case it would be advisable that you take the first test in June or September. You may take prep courses for the LSAT to enhance your chances of getting a high score in the first attempt. Use the courses to improve your abilities for comprehension, logical and analytical thinking.
Step 4 Apply to Texas Law School Choose your preferred law school carefully and prepare a strong application. Have a good and accurate understanding of your capacity for the course by carry out a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analysis. Create a selling personal statement based on an accurate assessment of yourself as opposed to what you think will impress the admission panel. Include letters of recommendation as well as relevant academic credentials in your application.
Having been admitted to law school, study hard, graduate and take the Texas State Bar Exam to be a licensed legal practitioner in the state. Once you do this, you will gain your certification from the Texas State Bar Association to practice law in this state like Texas Lawyer Joseph B Garza.
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lawyerjoegarza · 11 years
Becoming Certified by the Texas State Bar Association, a Guide by Texas Lawyer Joe B. Garza
Becoming a certified member of the Texas bar Association is an important step in your careers from a number of reasons.
You will be recognized as a specialist which manes that cases will be easily referred to you. You will also become part of a framework that will develop your career at the end of the day. You however need to know How to become certified by the Texas State Bar Association. The Texas bar association does not limit the lawyer on practicing out of his or her specialization. The application is done by an interested party to the State bar associations which is later stamped by the Supreme Court. The interested individual will also need to volunteer an amount of time to the bar to handle cases in the area of experience and specialization.
The attorney then gets reference from lawyers that have specialized in the same field. The individual will also have to go through a written examination and be a continuing student in the same are of specialization. The individual will finally have to present a good compilation of his or her disciplinary records to the Supreme Court for review.
Read more helpful TBA articles here: http://www.attorneyjoegarza.info/2013/04/how-to-become-dallas-texas-attorney.html
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lawyerjoegarza · 11 years
Article On How To Become An Attorney Member of TBA.org Like Texas Lawyer Joe B Garza
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  Presiding over a case as an attorney is one thing that has always left many people wondering how to become an attorney. Though this is one dream that is not easily realized, there are various steps that if one employs, then there are higher possibilities of becoming a lawyer - be it civil or criminal or both. For those who feel that this is a lucrative course that they must pursue, the following are some of the guidelines to follow: First and foremost, one should learn all that it takes to become a lawyer. This is in no exception of typical job opportunities and certification with regard to the educational system of one's state. Next is the adequate preparation for an admission test given in all law schools. This must be in line with the prep courses that are in such schools of law. Alternatively, one can also opt for tapes, books as well as any other self testing material deemed ideal for one to pass the test. Law books are not left out in this initiative. Another important guideline that should be followed by any one who intends to become an attorney is considering sending application requests for joining the body of legal professionals. This however, should be sent to a minimum of three schools of law. Completing at least a three year corse from any law schol of choice is also one of the guidelines that if one follows, then this will see him or her taking part in numerous extracirricular activities like writing law journals for law schools, taking part in bar review, law internships, only to mention, but a few. This as a matter of fact helps one gain some experience which is very vital during graduation as well as job hunting process. Last but not least, the area of specialization for practice is another factor that should not go unmentioned. This is equally important for graduation, which will see one being awarded a J.D or Juris Doctor degree.
Find more helpful articles and tips that can aid you in your goals by reading more guides by Texas Attorney Joe b Garza TBA Member in good standing.
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lawyerjoegarza · 11 years
ContactingHow Texas Lawyer, TBA, Like Joe Garza B Can Help You With an Injury Case
Contacting a professional Texas Lawyer, TBA can be useful when you have been involved in any personal injury case. In certain occasions, other persons may injure or offend you physically or mentally. It may be institution or a company that hurts. Most of these injuries come from falls, broken items, car accidents, work accidents, therefore they are not caused with intention to remain safe ensure to consult a professional Texas Lawyer, TBA like Joe Garza B. If this happens, the legal law will blame the guilty person for hurting the other person. Whenever you are injured physically or you receive any emotional pain because of deliberate action of a third party, you are entitled to be compensated for that. You have to check with your personal lawyer, because these attorneys are familiar with the actions which have to be carried for you to get compensation.
An attorney who is specialized in tort law is really a personal injury attorney, therefore these attorneys known to deal with the civil wrongs. They know how to support the customers and to help them to get positive settlement from the guilty parties that are involved in the case. When there is not a contract between these two parties, the Texas Lawyer, TBA will help you to get the case to trial. You have to keep in mind that when the incident gets to court room, the representative has be at the similar level as that of the other party contain. You should understand that insurance firms have best representatives who are good when talking about personal injury laws, therefore your representatives has to be the similar. Attorneys should be aware of the changes in the law before going to the court to support the customers. By this method, they expertise in a specific domain that let them perform their work preventing the danger of not being aware of the latest rules or adjustments. A reliable attorney will improve his knowledge in the same field by taking different legal programs. Only when he aware of the fact, he can be able to know and arrange laws for the client. Before selecting a personal injury attorney, you must check whether the lawyer has attended related case in his practice period. Mostly you can see on the internet details about attorney's experiences, therefore avail it when you are looking for a best one. When you placed an appointment with the attorney, that will be free for you, you will also be said whether you can be able to get compensation or not. If you were involved in the case of car crash and you explained your innocence, the attorney will put all his effort and work hard to receive you a monetary reimbursement that will pay you the medical bill or will compensate the lost wages. A personal injury case will take more time, hence you will not be able to receive your settlement amount in just two days. It is also difficult for to do the legal process alone, you are in requirement of skilled help to get a monetary compensation that you deserve. It can be achieved only by the professional Texas Lawyer, TBA like Joe Garza B.
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lawyerjoegarza · 11 years
Texas Lawyer Joe Garza Poises the Question: Why Become a Texas lawyer
Becoming a Lawyer is one of the most admired careers, many people desire and study law due to the many benefits both monetary as well as social that come as part of being an attorney. Different regions offer various benefits to a lawyer; Texas is one of the areas that are considered a top choice destination by many people who pursue the law profession. For several decades, Texas Lawyer Joe B. Garza has been a prominent and practicing attorney in good standing and certified by the Texas State Bar Association. As a leader in his field, this article is designed to better help you understand your wonderful career in the legal field.
Reasons on why become a Texas lawyer include the following: Diversity of the Legal field: Texas is a region that is highly dynamic in matters of law, due its advanced development, Texas offers many avenues in the social, economic as well as political arena that allow a lawyer to practice his skills more efficiently and conveniently. This is further enhanced by the availability of many legal firms in the region who are always willing to take on new entrants on pupilage basis as well as allowing adept lawyers to further improve and build their career paths. The market in Texas is also very dynamic and active consequently experiencing a stack flow of legal issues that require redress or legal representation. Well structured Legal framework: The legal system in Texas is well developed and clearly structured thus allowing a lawyer to practices law easily with minimal legal hitches. The system is well supported by local, regional as well as international statutes. In addition to proper and efficient legal framework, Texas offers flexible ways of handling legal matters without contravening other laws since the legal system is compatible with those of other regions. Becoming a Texas Lawyer is most favored for its good benefits that come as part of being a lawyer. Both private practices and public legal firms provide their lawyers with good pay packages as well as hefty allowances thus improving a lawyer's standard of living. Starting a legal practice in Texas is also easier as compared to other regions due to the simplicity of the registration process.
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lawyerjoegarza · 11 years
Joe B Garza Advice on Choosing Accident Attorneys
Being involved in a serious accident due to the negligence of the other person, can be a traumatic experience . From dealing with physical and emotional pain and the stress of loss of pay for being absent at work due to the stay in hospital, high hospital bills, medical expenses , stress to the near and dear ones all amounts to lots of frustration. When in a minor accident, the insurance company can be approached directly, in a serious situation it becomes difficult to do so and a legal accident attorney becomes necessary to recover the losses incurred in the accident. Use these tips by Joe B. Garza to come out ahead from an auto accident.
In such situations it is wise to hire an experienced accident attorneys can sort the hassles of paperwork and police inquiries and can efficiently handle the insurance companies of recovery of the loss and settlement of claims on behalf of the client. The professional attorney is well versed in handling the claims of the client and works in the best of interest of the client. Be it the accident at work place or involving vehicle, an experienced attorney can efficiently work out with the insurance companies as they are expert in dealing such on daily basis .
The professional attorney will help in claiming 100% loss and will handle all the situation with ease. Having dealt with such cases on daily basis they are expert in their field and will efficiently work with those in the insurance companies and help in claiming all the loss and damage injured in the accident. It is best to contact an experienced lawyer as soon as possible as they can communicate with the insurance firms on behalf of the client. All the details of the accident along with the insurance policy should be discussed honestly so that the lawyer can understand how to file the settlement claims. It is best to discuss the fee structure of the accident attorneys in the beginning to avoid any hassles later on.
Learn some more tips by Joe B Garza on finding accident lawyers.
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lawyerjoegarza · 11 years
Lawyer Joe Garza Offers Tips on Finding a Great Auto Accident Attorney
Accident attorneys are not hard to find. However, finding the best competent and qualified lawyer to represent you in a court of law and win a car accident case is not an easy task.
Tips on How to Find the Best Car Accident Attorney by Lawyer Joe Garza First you need to do a research on a number of car accident attorneys - When looking for a car accident lawyer, you should not settle for the first attorney you meet, you need to spend some time looking for the best local attorney and look at their previous case records if possible to see the types of cases they have handled. You need to find an attorney who has handled a case that is similar to yours.
Arrange for a personal meeting with the car accident attorney- Once you have find an attorney that you think can help you win your case, you need to have a face to face consultation with him. You need to make use of this chance and provide him with all the details of your case as well as any documents from the insurance company that you find necessary, medicals bills, and records of the police. This will give your attorney a better chance of success from the start.
you must know how much you are supposed to participate in the case- The main reason of hiring a car attorney is to represent you in the court so that you can get time to do your own things. It is therefore important that you should know when you are needed in the court or attend any meetings. Make sure you have a clear understanding of what you are supposed to do.
Before you sign up with your car accident attorney you need to know how much it will cost you- The cost usually varies depending on the car accident attorney and the law firm that he is representing. Before you sign up the agreement make sure that you understand fully the fee structure. Ask for clarifications where you are not sure.
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lawyerjoegarza · 12 years
Lawyer Joe Garza – Your Legal Right to Debt Relief
There are many amazing qualities and freedoms that we inherently enjoy as American citizens that truly make our nation as great as it is today. One thing that you can count on is that you won’t ever be imprisoned for your debt; that outdated mantra was done away with a long time ago. What you do enjoy is the right to legally eliminate debts via the bankruptcy process. Keep reading to learn some more benefits of filing for bankruptcy in this article by Lawyer Joe Garza.
Bad Debt
The average person carries more than $8k in bad debt. This is generally high interest and unsecured debt, like a credit card or trade account. The average person will take more than 20 years to repay this debt. If one thing happens, they could be behind for the rest of their life. With a BK, you can start over today.
Collection Activity
Collectors are relentless. They frequently violate the law. They usually get away with it, too. They will even take you to court to sue you for a debt they bought at pennies on the dollar. Once you get a lawyer on your side, the calls and letters and harassment stops immediately.
Wage Seizure  
If your wages are being garnished, consider a BK. If you owe too much, you could be garnished for many years. A Chapter 7 will wipe out most types of wage garnishments and allot you the second chance that you deserve.
Get your daily dish of helpful legal tips with more blogs by Lawyer Joe Garza.  
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lawyerjoegarza · 12 years
Lawyer Joe Garza – Helpful Suggestions on When to Consider a Chapter 7
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Filing for a bankruptcy is a serious consideration, and one that you can only have the option to do every seven years. So before you decide whether or not it’s the most viable options for your situation, there are some important things to take into consideration. If you use the following helpful suggestions offered by Lawyer Joe Garza, you can more easily decide when to consider filing a Chapter 7 for legal debt relief.        
Overwhelmed By Debts You Cannot Repay
Bogged down by too much debt? It can really seem like it is impossible to repay when you are getting so many bills in the mail. Miss one payment, and your interest rate skyrockets, further making it impossible to pay your debts on time. The most common reasons to seek a Chapter 7 are to discharge toxic debt in court.
Drastic Changes to Your Income
If your income has suddenly been halved due to loss of job or medical conditions, it’s time to think about your future. If you don’t think that it is feasible that you continue living with debt you can never repay, a Chapter 7 can actually clear most of your bad debt away in court and provide you with a fresh start.
Collection Activity Resulting in a Court Judgment
If you have accounts that have been in collections for some time, they could end up going to court. If they go to court, you will end up being sued. If you lose the case, which is highly likely, a judgment could be issued against you. Fortunately, a Chapter 7 can nullify such judgments by discharging the debt.
Read some more articles about legal counsel and legal tips by Lawyer Joe Garza.
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lawyerjoegarza · 12 years
Lawyer Joe Garza Provides Tips on Finding a Good Attorney
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1. Specify your issue thoroughly before thinking about working with a lawyer.
Begin with the basics: "Do I need a lawyer?". Sometimes it's simple to know if you need to discover a lawyer. If you have actually been accuseded of a criminal activity, been served with a claim, or require a divorce-- a lawyer is precisely what you require. Lawyers, nonetheless, aren't just for criminals or those in litigation. Qualified attorneys-- like Lawyer Joe B Garza-- could likewise provide advice and understanding to people who simply have to speak to an expert.
  A proficient attorney's guidance could help you understand the complicated policies connected with company negotiations and collaborations, estate planning, adoption, will and trust preparing, tax approaches and a lot more.
  2. Ask yourself, and others, if it is prudent and feasible to solve your own problem.
In many cases, you could be able to fix your trouble without a lawyer's help. If a company has wronged you, see if it has a client service department. Typically, a grievance could be settled to your fulfillment without needing to discover a lawyer. You may additionally want to contact the consumer security department at your state lawyer general workplaces.
  There is a state-run agency in charge of seeing that market that you could get in touch with if a regulated sector (like a bank or insurance company) has wronged you. The agency may have the ability to deal with the issue on your behalf. Area teams may additionally have the ability to offer you free assistance on these sorts of legal matters.
  On the various other hand, in some cases a lawyer's guidance can be well worth the cash. An attorney could help make sure that you contact the right people first, which you do not do something that will harm your case later.
  3. Figure out the immediacy of your scenario.
Contact a lawyer immediately if you have actually been accused of a crime or discover yourself the defendant in a legal match.
  If you have actually been hurt and strategy to pursue your rights, avoid delay in finding legal counsel. Waiting several months can jeopardize your right to find relief.
Even if you are thinking about legal aid merely to avoid troubles in the future, it's never ever too very early to start your legal search. Tax techniques, corporate and employment law recommendations, and estate planning shouldn't be put off for too long. Putting legal matters on the back burner might cost you more in the end.
  When you decide to act, when you've thoroughly responded to that "Do I require an attorney?" concern,.
  4. Discover an attorney that best matches your demands.
There are a great deal of attorneys out there, but how do you discover one that finest matches your demands?
You need to discover one who works in the proper jurisdiction. Usually, attorneys are licensed to practice in a particular state.
  Second, you should find one who understands how to best manage your case top. Lots of attorneys concentrate on one sort of law or an additional. If you require a bankruptcy attorney, a specialist in family law won't be your finest choice. Lawyer Joe B Garza asset protection, for instance, is best matched for those seeking estate planning and asset defense approaches.
  5. Check out legal advertisements carefully.
Many trustworthy attorneys do not market in newspapers or the Yellow Pages. Don't think that the size of the Yellow Page ad suggests that a lawyer is much better certified than one with a small ad (or no advertisement at all). These help you discover about a lawyer's experience and certifications.
  6. Consider even more than one attorney.
Think about a number of attorneys before picking one. It is essential that you find someone who has the skills you require, who will be honest with you and who will work hard on your behalf. See to it you review all the feedbacks from attorneys prior to picking one.
  Be prepared when you call or fulfill with the lawyer you chose. Focus on what you want to know, including asking for references, current cases they dealt with, whether or not they have actually attempted similar cases, if they will have a less seasoned attorney working on your case rather of managing it themselves, or if they will refer you to a different attorney if it looks like you will be going to court.
  Never sign anything till you have time to evaluate it and think about other responses, and certainly do not sign anything you do not completely comprehend.
  7. Do not employ a lawyer who actively gets your company.
If, without your authorization, an attorney or someone acting on his behalf contacts you personally or by telephone and asks you to hire him in hookup with your mishap, it is frequently described as "ambulance chasing." This is against the Legal Rules of Expert Conduct. When an attorney will break those guidelines to get your company, he is most likely not the kind of lawyer you desire representing you.
  8. Ensure you understand what you're spending for.
Find out if your lawyer will take his fee "off the top" or only after all the costs are counted up. Lawyer Joe B Garza and member Attorneys will usually offer this details in their feedbacks to your case.
  9. Discover how you can fire a lawyer.
Some contracts specify that even if you fire an attorney, he still gets a large percentage of any future award or negotiation you might receive on your case. Make sure you understand how to fire your lawyer-- prior to you hire him.
  10. Check out your lawyer's records.
Ask your state bar association if your lawyer has ever been the subject of an ethical problem or questions. If your lawyer has a pattern of questionable conduct can alert you to potential troubles and save you time and money, knowing.
  11. Know your choices and make certain your attorney provides you them.
Attorneys don't just take legal action against. In truth, taking legal action against can be among the more lengthy and costly ways for you to obtain made up. Ensure your attorney has an open mind about alternative means to resolve your issue, such as mediation or arbitration.
  Review far more ideas on discovering legal counsel like Lawyer Joe B Garza.
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