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Let’s celebrate the longest day of 2021 with great mirth and elation. May this ‘Kupala day’ brings insightfulness, opulence, vigor and fortune into your life. Jump over the flames of the bonfire and enjoy this day to the fullest. Capture the essence of today with wholeheartedness and beauty. May the magical fern flower fills your heart with the melodious music of romance and faith. I wish you a stupendous and magical ‘Solstice’
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The emotional beñifits of the meditation ❇️ Reduce stress and anxiety ❇️ Increase hapiness ànd optimism ❇️ Reduce impulsivity and addictions ❇️ Increase life satisfaction ❇️ Produces deep state of mind
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Mudras act to stimulate different parts of the body involved with breathing and to affect the flow of energy in the body and even one's mood. The specific hand gestures and positions act as “locks” to guide energy flows and reflexes to the brain. Mudras are a way to concretely see what we want to be, what we need most.
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☀️The first solar eclipse of this year is on Thursday, June 10. Shani Jayanti and Jyeshtha Amavasya are also on this day. This solar eclipse is special because the occurrence of the eclipse on Shani Jayanti is formed after about 148 years. Earlier, the solar eclipse on Shani Jayanti happened on 26 May 1873. ☀️ According to Rigveda, during the eclipse, the eclipse induced gravity waves causes a reduction in Ozone layer concentration in the stratosphere which allows more cosmic radiations of different wavelengths, to the surface of the earth. ☀️ Solar eclipses happen when the moon moves between sun and earth, blocking the sun's rays and casting a shadow on earth. ☀️The absence of the sun's rays can increase the amount of bacteria and germs in the atmosphere, thereby polluting people. ☀️Meditation, chanting hymns or mantras and singing devotional songs during an eclipse are supposed to protect one from the evil effects. ☀️After the eclipse is over, people are directed to take a bath, and change into fresh and clean clothes. ☀️Human body begins to react to this natural phenomenon as soon as the sun’s disk is covered by Moon. Within an hour after the beginning of the eclipse, hypertensive patients that have high blood pressure, meaning the narrowing of the blood vessels, and the heart works harder to move the blood ☀️During solar eclipse, the influence of the Sun’s rays is more powerful than the rays of Jupiter. ☀️During solar eclipses we don’t receive the light of the Sun (which is the light of life), but the emission of darkness emanating from Rahu (Rahu is a planet, the norther lunar node located at the intersection of the plane of the Moon orbit and the ecliptic). The eclipse removes or reduces solar energy (life-giving “prana”) for the whole Earth. ☀️Worshipping or touching gods is strictly prohibited during this period. Even temple doors usually stay closed during eclipses. After the eclipse ends, the idols are supposed to be washed with Ganga water to purify them.
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Cervical Spondylosis disease begins with symptoms such as a stiff neck, frozen shoulders & tennis elbow. If you are having these symptoms, opt for our Greeva Abhyanga procedure to get long-lasting natural relief. 💌Book an appointment: on WhatsApp +79252280720
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Align your daily rhythms in tune with nature's rhythms support your day by the dominant energy inside and around you . each day we cycle through the 3 do shas :vota, pitta kapha, the day is divided into six four - hour cycle to live a cycles. To live a life from turbulence to calm we must follow the Ayurvedic clock🕦
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Did you know ? Benefits of Panchakarma. ❇️Help to balance Tridoshas ❇️ Eliminates fat-soluble toxins from the body. ❇️Slows the ageing process.
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Book yourself a POTLI MASSAGE & slip into the ultimate relaxation mode. 💌Book an appointment: on WhatsApp +79252280720
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Heal Your Body with Ayurveda & Pancahakarma Get the best treatment for panchakarma from Laxmi Ayurveda Book an appointment: on WhatsApp +79252280720
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