laylandxxodell-blog · 6 years
“Hardly, darling, you looked fantastic,” she assured the man as she lowered the camera. “A counselor? Do you mean to tell me there’s really a need for one in the Tower, of all places?” She winked playfully and extended a hand out to the man with a broad smile. “Welcome aboard, Layland. It’ll be a pleasure to have you around. I’m Surya Mirga.”
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“You’re too kind.” The male said with a slight chuckle. “I know, I know. Many people are shocked, just like you, when I tell them. Who would of known.” Layland played along with a smile. “Thanks for the warm welcome, Surya. This Tower is a lot to get used to but I’m already enjoying it and my job.”
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laylandxxodell-blog · 6 years
“No, I was just looking up at the ceiling; I had never really noticed all of the detail in this place before,” she confessed, “I’m Chardonnay Cardiner, Capitol escort,” she introduced herself as well, shaking his hand in return; she noticed his strong grip.
“What’s a pretty boy like you doing here sober?” she joked, as she noticed most of the younger attractive boys were dousing themselves in large amounts of alcohol.  
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With that, Layland looke up at the ceiling as well to take in the detail as well. He wasnt one to really think too much about details, especially here in the tower, but it wouldnt hurt to try. “I guess after a lot of balls, staring at the ceiling would be more entertaining.” The male said with a chuckle.
“I think you’re giving the wrong person the pretty boy title.” He laughed. “I just am not one to drink, I guess. Plus, I like to be there for people and talk to them if they need me, even not in the office, so I was should always be in the right head space and be prepared.”
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laylandxxodell-blog · 6 years
Surya grinned and snapped a couple pictures of the man that she didn’t recognize and assumed he was just someone’s date. “I don’t think the girl really minded so probably not.”
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Layland did a few poses each time the camera snapped and chuckled at the end of it. “Well, that’s good. Who knows, maybe she will use some of these pictures as black mail.” He said with a slight shrug. “I’m Layland, by the way. The new tower counselor.”
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laylandxxodell-blog · 6 years
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The Jonathan Ross Show
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laylandxxodell-blog · 6 years
“Oh, oh! I love these kinds of things! Cheese!” Layland said excitedly, doing a peace sign and he did a goofy smile to the camera. “Can you get in trouble for doing something like this?”
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“Oh my goodness, you should’ve seen the look on the Gazette photographer’s face when I ran off with this. Come on, smile so we can leave them something pretty to find later.”
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@remywinslow / open
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laylandxxodell-blog · 6 years
Wandering around, Layland was able to notice things. On his walk around the ballroom he couldnt help but notice the male chugging in alcohol at the bar. Sure, he was all for fun in the moment but he knew that some people do not think about the consequence in the future. Walking up to the male, he snatched the bottle from his hand and kept it away from him. Layland knew he was no match for the male but hoped deep down that maybe being a counselor would be an excuse to act like this. “You’re going to regret doing this.” The male with curly hair said softly, not wanting to cause a scene. “I do not know your tolerance or how much you’ve even drank during this event but I think chugging the bottle definitely answers the question.” He said seriously, not sure where all of this confidence came from. “I would suggest getting some water and bread.”
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With Oakley not around, Jackson felt a little bit more able to drink than he did before, especially at the Presidential Ball. It felt a little easier to get as plastered as possible and get to sleep later on. He didn’t want to talk to anybody in the room, considering how badly Capitolites made him nervous. Thank God that the liquor was helping at least a little bit in order to get through some conversations. There was already one too many questions regarding the found footage that happened almost eight years ago now. Somehow, that was the everlasting thing that people now remembered him as. It didn’t matter that he used to be the Victor that seemingly took his Victory in stride – until it was revealed he never had. 
He was at the bar, slamming down shot after shot that people would give him until he snatched the bottle, took several long pulls straight from it as people clasped him in the back. He was getting a little drunk, but with his alcohol tolerance getting higher and higher every year, it was growing a little annoying that he wasn’t gone yet. He was just about to pull another drink right out of the bottle when someone snatched it right out of his hand. Blinking, he turned to find out who had done it, knowing full well he wasn’t going to say anything, and simply hope that his tall stature and brooding appearance would be enough to make them give it back. 
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laylandxxodell-blog · 6 years
“That is pretty true. I am not fashionable therefore I am never late.” He said with a shrug of his shoulders that the saying is in fact true. “Or maybe that just also makes you cool that you arent afraid to be late.”
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“Yes I know I’m late, but the fashionable people always come late!” Clover chuckled cheeks tinted a faint red due to the exhaustion after Haydn had refused to let go of her leg that evening.
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laylandxxodell-blog · 6 years
Layland moved around the ballroom excited as this was his first official ball. Sure, everything seemed to be crazy and definitely not something he was too into but it was still amazing. Everyone also seemed to be enjoying themselves and Layland loved to see positive moods. Even if they seemed to be enjoying themselves too much. But, he couldnt help but also take in how everyone just didnt seem to care that while they were enjoying themselves, their were children in the arena fighting for their lives. Starving and scared, and yet here the mentors were drinking away. It could also be that Layland didnt understand what the mentors were actually here doing.
While Layland was making way to the next part of the ballroom, he checked his watch to see the time and the next thing he knew, he was bumped into someone. Quickly, he reached out and grabbed the girl’s arms to hold her steady, knowing he would feel awful the small girl fell over. “It’s alright, the fault is definitely mine. Who walks around and checks their watch? I mean, that is completely dangerous on all spectrum’s.” He said with a playful chuckle. The male then extended his hand to her. “I’m Layland, by the way. The tower’s counselor. Was there anything in particular you were thinking about? Or maybe just how ready you are to go back to your room and go to bed?”
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Chardonnay was at the bar having another one of her tall champagne glasses when she felt she had enough of and needed to go find someone to talk to. For some reason, the night was really slow and the party wasn’t as energetic and fun as it usually was. Barely anyone was dancing, but rather just standing with drinks in hand an engaging in endless conversation. 
But tonight, it was different. There was obvious tension in the air from all the attacks; the constant glances noted around the room as to where the nearest exits were just in case. She instead took the night as an opportunity to, for once, not drink too much or to get too crazy, but instead to take it all in. She had never really paid much attention to the ceilings and the large chandeliers; even the glass that she herself was drinking about of. In fact, she had ordered the same drink dozens of times beforehand at many previous balls over the years, but for the first time tonight noticed that there seemed to be a pinch of gold glitter added to them. 
But, just as she was taking it all in while walking past stuffed crowds of people drenched in feathered clothing and endless amounts of makeup that will probably take days to fully remove, she accidentally bumped into someone. A boy. He seemed around her age but she didn’t recognize him. Bumping into him threw her out of her trance as it caught her off guard. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t see you there. My head was somewhere else,” she light hardly confessed.
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laylandxxodell-blog · 6 years
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laylandxxodell-blog · 6 years
“I started working here at the beginning of the Games,” Vega told him.  “I don’t think I would need a counselor though.  What is it that you do anyway?”
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“Well, I give guidance on personal, social, and psychological problems. I am here to talk and help out any tributes, mentors, or anyone here in the tower that needs it. Even Gamemakers. Sometimes these people’s jobs mess with their heads and they need some counselling.” 
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laylandxxodell-blog · 6 years
Satine’s usual psychiatrist had pre-warned her about this change in circumstances. While she would continue to check in on her with regular phone appointments (although Satine suspected they were being listened in on, so never said much), when she was in the Tower, she should speak with the new counselor instead. “You’re Layland Odell?” she checked, despite the fact that he’d just introduced himself. Inwardly, she kicked herself. “I’m Satine Harris. My psychiatrist said to come find you.”
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Layland smiled at the younger girl before nodding her head. “Yeah, that’s me!” He said to her with a polite smile. “It’s nice to meet you Ms. Harris. I’ve been expecting you, I received an email from your psychiatrist. Please, come in.” He said to her as he opened the door for her, letting her in.
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laylandxxodell-blog · 6 years
Vega had been running this way and that for the escorts since the Games began.  She thought that after launch the job would be over.  Apparently she was wrong.  When he asked his question, Vega’s nose scrunched up.  “No.  Why would I need that?”  She shook her head.  “It’s nice to meet you though, I guess.  I’m Vega.”
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Layland just shrugged his shoulders. “I’m honestly not sure unless you tell me.” He told her. “I was just asking since you were down here. I’m Layland, the Tower’s new Counselor. It’s nice to meet you Vega. Have you been here long?” He asked curiously.
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laylandxxodell-blog · 6 years
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laylandxxodell-blog · 6 years
It was only about a month ago that Amara learned what a counselor was, after Umbrielle explained the occupation when a guest mentioned one and Amara was visibly confused. Even after the job was explained, Amara was still a little confused as to why someone would seek out a random person to tell all their problems to when they had family and friends they could talk to. Since then, she hadn’t thought about it again until she was assigned to do a final look over and cleaning in the new counselor’s office since it was his first day. A spill on Nine’s floor delayed her more than expected, and she ended up beaten to the office by the man the office now belonged to. Hearing his question, she let out a dry, almost raspy laugh and shook her head. ‘Cleaning,’ she signed with her free hand, the other lifting up her cleaning caddy to show what she meant in case he didn’t understand sign language.
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Layland was able to read the female’s sign language before nodding his head. “Oh, of course.” He said to her, now noticing her avox outfit. “You really dont need to, though. It’s pretty clean in there.” Layland was already so proud of his office. Even if it was dirty, be probably wouldn’t of noticed at all. “I know that you’re an avox and all but my door and office is open to anyone. If you ever need to talk” he paused for a moment, he hoped she wouldnt take offense to that word, “you know where my office is.” He said with a slight smile to her, nodding his head.
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laylandxxodell-blog · 6 years
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Jackson hadn’t been to the Tribute Tower in so long that he forgot where everything was. After running into a few people that he knew and talking to them, he wasn’t surprised to run into a young man that he didn’t as he suddenly asked him a question once they made eye contact. Jackson didn’t get a chance to give off a simple ‘hello’. He paused, shaking his head.
“Nah, I’m good man,” Jackson said, waving him off. “Just kind of wandering around. Hadn’t been here in a good minute.”
“Oh..” Layland said to him before shoving his hands into his pockets. “That’s actually a good thing, I suppose.” He said to him with a nod. “This place is quite huge. I’m positive that I am never going to know where I am going. I’m Layland, by the way. The new Tower Counselor.” Layland extended a hand to the male. 
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laylandxxodell-blog · 6 years
It was officially Layland’s first day in the Tower as a counselor. He was to start in the middle of these games to help the mentors and get some experience before the tributes came in for the next games. Layland proudly stood by his office door, swiping off dust from the name tag that was just to the right of his door, indicating that this was his office. Letting out a happy sigh, he shook his head, still in disbelief that all of his hard work was finally paying off. With a smile on his face, Layland turned around and looked at the person who was standing nearby. “Oh, do you need counseling?” He asked them, running his hand under the name tag that read “Layland Odell - Counselor” before pointing to himself.
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laylandxxodell-blog · 6 years
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