lazyhawk-in-space · 3 months
[ Rook just clings onto his boyfriend, teary-eyed. ]
"I'm sick of you two picking on Rook! This is our shot to finally live somewhere safe for all of us."
"Uh huh- ow-"
[ Bee looks to the others, as if silently asking for help. ]
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lazyhawk-in-space · 3 months
"I had a stable job, thank you. I could've done just fine."
[ Juno snaps back, scowling. ]
"J-Juno, should you really be smoking right now-?"
"Shut the FUCK up, Rook!"
[ Kumi yells, kneeing Dolph in the groin and hitting Juno upside the head. Bee flinches again with each impact. ]
"Behave yourselves! Bee is kind enough to help us find a place to stay, we need that before we can even think about getting on our feet again!"
[ Bee looks at the fallen Dolph, who groans in pain. ]
"How the fuck do you hit that hard...?!"
"Practice on Red."
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lazyhawk-in-space · 3 months
"You don't know what I'm thinkin', Dolph."
[ Juno scoffs, blowing the smoke from his cancer stick in Dolph's direction. ]
"Do you want to fucking die?!"
[ Bee flinches at Dolph's harsh words. ]
"Nobody is going back there. Human or Hybrid. We are staying here until they destroy the place trying to find us."
"Whiiich won't happen, Bee. I promise."
[ She blinks. ]
"Okay.. uh, you can all stay with me for now!"
I hope Puppycat doesn't mind..
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lazyhawk-in-space · 3 months
"I am.. suddenly regretting leaving Eden."
[ A skinny dark skinned male pipes up after lighting a cigarette, having previously been quiet. ]
"No you aren't."
[ Dolph speaks in a deadpan. ]
"You'd be insane."
"Eden..? Oh, that place. Sorry, I haven't been to the mainland.."
[ Bee laughs. Kumi just smiles. ]
"It's okay. You don't wanna see Eden ever. Anyways, the tall man's Dolph, the sheep behind him is Rook, the frog is Bullfrog, and the man with the bandages is Juno."
"Nice to meet you all! Welcome to the island."
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lazyhawk-in-space · 3 months
[ .. Ramon looks.. vaguely familiar. ]
[ Bee squints at him. ]
"Oh, that's Ramon."
"I think I've seen him somewhere..?"
"Former newscaster."
[ Kumi glares POINTEDLY at Dolph. He shrugs. ]
"Newscaster.. like Rayman?"
"Dolph, shut up!"
"Make me."
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lazyhawk-in-space · 3 months
[ The hybrid, now known as Rook, tries to hide behind the tallest person among their group. ]
"Hi! I'm Kumi. My friends and I are trying to find a place to stay...?"
"I-I'm Bee. Uh, the apartment I'm staying at has some empty rooms..? I'll get you in touch with the landlord tomorrow, if you'd like."
[ Kumi walks closer to Bee, and notices how tense she is. ]
"Dolph and Ramon are all bark and no bite most of the time, don't worry."
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lazyhawk-in-space · 3 months
[ A small male, most likely a sheep hybrid, hugs his arms close to his body. ]
"Do we even have enough to get enough rooms for all of us..?"
"Shut up, Rook. Your worrying isn't helping."
[ He lets out a loud squeak. ]
"Don't talk to him like that!"
[ Kumi turns to huff at the other person. ]
"Remember, we have to work together to get the lives we all deserve."
[ When she looks back, she sees the frozen woman. ]
"Ah! A local should be able to help. Excuse me!"
"Hm-? Oh- ah- hi-"
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lazyhawk-in-space · 3 months
[ Once the train doors open, out walks a group that clearly stands out. ]
[ Mostly because one isn't even remotely human looking. ]
[ With the woman able to see the group, she finds herself confused. ]
[ Especially when the most terrifying one of the group, a man with a robotic eye and arm, spots her. She shrinks under his almost hateful glare. ]
[ A purple-haired lady pokes the man. Dolph, as his name has been revealed, looks at her. ]
"Are you okay?"
"I'm fine, Kumi. Let's keep moving."
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lazyhawk-in-space · 3 months
I'm surprised I managed to get past security without a hitch.. God, looks like they really did replace me.
... shit. I think my system got-
Hacked? Are... you a-?
Shut it.
O- kay-
[ The woman's gone rigid, watching the train pull in. ]
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lazyhawk-in-space · 3 months
[ The island is quiet, and night has descended. ]
[ A young lady is awake, laying on her couch and staring upwards. She hears her companion softly snoring somewhere nearby, but pays no mind to it at all. It's white noise to her now. ]
I wonder... is Cas right? Maybe I should grow up... and maybe there are weird things going on.
Eh... I'll worry about it tomorrow...
[ She settles in to sleep, but finds herself unable to. As such, she gets up. She puts her fluffy brown hair into neat buns on either side of her head, tugs on a sweater, and quietly leaves. She hopes her companion won't notice. ]
[ She looks around, seeing how the water sparkles unnaturally as she walks. ]
I really need to go and get all that eventually... eugh. Water.
[ She hears a train approaching the island. ]
"Oh! I didn't know the trains ran this late.."
Let's hope this place is more peaceful than back there...
... eh?
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