lazylittleone44 · 13 hours
oh yes please.
i don't need "therapy" i need to be adopted by a pair of older mommydommes. what's not clicking here.
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lazylittleone44 · 13 hours
I really wanna have a friend who is super strict about how people behave and are treated in her house. Like, taking "if you act like a toddler I'll treat you like a toddler to the extreme."
I wanna go over to her house for dinner and just slightly mess up enough for her to loose it. Slowly getting worse as the night goes on.
Spill some of my drink on myself while cleaning. She responds by giving me a sippy cup.
Getting up and leaving my chair multiple times during dinner. She straps me into a high chair.
Gesturing with my fork and accidentally dropping some food on the table. She proceeds to feed me.
Pretending that I don't feel the need to pee even when I'm squirming until I leak a little. She puts me in pull ups or diapers, depending on behavior.
I leave the taps and lights on in the bathroom. She decides that I need supervision in the bathroom and have to ask her to take me.
I ask to use the restroom too many times. She bans me from asking and has me on a schedule.
Getting hot and complaining about my clothes. She trashes my clothes and provides me with childish ones.
I complain about her rules. She spanks me and puts me in the corner.
I "fall asleep" on the couch. She enforces a nap time.
I try to throw a tantrum and demand my things back. She makes me leave the house in what I'm wearing.
And the twist would be that she enforces these new rules every time I come over until she thinks that I've been acting my age. No resets or retries if I don't like a condition. Even if she has other company over, I wouldn't get to pretend that I'd been acting anything other than a toddler/baby.
I wonder how hard I would make it for myself and what kind of conditions I would find myself in.
What do you think your experience in her house would be like?
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lazylittleone44 · 3 days
I love being talked down to
Remind me that I’m just a little girl who can’t think for herself
Tell me to be quiet while the “grown ups” are talking
Ask me how old I am and make me count on my fingers
Remind me to go potty or ask if I need to go in a really condescending voice
Baby talk to me
Remind me that I’m too little and need Daddy’s help with some things
Put me in time out and threaten to spank me for “talking back”
Make sure I always know my place
Put me down for a nap when I get bratty
Tell me little girls shouldn’t be looking at “certain things”
Talk down to me please
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lazylittleone44 · 10 days
Been thinking a lot recently about cuddling with someone while they’re padded with your head on their torso. And you press down on their bladder and they whimper a bit and then you can hear the telltale hiss of them wetting their diaper
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lazylittleone44 · 26 days
Build a Better Baby - Through Boredom!
Let's face it -- your diapered kiddo is going to do whatever you say. Whether it's because they're your sweet, submissive angel (😇) or your freshly spanked brat (😭), your Little will be watching the baby cartoons you tell them to watch. They will play with whatever tinker toys you set in front of them. They will waddle off to bed at the early hour you choose.
But that's not regression. That's compliance.
If you want your pamper packer bouncing up and down at the idea of playing with their shape sorter and bead maze, you need to prime their brains with boredom.
30 minutes.
Every day.
Put them in a fresh diaper, plug in their paci, and lay them down for Tummy Time. Take their phone away. No screens, no books, no music, no conversation, no distractions. Your little one is just going to suckle and stare at the floor. They shouldn't be uncomfortable, but they shouldn't be cozy enough to nap, either.
Do you know how long 30 minutes feels when you have nothing to keep your mind occupied? They are going to be bored out of their mind.
Then, after a couple of weeks of this strange torture, you hand them a toy. Maybe a dolly or a stack of blocks. A spinny wheel that makes animal noises. A box of crayons and some paper.
You won't even have to tell them to play with it. Their starved, shriveling little brains won't be able to resist making their stuffies dance, or soaking in the primary colors of their 9-piece puzzle.
The fun part will come the next time they earn a punishment. Nothing devious or creative. Just say:
No toys for Tummy Time.
And they'll realize what all those blocks and shapes and dolls and crayons have come to mean for them. They might even start crying. They're back to staring at the floor, counting out an eternity of seconds, when all they want in the universe is their spinny wheel that reminds them that the cow says "Moo."
Use boredom.
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lazylittleone44 · 26 days
Put Your Thumb in Your Mouth 👍😲
Right now. As soon as you read this.
Don't take it out. Just count with me.
One... 👍😖
Two... 👍😖
Three... 👍😖
It's a little strange, isn't it? But not...entirely unpleasant. There's something satisfying about the way it fits in there. Just the right size to fill up the space.
Four... 👍🙁
Five... 👍🙁
It's odd how quickly you adjusted, isn't it? That cold, dry thumb is all warm and wet now. Without even trying, you've probably suckled it a bit, or swirled your tongue around it. Wasn't that an interesting sensation?
Six... 👍😳
Seven... 👍😳
Eight... 👍😳
You could get used to this, actually. Close your eyes. Focus on breathing. Inhale. Suck. Exhale. Suck. Inhale. Suck. Exhale. Suck. What a relaxing rhythm! Imagine a pretty rainbow of energy traveling down your throat, then up your shoulder, along your arm, and back to your thumb: this is your body in tune with itself.
Nine... 👍😊
Ten... 👍😊
You don't have to stop. You can just keep counting. Suck your thumb while you scroll, while you read, while you watch TV, while you sleep...
There's really no reason not to.
Do it.
Be a thumb-sucker 👍🥰
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lazylittleone44 · 2 months
Underwear Rules
Littles can give their preference for underwear at the start of the day, but final decision is made by the Caregiver.
Open bathroom privileges
Occasional underwear checks
Wet accidents are changed into a pull-up
Messy accidents are changed into diapers for the remainder of the day
Limited bathrooms privileges, must get permission per use
Frequent underwear checks
Accidents are changed into a diaper
No bathroom privileges, except for messies after getting permission
Occasional underwear checks
Messy accidents are changed and the following day will start in a diaper
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lazylittleone44 · 2 months
I just wanna be babied and talked down to from someone who knows how much of a dumb little I am.
“Awww hon that was a lot of big words! Don’t worry baby I know it’s hard to use those, just use your baby voice!”
Giving in and sounding all dumb for them, dumb and excited. They care for me as I fall deeper and deeper into littlespace.
“Good job baby girl! You’ve been pretending to be big for so long, just relax!”
“Awww you look so silly playing dress-up in those big girl clothes, why don’t you let me change you into something more appropriate~”
Getting put in a onesie and mitts, fully at their whim, trying to insist I’m big! I am! Until I almost have an accident while distracted, and thats the final nail in the coffin.
“Bad girl! You should have just let me put you in your diaper from the start. Now you’ve gone potty all over yourself babygirl.”
Treating me like the helpless needy baby I am<3
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lazylittleone44 · 2 months
for personal reasons i will be
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lazylittleone44 · 3 months
i need to be put in my place.
letting mommy make decisions for u >>
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lazylittleone44 · 3 months
Non-Verbal Little Communication:🍼✨
Grabby Hands = “Please pick me up”
Whining = “I need your attention right now”
Grabby Hands + Whining = “Im upset and I need to be close to you right now”
Huffing = “I didn’t get my way” or “I’m embarrassed”
Pouting = “I’m feeling fussy”
Pouting + Stomps = “I’m feeling extremely fussy and I’m going to throw a fit if I’m not calmed down”
Pats = “I want your attention” or “I’m excited”
Pulling your sleeve or pant leg = “I want your attention” or “I want you to get something for me”
Bounces = “I’m very excited or happy and I’m trying to contain it”
Wiggles = “This is my uncoordinated version of a happy dance”
Yawning = “You should put me to bed because I won’t do it myself. And yes, I will fuss when you try to tuck me in and tell you I’m not tired”
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lazylittleone44 · 3 months
literally me
littles who really need to pee and are refusing to admit it~~
they’re WAY too busy watching cartoons, colouring, bouncing on the bed. maybe they’re on the way to the park and it’s too much fun to say anything.
when someone asks if they need to pee because they’re squirming all over the sofa and they can’t seem to focus on the TV and they’re like “no i don’t, silly, i’m fine”
and then a little leak comes out but they think they feel better so they don’t say anything, and then another leak, but they’re BUSY and they don’t want to go to the boring potty, and then gradually it’s DRIP DRIP DRIP and there’s a big wet patch on their pants and they can’t ignore it any more
and they try to run for the bathroom or maybe they wet their pants but either way it’s ADORABLE~~
afterwards they need lots of hugs [because they didn’t mean it and don’t be MAD] and a maybe a diaper <3
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lazylittleone44 · 3 months
yes please.
someone please tell me what a pathetic little diaper baby I am 🥺 my brain needs to go mush sometimes 🤤
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lazylittleone44 · 3 months
“if you keep throwing a tantrum everytime I change you into a diaper then you're clearly not not mature enough to go out without one”
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lazylittleone44 · 3 months
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“There we go, all clean.” Mommy announces, snapping my onesie back together.
I kick my feet giggling as her hand affectionately pats my thickly padded crotch. After naptime, Mommy always sets up a fun activity for us to do together so I can’t wait to go back downstairs.
“Ready for a snack lovebug?” Mommy grins as she scoops me up, bouncing me on her hip as we make our way out of my nursery.
“Mousey Mama,” I lisp, my thumb having found its way into my mouth as I point to the stuffie laying on the changing table.
“Oh silly me! How could we forget!” Mommy spins us around to grab Mr. Mouse.
Downstairs, Mommy settles me in my highchair, fastening my bib around my neck, and snapping the tray into place. The timing is perfect as I feel a string of drool make its way around my thumb and down my chin.
“Let’s move your little fingies away from that drooly mouth of yours so you can have some num nums,” Mommy gently chides as she tugs my hand away from my mouth. My attention is drawn to the colorful plate of cut up fruit and goldfish crackers that she places in front of me, followed by a sippy cup of juice.
As I munch on my snacks, I watch Mommy start to prepare for making dinner later. She looks so pretty today, even in her comfy clothes, and winks at me when she catches me staring at her.
Once I’m done and my sippy is empty, I wriggle in my seat, starting to fuss. “Mama,” I whine a little when she doesn’t immediately notice and turn around.
“Hold on one second buttercup.” Mommy hums, continuing with her task.
I pout, kicking my feet against the legs of chair. I want out to play! I’m fully awake now and want out! But, all my fussing does is loosen the little control I have over my full bladder and I feel the familiar warmth start to spread. The heat rushes to my cheeks as of course, Mommy turns around and comes towards me as I finish going potty. I know that when she picks me up she’ll tease me about how warm and soggy my bottom is.
“Alright Princess, shall we go play?” Mommy smiles as she unlocks my tray. I nod eagerly as she holds up my pacifier, accepting it into my mouth as I reach for her.
Sure enough, she spots that the wetness indicator over my crotch has gone from yellow to blue and gives me a knowing look as she picks me up. “What a good girl.” She praises, gently kneading the warm sodden material against me before walking to the living room.
I can’t help but blush more as she sets me down on the floor in front of her as she sits on the couch above me. “Such a tiny little girl I have huh?” She coos, playfully tugging on one of my pigtails.
I’m still blushing as I nod, but I’m waiting at attention to see what we’re gonna do. “Let’s see, do you want to read with Mommy today? Or color? We can play with your blocks?” She begins, tapping her chin in exaggerated thought.
“Wead wead!” I chirp, clapping my hands together. We just got a bunch of new books from the library and Mommy does such a good job of making different voices when she tells me a story. Mommy nods with a smile: my signal to crawl over to my baby bookshelf and pick a book.
I feel my diaper sagging and it rustles loudly as I successfully make my way to the shelf. Taking a minute to pick out two new books with colorful colors! Successful, I crawl back over to her so she can pull me up into her lap on the couch. We get comfortable with me in her lap, cuddling Mr. Mouse close as she begins.
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lazylittleone44 · 3 months
Her Sweet Girl
CW: Diaper play (including messing) & breastfeeding kink
Disclaimer: all characters depicted in this story are consenting adults over the age of 18. If you are NOT 18 or older, click away now!
It’s sometime in the middle of the night when I’m woken up by my sweet baby girl tugging on my lacy camisole. “Let mommy help you baby” but right as I reach out to help her my boob pops out and she’s latched on. She moans in delight as she sucks on my hardened nipple.
“So yummy mommy.” She mumbles with my nipple still in her warm wet mouth. I smile at her and caress her face as she drinks. The feel of her warm slick tongue on my nipple feels like heaven so I just lay back and enjoy the feeling of my baby girl suckling her mommy’s tit.
She slides her leg between mine and slowly rubs her wet diaper against my bare thigh. Her tummy rumbles and she whines out softly a small fart leaving her. I lower my hand and crease her diaper between her ass cheeks. I just hold my hand there since I can tell she’s gonna need to poop real soon and I wanna feel her heavy load come out.
I’ll be surprised if her diaper even holds it since I haven’t changed her diaper in so long so it’s soggy and full of her piss.
Her suckling intensifies as she grunts. She pops off my nipple, “ouchie mommy I need to make pushies.” She looks at me with tears in her eyes and my heart just about breaks for my sweet girl. “Oh sweetheart I know your tummy hurts so keep making pushies as much as you can and I promise once you empty your bowels you’ll feel all better.” I attempt to soothe her.
She nods and nuzzles my breast, I bring my other hand around and press down softly in her extended belly. She whines but doesn’t protest. Soon she’s starts grunting and whining as she pushes. She farts loudly and hides her face further into me. “There’s no reason to be embarrassed baby now keep pushing till your poopy is all out.” I pick up my breast and slip my nipple into her mouth with she eagerly accepts with a bright red face.
She keeps pushing making loud noises but I feel nothing drop into her diaper. She pops off my nipple one more time and begs me, “Ouchie ouchie mommy it can’t come out I need helps pwease.” She has tears in her eyes and I feel so bad. I brush her hair back, “shh sweetie it’s okay mommy will help, I have just the thing.”
I reach into my bedside drawer in the dark and feel around for her suppositories. I slip my hand into the back of her soaked diaper and feel around till I meet her hole. I tease her little bum hole as I begin to push the suppository in, she whines and clenches closed. “Baby you need to relax your hole for mommy, you want to be able to make pushies don’t you?” I question her softly, the suppository only partially inside her. She whines nuzzles my boob and nods. “Then relax that pretty pink hole for mama.” She suckles faster milk spilling from the corners of her mouth. She loosens up and I’m finally able to slip the suppository inside.
“Good girl, mommy is so very proud of you sweet girl. You did such a good job opening up your hole for me. Now your little tummy should feel better in no time okay?” I praise her and softly tapping on her tight little ass hole. “Otay mama tank you.” She murmurs quietly whilst licking at my hard nipple. Her hole flutters open around my finger and I slip the tip of my finger inside her warm hole just as she farts around my finger.
“See Baby It’s working already. Keep letting loose like that and your poppies will come out in no time.” She nods and pops off my boob and leans her head back and stares at me with her beautiful sleepy eyes. “I tired mama but my princess parts feel wet did I potty on accident?” She tells me around her yawn. Sweet naive little girl.
“No sweetie that just means you’re excited that Mama has her finger inside your little ass hole. It’s perfectly normal to feel that way. How about mama gives her sweet girl cummies before she poops herself? How does that sound baby?” I ask but before she can respond my fingers are already sliding between her soaked folds. “Ah mommy please.” She begs her eye lids closing as her mouth gapes open in pleasure. My finger dips into her wet hole and she’s so wet it’s making the most lewd noise as I finger fuck her. My thumb strokes her clit and she screams, “please please mommy please I need to make cummies please.” I rub her clits faster, “cum now baby cum for mommy like the good little girl you are.” She moans so loud and her hole clenches around my two fingers as she cums. Her forehead scrunching up in pure pleasure.
She relaxes and her hole loosens around my fingers and I slip the out but cup her in my hand and hold it there, without me even saying anything she knows what I want. She grunts quietly and I feel her warm piss soak my palm. “Good girl cumming and pissing in mommy’s hand, such a good piss slut. Mommy is so proud.” She moans and nuzzles my breast. “Thank you mommy.” I slip my hand out and grab my breast with my piss soaked hand and stroke my nipple getting it hard again and lean it against her wet lips. “Open up for mommy baby” she opens ger mouth and immediately takes my nipple inside her mouth and her eyes flutter closed as she drinks her mommy’s milk. “Such a good girl.”
I press my hand against her diapered butt and hold it there, waiting to feel her unload in it. After a few minutes she takes one particularly hard suck and grunts loudly. Almost immediately I feel the back of her diaper extend with her big load. The stinky smell perfuming the air. “Such a good girl. Mommy is a happy you went poopie.” Her mouth slips off my nipple and she giggles and wiggles around till she’s straddling my lap. She bounces on my lap squishing her diaper all around. Her tiny tits bouncing with her. “I went poopies I went poppies in my diaper I went poopies and I need to go poppies again!!” She sings loudly with a big smile on her face. I can’t help but laugh along with her.
She’s so very beautiful and I’m so lucky to call her mine.
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lazylittleone44 · 3 months
i want someone to get protective over me🥺
there's nothing like a protective, possessive older mommy who gets a little crazy when someone looks the wrong way at their little girl
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