lazyowl · 15 minutes
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LG Bird T
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lazyowl · 2 hours
You: Video games won’t sell unless they’re filled with half naked women
Nintendo, an intellectual:
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lazyowl · 2 hours
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lazyowl · 2 hours
I got to hold a 500,000 year old hand axe at the museum today.
It's right-handed
I am right-handed
There are grooves for the thumb and knuckle to grip that fit my hand perfectly
I have calluses there from holding my stylus and pencils and the gardening tools.
There are sharper and blunter parts of the edge, for different types of cutting, as well as a point for piercing.
I know exactly how to use this to butcher a carcass.
A homo erectus made it
Some ancestor of mine, three species ago, made a tool that fits my hand perfectly, and that I still know how to use.
Who were you
A man? A woman? Did you even use those words?
Did you craft alone or were you with friends? Did you sing while you worked?
Did you find this stone yourself, or did you trade for it? Was it a gift?
Did you make it for yourself, or someone else, or does the distinction of personal property not really apply here?
Who were you?
What would you think today, seeing your descendant hold your tool and sob because it fits her hands as well?
What about your other descendant, the docent and caretaker of your tool, holding her hands under it the way you hold your hands under your baby's head when a stranger holds them.
Is it bizarre to you, that your most utilitarian object is now revered as holy?
Or has it always been divine?
Or is the divine in how I am watching videos on how to knap stone made by your other descendants, learning by example the way you did?
Tomorrow morning I am going to the local riverbed in search of the appropriate stones, and I will follow your example.
The first blood spilled on it will almost certainly be my own, as I learn the textures and rhythm of how it's done.
Did you have cuss words back then? Gods to blaspheme when the rock slips and you almost take your thumbnail off instead? Or did you just scream?
I'm not religious.
But if spilling my own blood to connect with a stranger who shared it isn't partaking in the divine
I don't know what is.
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lazyowl · 4 hours
Ooooooo! The boyyyyyyy!
I just realized how close it is to July and I have absolutely no refs up XD
oh boy we are off to a GREAT start
Anyway now I'm drawing Gabe :)
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lazyowl · 5 hours
Ooo what is that?
Good luck with it!
I just realized how close it is to July and I have absolutely no refs up XD
oh boy we are off to a GREAT start
Anyway now I'm drawing Gabe :)
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lazyowl · 5 hours
why are boys hot and cute like wtf take a break
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lazyowl · 6 hours
Idk what is happening but I hope you do get those refs
And could I see the boy??? (When you’re done of course)
I just realized how close it is to July and I have absolutely no refs up XD
oh boy we are off to a GREAT start
Anyway now I'm drawing Gabe :)
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lazyowl · 6 hours
the human stress response seems so maladaptive!
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lazyowl · 7 hours
How to create an atmosphere: Train Station
people patiently waiting for their trains, lost in their phones
passengers running down the platform to catch their train
someone struggling with all their baggage
small children running around
people waiting for their loved ones
a sad, but sweet goodbye
an excited and happy hello
people drinking and eating on the platform, waiting for their trains to arrive
people getting confused at the ticket vending machines
passengers waiting in line at the service desk to complain or to find a new route
people routinely checking the time and arrival of their delayed trains
passenger trains arriving and leaving the station
the beeping of the doors opening and closing
the whistling of the conductor when the train is about to leave
a freight train speeding through the station, making it impossible to hear anything else at all
announcements of trains arriving, being late or being redirected to another platform
announcements about being careful to not let their baggage unsupervised and to only smoke in designated areas
pigeons flying around
passengers running down the platform, screaming for the train to wait for them
the stickiness of the floor
the gush of wind when a train drives through
that specific smell of every train station, that can't be pinpointed
the smell of fresh pastry from the bakeries inside the station
the smell of fast food and old oil
the smell of pigeons living inside the train station
that specific smell of train tunnels
the smell of cigarette smoke coming from the designated smoking area
stale air on the roofed platform
overpriced coffee or tea to go
sweet kiss goodbye
If you like my blog and want to support me, you can buy me a coffee or become a member! And check out my Instagram! 🥰
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lazyowl · 8 hours
I saw a post a little while ago that I'll never find again, but it's still bugging me. It was written like a PSA about proper procedure for applying testosterone gel--mainly, how you're not supposed to let it get on anyone else's skin.
And that's correct. But the post went hard on it, like "please, please be aware of the risks of this medication, it can do so much damage to others if you're not careful, I just think we should be honest about the advantages and disadvantages of medications like this."
It could've been sincere, but it gave me concern-trolling vibes real bad and I can't get it out of my head. So here's my PSA:
Don't slap on your T-gel and then immediately rub your bare bicep on anyone.
Once 2 hours have passed, the remaining amount available to be absorbed is negligible. The med guide says to wash your bicep before you rub it on anyone, but even that's being extremely cautious.
Testosterone isn't poison. If you apply a full dose every day, it still takes months before anything noticeable happens. It's not going to kill someone who accidentally touches your skin for .5 milliseconds.
You do not have to handle T-gel like it's drain cleaner. It's not corrosive. Cis women have testosterone. It's a thing that humans have in our bodies. Avoid getting your medication onto anyone else, but holy shit nothing bad is gonna happen if you forget one time and snuggle shirtless.
T-gel is alcohol-based, so it's best to refrain from being on fire until it has dried thoroughly.
Don't put it on your dick. If you've ever accidentally or on purpose gotten IcyHot on your dick, you have an intuitive understanding of how the skin there differs from bicep skin. Also, the effects of testosterone gel don't localize like that and your dick is fine, I promise.
Don't eat it. I don't know why you'd want to, but don't.
Don't leave the bottle out around little kids on account of little kids being the way that they are, i.e., enthusiastic about potions.
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lazyowl · 8 hours
“This character is dead in canon” to you. They’re dead in canon to you. To me they’re fine
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lazyowl · 8 hours
Just looked at a blog where the header description said 'sometimes I reblog posts I like so I don't forget them'.
And I feel like that, right there, explains so much about how the site has changed in the last few months.
People now think reblogging is an unusual behaviour, rather than a default.
Tumblr newbies, please, for the love of baby Jesus, reblog the posts you like. That is the whole reason the site exists - for you to collect all your shiny fandom objects in a single space. Which you can organize to your heart's content. Or not organize at all, if that's your jam.
Our blogs are intended to be collections of posts, not collections of likes.
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lazyowl · 9 hours
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lazyowl · 11 hours
Today I was helping run the booth for the local queer non-profit at the farmer's market and a woman told me that she would like a flag, pointing to our little bucket of flags. So I picked up the bucket and I brought it over and asked her which one she'd like.
"Well, tell me about them!"
"Oh! Okay! This one is the inclusion flag- its for everyone, including allies."
"What's this one?"
"That's the bisexual flag: it represents people who are attracted to two or more genders."
"Hmm... what about this one?"
"That's the nonbinary flag: it represents people whose gender isn't strictly 'male or female.'"
"Hmm... what's this purple one?"
"That's the asexual flag: it represents people who may not feel sexual attraction the way that others do."
She put her hand to her chest and got this really curious look on her face. "Tell me more about that!"
"Oh, happy to! So like if you're out with your bestie and someone real fine walks by and she's like 'omg look at him' and you're like 'girl get a grip?' Or like you just don't get what the 'big deal' is about sex or why everyone is so weird about it? But there's also room for like- you don't fall in love with the way someone looks, you're attracted to the person- their sense of humor and their kindness, or there's something about their personality that just makes it click for you? That's asexuality, too!"
And she got real quiet and seemed to think about it for a minute. So I grabbed our little informational sheet about different queer identities and handed her a copy. "If you want to do some research, this is probably a great place to start."
She thanked me and took an ace flag, stuck it in her hair.
Sometimes when you're online all the time, its easy to think that 'everyone knows about (topic), there's no reason to keep talking about it so much.' But while the people on the internet are real people, the internet ISN'T real life. And there are lots of people who do need to know that they do have community!
One of the jokes is that I'm a lot of people's 'patient zero' for discovering that they're queer. This is why.
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lazyowl · 11 hours
im having feelings about the uffington white horse again
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lazyowl · 13 hours
Being on this website is fun because you can absolutely tell when a blorbo clicks in someone's brain. You're scrolling, and suddenly out of nowhere there's like 12 posts about the same character back to back reposted by the same person, and you just know "oh. They're a permanent part of their psyche now." and honestly it's a vibe go off king
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