lazypotato10 · 3 months
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lazypotato10 · 6 months
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Hindumisia is normalised in my country and Hindu minor girls are r*ped, forcefully converted and married to men who are as old as their fathers. I’ve never seen anyone on tumblr speaking about this. Please help spread awareness!
Source: HinduSamata
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lazypotato10 · 7 months
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lazypotato10 · 7 months
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Janaki vallabam
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lazypotato10 · 7 months
Why do hindu rights posts have so few reblogs? Because hindus are cowards. They cannot even reblog stuff raising awareness about their own community even if it’s on Tumblr, a platform that provides anonymity. We are nothing like our ancestors. We are weak, vulnerable and pathetic and it sucks.
It’s easier to reblog shayari or desi stuff instead. Ik because I’ve been there. I know how it feels to be a Hindu. I know how it feels to look the other way and numb your heart but sometimes—
We just don’t flipping care.
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lazypotato10 · 7 months
Famines and colonialism-
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Between 1876 and 1878, during the Madras famine, anywhere from four to five million people perished after the viceroy, Lord Lytton, adopted a hands-off approach similar to that employed in Ireland and Orissa. The famine was preceded by droughts but the situation was made worse because of the colonial government's policy of laissez faire in the trade of food-grains.
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lazypotato10 · 7 months
This is so embarrassing.
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Let me help you all to remember Tipu Sultan as he was! Don't hate him, you fascist! Please remember and honor the great Tiger of Mysore.
It's beyond foolishness to think Tipu Sultan fought British because he loved Bharat. He wanted to establish Islamic rule in the countiy; to achieve that he had to first defeat the British. For this purpose, Tipu Sultan solicited the assistance of Muslim countries like Persia, Afghanistan and Turkey.
Even the Hindu names of places, the Sultan could not tolerate. Therefore, Mangalapuri (Mangalore) was changed to Jalalabad, Cannanore (Kanwapuram) to Kusanabad, Bepur (Vaippura) to Sultanpatanam or Faruqui, Mysore to Nazarabad, Dharwar to Quarshed-Sawad, Gooty to Faiz-Hissar, Ratnagiri to Mustafabad, Dindigul to Khaliqabad, and Calicut (Kozhikode) to Islamabad. It was after the death of Tipu Sultan that the local people reverted to old names.
There are numerous historical records that detail the atrocities of Tipu Sultan on Hindus and Christians.
Let's list only a few.
Elankulam Kunjan Pillai has recorded the situation in Malabar as follows:
“Kozhikode was then a centre of Brahmins. There were around 7000 Namboodiri houses of which more than 2000 houses were destroyed by Tipu Sultan in Kozhikode alone. Sultan did not spare even children and women. Menfolk escaped to forests and neighbouring principalities. Mappilas increased many fold (due to forcible conversion). During the military regime of Tipu Sultan, Hindus were forcibly circumcised and converted to Muhammadan faith. As a result the number of Nairs and Brahmins declined substantially.”
Atrocities committed in Malabar during the days of Tipu Sultan’s cruel military regime have been described in great detail in the famous works of many reputed authors— Travancore State Manual of T.K. Velu Pillai and Kerala Sahitya Charitam of Ulloor Parameshwara Iyer.
After the capture of Mangalore, thousands of Christians were also forcibly sent to Sreerangapatanam where all of them were circumcised and converted to Islam. Tipu Sultan’s justification was that during the Portuguese domination, prior to the arrival of the British, many Muslims had been converted to Christianity by their Missionaries. He proudly proclaimed his action as a sort of punishment for the conversion of many Muslims by the Portuguese.
Then he marched upto Kumbla on the northern borders of Kerala, forcibly converting to Islam every Hindu on the way. This time, his argument (repeated by the Muslim and secularist historians of today) was that if all belonged to one religion—Muhammadanism—there would be unity and consequently it would be easy to defeat the British!
In Malabar, the main target of Tipu Sultan’s atrocities were Hindus and Hindu temples. According to Lewis B. Boury, “the atrocities committed by Tipu Sultan against Hindus in Malabar were worse and more barbarous than those committed against the Hindus in Hindustan by the notorious Mahmud of Ghazni, Alauddin Khalji, and Nadir Shah.”
According to the Malabar Manual of William Logan who was the District Collector for some time, Thrichambaram and Thalipparampu temples in Chirackal Taluqa, Thiruvangatu Temple (Brass Pagoda) in Tellicherry, and Ponmeri Temple near Badakara were all destroyed by Tipu Sultan.
The Malabar Manual mention that the Maniyoor mosque was once a Hindu temple. The local belief is that it was converted to a mosque during the days of Tipu Sultan.
Vatakkankoor Raja Raja Varma in his famous literary work, History of Sanskrit Literature in Kerala , has written the following about the loss and destruction faced by the Hindu temples in Kerala during the military regime (Padayottam) of Tipu Sultan:
“There was no limit as to the loss the Hindu temples suffered due to the military operations of Tipu Sultan. Burning down the temples, destruction of the idols installed therein and also cutting the heads of cattle over the temple deities were the cruel entertainments of Tipu Sultan and his equally cruel army. It was heartrending even to imagine the destruction caused by Tipu Sultan in the famous ancient temples of Thalipparampu and Thrichambaram. The devastation caused by this new Ravana’s barbarous activities have not yet been fully rectified.”
As per the provisions of the Treaty of Mangalore of 1784, the British had allowed Tipu Sultan to have his suzerainty over Malabar. “In consequence, the Hindus of Malabar had to suffer the most severe enormities the world had ever known in history,” observes K.V. Krishna Iyer, in his famous book, “When the second-in-line of Zamorins, Eralppad, refused to cooperate with Tipu Sultan in his military operations against Travancore because of Tipu’s crude methods of forcible circumcision and conversion of Hindus to Islam, the enraged Tipu Sultan took a solemn oath to circumcise and convert the Zamorin and his chieftains and Hindu soldiers to Islamic faith.”
L.B. Bouiy writes : Tipu Sultan sought a marriage alliance with the matriarchal Muslim family of Arackal Bibi in Cannanore. Kozhikode was then a centre of Brahmins and had over 7000 Brahmin families living there. Over 2000 Brahmin families perished as a result of Tipu Sultan’s Islamic cruelties. He did not spare even women and children. Most of the men escaped to forests and foreign lands.
Elamkulam Kunjan Pillai wrote in the Mathrubhoomi Weekly of December 25, 1955:
“Muhammadans greatly increased in number. Hindus were forcibly circumcised in thousands. As a result of Tipu’s atrocities, strength of Nairs and Chamars (Scheduled Castes) significantly diminished in number. Namboodiris also substantially decreased in number.”
The German missionary Guntest has recorded:
“Accompanied by an army of 60,000, Tipu Sultan came to Kozhikode in 1788 and razed it to the ground. It is not possible even to describe the brutalities committed by that Islamic barbarian from Mysore.” C.A. Parkhurst also noted that “Almost the entire Kozhikode was razed to the ground.”
Kozhikode was made a graveyard by Tipu Sultan, the symbol of communal harmony.
Thali, Thiruvannur, Varackal, Puthur, Govindapuram, Thalikkunnu and other important temples in the town of Kozhikode as well as those nearby were completely destroyed as a result of Tipu’s military operations. According to available evidences, fearing the wrath of Tipu Sultan, the sacred idol of the Guruvayoor Temple was removed to the Ambalapuzha Sri Krishna Temple in Travancore State. It was only after the end of Tipu’s military regime, that the idol was ceremoniously reinstated in the Guruvayoor Temple itself.
Damages caused to the nearby temples at Parampathali, Panmayanadu and Vengidangu are visible even today. The deplorable state of the architecture of the sanctum sanctorum of Parampathali Temple destroyed during the military operations of Tipu Sultan is really heart-rending. The atrocities committed in Kozhikode during the nightmarish days of the military occupation are vividly described in the works of Fra Bartolomaeo who had travelled through Kerala at that time. How cruelly Tipu Sultan, ably assisted by the French Commander M. Lally, had treated the Hindu and Christian population can be clearly understood from his writings.
Govinda Pillai in the book,History of Literature writes.
“During Malayalam Era 965 corresponding to 1789-90, Tipu Sultan crossed over to Malabar with an army of uncivilised barbarians. With a sort of fanatical love for Islamic faith, he destroyed many Hindu temples and Christian churches which were the custodians of precious wealth and religious traditions. Besides, Tipu Sultan abducted hundreds of people and forcibly circumcised and converted them to Islam—an act which was considered by them as more than death.”
A small army of 2000 Nairs of Kadathanadu resisted the invasion of the huge army of Tipu Sultan from a fortress in Kuttipuram for a few weeks. They were reduced to starvation and death. Tipu Sultan entered the fort and offered to spare their lives, provided they accepted conversion to Islam. The unfortunate lot of 2000 Nairs were then forced to eat beef after being converted to Islamic faith, at the end of usual religious ritual of mass circumcision. All the members of one branch of Parappanad Royal Family were forcibly converted to Muhammadan faith except for one or two who escaped from the clutches of Tipu Sultan’s army. Similarly, one Thiruppad belonging to Nilamboor Royal Family was also forcibly abducted and converted to Islam. Thereafter, it was reported that further conversions of Hindus were attempted through those converts. In the end, when the Kolathiri Raja surrendered and paid tribute, Tipu Sultan got him treacherously killed without any specific reason, dragged his dead body tied to the feet of an elephant through the streets, and finally hanged him from a tree-top to show his Islamic contempt for Hindu Rajas.
According to the official report of Col. Fullarton of the British forces stationed in Mangalore, worst type of brutalities on Brahmins were committed by Tipu Sultan in 1783 during his siege of Palghat Fort which was being defended by the Zamorin and his Hindu soldiers.
“Tipu’s soldiers daily exposed the heads of many innocent Brahmins within sight from the fort for Zamorin and his Hindu followers to see. It is asserted that the Zamorin rather than witness such enormities and to avoid further killing of innocent Brahmins, chose to abandon the Palghat Fort” (p. 500).
“In August, 1788, a Raja of the Kshatriya family of Parappanad and also Trichera Thiruppad, a chieftain of Nilamboor, and many other Hindu nobles who had been carried away earlier to Coimbatore by Tipu Sultan, were forcibly circumcised and forced to eat beef. Nairs in desperation, under the circumstances, rose up against their Muslim oppressors under Tipu’s command in South Malabar and the Hindus of Coorg in the North also joined them” (p. 507).
If this was not an Islamic war, what else was it? Do forcible circumcision and feeding of beef form any part of normal wars? The War that Tipu Sultan waged in Kerala, was a cruel Islamic war against the Hindu population, mainly for conversion of Hindus by force. Yet there are degenerates like OP who admire Tipu Sultan as a hero!
The inscription on the sword of Tipu Sultan was:
“My victorious sabre is lightning for the destruction of the unbelievers. Haidar, the Lord of the Faith, is victorious to my advantage. And moreover, he destroyed the wicked race who were unbelievers.”
During the notorious Padayottakkalam from 1783 to 1792, Tipu Sultan had committed a variety of atrocities against the Hindus and Christians in Kerala. Some of them as narrated by the Christian victims are vividly described by the famous traveller and historian, Fra Bartolomaeo, in his well-known book, Voyage to East Indies. Following is the verbatim description of the atrocities by a Christian victim as given in the book:
“First a corps of 30,000 barbarians who butchered everybody on the way, followed by the Field-Gun Unit under the French Commander, M. Lally. Tipu Sultan was riding on an elephant behind which another army of 30,000 soldiers followed. Most of the men and women were hanged in Calicut. First mothers were hanged with children tied to the necks of their mothers. That barbarian Tipu Sultan tied the naked Christians and Hindus to the legs of elephants and made the elephants move about till the bodies of the helpless victims were torn to pieces. Temples and Churches were ordered to be burnt, desecrated and destroyed. Christian and Hindu women were forced to marry Muhammadans and similarly their men were forced to marry Muhammadan women.
Those Christians who refused to be ‘honoured’ with Islam, were ordered to be killed by hanging then and there. The above version of the atrocities was obtained from the sorrowful narration by the victims who escaped from Tipu’s army and reached Varapuzha (near Alwaye) which is the centre of Carmichael Christian Misssion. I myself helped many victims to cross the Varapuzha river by boats” (Cited in Cochin History by K.P. Padmanabha Menon, p. 573).
It may be noted here that Fra Bartolomaeo was in the West Coast around March, 1790. Evidence of Tipu’s atrocities against Christians are also available from the records of churches in Mangalore, Calicut and Varapuzha.
The Mysore Gazetteer says that the ravaging army of Tipu Sultan had destroyed more than 8000 temples in South India. The temples of Malabar and Cochin principalities had to bear the brunt of plunder and destruction. The History of Cochin by K.P. Padmanabha Menon and History of Kerala by A. Sreedhara Menon narrate some of them:
“In the month of Chingam 952, Malayalam Era (corresponding to August, 1786) Tipu’s Army destroyed idols of the famous Perumanam Temple and desecrated all the temples between Trichur and Kamvannur river. Irinjalakuda and Thiruvanchikulam temples were also defiled and damaged by Tipu’s Army.”
Some of the other famous temples looted and desecrated were as follows: Triprangot, Thrichembaram, Thirunavaya, Thiruvannoor, Calicut Thali, Hemambika Temple, the Jain Temple in Palghat, Mammiyur, Parambatali, Venkitangu, Pemmayanadu, Tiruvanjikulam, Terumanam, Vedakhumnnathan Temple of Trichur, Belur Siva Temple, Shri Veliyanattukava, Varakkal, Puthu, Govindapuram, Keraladhiswara, Trikkandiyur, Sukapuram, Maranehei Temple of Aaalvancheiri Tambrakkal, Vengara Temple of Aranadu, Tikulam, Ramanathakra, Azhinjalam Indiannur, Mannur Narayan Kanniar and Vadukunda Siva Temple of Madai.The Trikkavu Temple of Ponnani was converted into Military Garrison. The Christian Pilgrimage centre of Palayur Church and Varapuzha Church and Mission buildings were among the several churches destroyed by the ravaging army of Tipu.
In the case of Triprayar Temple, the main deity was shifted temporarily to Gnanappilly Mana situated in a remote village, and in the case of Guruvayoor Temple, the idol was shifted to Ambalapuzha Sri Krishna Temple in Travancore State before the barbarian army of Tipu Sultan reached there.
According to personal diary notes of Tipu Sultan, the Chirackal Raja offered to pay over Rs. 4 lakh in gold and silver to save the destruction of the local Hindu temples by Tipu’s army. But, true to his character, Tipu replied that “even if the entire world is offered to me, I will not desist from destroying Hindu temples”
I do not have even try to “defame” that barbarian there are some letters written by him -
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This is barely scratching the surface! Just listen to OP, stop being a hindutva bigot and start honouring Tipu Sultan <3
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lazypotato10 · 7 months
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lazypotato10 · 7 months
Egypt has sent 40 tanks to shoot at civilians trying to flee an active war zone. Shoot civilians. That are trying to flee an active war zone. But yes, let's waste our time with outrage against Israel, and not the country that has closed its border, has done everything to prevent evacuation of civilians, and has now sent tanks to shoot at them
When Ukrainians needed to flee a war zone, Europe opened its doors to them immediately. When Palestinians need to escape a war their terrorist government started, Egypt and other Arab countries close their doors, lock them, and send soldiers to shoot those trying to flee.
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lazypotato10 · 7 months
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Later, her family would claim that her account was hacked.
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lazypotato10 · 7 months
Y’all I just noticed something- ever since I turned off anonymous asks, due to me getting harassed constantly by antisemitic asshats and pro-Palestine people/anti-zionists (because I’m a cold hearted bitch/moron/monster for caring for Israeli citizens who are also victims of the war/ caring for the return of the hostages/ calling out antisemitism/etc…) I haven’t gotten any more hateful or harassing asks… I wonder why??? Could it be that some of them are….cowards and likes to hide? I guess we’ll never know….(jk I already know the answer-i just wanted to add a dramatic flair to it lol)
Also do y’all (I’m talking to the pro Palestine and anti Zionist crowd) even care that Hamas is still holding over a hundred hostages??? And that Hamas are treating the hostages like they’re in some sick torture game??? It seems like whenever someone talks about the hostages/any news about them/testimonies from those who were returned/etc… y’all go bat shit crazy. Hell there’s this video going around where this group of people (pro Palestine/anti Zionist) were defacing a mural that says ‘free the hostages’ and ‘fuck Hamas’ (or something similar to it) because it somehow insulted them???
And stop denying that 10/7 happened. It’s not a fucking conspiracy theory! It was a messed up/horrible terrorist attack and a pogrom- a pogrom that Hamas has promised will happen again! To those who are still denying it/claiming that IDF did it/ or thinks that this attack was necessary- y’all are just fucking unbelievable and messed up…
At this point I’m convinced that y’all hate jews in general and that you are using the i/p war as an excuse to be hateful antisemitic little fuckers. I said what I said.
Am yisrael chai! ✡️
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lazypotato10 · 8 months
“[T]he very term “religion” has been foreign to Judaism until relatively recently, when the dialogue with Christianity has compelled Jews to recognize and use it. Indeed the Hebrew language does not really have a word for “religion”. In modern Hebrew the word dat has been pressed into service to translate “religion”, but it is a word which properly refers to law, not belief. A more obvious contender might be the word emunah, which is a key word in the Jewish religious vocabulary, but emunah properly means “trust”: belief in, rather than belief that.”
— Nicholas de Lange, Judaism (2002)
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lazypotato10 · 8 months
Something that is frustrating is when anti-Israel folks act like they are completely wise in the ways of how war works. 
Listen, if a terrorist grouping breaks into your country, slaughters thousands and kidnaps your people, ya, you’re gonna fight back. 
They’re not just bombing to destroy Gaza. If that were the case, they would’ve flattened it by October 8. Instead, they have coordinated attacks. They attack the hospitals and schools because Hamas stores weaponry and bunkers there. But I don’t see you getting on their asses for war crimes. 
Stop acting like you know how war works. You probably had a grandpa in the military and it ends there. And clearly you don’t do enough research on wars. 
My grandpa was a veteran, my parents are both history majors, and I have 4 teachers who are veterans and who have told us their stories of war. And so, while I may not have first hand experience, I’ve heard from multiple different sources of people on what happens in one and why militaries do what they do. But I’m not going around saying I’m an expert on war because I did a few Google searches and watched a couple of TikTok videos for my ‘research’. 
Look, tell me, what do you want Israel to do in this situation? And don’t you fucking say a ceasefire because they’ve already tried that and Hamas keeps breaking them. 
So what should Israel do? Just roll over and let Hamas try to kill them all? Let Hamas get away with kidnapping their citizens? Because if that’s what you think, fuck you. 
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lazypotato10 · 8 months
"There is so much to criticize about Israel's occupation of the West Bank, which I have consistently opposed. But please, spare me the Harvard Yard nonsense that this war is all about the innocent, colonized oppressed and the evil, colonizing oppressors; that Israel alone was responsible for the isolation of Gaza; and that the only choice Hamas had for years was to create an underground "skyline" of tunnels up to 230 feet deep (contra Dubai) and that its only choice on October 7 was martyrdom.
Hamas has never wavered from being more interested in destroying the Jewish state than in building a Palestinian state - because that goal of annihilating Israel is what has enabled Hamas to justify its hold on power indefinitely, even though Gaza has known only economic misery since Hamas seized control.
We do those Palestinians who truly want and deserve a state of their own no favors by pretending otherwise."
- Thomas Friedman, The New York Times, December 29, 2023
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lazypotato10 · 8 months
If you hate over 80% of Jews on the basis of us not being willing to lay down and die then you just hate Jews.
Sorry, but that's the truth.
You can't just say you only like less than 20% of a group but then say you don't hate that group.
That's not how it works.
Zionism is Jewish self-determination and if you hate us for believing in it then you just hate us.
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lazypotato10 · 8 months
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Depp’s lawyer, Camille Vasquez, admits to spraying his cologne in the bathroom Amber Hears used during the trial to mess with her.
Odours have the known tendency to cause panic attacks and trigger flashbacks in people with PTSD. Camille Vasquez, who claims to stand for victims of abuse, weaponised a rape victim’s trauma to throw her off and scare her.
There is a special place in hell for people who protect abusers.
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lazypotato10 · 8 months
favourite murti of Shiv Ji in Rishikesh
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