lcdylucifer · 2 years
reblog this if on april fool’s, you’re accepting ic ‘pranks’ in your ask box. put ketchup in my muse’s drink, tie their shoelaces together, go wild. go crazy. have fun dealing with the consequences.
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lcdylucifer · 3 years
Lucifer doesn't deign to respond, simply drawing her damaged wing up as a shield against his attack and hissing under her breath at the feeling of his distorted magic.
Shaking her feathers out to get rid of the sensation, she narrowed her gaze and studied him for a moment before dashing forwards, drawing her blade back to swipe at his arm.
“Your people will die, you old fool.” She hissed, her stately composure breaking for one brief moment. “I have seen it before and know the signs of a ruler bent on destruction, regardless of the cost to his subjects.”
The magic he used felt wrong, sickly and twisted like some horrible diseased thing. It made her skin crawl, the sensation almost enough to distract her from their apparent arena, but the glimpses of splendor made her heart ache for what had been lost in his mad quest.
If he was the one to demand battle, then who was she to deny him? With a flick of her wrist her own weapon appeared, a khopesh blade as elegant as it was deadly, followed by her wings—one severed at the wrist, but the missing feathers replaced with wicked metal blades just as dangerous as the ones she had lost.
“If it is battle you desire, I have no intention of depriving you.”
“Good. I like that attitude.” Davoth simply responded. “The sooner we finish, the better– Whether I win or otherwise.”
The armored Dark Lord began by throwing a wave of Argent Energy at the Enoch. Being hit with attacks like this would usually dish out nasty results on weaker enemies, often times also killing and, or corrupting them in the process– But the worst it could do to those like Lucy would be a feeling of being burned and electrocuted at once.
In case she would dive in for an attack, he was prepared for evasive manuevers as well.
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lcdylucifer · 3 years
"Your people will die, you old fool." She hissed, her stately composure breaking for one brief moment. "I have seen it before and know the signs of a ruler bent on destruction, regardless of the cost to his subjects."
The magic he used felt wrong, sickly and twisted like some horrible diseased thing. It made her skin crawl, the sensation almost enough to distract her from their apparent arena, but the glimpses of splendor made her heart ache for what had been lost in his mad quest.
If he was the one to demand battle, then who was she to deny him? With a flick of her wrist her own weapon appeared, a khopesh blade as elegant as it was deadly, followed by her wings—one severed at the wrist, but the missing feathers replaced with wicked metal blades just as dangerous as the ones she had lost.
"If it is battle you desire, I have no intention of depriving you."
She listened to his tale, keeping an impassive mask in place through the entirely of it. At first it reminded her of her own past, but soon every word spoken reminded her of the corrupt deity she’d failed to stop—mad with desire for power and uncaring who suffered in his ascent.
“I had to watch as my followers were executed for the crime of opposing genocide. My own kin betrayed us and permanently banished me from our home.”
Her own subjects had no fear of death; they had already passed that doorway and would remain as they were for as long as Hell lived.
His mention of the Slayer drew her attention once more. She knew he was a skilled warrior, on a level equal with any battle-tested Enoch, yet he was still human to a degree. And humanity had come under her protection, as much as she could give it.
“You would damn all of existence to death in a bid to reclaim your lost throne? Then you truly are mad, lost in the past and desperate to relive what is gone. There is no way to bring back what has passed, even Kronos himself cannot turn back time.”
There was the feeling that she may not be leaving Immora without a fight. Magic danced subtly along her limbs, ready and waiting should she call on it.
It was Davoth’s turn to listen to what Lucy had to say, not that it would make a difference whatsoever. If his people are denied the pleasures of life, then what right did other life forms have to experience the same?
Others’ opinions be damned– He’d do everything to ensure he was heard. Loud and clear, as they say. Oh, and he could feel that she was accumulating a dangerous amounts of magic. None could tell how much damage would be done if he decided to fight her in this city.
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“Say what you want about me and what I plan to do with what I made, outlander, but my vengeance will not be stopped until victory is secured.” Hellish sparks of energy danced around the Dark Lord’s armored regalia. Most likely Argent Energy, too. “And by the time I’m done, nothing of the old void will be left. Not even Blazkowicz himself, and everything he holds precious. A new void shall then take place, with only myself and my people having say in what’s being done to it.”
With that, he stood up, his energy sword’s hilt and his energy shield’s handle unholstered. He felt confident to fight in person today, and without the need of his mech armor, though it would have otherwise given him more of an edge in battle.
Oh, and if he was pushed enough, he wouldn’t be afraid to play dirty either.
“Prepare yourself. We take this fight elsewhere.” As soon as he said that, the both of them disappeared in flashes of red energy…
And appeared to be this somewhere else, as promised. The general vibe of this place was pristine, although mostly desolate. Odd, but elegant architecture, enough space to fight, and yet, to make things more upsetting…
This spot was the only place where a glimpse of what this particular Hell– As Davoth called by her old name, Jekkad, would have looked like if he didn’t become insanely selfish with his quest for immortality.
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lcdylucifer · 3 years
SEND CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT ASKS, ANONS, IC STUFF, ANYTHING TO ANSWER, ETC.  if there’s ever been anything- anything at all -that you’ve been curious regarding my muse(s) or blog(s)  ( no matter how big or small )  NOW’S THE TIME TO ASK!
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lcdylucifer · 3 years
She listened to his tale, keeping an impassive mask in place through the entirely of it. At first it reminded her of her own past, but soon every word spoken reminded her of the corrupt deity she'd failed to stop—mad with desire for power and uncaring who suffered in his ascent.
"I had to watch as my followers were executed for the crime of opposing genocide. My own kin betrayed us and permanently banished me from our home."
Her own subjects had no fear of death; they had already passed that doorway and would remain as they were for as long as Hell lived.
His mention of the Slayer drew her attention once more. She knew he was a skilled warrior, on a level equal with any battle-tested Enoch, yet he was still human to a degree. And humanity had come under her protection, as much as she could give it.
"You would damn all of existence to death in a bid to reclaim your lost throne? Then you truly are mad, lost in the past and desperate to relive what is gone. There is no way to bring back what has passed, even Kronos himself cannot turn back time."
There was the feeling that she may not be leaving Immora without a fight. Magic danced subtly along her limbs, ready and waiting should she call on it.
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“You stand before a ruler, in one of the remaining bastions of this scorched world. Why are you here?”
Confronting him in his own seat of power was likely not an act recommended for anyone other than another on the cusp of godhood. It could prove fatal for many, but she had been a prolific warrior when humanity had yet to walk upright.
“I see no ruler, merely a child playing king. What do you hope to gain from driving your people to extinction?”
She asks in full sincerity, truly wondering if he had some great plot or was simply mad.
“You speak of extinction as if it brings the implication that it would affect me in the slightest. There are still plenty of souls here as my subjects, be it those living in Immora or the rest of Hell.” Ah, one of those two. Irritating, to say the least. Who was she to call him childish? What he was doing here would be fine as is.
“I would have refused to give you an answer, but if you asked, I might as well give it to you.” The fallen Primeval’s pose on his throne was as lofty as ever– Arrogant, even. “All of Jekkad and her people would have been a perfect world, were it not for the defiance of my own servants. The Maykrs had ruined everything I was meant to care for. Can you ever imagine seeing your own people expire while you, an immortal, remain?”
“In their deceit, they took away some of my powers and title, and sealed me away like I am some kind of beast, never to be released. They stole away the rest of my creations– Countless worlds being taken over by the treacherous beings claiming themselves as higher powers, leading other beings across the void astray.” The Dark Lord continued. “I was even denied the answer to the question I seek regarding immortality– My people would have not have any trouble dealing with dying themselves while not knowing when their time will come.”
“I wasn’t completely helpless though– Countless ages worth of whispers strengthened my people to take back some of what I’ve lost, and made the Maykrs and people under their rule turn on each other. Ah, yes, one of my former steward’s bloodline is also involved…” Red eyes continued their gaze on the woman before him. “His rage was spectacular– And those helpless pigeons got what they deserved. None of this would happen without him being in the picture.”
His face frowned, however. Was it from worry? Anger? Who knew? “…But he broke the chains of control, in ways even I find hard to believe. I cannot allow him to undo what came out of my plans. I am, after all, responsible for the existence of the void’s ecosystems.”
“The Slayer may have done everything I expected him to do without his knowledge, but he won’t stay on top forever. He must be eliminated before he does that to me, and then I will start the whole void over.” Oh no, the tone of his voice and what he implied couldn’t be good…
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lcdylucifer · 3 years
Confronting him in his own seat of power was likely not an act recommended for anyone other than another on the cusp of godhood. It could prove fatal for many, but she had been a prolific warrior when humanity had yet to walk upright.
"I see no ruler, merely a child playing king. What do you hope to gain from driving your people to extinction?"
She asks in full sincerity, truly wondering if he had some great plot or was simply mad.
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“You stand before a ruler, in one of the remaining bastions of this scorched world. Why are you here?”
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lcdylucifer · 3 years
There is an image her niece has shown her of a frog drinking tea.
She is currently feeling the emotions embodied by that image.
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lcdylucifer · 3 years
If one were to approach the palace standing in the center of Dis, they would be able to hear singing.
Not in any language ever spoken by humans, but beautiful nonetheless.
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lcdylucifer · 3 years
She gave him another barely-there smile, bowing ever so slightly as she spoke.
"Well met. I am the Lady Lucifer, keeper of the realms of Hell and Limbo."
His method of transport was intriguing—she may request to inspect it at some future date, in hopes of finding a way to cross boundaries herself once more, rather than requesting paths of Hell.
"May your sword be swift and your battle honorable." A rather traditional parting phrase, but one she had not need for in many years.
The question might have brought offense or bad memories, but it had been literal millennia since the failed revolt–she was able to discuss it now without much difficulty.
“Indeed. I, as the leader of the rebellion, suffered the worst punishment; imprisoned and disarmed in a single act.”
The longer they interacted, the more she could see a younger version of herself in him. Devoted to those who depended on them, with a strong sense of justice.
Hopefully he wouldn’t suffer a similar fate.
“That was the duty of the Reapers–they kept balance in our world, prevented any one person from gaining too much power. Even gods can die, after all. But with them gone, there was nothing keeping that balance in place.”
“Reapers, huh? Must be quite a role and responsibility.” The Slayer mused. There were indeed people before him who tried to keep things together in the face of chaos. Lucy here was definitely even more of a veteran than he was, and for that is a respect well-given and earned.
“My bad. The void must be a more chaotic place without said reapers around. I suppose it’s a no wonder some shitty god-tyrants are still running around makin’ a hassle outta people’s lives.” True– He had to see the Khan Maykr betray his and the Sentinels’ trust.
“Tell ya what. Say hi to Angie for me when you next meet ‘er. I’ve got some grotesque Hellspawn to hunt.” Sounds like it was time for him to go. Who knows how long VEGA had waited for him to go back to his mission control, after all.
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lcdylucifer · 3 years
"It has been difficult. I am not one who requires worship, but even still the effects have been felt." Hell was full of the souls of the unclaimed, and even Her great expanse would not last forever to house them.
She inclined her head in a slight nod to him.
"I will pass on your tidings, though I suspect you have as good a chance of seeing her as I. I wish you well on your quest." Perhaps not bearing the same weight as it would in her world, but a blessing nonetheless.
The question might have brought offense or bad memories, but it had been literal millennia since the failed revolt–she was able to discuss it now without much difficulty.
“Indeed. I, as the leader of the rebellion, suffered the worst punishment; imprisoned and disarmed in a single act.”
The longer they interacted, the more she could see a younger version of herself in him. Devoted to those who depended on them, with a strong sense of justice.
Hopefully he wouldn’t suffer a similar fate.
“That was the duty of the Reapers–they kept balance in our world, prevented any one person from gaining too much power. Even gods can die, after all. But with them gone, there was nothing keeping that balance in place.”
“Reapers, huh? Must be quite a role and responsibility.” The Slayer mused. There were indeed people before him who tried to keep things together in the face of chaos. Lucy here was definitely even more of a veteran than he was, and for that is a respect well-given and earned.
“My bad. The void must be a more chaotic place without said reapers around. I suppose it’s a no wonder some shitty god-tyrants are still running around makin’ a hassle outta people’s lives.” True– He had to see the Khan Maykr betray his and the Sentinels’ trust.
“Tell ya what. Say hi to Angie for me when you next meet ‘er. I’ve got some grotesque Hellspawn to hunt.” Sounds like it was time for him to go. Who knows how long VEGA had waited for him to go back to his mission control, after all.
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lcdylucifer · 3 years
The question might have brought offense or bad memories, but it had been literal millennia since the failed revolt--she was able to discuss it now without much difficulty.
“Indeed. I, as the leader of the rebellion, suffered the worst punishment; imprisoned and disarmed in a single act.”
The longer they interacted, the more she could see a younger version of herself in him. Devoted to those who depended on them, with a strong sense of justice.
Hopefully he wouldn’t suffer a similar fate.
“That was the duty of the Reapers--they kept balance in our world, prevented any one person from gaining too much power. Even gods can die, after all. But with them gone, there was nothing keeping that balance in place.”
Listening to his tale reminded her of her own past—corrupt deities working in their own best interest, as opposed to that of their worshippers.
“It seems we may have that experience in common. There was a man who desired godhood, and chose to begin his ascent with genocide of all Reapers, to prevent the souls of the dead from being taken to any afterlife but his own. When I and many of my siblings discovered his plan we rebelled, however we were betrayed by my own kin. Many of my followers were executed for their perceived treachery, while I and my six kin were cast out.”
With a slight movement she allowed her wings to manifest. Massive, white-feathered limbs that shone with an ethereal glow, easily reaching over twenty feet in span if not for the fact that a good third of one was missing.
“I have little patience for those who desire power for its own sake.”
Okay. Okay. That there’s one thing that would make ANY other human break a sweat. Luckily, the Slayer had seen a lot of things in his life, so he wasn’t at all too surprised.
“…Your wings. Is this the aftermath of the rebellion?” Well, he was curious, regardless of whether it was a personal question or otherwise. “Lest you prefer not to speak of it, of course.”
On the remark of people wanting power just so they can display it around without even considering responsibilities on the front. “So do I. The types begging to just be taken down a notch. No, not even that– Several notches.”
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lcdylucifer · 3 years
Listening to his tale reminded her of her own past—corrupt deities working in their own best interest, as opposed to that of their worshippers.
"It seems we may have that experience in common. There was a man who desired godhood, and chose to begin his ascent with genocide of all Reapers, to prevent the souls of the dead from being taken to any afterlife but his own. When I and many of my siblings discovered his plan we rebelled, however we were betrayed by my own kin. Many of my followers were executed for their perceived treachery, while I and my six kin were cast out."
With a slight movement she allowed her wings to manifest. Massive, white-feathered limbs that shone with an ethereal glow, easily reaching over twenty feet in span if not for the fact that a good third of one was missing.
"I have little patience for those who desire power for its own sake."
“It is not the worst fate one could suffer. My Hell is far different from many, She is my longest companion. And She has, at times, given me paths to venture outside Her boundaries. My imprisonment is merely a physical limitation—without wings, an Enoch cannot fly through the boundaries between life and afterlife.”
Even during their discussion, she held reservations—she might not have ulterior motives in meeting with him, but whether or not he had any of his own in befriending her niece had yet to be seen. But at his comment promising painful retribution towards anyone who meant harm, her concern faded.
“If anything were to happen, you would not be alone in the passing of judgement.”
A sharp smile crosses her face as she speaks—it has been millennia since her Blade had seen battle, and what better cause than in defense of kin?
“Yes, ma’am. That there statement ain’t no kiddin’.” William missed having any one conversation, if at all. Hunting down demons and a bunch of religious cults involving Hell took quite the toll on him, and being able to speak to someone else, again, was relief. “In fact, I have the asshole responsible for the whole shitshow to hunt down at the moment. No pointers to where I can find ‘im though.”
“Name’s Davoth, apparently, but he went by a few titles. One which alluded to him having his name bein’ forgotten.” He continued. “Dunno where he is, what he’s been doing, zero. Nil. Nada.”
“But if he had something to do with the Maykrs actin’ like glitterin’ bitches they are, especially the fuckin’ Khan Maykr…” Uh oh, he sounded angry now. Not good. At least it’s not towards Lucifer here. “She acted against the interest of folks back in another planet I used to stay in– Fucked it up when some people rebelled after she got caught in th’ act.”
“If I see ‘er face-to-face again, I’ll rip out the armor plates off her body…”
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lcdylucifer · 3 years
"It is not the worst fate one could suffer. My Hell is far different from many, She is my longest companion. And She has, at times, given me paths to venture outside Her boundaries. My imprisonment is merely a physical limitation—without wings, an Enoch cannot fly through the boundaries between life and afterlife."
Even during their discussion, she held reservations—she might not have ulterior motives in meeting with him, but whether or not he had any of his own in befriending her niece had yet to be seen. But at his comment promising painful retribution towards anyone who meant harm, her concern faded.
"If anything were to happen, you would not be alone in the passing of judgement."
A sharp smile crosses her face as she speaks—it has been millennia since her Blade had seen battle, and what better cause than in defense of kin?
Silver city? Oh yeah, that. William heard of that place and stories involving it many times before, no matter how different they could get each time.
Oh, and the stranger simply expressing her wish to meet him rather than bother him with invasion plans was, if anything, a massive relief. Rarely ever he had encountered people with particularly on the darker spectrum of the life signal auras without having to fight them.
“You particularly close to Angie, by any chance? ‘S fine if you’d rather not answer.” To be fair, he did have troubled relationship with his father in particular. His little brother too– He really missed Stan. He doubted that the latter is still alive by now, if at all; He had to see many deaths before.
“Wait, what do you mean she had put herself in harm’s way??” Damn, Angie never told him this while he was with her… Or did she? Hard to recall right now.
The question about her closeness with her niece prompts a short laugh.
“Of the thousands of my siblings’ children across millennia, she is the one who makes time to visit a woman who cannot leave Hell. I care for her as if she were my own.”
They have difficult family relationships in common, at least. Her feelings on her twin are complicated, to say the least.
“She does what she believes is right for others, often at a detriment to her own well-being. And, like anyone, she makes mistakes.” An enviable trait, but one Lucifer wished was slightly less prominent, if only for her own peace of mind. “But she simply desires to help people, so I suppose she cannot be faulted too much.”
Wait a second. This woman really couldn’t leave Hell? Or at least, this particular version of Hell. So many questions to ask, but perhaps the Slayer could reserve that for later conversations.
“I bet she visits you often. Would be, if anything, good company when you have to be stuck where you are.” Was that a silly grin beneath his helmet? It was a silly grin beneath his helmet. How long had he been able to express himself without being super self-conscious about it?
“I ain’t in any way related to either you nor Angie, but I’ll make sure to remind ‘er the importance of self-preservation. Who knows how many times the poor girl got in trouble.”
That being said though… “…If I ever hear that bastard touchin’ her, he boutta end up having his entrails dragged across HIS own Hell.”
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lcdylucifer · 3 years
[expvrgction] "What do you mean I can't revel in seeing war zones on literal fire?" (Meet Davoth, Ruler of Hell and generally an asshole.)
The man-child ruler finally crawls out of his cave.
For a brief moment she considers refusing to dignify him with a response—he sounds like a spoiled little boy complaining about not being allowed to do whatever he wants—but her ire at his actions overwhelms that thought.
"You claim to be a ruler, yet you are no better than a child kicking sand over others' creations. What point is there in needless war? You are only wiping out the people you claim to protect."
She flares her wings, the missing portion on her left blatantly obvious as she—despite being shorter than him—stares down with contempt.
"Come back with your claims of royalty when you have truly suffered for your people, instead of forcing them to suffer for you."
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lcdylucifer · 3 years
How immature and wasteful. Destruction for destruction's sake is not something to revel in.
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lcdylucifer · 3 years
The question about her closeness with her niece prompts a short laugh.
"Of the thousands of my siblings' children across millennia, she is the one who makes time to visit a woman who cannot leave Hell. I care for her as if she were my own."
They have difficult family relationships in common, at least. Her feelings on her twin are complicated, to say the least.
"She does what she believes is right for others, often at a detriment to her own well-being. And, like anyone, she makes mistakes." An enviable trait, but one Lucifer wished was slightly less prominent, if only for her own peace of mind. "But she simply desires to help people, so I suppose she cannot be faulted too much."
“Angel, demon—you would be surprised at how much of that divide is nothing but semantics. I was an inhabitant of the silver city once.” Until she was betrayed by her own blood, but she needn’t get into that with him.
She hummed a bit at his question, giving him a brief once over before smiling slightly.
“You needn’t worry—I have no desire for conquest over your world. I am simply here out of… Familial concern. My niece tends to think the best of people, which has gotten her into dangerous situations before. I wished only to meet her new acquaintance.”
Silver city? Oh yeah, that. William heard of that place and stories involving it many times before, no matter how different they could get each time.
Oh, and the stranger simply expressing her wish to meet him rather than bother him with invasion plans was, if anything, a massive relief. Rarely ever he had encountered people with particularly on the darker spectrum of the life signal auras without having to fight them.
“You particularly close to Angie, by any chance? ‘S fine if you’d rather not answer.” To be fair, he did have troubled relationship with his father in particular. His little brother too– He really missed Stan. He doubted that the latter is still alive by now, if at all; He had to see many deaths before.
“Wait, what do you mean she had put herself in harm’s way??” Damn, Angie never told him this while he was with her… Or did she? Hard to recall right now.
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lcdylucifer · 3 years
"Angel, demon—you would be surprised at how much of that divide is nothing but semantics. I was an inhabitant of the silver city once." Until she was betrayed by her own blood, but she needn't get into that with him.
She hummed a bit at his question, giving him a brief once over before smiling slightly.
"You needn't worry—I have no desire for conquest over your world. I am simply here out of... Familial concern. My niece tends to think the best of people, which has gotten her into dangerous situations before. I wished only to meet her new acquaintance."
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@lcdylucifer​ sent the following: “So you’re the man my niece has been spending so much time with.” (For the Slayer from lcdylucifer) 
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The ruler of a different Hell here had to excuse the Slayer– Something about her did send a LOT of red flags initially because of how well he could read demonic presences and whatnot, and he would be lying if he didn’t have a fight-or-flight response.
He could tell that her aura was almost similar to that of… Angie? This woman was right to introduce herself as her aunt.
“…You mean to tell me a half-angel has a demon for a relative.” Again, she would have to forgive William here for almost wanting to push– No, smash his panic button. “Not that I’m in any place to judge, if you excuse me, I’m sorry if I sounded like I did…” Uh oh, he’s falling face pretty fast. At least he was being polite about it.
“Whatever brings you here, lady, if you don’t mind?”
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