lcveruin · 2 years
location: anywhere outside availability: open
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        before she committed to adopting a kitten winnie had done her research into what diet was best, which treats to give, and of course the best of the best litter. she was prepared to be the best cat owner little goose deserved and the start of that was daily walks around the island. smiling at the other smiling faces that they passed the orange tabby was the perfect companion and while he didn’t enjoy the leash at first he was starting to come around at least that’s what she thought until he decided that the walk was over and was pestering the person at a bench’s shoes.  “ I’m so sorry ! I’m still trying to get him used to being on a leash. “ winnie prattles off reaching down to pick up the cat. “ You do have some nice shoes though, so i can’t say I blame him for being distracted.” 
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lcveruin · 2 years
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   the mortal sun has risen and set a thousand thousand times, and aphrodite is yet bound to the earthly realm, the reincarnation loop continues. this time their mortal coil has taken the shape of adeline rudolph, a human born on 8 of april, 1995, an ares and named elowen ‘winnie’ meyers.
hey loves ! please forgive my lateness for getting this out, but i’m here and i cannot wait for you all to hear about my new lovechild ! she’s still being fleshed out so i don’t have her bio 100% done so please enjoy the bullet points that i do have. i have some connection ideas listed at the bottom so if you’d like to plot like this and i’ll pester you on discord or tumblr im’s
S T A T S :
full name: elowen meyers
nicknames: winnie, win, el
deity: aphrodite
age: 27
birthday: April 8, 1995
zodiac: ares
sexuality: bisexual
pets: kitten named goose
occupation: former surfing prodigy. Cashier at the golden lyre and paddywhack
current residence: white poplar village
hometown: magnetic island
time on island: her whole life but she’s been back for a year
unlocked abilities: effortlessly charming & put together, sensing peoples attractions/desires, matchmaker extraordinaire, keepsakes from the sea brought into the home bring peace and safety. And enhanced swimming abilities
locked abilities: aid people with falling in & out of love during rainfall, strengthen marriage bonds, and amplifying peoples passions and desires
 elowen was adopted by the meyer’s when she was three years old and her little brother was one. she doesn’t really know anything about her life before them and she’s never been one to announce her adoption.
 life growing up was relatively easy, jasper and ida meyers were the type of couple romance authors aspired to write about. winnie has always aspired to have that kind of love in her life. the home was welcoming and they always believed in winnie and her brother..
 surfing has been her passion since her dad had her on a board at four. she had amazed him at how well she took to it  so it was only natural for them to push for her to compete. she competed at an all star level through adolescence which meant she missed some school 
 had average grades in school. however when she became a teenager she realized that while she never put any effort she was rather popular always seemed to attract people to her and that her swimming was better than some adults. she really started to read up on the lore of the island around that time.
TW:DRUG ADDICTION & USE  around sophomore year ?? she went to a party & was given Adderall which lead to a minor addiction. she realized if she took a pill she could not only focus on getting all her work done BUT also extracurricular activities it was a dream come true for her tired brain.
 eventually her parents found out about it around the end of her junior year and got her the help she needed and then elowen was off to graduation and to the next surfing competition. vowing she was going to stay away from pills & drugs.
. elowen didn’t have any college plans so she decided to travel from competition to competition. A year In She fell in love with a fellow competitor which ended badly due to them hiding their steroids in her bag and she got disqualified.
 heartbroken she came back home only her mother didn’t believe that it wasn’t her using so she cut contact with her which absolutely gutted winnie & is still a big rift in their relationship.
 she didn’t touch surfing for awhile and is going back to college for psychology, met some people who helped her develop a dating app called golden apple.
 it currently is sitting at number one in the App Store and she’s honestly very proud of it. On the side she’s finally dipping her toes back into surfing and is dreaming to start up her own counseling/matchmaking services so she can make her app better. 
H E A D C A N O N S  &  P E R S O N A L I T Y
 winnie really wants know about her birth family, but she’s actually terrified.
 loves water, swims/surfs daily no matter what. if she doesn’t she feels funky the whole day
 since her family isn’t really in contact with her she’s clung to her friends who she loves a whole lot though her little brother still talks to her. he’s her favorite person.
 she’s most honest late nights when tequila is in her veins.
 goose is her tabby cat that she simply adores. she just adopted him so she’s a new cat mom.
 hopeless romantic x10000
 has a habit of trying to set her friends and family up.
 tries to befriend everyone as well and will flirt with anyone.
 mom friend but also isn’t??? The lines blur a lot.
 owns a vw bus named roscoe that she treats like her child as well. she’s had it since getting her license and takes it on roadtrips & camping trips whenever she can.
 she’s very brash and impulsive at times but she’s trying to be better for herself and everyone else.
is trying really hard not to relapse with the pressure she’s putting on herself to be be the best again. 
C O N N E C T I O N S ??
roommate connection please or a neighbor one where they’re just at the other’s place all the time do weekly dinners or late night grocery runs. just domestic platonic fluff please i’d die.
best friend or ride or die type of friendship.
exes current fwb’s lovers whatever she loves love alright.
someone she is always trying to set up with blind dates. 
pet friends?  this is all new terroitory for her.
hiking/camping buddies.
honestly anything and everything i’m sure we could figure something out! 
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lcveruin · 2 years
I just want to be alone with the moon and the ocean
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lcveruin · 2 years
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lcveruin · 2 years
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Richard Siken, “Litany in Which Certain Things Are Crossed Out” from Crush
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lcveruin · 2 years
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Deity Aesthetic: Aphrodite Aligena (Sea Born)
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lcveruin · 2 years
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lcveruin · 2 years
“To be a romantic is to believe anything can happen to us.”
— Carol Shields, The Republic of Love (via quotespile)
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lcveruin · 2 years
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Ophelia (2018), dir. Claire McCarthy
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lcveruin · 2 years
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