lcvingiseasy · 4 years
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Cutie on Instagram Live 🌟
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lcvingiseasy · 4 years
you’re gonna love albert dinkle or you’re gonna get the fuck off my blog
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lcvingiseasy · 4 years
“come   with   me.”
it   had   been   on   his   mind   for   weeks.   ever   since   his   midnight   feelings   leaked   into   sunny   afternoons,   the   only   thought   that   ran   through   his   head   was   how   he   should   take   bee   to   his   makeshift   studio.   even   when   he   was   so   focused   on   trying   not   to   burn   their   breakfast   and   hot   wiring   the   car,   the   thought   still   lingered.   he   couldn’t   push   it   away   which   …   was   special.   nobody   had   the   real,   utter   chance   to   see   his   art.   not   his   mom,   his   dad,   his   ex   lovers   and   friends.   zephyr’s   art   was   his   own   and   he   swore   to   himself   that   it   would   never   belong   to   anyone   else,   but   now   the   curtains   were   opened   for   bee.   maybe   he   owed   it   to   her   too.   after   all,   he’d   snuck   away   for   so   many   nights   without   telling   her   and   even   recently,   he   pulled   the   same   thing,   though   this   time   with   sincere   promises   that   he   wouldn’t   come   home   too   late.  
zephyr   hadn’t   spoken   word   to   her   since   they’d   left   the   house.   he   really   didn’t   need   to   because   bee   would   see   what   she   was   supposed   to   soon.   they   had   their   token   radio   station   playing   the   same   fucking   songs   over   and   over.   that   was   enough.   besides,   he   wasn’t   about   to   coach   her   through   navigating   the   wreck   of   a   store.   he   simply   grabbed   her   hand   after   she   emerged   from   the   car,   and   guided   her   inside.
while   the   art   store   had   been   practically   untouched   when   zephyr   stumbled   upon   it   (   who   the   fuck   needed   paint   in   an   apocalypse   ),   it   had   been   through   a   lot   since   he   made   it   his   own.   the   front   windows   were   boarded   up   for   one   thing.   there   wasn’t   a   logical   reason   why,   it’s   not   like   he   had   to   block   out   the   sun   while   working   at   midnight   and   besides   maybe   bee,   there   was   nobody   to   peak   inside.   really,   he   just   felt   like   he   had   to.   zephyr   guided   her   through   aisles   and   destroyed   shelves   that   were   harmed   in   fits   of   pure   rage   (   he   hadn’t   done   that   since   he   got   a   handle   on   things   and   started   cuddling   bee   in   bed   ),   but   they   lay   ruptured   on   the   floor   like   some   twisted   graveyard.   if   it   weren’t   for   the   sunshine   that   leaked   through   the   cracks   of   window   boards,   one   wouldn’t   have   been   able   to   tell   what   was   in   the   store.   zephyr   had   never   figured   out   how   to   turn   on   the   fluorescent   lights   above   and   frankly,   he   didn’t   want   to.
there   was   one   last   corner   to   round   before   an   open   space   was   revealed.   zephyr   let   go   of   her   hand   for   just   a   moment   to   turn   on   a   set   of   lamps   (   smaller   desk   lamps   and   lava   lamps,   whatever   he   could   get   his   hands   on   in   the   store   )   that   all   pointed   to   a   stool   in   the   middle   of   a   space.   as   each   beacon   was   turned   on,   more   was   revealed   about   the   room.   cracked   clap   sculptures   appeared   with   their   shadows,   canvases   that   were   hammered   into   walls   were   able   to   tell   their   stories.   sometimes   the   canvases   weren’t   enough,   and   paint   expanded   onto   the   surrounding   beige   walls.   there   were   dozens   of   pieces,   the   headstones   of   the   graveyard   that   seemed   to   surround   them   from   every   single   angle.   liquor   bottles   that   were   kicked   to   the   sides   of   the   room   began   to   glimmer,   along   with   shards   from   bottles   that   were   subject   to   smashing   from   zephyr’s   vexation   for   pieces   that   he   couldn’t   get   to   look   just   right.
after   every   light   was   turned   on   and   the   studio   was   fully   revealed,   zephyr   returned   to   bee’s   side,   hand   brushing   against   hers   as   he   cleared   his   throat.   “i   used   to   come   here   a   lot.   still   do   sometimes,”   he   simply   explained,   eyes   locked   on   a   sculpture   of   hands   intertwined   across   the   room.   the   memory   of   their   hands   laced   together   moments   ago   made   his   heart   pound.   “i   made   all   of   this   shit.”
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lcvingiseasy · 4 years
𝙇𝙊𝘼𝘿𝙄𝙉𝙂 …  @hanbinkies​   !
        if   you   told   nebs   she   was   going   to   get   hit   by   a   car   and   survive         ──────         she’d   believe   it.   after   all   ,   she   had   a   feeling   that   she   was   different   since   fourth   grade   ,   when   she   hit   that   kid      (   george   was   his   name   ,   a   despicable   and   unforgettable   one   at   that   )      in   the   back   of   the   head   with   a   rock   during   a   game   of   tag.   there   was   no   way   a   fourth   grader   could   have   such   aim   and   precision   while   running   !!         to   be   fair   ,   that   kid   was   about   to   snitch   on   her   for   trading   her   graham   crackers   for   pokemon   cards.   it   wasn’t   her   fault   she   wasn’t   interested   in   the   pokemon   cards   he   had   to   offer.   but   that’s   besides   the   point         ──────         one   moment   she   was   crossing   the   street   and   the   next   thing   she   knew   ,   she   landed   on   her   ass   on   the   other   side   of   a   car.
        ❝   OW   ,      WHAT   THE   FUCK   ?!         ❞         she   wasn’t   sure   who   she   was   more   mad   at         ──────         the   driver   who   wasn’t   looking   where   they   were   going   ,   or   herself   for   making   the   decision   to   backflip   over   a   car   instead   of   just   letting   the   driver   put   her   out   of   her   misery.   maybe   then   her   ass   wouldn’t   hurt   so   much.         ❝   guess   i’ll   have   to   add   invincibility   to   my   list   of   superpowers   ,      ❞         she   muttered   under   her   breath   to   no   one   in   particular.   it   was   tragic   that   no   one   was   able   to   witness   occurences   like   these   ,   she   aspired   to   be   that   one   person   on   the   news   that   people   created   conspiracy   theories   about.   well   ,   she   thought   she   was   alone   at   least.
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for   as   much   as   binky   loathed   parties,   he   attended   a   lot   of   them.   it’s   not   like   he   was   dragged   to   them   either.   his   friends   would   simply   say   they   were   going   and   he   felt   as   if   he   had   some   duty   to   show   up   and   hold   their   hair   back   and   make   sure   they   didn’t   make   too   many   mistakes   that   night.   sometimes   he   could   make   cash   at   parties   too   :   trade   baggies   for   wads   of   cash   which   would   inevitably   go   right   back   into   taking   care   of   the   person   he   dealt   to.   the   cycle   wasn’t   preferred   though,   leaving   binky   to   soberly   bop   around   parties   while   his   friends   danced   on   tables   and   were   fine   no   matter   how   much   he   worried.   most   often,   he   took   to   smoking   outside.   he   was   never   one   for   top   40′s   or   whatever   was   blaring   over   cheap   speakers   –   it   was   a   heinous   move   but   he’d   always   spew   out   something   like   i’d   rather   listen   to   tchaikovsky.   and   the   fresh   air   was   nice   and   he   didn’t   have   to   deal   with   whatever   host   didn’t   want   him   to   smoke   inside.
he’d   just   pulled   the   last   cigarette   out   of   his   pack,   lighter   igniting   as   he   burrowed   into   a   deep   thought   of   when   he’d   be   able   to   stop   by   the   texaco   and   pick   up   some   more   –   would   it   be   too   much   to   ask   to   stop   on   the   way   home?   probably.   he’d   just   circle   back   after   everyone   was   dropped   off.   but   that’s   when   he   noticed   tires   screeching   and   a   figure   flipping   over   a   car.   shit.   after   maliciously   flipping   off   and   shouting   at   the   driver,   binky   towered   over   the   victim.   “nebs?“   he   questioned   in   utter   shock,   cigarette   still   hanging   from   his   mouth   as   his   eyebrows   shot   up.   “one   hell   of   a   superpower   there,   holy   shit.”   joints   crack   as   he   kneels   down   next   to   her,   eyes   instantly   scanning   over   her   for   some   sign   of   injury   or   indication   that   she   was   entirely   fine.   “are   you   okay?   holy   fuck.   i   thought   you’d   be   dead.   here.   think   you   can   get   up?”   hand   extends   towards   her,   eyes   wide   in   concern.
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lcvingiseasy · 4 years
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lcvingiseasy · 4 years
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lcvingiseasy · 4 years
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lcvingiseasy · 4 years
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lcvingiseasy · 4 years
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lcvingiseasy · 4 years
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lcvingiseasy · 4 years
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lcvingiseasy · 4 years
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lcvingiseasy · 4 years
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