ldac · 3 years
Alrighty, and I’m done. The papers are signed, indicating that Tan is functioning and able to care for bitties. I have also agreed to support Tan in case of emergencies or otherwise. Well, let Tan know everything is set up and they can pick up those two, number is on the paper if I need to be called. -Spite
Alright! We'll call within a week. Thank you so much, and please feel free to take your time in preparing for the two!
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ldac · 3 years
There a place I can go to sign the papers? Or is Tan here at the moment? Do I need them with me to sign things? I have time now to sign, but I am kinda, y’know, lost. -Spite
We can hand them to you as we speak! Just a moment, please.
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ldac · 3 years
Hey, hi, hello, hewwo even. Apologies for coming in so late. Uh, did someone named Tan swing by here? Came to adopt a couple bitties but needs an additional person to sign papers announcing they are competent and not going to squash them in a trash compactor? Last I heard they came here to meet the bitties themselves, along with their own I think? Anyways, I’m the adult here to help Tan sign papers and such, call me Spite.
It's nice to meet you Spite! And yes, Tan did show up with their stiggy! You're welcome to sign the papers at your leisure.
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ldac · 3 years
N'ayo-! Again super sorry about the disruptance at the centre but I guess the plus side is that less damage was done than the other stygian would've caused? I can repair the fencing and replace some of the damaged plants with edible native species within the next week- and while I've been independent for the last month or so you had the right to be suspicious of the lack of personal record with matching modern dates Anywhere but I can have a trusted associate be there to check in next time if it's necessary to proceed with the application,
- Tan Diese
It's alright, really! Large bitties, like a healthy stygian, are a bit hard to control but yours did show remarkable restraint! It's clearly well cared for and is the largest stiggy I've seen in quite a while! We can aid you in rebuilding damaged fencing, and don't worry about the plants. They're trampled often.
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ldac · 3 years
An update with both good and bad news! It's not a wild Bitty, and he should recover well! The vet gave me some medicine to give him... But the bad news is- he is chipped, but the owners moved away quite some time ago. They think it was abandonment- which is horrible! The options they had were either I take him back home, or he gets sent to a shelter after he's recovered... Looks like I've got a new member of the family I suppose! Atlas seems fine with the idea! ~💮
That's wonderful! If you can get the chip removed and replaced, I reccomend you do it as soon as possible!
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ldac · 3 years
Oh, right-
Also is it common for MAG bitties to break their caretaker's hands accidentally? :D
No, this is not normal. Please make sure to set proper boundaries with your bitty.
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ldac · 3 years
Hey! Hi! Hello! Greetings bucko-
So my MAG bitty 'Malice' keeps trying to become a personal hat and continuously tries to.. Erm- Rest on my head by climbing onto it? How do I get her to stop-
She is most likely asking for affection! MAG bitties become very touchy if they feel that their owners are not paying enough attention. She just wants to be petted.
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ldac · 3 years
Ah! Right! Forgot to uh.. ehm.. 'Mention' my other one. Cotton, my other bitty, Has.. Strange hooves and horns.. As well as having a bigger tuft of fur around where a tail would be- You have any idea what kind of bitty he is?
-p.s. thanks for the advice on barbie!
That's a saytr bitty! Saytrs are much different than your Common Nevada species, and have special husbandry needs.
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ldac · 3 years
Heyo! Uh- My bitty, 'Barbie', has recently taken a liking to switching my transmission switch on and off- How do I politely get her to stop?
She's likely trying to mimic you, so i suggest getting a replica of your switch to play around with!
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ldac · 3 years
I'm wearing gloves just in case, so that way if he is wild there won't be too many issues-- though he seems pretty desensitized to people, which makes me think he might not be. I called my local Vet now, and we're headed on the way in a moment here. I'll let you know what happens! ~💮
Alright then, please be careful and keep us posted!
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ldac · 3 years
Atlas went out the other day and when he got back he had an injured Sanford bitty with him? He didn't seem aggressive, more concerned about the little guy ... I'm doing my best to help him, Atlas actually seems worried as well- he keeps coming into the room to check on him... The Sanford seems to have a pretty bad gash I've taken care of- but he's got a bad fever. What medicines would be safe to give him, if any, to help the fever break? and what foods would be safe to give him? ~💮
Please be very wary when handling bitties that are not your own. If you have no access to painkillers, a wet rag and wild onion grasses (washed of course) will do well. Please take him to a vet as quickly as possible, and if he is not microchipped or tagged he can be surrendered for rehabilitation, as he may be a wild bitty.
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ldac · 3 years
I'm thinking about stopping by at around 2:30pm to hang out with Panini and Pie if you two are available at that time. Would it be okay to bring Steph into the building to meet them as well?
- Tan Diese
Yes, that would be wonderful!
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ldac · 3 years
I don’t know what kind of bitty he is, but I love him already.
He appears to me a Tsui! They aren't too high-maintenance and are very much like cats.
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ldac · 3 years
I do. They ended up giving me the adoption papers from the shelter for him with their signature on it.
Great! We can trace the signature if you bring a photocopy / the papers themselves. We are at Syckson, Nevada, building no. 441.
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ldac · 3 years
Because we forgot to post her as adoptable, we're giving potential owners an extension! From now till Jan 1, Sweet Pea will be adoptable!
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Our newest baby. A rescue from the fur trade, meet a flatface variant of Hanky!
Her name is Sweet Pea, she's 4 years old and will be adoptable in a week!
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ldac · 3 years
I found out who his owners are, but based on their reaction to seeing him and the fact that he flinched when they yelled, I am not giving him back
(Trust me. Him staying with me is way better than him going back to his abusers)
We'll be able to forge papers of surrender. Do you have a sample of their handwriting?
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ldac · 3 years
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Is anyone missing a bitty? I found this weird bitty in really bad condition in my yard. He has a collar, but it doesn’t have any tags.
We'll post a notice for him! The unkempt fur may be a sign of stress, as are the cracked horns. Take him to a vet and see if he's been microchipped!
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