ldsmormondad · 5 years
I’m back!! I didn’t realize tumblr first ward was gathering again! I’m so excited! #tumblrfirstward
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ldsmormondad · 5 years
Married Woman’s Affair
Anonymously submitted
My husband and I met my junior year of college and married just before I started my senior year. We were the same age but he had been on a mission so he was 2 years behind me in school so after I graduated I found a job and started working full time. I had a degree in marketing but in a college town it was hard to find a job where I could use my degree but I found a job managing a shoe store. The owner had several businesses and although he would come into the store daily, he left a lot of the purchasing and management decisions to me. He was a nice looking guy in his mid 40’s (guys are lucky in that a lot of them age well and stay very handsome, he was one who still looked very good). He was always so nice to me and I grew to really like him.
After working there for a year several of our vendors encouraged us to attend “MAGIC”, which is a convention in Las Vegas. I talked the owner into flying to Las Vegas and going to MAGIC for 2 days with me. I teasingly told my husband I was going to Las Vegas with another man. It didn’t seem to phase him or get the reaction I wanted out of him. By that time our honeymoon was definitely over and he spent a lot of time studying or on the computer (this was the mid 90’s and everyone was just getting internet and AOL on their computers). When he wasn’t studying or in class he spent a lot of time on AOL.
We flew out in the morning from Salt Lake and got to Vegas after the short flight and spent the rest of that day at the convention. After a late dinner we checked into the hotel (separate rooms). I mentioned that I should probably call my husband and check in with him. My Boss said I could use his cell phone (another thing that was just getting popular, although I didn’t have one yet). So, I went to his room to use his cell phone. I sat on his bed and called home. Of course the phone line was busy, I was sure my husband was using the modem and doing whatever on AOL. I told my boss it was busy and he said I could wait there a few minutes and try again. We chatted for 20 minutes or so and I tried again, still busy. I knew it was hopeless, he would have the phone line tied up for hours while he was online. It had been a long day, I was tired and emotional. Frustration with my husband and his lack of attention must have boiled to the surface and I began to show my emotion.
My boss looked at me and tried to console me. Finally he said “come here” and he wrapped his arms around me in a nice hug.  It wasn’t a sexual hug, and it felt nice to be in his arms. We stayed like that for a while, with his arms around me and consoling me, his hands moving up and down my back. He didn’t ask what was wrong and I didn’t say anything. He just kept telling me it was ok.
He then kept one hand tickling my back and moved one to the bare skin on my arm and softly began moving up and down my arm, gently tickling my skin. It felt nice and soothing and I melted with his touch into his arms. I told him that that felt nice and he continued on with that small amount of encouragement. Then he shifted hands and began rubbing my other arm. I kept myself with my arms around him and on his back, holding him tightly against me and I slowly began to move my hands on his back as well. He felt strong and it was nice to be in his arms. He then put both hands on my back and slid them down to my lower back and then under my shirt. He tugged on my garment top, untucking it from my bottoms and allowing him to touch the skin on my lower back. He began touching my back under my shirt and garments. Of course alarm bells started going off in my head. But I rationalized that he was just trying to be nice and calm me down. And besides, it did feel pretty good. He was now gently rubbing my back up to the point where my bra strap was and then back down. He asked me if that felt good and I told him it did. He then asked if he could undo my bra so he could go higher. Nervously I agreed. He quickly undid my bra and within a couple of seconds his hands were back under my garment top touching my back all the way up to my shoulders and back down. His touch felt amazing and I liked it a lot. After just a couple of minutes of this he asked me if I wanted to lay down and get a back massage on the bed. I said yes and then he said “ok, it might be easier if you take your tops are off. If you want I’ll turn around and you can let me know when you are all situated. It hadn’t occurred to me that I would be taking my shirt off for this massage, but then I guess it makes sense. I rationalized that it would be no different if I had gone to a spa for a massage. So, I made sure he was turned around and took off my shirt and bra and garment top and laid down in the middle of the bed and let him know I was ready. He sat by me on the bed and began touching and massaging my back. It was very relaxing. His hands were staying where they should and I began to get very comfortable with him touching me. I always have a tight knot just underneath my shoulder blade and he found that and massaged and worked it out. After a few minutes his hands began to get a little more bold, touching just a little bit of my side boob, but nothing too inappropriate. He also started to go lower on my back and then just under the waistband of my garment bottoms and on my bum until he couldn’t get his fingers any further under my jeans and garments.
He then said, “why don’t you undo your jeans”. I really didn’t know what to do or where this was heading but I couldn’t think of a reason not to comply with his request so I lifted up my hips and undid my jeans. His hands were quickly back inside my garment bottoms and all over my bum and then pushing my jeans and garments down exposing my bum. Then he stood up and went to the foot of the bed and tugged on bottom of my jeans pulling them right off! My garment bottoms quickly followed and I lay there stiff on the bed, not sure what to do. His caresses on my skin became very soft and he worked his way from my shoulders down to my bum. As nervous as I was I was also becoming aware of how turned on I was becoming. He continued caressing my back and bum and I was quickly becoming super turned on and horny. Then he moved down to my thighs and calves, very subtly spreading my legs apart as he moved into position between them and massaging  both legs. Being somewhat naïve I didn’t realize that spreading my legs like that allowed him to see my pussy. He worked his way up, massaging my calves and thighs moving up to within a couple of inches of my pussy on my inner thighs. I guess he sensed no resistance on  my part and I gasped when I felt his finger plunge inside of me. I hadn’t realized just how wet I had become. After only 30 seconds or so of this he told me to roll over and I immediately did and spread my legs again and he put 2 fingers inside of me and began playing with and kissing and sucking on my breasts. I closed my eyes and began thoroughly enjoying his touch. I don’t know when he had taken off his shirt but the next time I looked at him it was off and he was kissing his way down my stomach and then began to lick and kiss my clitoris and pussy with 2 fingers still inside of me. It didn’t take long and I was rocked by an amazing orgasm.
He sensed that and stood up and dropped his pants and garment bottoms (yes, he is LDS too). He crawled my naked body,  kissing and caressing my skin as he did. I watched his face as he slid his dick inside of me. I can remember thinking how surreal this was. It was only 18 months ago that I had lost my virginity to my husband on our wedding night. And now here I was in a hotel room in Las Vegas having sex with a married man. He knew all the right places to touch and just how to work it to make me feel amazing. After several minutes he rolled us over and I was on top of him. With me on top I was able to move just right and give just the right amount of pressure on my clitoris to get myself off for a second time. This was something entirely new to me. I rarely ever had one orgasm with my husband and I had just had two! After my second orgasm he rolled us back over and really started to work it and in only a matter of seconds I could feel him cumming inside of me.
We laid there for a few minutes and then I got up and went to the bathroom to clean up. I quickly got dressed and told him I had better get to my room and get some sleep. I spent the next hour bawling my eyes out, ridden with guilt and wondering what I had just done. I hardly slept at all that night but I had decided a couple of things. First, nobody would ever know what I had just done. And second, I couldn’t afford to lose my job, so I couldn’t let my boss know how bad I felt about what we had just done. I would put on a smile and never let him know any different. The next day we went back to the show for a few hours and met with some more vendors and then flew home. I smiled at my boss as he dropped me off at my apartment and tried to put on a strong face and act normal as I went inside to see my husband for the first time after betraying our marital covenants. He was studying at the kitchen table and seemed bothered that I had interrupted when I came in. So, I showered and went to bed as he stayed up late studying and then getting on AOL.
I acted like nothing had ever happened whenever I saw my boss over the next few months. We never spoke of it and I justified everything we had done in my head and continued my vow that nobody would ever know what happened that night. But I didn’t forget the memories of that night. On the once or twice a month that my husband wanted sex and I was left completely unsatisfied I would lay there in bed and remember that night and my double orgasm. I would remember it as I lay in the bathtub soaking. Whenever I got horny, that night wasn’t far from my thoughts. After a few months not only had I justified the affair  I had had with my boss, I found myself wanting a repeat. I got my chance a little while after that. My husband had just finished finals for the semester and as a break he had gone to his brothers house a few hours away. He was spending the night and they were going snowmobiling the next day. It came up in conversation with my boss that my husband was gone and he said his wife was out of town as well. He invited me over for dinner so we wouldn’t have to eat alone that night. I agreed. As I pulled into his driveway that evening I knew I wasn’t there for dinner. I knew I was there for sex.  I hadn’t been inside 2 minutes and we were all over each other and on the couch and the floor and then the bedroom, ripping each others clothes off and having more amazing sex. I spent the night, naked in his bed, wrapped in his arms. We had sex again the next morning. I left floating on a cloud. From that point on we would have sex as often as we could. I know we did it 3 times in one week a couple of times. Usually we would just stay at the store after closing and lock the doors after everyone had left and go into the couch in the back room. I would walk in the door to my apartment an hour to an hour and a half late after being with my lover and my husband wouldn’t even ask where I had been or even notice that I was late. The anger inside me built up more and more as I would walk in still tingling from the touch of my lover and my husband hardly even acknowledging that I was home or even alive for that matter. I wanted so bad for him to know what I had just done. That there was a man who appreciated me and desired me. I know he was blindsided when I told him I wanted a divorce. I just couldn’t take it anymore. Unfortunately the divorce ended my affair also as I wanted a clean break and a job where I could use my degree better and I moved on to greener pastures.
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ldsmormondad · 5 years
My first BJ
The first time I ever gave a bj. Was just after my 15th wedding anniversary. I was 33 at the time; it was also the first time I cheated too. I was at work and we had a good looking young man who was my boss. I was the office manager. Fancy title for secretary. One day he called me into his office and asked if I would dictate a few letters. He stood in front of me and I couldn’t keep my eyes off his cock bulge. I kept messing up the dictation. He asked if I was looking at his crotch. I blushed and said yes. He asked do you want to see more? I nodded yes in a flash i his hard cock in my face he rubbed its head on my face. I felt his pre-cum on my skin he told me to put it in my mouth. I knew how wrong it was. I was married with kids. I was the primary president. But I took it in my mouth and he taught me how to give head. He came in my mouth, on my face, and in my hair. I was a mess. He helped me up turned me around and bent me over his desk. His hands going up my skirt and then him pulling my pantyhose and garment bottoms down. Before I could say anything I felt his cock slide into me. And I felt myself getting wet. I never felt so euphoric my whole body felt like electricity was shooting out each nerve ending. I felt his cock go deep into me. I never thought he would go again. But he did deep inside me. I could feel it leaking out while he kept thrusting he did that for over five minutes. When I thought he was done. He kept thrusting his cock into me. Till i orgasmed and he cummed in me for the second time. My legs were wet with his semen. He helped me pull my garment bottoms up with my pantyhose. And said you need to go answer phones. I went back to my desk with his cum in my hair and leaking out my pussy. That was the start of me being a mom that was prim and proper at home and at church, but would sleep with my boss every day during the week.
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ldsmormondad · 5 years
Hot Springs Fun
We had been married for about 5 years.  We had two kids and my wife was all consumed with them.  It was driving me crazy not having any time for us.  We decided to refocus our marriage and started to try new things that excited us.
We had been playing for about a year and things were great.  We had time for church, kids and each other.  One weekend we were taking for ourselves, I was in charge of the planning and ideas.  I decided to try something new.
We had been talking and teasing about a lot of things in the bedroom, one of which really turned me on.  Her being naked in front of other people.  I thought a hot springs might be a way I could ease her into maybe going topless.  Not letting other see her, but maybe pulling her top down under the water.
We found a nice place that had individual pools and one big main pool for everyone to share.
We arrived around noon and got camp set up.  There were cabins, but we wanted to camp in our tent.  After setting up we grabbed our suits and headed for the pools.
Now you have to realize, my wife is 5'9, long brown hair and a bangin body.  32c chest with the curves to match.  So when we walked in the door with our towels wrapped around us, all eyes went to her.  There were several men, and one woman about our age.
We settled in and were chatting with everyone enjoying the water.  Naturally my wife and the other gal, whose name turned out to be Misty kind of clung to each other as the only woman in the pool.
After a while we headed back to camp and made dinner.  We both commented on how good the hot water felt.  I teased her about the “clothing optional” hours after 9.  She smiled and giggled it off.
After a short walk after dinner we decided to hit the pools again.  I had dishes to wash so she went on a head and I would join her.  
When I came through the door I was a little shocked.  My wife and Misty were in the corner of the pool together with no one else in the building.  As I came in two other guys came in as well.  I decided to just watch so I slipped into the pool and headed to another corner.
Now you also have to realize my wife was raised Very Very Mormon and so doing naughty things were very new to her.  But apparently things were about to change.
As I watched, the two guys started hitting on the girls.  They giggled and flirted back a little but nothing serious.  It was a huge turn on and I knew it by my rock hard cock.  As I watched, I noticed Misty taking a drink from her wine glass from time to time so I knew she was getting really relaxed.
She and my wife were always whispering and giggling and then flirting.  Then as Misty turned to get another drink, I noticed for the first time that my wife’s swimsuit straps were not over her shoulders.  She bobbed in the water and made it quite clear she was at least topless.  I was rock hard.
As Misty turned from her drink I watched as she reached for my wife and pulled her close and kissed her hard on the mouth.  All I could do was watch my wife close her eyes and open her mouth as I realized she was giving my wife her first taste of wine on her tongue.
My wife moaned and the guys laughed at the two woman kissing.  The entire time this stuff was going on my wife had not even looked at me, I had never wanted to take her more in my life then right at that moment.
A short while later a huge guy came in.  He was about 6'6 and not a huge muscle builder, just a big guy.  He stripped down to his shorts and climbed in and immediately went to Misty and grabbed her and gave her a kiss.  As he did, he lifted her out of the water making it clear she was clothing optional.  
When she was sat down she introduced him to my wife.  I stroked my rock hard shaft as my wife stood near a stranger topless for the first time.  
They chatted a while about something, but no one could hear.  My wife from time to time would give these funny looks and giggles.  
Then he turned to here and just looked at her.  I watched her eyes drop to the water and her arms reach forward.  Her eyes and mouth went wide open and she giggle as Misty told her, “I told you.”
About this time he kissed Misty and told her to get her ready and he left.  I was not sure what that meant, but Misty and my wife started kissing more and more.  
Finally they headed for the stairs as I sat there stroking my cock horny as hell, trying not to fill the pool with cum.  As they climbed out, Misty was completely nude and my wife had her suit wrapped around her waist.  As she climbed out, I noticed her suit from behind had been pulled to the side.  I began to wonder.
After wrapping towels around themselves, my wife not pulling her suit up, they headed out.  The only thing my wife said was, “I will see you back at camp.
I watched to see where they were going and they went over to a cabin that was isolated from the others, kind of out on its own.  They walked in and closed the door.  Me and my hard cock headed back to camp.
For fun I decided to sleep naked and stripped down and climbed into my tent.  It was warm so I laid on top of the sleeping bags and wondered.
After some time I heard some movement outside the tent.  I asked “Is that you honey?"  The tent door zipped open.  I couldn’t see so I assumed it was my wife as she climbed in and laid next to me and zipped the door.  
It didn’t take long to know it was Misty.  Horny as hell I went strait for her chest assuming it was my wife.  Misty was much larger than my wife in the chest so I let go in shock.  She leaned over to me and said, you sweet wife thinks you would like me so I thought I would come and say hi.  
I couldn’t say anything as she kissed me hard on the mouth.  As she did she climbed on top of me.  I couldn’t help my self, I reached up and took her tits in my hands.  As she started riding and stoking my cock with her lips, I asked what my wife was doing.
She just smiled and said, "Don’t you worry about her, James is showing her something new."  As I tried to ask her what, she slide my long cock into her lips.  
I couldn’t say anything as she slide it all in.  She moaned and said, "Oh my she was right, it is a mighty long cock.  You might even be longer than James.  After some time of riding, she stopped and leaned back and sat on top of my cock putting it in as deep as it would go.
"Oh yes, you are longer than James,” she giggled, “but don’t you worry, he is much thicker, I am sure your wife is enjoying it by now.”
I exploded deep.  She rode and pumped every drop out of my cock.  I couldn’t believe how hard I just came or how hard I still was.  In a few more strokes I came again.  Once I started to soften she leaned down and kissed me.
She then leaned forward and let me suck her nipples.  She continued and didn’t stop until she had her lips and clit on my mouth.  All she said was, “Suck it out of me, all of it.”
I have no idea how many times she came, but I sucked and licked and sucked and licked, I couldn’t get enough.  We fell asleep laying next to each other.
In the morning she was gone.  I climbed out of the tent just in time to see her and James pull out.  I went over to the cabin to find my wife.  The door was unlocked.  She was laying naked in the bed.  She was awake but was totally exhausted.  She gave me a kiss and fell asleep.  
I woke her up just before checkout time for the cabins and walked her over to our tent.  She laid down again and slept till dinner.
Three days later, that slutty, sexy, hotwife, sexy wife of mine would be dressed up and sitting in church with our kids like nothing happened.
It would take nearly three months of some of the most intense, balls draining sex you could ever image before I would finally drag out of her all the things she did that night.  Needless to say we have gone back every year to enjoy our hot springs vacation.  Each time she enjoys going “Clothing Optional” and I get to enjoy some of the hottest sex you can imagine.
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ldsmormondad · 5 years
Finally we meet
When I was on my mission I started a letter campaign between elders in my area and ladies attending Rick’s college. It wasn’t within our boundaries so no one had a problem with it.
I ended up making a real connection with one of the girls and we wrote to each other throughout my mission, with plans to meet when I finished. She lived in Utah and I had a layover in SLC on my way home. She agreed to meet me at the airport so we could see each other in person for the first time.
I was so excited I could barely sit still on the plane. I rushed off when we landed and there she was looking as pretty as her pictures. I gave her a big hug and her body felt so warm and nice against me. It had been such a long time since I’d had any real contact with a girl.
We held each other for a few moments, but then she reminded me that I hadn’t been released yet and shouldn’t be doing this. Oh those darn girls with morals. We spent a couple hours together while I waited for my connecting flight. I tried to kiss her a couple times, but she always made it clear that wasn’t going to happen. I had to settle for holding hands and another nice hug.
My plane arrived and I had to leave, but I knew she would be visiting family near me in a couple of weeks. We talked on the phone everyday while we waited for the chance to be together again.
Turns out the combination of her morals and my fresh RM nerves led to only some nice make out sessions, but not even 2nd base. She returned home with plans for me to drive up to see her and talk of marriage in the air.
I saw her a couple more times and did eventually get to handle and suck her sweet breasts, but it was a dark room so I never even really got a look at them.
Long story short, the distance between California and Utah proved too much and the relationship came to an end.
Fast forward 20yrs. I’m married with 3 children and she is barely a memory. Out of nowhere I get an email from her. She’d found me on the mission alumni page of all places. She’s also married with 3 kids of her own, but very unhappy and headed for divorce.
We traded emails and texts for a couple months, flirty but not too dirty. Then she announces that she will be coming with only her kids and brother to California. Husband will not be attending. Naturally it would be nice to see me after all these years.
At first the plan is completely chaste, but as the time gets closer our texts become racier and our fantasies more realistic. I love my wife, but the thought of seeing my former flame was just too much to pass up.
Finally the day arrived and with my excuses in place I left my family behind.
I was shaking when I finally got to her and she pointed out as we drove to dinner that I was talking awfully fast. I tried to calm myself, but having her in person wasn’t helping. She’d aged and 3 kids had driven away the tight teenage body I remembered, but she still looked fantastic.
I felt like a deacon alone with a girl for the first time. Shivering with nerves and excitement. After dinner we went to a nearby park and sat watching the sunset holding hands. I kept trying to think of a way to kiss her, but wasn’t sure it was even an option.
She couldn’t help noticing the way I was acting and finally asked. I told her I really wanted to kiss her, but wasn’t sure if I should. She leaned over and kissed me full on the mouth. I guess I had my answer. That broke the gates and we were making out for the next 20min. She even opened her shirt once the sun went down. Feeling her large soft breasts was driving me crazy. The weight of them in my hands and firm nipples taking turns between my lips.
Eventually we realized things were getting a little too hot for being out in public and we headed back to where she was staying. I expected that would be the end of the night. Instead she asked her brother for the keys to their van. I was shocked as she took my hand and led me into the back.
Immediately we were making out again and she pulled off her shirt and garment top. I buried my face in her chest and rubbed my hands all over her body. My cock was throbbing in my jeans and I put her hand on the bulge. She squeezed and massaged it before opening my zipper and beginning to stroke me through my G’s. Her hand felt so warm as she teased me through the hole, barely grazing the bare flesh underneath.
By now any thoughts of guilt or stopping were long gone. I was pressing firmly between her legs, my fingers trying desperately to feel her under her pants. Her breath was coming in sharp gasps as she freed my erection and began to stroke it more earnestly. She told me to pull down my pants and while I did she stripped to only her garment bottoms. She climbed into my lap and started grinding hard against me, only the thin damp garment material between us. Both of us lost in passion.
I tried to get her completely naked, but she resisted saying she couldn’t go all the way while she was still married. Almost by way of apology, she climbed off my lap and took me into her mouth. Her lips and tongue felt amazing as she caressed my length. Every moment making my balls grow tighter. I wanted so badly to release, but I remembered she told me she didn’t like cum in her mouth and I had no where else to put it.
I reluctantly pushed her mouth away and began to rub her through her garments again. She was clearly very excited as my hand was soaked with her juices through the cloth. Then she stopped me and told me to pull up my underwear. I was frustrated and raging with desire, but I did as she asked.
With my underwear up she slid off her bottoms and pushed my fingers into her drenched pussy. It was intense as I fingered her thoroughly. She explained she couldn’t trust herself if we were both naked, before subsiding into a string of moans. I leaned forward to get my tongue to her delicious opening, but again she stopped me. When my eyes asked why she told me that she knew she’d fuck me if it went that far. Her clear desire and dirty talk made my unit jump and twitch.
With a look of wild lust she mounted me once more. Now only my G’s keeping us apart. She soaked through them instantly and her heat coated me. Without consciously planning it I had left my cock in the flap rather than all the way covered. Each movement pushed me out just a little more until I could feel the edge of her lips sliding along bare skin. I didn’t know if she couldn’t tell or didn’t care, but I wasn’t about to stop her.
Soon my entire cock was free and her opening was bathing me with the wettest dry hump ever. Her pussy cradled the length of my shaft as she slid back and forth without actually taking me in. I leaned and shifted trying to make each pass the one that would find me completely inside her. She groaned and shook, but unfortunately still had enough control to leave that wish ungranted.
Then with a look of regret she slid off my lap and covered me. My balls ached and i had a mess to tuck into my jeans, but I knew we were done. We dressed quickly and after a few gentle kisses I disappeared into the dark.
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ldsmormondad · 5 years
Love My Co-worker
I am married and in love with a co-worker. I spend more waking hours with him than I do with my husband.
I love being at work because of him. He is younger than I am, hot, also a member with an open marriage, and has introduced me to a whole new world of love and the D/s life. I desperately want to be his submissive, but find myself torn between my church teachings and the life he presents to me.
He will touch me when no one is looking. I go insanely horny with each touch and think of being with him constantly. He has trained me to be wet all the time thinking about sex with him. He introduced me to vibrators. I had never felt an orgasm until he showed me.
Our relationship has been going on for a couple years and has included short hot spurts of sex. I absolutely love his cock. It is thick, perfectly sized for my mouth and throat (I don’t mind my throat being sore because of him), and his cum tastes amazing!
I don’t feel like he will ever be truly mine because of our commitment to our spouses. I am just trying to enjoy this time with him. - Anonymous
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ldsmormondad · 5 years
Tumblr media
My naughty married LDS girlfriend showing off her nice body in g’s.
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ldsmormondad · 5 years
Naughty VT
I sat in my office with a nice sister who had to chat with me regarding a few transgressions. She was in her early 30s average looking but had a nice rack.
She bagan to tell me about her naughty visiting teaching visits in her old ward. She visited a sister that was hardly home but she became well acquainted with her husband.
She told me she never went in the home always spoke at the front door. They started texting and then sexting. It was light sexting nothing to explicit she explained.
Until one day she stopped to drop off some baked goods prior to going to the gym. She rang the door bell and he opened it and saw her in tight work out outfit. It was still modest but he got turned on.
The sexting continued but pictures started to exchange. He asked her to stop by again before her work out next time. She obliged! She dropped by but this time he asked to see her tits! She pulled her top up and revealed her tits to someone other than her husband for the first time ever. She felt sexy and hot!
This continued for a few months she said but they would never leave the front door threshold. I asked why her response was she felt safe there. She liked the attention and didn’t see anything wrong with that. So I asked why are you here then.
She replied it went a little further bishop. I stoped by for his birthday to deliver a cake. I came in my workout clothes. I hugged him barechested! He whispered in my ear if I would give him a bj since his wife never would.
Fuck here we go again another wife that won’t suck dick! Wtf?
She told me she knelt on his front door and sucked another mans cock and enjoyed it! Even swallowed!
Wish my VT would cum over and suck my cock! Anyone have naughty visiting teacher today experience?
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ldsmormondad · 5 years
First time cheating
Growing up in a strong LDS Family, I never considered the possibility that I would cheat on my young Mormon wife. I was in school at the time and working almost full time as a kitchen remodeler. Well, 1 day at church I met this older woman who was divorced, and we got to talking about her kitchen remodel and we found out she was using the company I worked for. About 3 months later, I got a text from her asking if I could come look at something that she thought was a mistake in her kitchen. I ran over to her condo (she lived about 8 houses away), and checked it out. Sure enough there was a small mistake and I told her I could fix it. I don’t know what it was but there was some strong sexual tension between us… we flirted harmlessly. The next day, I accidentally texted her thinking I was texting my wife. I asked “what are we doing tonight?” She replied “whatever you want”. I got an immediate hard on, but wasn’t sure if she was kidding…we continued texting and every time I went to her house she was wearing more revealing clothes with no garments. Finally, 1 night, I texted her that I had to be at work early and wanted to stop by to see her. She agreed and said the door would be unlocked. It was 3 am and I remember parking by her place and going to the door. She opened it and said she couldn’t stop thinking about me coming over. We went in and laid down in her bed. She had a silky nightie on and had such a nice body. I slowly started touching her belly and went in to snuggle and kiss her neck. I was so nervous! We started kissing and rubbing each other! I got to her pussy and there was no underwear, just her sweet, wet, pussy! I couldn’t believe it! She took my cock out and sucked it before climbing on top of me and giving me a ride I’ll never forget! It was pure bliss! I came in her and she told me it had been a long time since she had sex. We parted ways that morning and I saw her on the next Sunday talking to the bishop in the hall. She gave me a smile and a wink, it was one of the hottest things I’ve seen! We met up a few more times before I moved away after graduating. That’s my first time stepping out, I’ve done it multiple times since, I’m addicted!!
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ldsmormondad · 5 years
Naughty Mormon Sister-in-Law
I have always been a good Mormon guy until about a year and a half ago. 1st off tell you a little bit about me/us. I have grown up LDS and very much believe in it. I currently severing in the Elder’s quorum. My wife is the young women’s President and my Sister in law (my wife’s younger sister) her husband is the 2nd counselor in their ward bishopbic. We have been married about 15 years and they have been married about 10 years.
2 summers ago my wife had to spend the week at girls camp because of her calling. I had to work. I had tons of meetings and projects due that week so I couldn’t stay home during the day. So my sister in law Kate volunteered to watch our kids and her’s at our house while I worked. My wife is very pretty and fit. My sister in law looks just like here just a little prettier, petite, small breasts like maybe a small b cup. Very hot and is always wearing active wear or like leggings. Like all the time. So hot.
Anyways that 1st day I come home earlier from work around 4 pm. Our kids were our back playing. I walked into the kitchen and see Kate bent over the countertop in yes activewear leggings and a super tight white tank top. No garments on. She is bent over looking out the window recording our kids playing as I sneak up behind and grab her tiny waist scaring her.  She jumps and punches me all while we laugh. We end talking in the kitchen for like an hour while the kids play. All the while I watch her body language and some of her comments thinking she is flirting with me. Obviously I check her body out multiple times.
We just chat while the kids play she decides she will go now and we get her kids in her car as my kids stay out back playing. I hug her and thank her and walk back inside. I walk into the bathroom needing to pee. Unzipping my pants and pulling my dick out to pee as I hear the door open and Kate saying I need to use the bathroom. Since I didn’t lock the door and before I can say anything. She open the door. Me standing there dick in hand ready to pee and she just stands there. Looks down staring then looks up at me biting her lip then back down. What felt like ages as she stared at me. Tell she looked up at me again “Oh….I’m so sorry Nate” she says with a smile, I didn’t know you were in here. I trying to make a joke say something “oh no worries nothing you haven’t seen before.” which makes her blush and look back down at my cock. Now my not like huge or and thing and I was limp I wondered way she was staring for so long. Kate tells me sorry again and she will go use the upstairs bathroom. She closes the door and I finish using the restroom standing in the kitchen getting a drink of water as she comes back down. Her face bright red as she says sorry again as she glance back down at my crotch. Gives me a smile and says I’ll see ya in the morning Nate.
It was kind of hard for me to concentrate that evening kind of liking how much she was enjoying just staring at me. The next morning she shows up in a skirt and tight shirt on. I check her out and she comes in kids run off playing together I tell her I may be a little late tonight and she says that’s fine. I leave to the office and end up coming home early again. And again kids out out back playing. We sit down in at the kitchen table and chat. When I don’t even remember how this came up but she says that my wife is one lucky girl. I looked at her and asked what she meant by that and she says she just is. I poke and poke Kate to tell me what she means and finally she says “you know.” She looks away blushing. “She gets what I saw yesterday.” She then looks back at me looking me in the eyes. I’m like floored. My heart beating a million miles an hour. Then something just comes out of my mouth like I didnt even think to say anything…”you liked what you saw huh?” I not even believing what came out of my mouth. She just smiles. “Who wouldn’t like what they saw” she smiles at me and leans back in her chair and changes the subject. My mind racing as my heart rate speeds up. After a few minutes of chatting I asked her “So, if you liked what you saw would you like to see it again?” I mean I couldn’t believe the words come out of my mouth. Her eyes get big and leans forward and whispers “yes please I can’t stop thinking about you.” I tell her is can see me of I can see she. She gets a naughty smile and says. “Omg…my bro in law is a naughty little boy.” She pulls she skirt up slowing pulling her garment bottoms off and pulls her skirt up. Showing me her smooth shaved just turned 30 year old pussy. I mean it was so pretty. She reaches her hand down rubbing it looking at me. As you can imagine I was hard as a rock, my dick throbbing as I watched her. I unzip my pants pull my cock through my garment bottoms and pants showing her how hard she is making me. She looks at it then at me. “See my sister is a lucky girl.” I grab my dick stroking it slowly for her. As she slides her fingers inside her little pussy. We just watch each other as we touch ourselves.
Unfortunately we had to cut it short as the kids started to come in she pulled her skirt down and grabbed her garment bottoms and put them in her purse. I quickly went into the bathroom pulling my pants back up. I walk out she smiles at me “well I think we are going to head out. I have to get dinner ready so I can go out with the girls tonight.” I help her get the kids in her car and hug her I pull her skirt up grabbing her bare little ass. “Thanks for your help sis” she gets in and pulls away.
I stand in the garage trying to wrap my brain around what just happened. I collect my thoughts thinks I can’t let that happen ever again and in the morning we will have a talk about it. I get the kids feed and put to bed. Our kids go to bed pretty early around 7:30-8. Tonight I get my kids to bed at 7:30 and put on some Nike shorts and a t-shirt and just relax and turn on Netflix.
The door knocks at about 8:10. I open the door seeing Kate standing there. “Came I come in?” I invite her in shocked that she is there. I close the door. She asked. “Are the kids asleep.” I said yes. She says. “Good I can’t stop thinking about you. I need you please Nate. I have only ever had one guy I want to finish what we started.” She then throws herself at me and kisses me. Before I can even think I’m making out with my wife’s little sister. I pin her against the wall my cock hard already grinding against her as we kiss. My hands travel down lifting her skirt up my hands grabbing her bare ads again. I pull away from our kiss “you didn’t put your bottoms back on?” I gave her a naughty smile. She says “I have been so wet ever since I left here.” I lean in kiss reaching from behind her rubbing her wet little pussy. As she moans into out kiss. I pick her up walking her into the kitchen sitting her on the island counter top I kneel down looking up at her kissing her legs her inner thighs as I lift her skirt up pulling her closer to me. She looks down watching me as I lick her smooth puss. She moans out grabbing my hair. “Omg Nate I have never been licked.” I look up…what? James has never eaten you?” I say as I press my lips against her pussy lips frenching your p ussy as I was her mouth. Sucking on her pussy lips and sliding my tongue inside her tongue fucking her pussy. She moans out..”omg Nate….no.  He never has….fuck this is feel so good. Please dont stop Nate” She looks down at me eyes locked with my as I moan into her as she pulls my hair grinding her pussy against my face. I pull away for a second. Looking up at Kate. “You taste so fucking good baby. So much better than your sister.” she leans down kissing me tasting herself off my lips. She looks at me “I’m so close Nate. Make me cum for you.” I lean back in eating her pussy as I use a finger both tongue and finger fuck her. She moans out. “Yes yes…Nate…I’m going to cum for you. Yesssss……” Her body tenses up as she cums for me. Her body shakes as eat and tongue fuck her pussy. She looks down at me….fuck that was amazing. She pulls me up by my hair kissing me deeply tasting her juices off my lips. She looks at me grabbing my cock over my shorts. “Fuck me Nate we have until midnight….fuck me over over please?” She kisses me as I lift her off and carry her to the bedroom. I lay her on the bed. Walking over to the door closing it and locking it. I walk over to her sliding her skirt off. I take her shirt off then her bra. I grope her small tits over her garments top I lean in licking her nipples over it biting them. I pull the garment top off. Grabbing her tits hard groping them sucking hard on each nipple “fuck you’re so hot Kate!….omg” she kneels down looking up at me pulling my shorts off as she rubs my cock over my garments. Still looking up at me she reaches in my garments pulling my dick through the hole. Precum dripping from the tip. She says. I’m going love and worship your cock better than my sister. She grabs the base stroking me as I licks the tip tasting my Precum. She rubs her lips around my throbbing shaft against her face them slowly starts sucking me. I grab her hair pushing down my dick watching her sexy little mouth take my cock. I slowly fuck her mouth as he looks up keeping eye contact with me moaning onto my cock. I pull my cock out. Pulling her up to kiss her deeply. I lay down on the bed pulling her on top of me making her sit on my face she faces the other way…”omg Nate I have never 69…omg..” She looks back at me as I lick her pussy she grabs the base stroking me. “Omg Nate I have wanted you for sooo long” I begin tongue fucking her, licking her ,fingering her as she sucks me so hard. Deep throating me, which my wife has never down.
She moans out again. That she is going to cum again. I run her clit as I tongue fuck her little pussy…she cums for me again. She knees giving out as her body shakes. She looks back at me “please Nate….Please fuck me!” She claimed off kissing me as she straddles me my cock rubbing against her hot wet pussy. “I don’t have any condoms.” I say. She says “I don’t care. I want to feel you cock inside me Nate. Please? I need you.” She lowers herself onto me. My tip sliding in she looks down between us to watch as I slide inside her. She moans out. “That is the fucking hottest thing I have ever seen Nate…omg your cock feel so good inside me. I grab her tiny hips plunging every inch of cock that will fit inside her. Pounding her pussy. I lean up sucking on her small tits. As she rides me hard. She was so fucking tight even after having to kids. I couldn’t believe how amazing her felt. Kissing her deeply as we fucked. I push her off of me as she gets on her hands and knee looking back at me. “Nate fuck me! Make me all yours!” I stand at the edge of the bed pulling closer rubbing my cock up and down her pussy lips wetting them with my pre cum. I grab her hips tight she looks back at me I plunge my cock as deep as she will take me… “fuck you feel so good Kate….omg you feel so much better than your sister.” Pounding her as our hips slam against each other I reach up grab her tits and hair pulling it as I fucking pound her tight little pussy. She looks back at me giving me a look like I will never forget desire, lust, want, pleading on her face as I looks at me and softly begs me….Nate…..Please….please fill me up. Nate…cum….I want to you cum inside me.” As she says that it does something to me I can’t believe she is saying it my cock begins to contract my balls swell with cock. “Mmmm you want my cum deep inside you huh?” I say. She looks at me pleading with me, begging over and over to “cum inside her…fill her up. To mark her mine. To make me she little slut.” I lose all self control burying my cock deep inside her as I exploded. Pumping my thick, hot sticky cum inside my sister in law. The facial expressions she had when I came was the hots my satisfy look I have ever seen. She moans out as she milked my cock as she came again. Coating my cock with her yummy pussy juices. I pulled my cock out as we both watched my cock drip out of that perfect little pussy.
We fucked 2 more times that night before she had to go. And I came inside her every time.
We sext pretty often her and I sending pics and vids when we can’t see each other. But, we still fuck at a few times a month. She is the perfect secret sex toy. We get to be the perfect Mormons in public but when we are together we get to be our naughty, kinky selves.
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ldsmormondad · 5 years
Ward Volleyball
One of the military wards I was stationed near used to have volleyball every Wednesday. Every week the members, the elders, and their investigators would show up and play volleyball till it was the elder’s bed time. The ward was definitely divided between the members in the military and the local members. A married local member would show up every week and her husband would show up half the time. She was tall and slim and pretty with perky B cups. We started small talk one time during games and afterwards and over a short amount of time the small talk led to subtle flirting and high fives turned to quick hugs. But only when her husband wasn’t there. One night after a lot of short but tight pressed hugs and subtle flirting she told me I was the devil. I told her she didn’t have a clue. She blushed and we started another game but she kept looking at me and smiling. Afterwards we were walking to our cars and I asked her if she’d like to see how much of a devil I was. She acted a bit hesitant so I told her I would never tell and I wouldn’t go any further than she wanted me too and if she thought she’d feel guilty then we could just stick to flirting. She said she loved her husband but her life was stagnant and she wanted excitement and fire. I told her to drive around and meet me back in the church parking lot in 15 minutes. She came back and parked on the other side of the building from me and we met in the middle. I led her behind the fence that blocks the view from the AC fans and grabbed her and kissed her. She kissed me back just as hard and we made out for a while and started pulling each other’s clothes off and heavy petting. I went down on her and she lost it. Said her husband never did that. Then she laid down on one of the AC units and I slowly slid into her and took her slow and deep until she got off again then I pounded her until I was filling her with my cum and collapsing beside her. We kissed each other and she said she loved her husband but wanted us to be a regular thing. I very much agreed and sent her home to hubby full of my cum and happy. That started a very intense three year affair.
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ldsmormondad · 5 years
Mission Madame
In one of my mission areas we stayed in the basement house of a very well to do member family. Pretty sure he was on the Stake Counsel besides being a heart doctor. He was just gone a lot. Anyhow, I was in that area for about six months and it got to kind of be a joke that I’d never transfer. Honestly, I didn’t want to because starting about a month after I got the woman of the house made it clear that she liked missionaries and that I wasn’t her first. By this point I’d already fooled around on my mission so I let her know I was game but my companion was a strict by the book letter of the law dickwad. I was finally able to get away from my companion long enough to let her know my companion always took hellacious long showers and always showered after me so if we were going to do anything it would have to be then and I’d knock once on the door at the top of the stairs as soon as he got in. That next morning I knocked on the door and it immediately opened and she followed me down to the apartment so I could hear the water if it shut off. We started kissing and groping and she pushed me down into a chair and pulled my shorts and Gs down and started sucking me hard. As soon as I was hard she pulled her summer dress up and Gs off and straddled me in the chair and rode me like a mad woman while she crushed my face into her tits. She hopped off and knelt again and deep throated me while I ground my cock down her throat till she gagged. Then I pulled her up and bent her over the back of the chair and slammed my cock deep inside her. She cried out and I stopped but the water kept running and I started pounding this wild sexy sister through multiple orgasms. When I told her I was about to cum she popped me out and spun around and deep throated me again and I fucked her face until I was blowing my load past her tonsils straight down her throat. “No mess, no evidence” she said to me as she got up and kissed me, told me that wasn’t our last time, grabbed her Gs, and started upstairs back to her house. And it wasn’t close to our last time. I think I had sex with her more than her husband did. Especially after I got another companion that only wanted to play video games and hide from the mission president. But those are other stories for other times.
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ldsmormondad · 5 years
A Husband’s Arrangement
I’m super excited to have my first guest submission! I love having a story from a man’s perspective.
Without further adieu!
So last summer I ended up coming across a local guy online wanting to see if anyone was interested in seducing his wife. He wanted to see how far she would take it, but didn’t know if she would show any interest. He had said she would be at a specific concert downtown and if anyone was going and interested, to hit him up. He had sent a couple of pics of his wife and she was cute!
It was a group I hadn’t been too familiar with and tickets were sold out, but I messaged him anyway and told him I’d be there if he wanted to see how it went. I’m a confident guy and believe if I have an opportunity, I can make the most of it. I sent him a couple of pics and he said he thought she’d be interested, so we kinda made arrangements. He told me she’d be at the concert on the top level around 8:30 and he told me what she would be wearing. Now I just needed to find my way in!I gave my wife a good story, left for the night and showed up to the venue. I was able to make friends with a bouncer outside who ended up getting me in. I went upstairs and grabbed a Red Bull (because I’m a good Mormon boy) and spotted her. She was really hot.
I made eye contact and smiled and then went downstairs. She actually came downstairs shortly after and I made my move. I walked up to her and said, “You’re really beautiful! Girls like you don’t show up alone to concerts!” She was blushing and gave a nice smile and a “Thank you, but you look to be alone yourself!” I told her some story about a friend having a solo ticket and not being able to use it and I went into the crowd. I had to play it cool, but I ended up at the back of the crowd and hung low for a minute. She ended up finding me and coming to talk. We chatted for the last 30-40 minutes of the show and I looked at her ring and said, “Married?! That sucks!” She told me that married people can have friends too, so I went for it. “Im giving you my number. Use it or not, that’s your call, but I’d be really bummed if I didn’t hear from you.” She took her phone out and put it in.
I won’t lie. It was a rush! A guy had told me that his wife may or may not be interested. She had spent the whole night flirting with me and took my number! I knew I had game, dammit! I was celebrating a small victory when my phone buzzed…”You’re not home yet are you?” It was a number I didn’t know, but I knew it was the girl from the concert. “Depends, who’s this?” I responded. She made some comment about how naughty I was feeling and I told her she should find out. We text back and forth for a few minutes (don’t text and drive, I am a terrible example) as I made my way back to the venue. She told me to meet her down the street and follow her. She pulled into a dark alley and told me to back in behind her.Once I got out of the car, I quickly walked to her door and kissed her.
We kissed for a couple of minutes before she said, “I don’t have much time, but I want this and I wanna make sure you aren’t camera shy.” I told her I like the bright lights and slipped my hand across her stomach and down to her panty line. She starts video of the events. I slid a little lower and rubbed her clit while we made out. She was breathing really heavily after just a couple of minutes and had a small orgasm while we stood and kissed. I turned her toward the gate of my SUV that was lifted and laid her down in the back of the car. I pulled her pants off and quickly made my way to her pussy with my mouth. Damn, she tasted good. I flicked my tongue up and down across her clit as I pushed two fingers in and out of her slowly, pushing just a little against her G each time. She was filming me eat her, and it was fucking hot. I could tell she was close, and she knew exactly what she liked. She said a little deeper and after a couple more finger thrusts, she was cumming. Better yet, she was squirting. And she was LOUD. It was messy, but really sexy and so damn tasty!
I pulled her down to tase me. I was rock hard and ready for her, but I wanted her cute little mouth on me first. After she sucked on my dick a little bit, and filmed for her, of course, I pulled a condom from my pocket and laid her again in the back of the vehicle where I placed her legs on my shoulder and began to fuck her.
She was so wet, but tight for my hard dick. I pushed up inside of her and had a nice rhythm going while she was moaning and trying to control her camera work. After a few minutes I told her I was going to cum on her stomach. I pulled out and came for her. I slide a finger through the cum and placed it to her lips. She licked it all up and her phone started to ring. I kissed her a quick goodnight and zipped up and left.
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ldsmormondad · 5 years
Fucking Guilt
I was having a conversation with my lovely wife the other night about the first time we fucked!
I wrote about it but I left a few things out! After we both came together I left! I literally waited five or ten mins dressed up and left!
So she teases me, PUSSY if you would have stayed we would have fucked all night long! She was right I was a pussy! Why did I leave when I could have been rocked all night long?
Fucking guilt! An RM, I put my g’s on and left! I felt guilty for enjoying that tight and juicy pussy! I felt guilty for sucking those amazing full C cups breasts! I felt guilty that I filled her pussy with my cum and fucking enjoyed it! FML I fucked her, she fucked me and we came together! Amazing session and I ruined it by leaving! As she said I was a PUSSY lol
I had been taught it was wrong to have premarital sex! It was wrong to enjoy sex with someone I loved! It was unacceptable to cum inside her hole!
As I look back who did it hurt? My wife is still the love of my life for >25 yrs? Nope! My spirituality? Ummm nope! Well maybe but I still progressed in my spiritual growth. She didn’t get pregnant, that was lucky for sure that could have fucked everything up people would think but as I always say love conquers all!
Guilt fucking guilt! Self inflicted! I am so fortunate that we can laugh about it years later! I can still think about how beautiful that experience was but ruined by guilt!
Brothers and sisters fuck guilt! Not all because some of it is actually there for a reason but I’m talking about guilt for stupid shit like porn, masturbation, dirty thoughts and enjoying carnal pleasures!
A sister told me she tried to touch her self in front of her husband and he slapped her hand! I could punch that fool! She never tried that again! He has no clue what guilt he put her through and what pleasures he detrived them of!
I hope that some of you can communicate with your spouses. Love and laugh and enjoy each orher! Enjoy what your bodies are made to enjoy with each other! I hope that you put that guilt aside and live happy because you are living life and not allowing someone to control you!
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ldsmormondad · 5 years
YMCA Volunteer
In one of the areas on my mission we volunteered at the local Y. Usually we assisted with cleaning and helping after school events. The lady that ran gymnastics was a short but stacked married soccer mom. My companion wasn’t very strict so as long as we were within eyesight of each other he didn’t care. Made it a point to start chatting up the gymnastics leader and it didn’t take long to find out she was unhappy and not satisfied because her husband would put work before her. She liked the nice cars and big house but her sex life was lacking. We continued for weeks to flirt and pass little touches and an occasional kiss and grope in a hallway or in a room whenever we were alone, which wasn’t ever for very long. Then one day my companion was sick and said I could do the volunteer stuff and he was going to sleep on the couch in the faculty room. I made sure he was dead asleep then found my soccer mom and told her that if it was going to happen it needed to happen that day. She told me to meet her in the equipment room downstairs in ten minutes between her gymnastics classes. When I got there she was sitting naked on some mats and told me to lock the door. We threw ourselves at each other and we kissed passionately while she pressed her huge tots against me and started pulling my shorts down and my shirt off. She made a comment about my “weird Mormon underwear” while I was fingering her soaking. Then she dropped down to the floor and took me down her throat in one move. All I could think was how much of an idiot her husband was. I grabbed the back of her head and pistoned my cock down her throat and she took it like a champ. Then I picked her up and kissed her then sucked those big beautiful jiggly tits hard and moved my way further down. Her pussy tasted amazing and between sucking her clit and fingering her she came twice before I stood up, put her legs on my shoulders and slammed balls deep into her. She let out a cry then bit my shoulder while I pounded her. We were both gasping and panting and kissing each other hard while our bodies slapped together. Between her tight pussy and the sight of those big tits bouncing for me i was ready to cum and told her so. I started fucking her even harder and was about to pull out when she grabbed my hips and pulled me into her. I groaned and let go and she almost screamed and bit my shoulder again until we both came down. It was so hot pulling out and watching my cum pour out of her. It was even hotter watching her wipe it up and smear it all over those big sexy tits and then lick her fingers clean. We carefully left the room and nobody, including my companion was the wiser. Next transfer a week later I got a very chubby companion who only wanted to work concessions. So our fling turned into an every Monday and Thursday fuckfest wherever we wouldn’t get caught until I transferred three months later. She took my cum wherever I wanted to shoot it but loved it deep inside her or down her throat and she’d always suck me clean afterwards.
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ldsmormondad · 5 years
Mormon Confession
A couple of weeks ago I went home and was talking to some of my cousins.  We all have kids now and so we were chatting about when we were our kids age and how things had changed.  Seeing my cousin brought back some fond memories, the one cousin in particular had been home schooled until her Senior year, she was a year younger than I was so I had graduated and was getting ready for my mission.  She was staying with our family during the week and going home on weekends.  Any ways one night I came home and she was laying on her bed in just her bra and panties. I got an instant hard on and just stood there looking at her, she lifted her head and smiled and acted embarrassed. I walked in and sat down next to her on her bed and we started talking.  After a little bit I reached over and put my hand down her panties and felt her pubic hair, this is the first time I had ever touched a girl down there.  She was really wet and felt so good. She told me to insert my finger and then pull it out and taste it, I did and she tasted so good.  I quickly put it back inside her and fingered her to an orgasm.  I undid her bra and sucked on her rock hard breasts.  After a little bit I got up and started to undo my pants, she stopped me and said NO you are going to go on a mission and so we couldn’t have sex.  She also reminded me that we were cousins and that was really against the rules.  So I left and went into my room and started to jerk off, when I was getting close to cumming I looked up and she was standing in my doorway I did not hear the door open, she walked over and leaned over and started sucking on my dick after a few minutes I started to cum she swallowed every drop of my massive load and just kept sucking I was going crazy as the sensation was almost more than I could handle.  That was the only time we did anything and I never told the bishop and went on my mission. 
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ldsmormondad · 5 years
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