le-beau-fou · 10 years
If you were a TV show, which TV show would you be?
Dead Women…
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Mun’s Opinion: Rich Kids of Beverly Hills.
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le-beau-fou · 10 years
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le-beau-fou · 10 years
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le-beau-fou · 10 years
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le-beau-fou · 10 years
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Pixiv ID: 27321879 Member: ガム
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le-beau-fou · 10 years
Unwavering eye contact did not phase Elesa in the slightest. No matter where Elesa went she attracted attention. Whether they knew of her celebrity status or not. It would have been foreign to her, if he did not stare.  She was nicknamed the Shining Beauty of Nimbasa City for a reason. She shown brightly against the colorless plebeians the populated the majority of this world.
Jack’s lack of thank you did not escape Elesa’s analysis. It was an Étinceler family necessity to be well versed in the etiquette and be able to adapt to the mores of the country they were in. Even at her cruelest, she was always polite in her own way. From the way he carried himself, his manners deficiency was not due to an ignorant upbringing. In fact it was the exact opposite, it was out of a sense of entitlement. The kind only those raised in wealth had. If she was correct, they came from the same world. Well that was, almost interesting.
The way in which the model spoke was unique to say the least. The tone was pleasing to the ears, with a hint of strength to it. Yet a majority of the time it was flat, listless, as if she was in class reciting facts from a book. The monotony of life made it difficult for her to put more enthusiasm in much of anything. This included the way in which she spoke.
“I am a striking woman. If you did not notice my symmetrical features it would have been odd. Unless you were much more interested in my body then my face. That could always been an option as well.” Elesa gently inhaled her cigarette, slowly letting the nicotine fill her. Slowly she let the smoke filter out of her mouth. “Thank you Jack Butler, for correctly accessing my features.”
When Jack mentioned the word ‘love’ Elesa tilted her head. For the first time, since their conversation began she showed amusement. “Love? I do not truly understand the concept of love. It is supposed to be special. Even so people claim to love me on a regular basis. I have only met one person whom I have true affection for. We bonded over the mutual enjoyment of; ultra-violence, inventive torture techniques, and arts and crafts.”
Elesa drew closer to Jack­­ and placed her hand on his cheek. Gently she strokes the skin under her thumb. “You are insinuating that we are such a pair, yes? That we could garner some sort of affection for one another? I find such a thought amusing. By association that means I find you amusing as well. It is rare that I feel amusement.” She bent forward and pressed her lips against his cheek.
As Jack spoke, Elesa stepped back and went back to her cigarette.  Jack’s mention of biting actually caused a small laugh to escape Elesa’s lips. “I hypothesize that your allusion to biting has sexual undertones.” A coy smile played on her lips, the most emotion that she had displayed since the beginning of their conversation. “When it comes to sexual encounters, I can do a variety of things. Biting in an erotic way is one of them.” Carelessly she threw the remnants of her cigarette to the ground. ‘If you genuinely desire to bite me, it is ill advised. As you said, I am a woman who can take care of herself. I am well versed in Kenpo, and a skilled marksmen.”
“I suffer from perpetual boredom. You believe you can assuage my condition. I do have nothing to lose.  I accept your proposal and company. It could be an experiment, testing our compatibility. To see if we can fit. If such a thing is determined to be fact, I shall not ignore it. I shall do quite the opposite, I will indulge it. So take me from this ‘depressing’ place as you put it. I was going to head home; partake in various mind altering substances and read Sartre. So where we go shall be up to you. ”
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It's Time | Elesa & Jack
As the man lit his cigarette, his eyes didn’t let go off hers for even a second. When he caught sight of the smoke raising from the tip, he took a deep breath and felt the stinging bitterness like no other taste enter his mouth and his lungs. He didn’t spare a few seconds to thank her, but when he leaned back he took the chance to view her whole image. Those stylish, fashionable, intriguing, expensive clothes, flattering a perfectly shaped, pale body. Damn, she was hot.
"Yes, your symmetry did not escape me." he said with a very amused expression. Odd way to compliment someone for sure, but not weird enough to be the worst Jack had heard. Her statement did not mention that she considered him good-looking, but it felt as close as close could be. He breathed out while still keeping the cigarette between his lips and let out a silent chuckle.
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"I’m Jack Butler." he responded, his voice low and accompanied with a sly tone. The way she didn’t shorten down any words even while speaking was interesting to him somehow. Maybe she was like him, brought up in a family who raised their children to think they were better than the rest of the herd. A white sheep among black, with whool much more desired on the market, and much more loved by the shepherd. If all the other sheep detested his presence, he wouldn’t care. That wasn’t what ever mattered. The money and the looks did. "You know, Elesa, I don’t believe in love at first sight." he said, took another breath of smoke, put the cigarette away from his mouth, and let it escape in a cloud of stinking, poisonous substances. "… But I believe that there are people who can simply by the first meeting know that they’re very capable. It is the pair that fit who decide what should happen after that. Some like to ignore it, some become friends, and some… test their capability the best they can." He used his finger to shake the cigarette once and let the aches fall to the ground. His eyes wandered back at her, that fancy jewelry and perfect, messy bun on top of her head. Black hair didn’t suit everyone. But this girl sure made a lot of exceptions, didn’t she? "So while I take for granted a woman like you can take care of herself, if you want company to wherever you’re heading, I have absolutely no reason not to leave this depression place and give you some certainly satisfying company on the way. I don’t bite. Probably."
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le-beau-fou · 10 years
Unlike a majority of those employed at Team Rocket, Elesa did not live on the premise. Only on whims would the model grace the headquarters with her presence. The only reason she had joined Team Rocket was to escape some boredom. So when the plebeians whom worked with her failed to entertain her, Elesa decided to leave.
Without a single word Elesa made her way through the halls of the HQ. Grunts whispered and gawked at the raven haired beauty passed them. Not once did her gaze meet those she passed, they were nobodies. The pattern on the ceiling tiles was much more interesting than they could ever be anyway.
It was not only Elesa’s beauty that attracted grunt gawkers. She wore black high-waist booty shorts that accentuated her long legs. On top she wore a loose light yellow tank top that was tucked into the short. Even in the hot weather, she wore a short black fur vest. On her feet were black ankle boot wedges. A copious amount of gold charm bracelets were on her wrist and lightening bolt shaped earrings. Her raven hair was done up in the ‘perfect’ messy bun that only celebrities seemed to achieve.
Elesa slipped on her over-sized shades as she existed the building. As the door closed behind her, she let out an annoyed sigh. Her driver was uncharastically late. ‘It would be rather inconvenient if he were in trouble,’ she thought to herself.
It was only when the man inquired about a lighter, that Elesa acknowledged his existence. There was an unwritten code of ethics when it came to smokers; which even she followed. The sparkling yet emotionless blue eyes of the model, met his glaze. Silently she took out a Faberge cigarette box and took out a hand rolled cigarette and put it in between her lips. After the put the cigarette case back, she took out a matching lighter. She lit her own cigarette before she walked over to him, and held out the light for him.
As the man lit his cigarette, she processed him. “You have balanced facial features. Naturally human beings find symmetry attractive. So I imagine that you are considered good-looking.” The tone in which the model spoke was that of complete indifference. “I am also symmetrical. I am Elesa."
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It's Time | Elesa & Jack
After nine years of smoking what felt like every day, the effects of the cigarettes faded a long time ago, yet he continued breathing them in like he wasn’t able to survive any other way. He’d long forgotten about how the first pair hurt his lungs, made him couch and without a filter was enough to make his hands go numb and his stomach turn. These days, the labels on the packages telling him all the dangers and the diseases were completely invisible. The talking about cancer felt like people talking about a distant myth and every single person who smoked besides him was always someone worth talking to. Leaning against the wall outside of the main-entrance to the headquarters, Jack pulled up his package and put one of the cigarettes to his mouth in a single, smooth movement. Like it was something he’d practiced for years. Because, well, he had. It was supposed to have an act following it. Another natural, easy-going sweep of the hand and the lighter would be in front of it, and he’d light it with a satisfied expression on his face. Yet this time, this wasn’t the case. Instead of finding the lighter, the one he always assumed was placed in the right pocket of his pants, he started patting it in search for something, and did the same with the other. "Shit." he growled to himself, remembering that he hadn’t remembered to change the lighter’s location when he changed pants. With a frown, he continued the search to his jacket, but there was nothing for him to find. Some earring a girl had left behind that seemed to be real enough to get some cash for, but that was it. When the door beside him opened, he gave it a glance. He’d really expected just another colorless, plain grunt, ready for a break after seventeen hours of hard work. Strained. Tired. Expressionless. Fucking depressing to look at. But instead, he found himself peering at a beautiful woman. Her posture, her features and her expression was suitable for a model, and Jack hadn’t been in touch with such a woman since he got into this organization. There was a smile spreading across his face as his golden eyes glued themselves to her.
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"Got a lighter?"
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le-beau-fou · 10 years
With indifference in Elesa’s eyes, she turned to Juniper. “I do not know…What is a scientist without a lighter?” Elesa bent forward and lit her cigarette, which was followed in a curt nod of acknowledgement. Elesa looked over Juniper, her head tilted to the side. There was something vaguely familiar about the woman who approached her. It was only when the woman mentioned she was a scientist that Elesa registered who she was. It was the scientist who hung around Kiko.
 “…Why am I in such a questionable place?”  Elesa paused for a minute, and took a drag of her cigarette. “I am attempting to find something that does not bore me. So far my search has been for naught. It is rare for me to find something that is gratifying, that can give me enjoyment. I have spent several months in Kalos with those who almost as rich and famous as I am. They have grown tiresome. The people in this area are the anthesis of those people. So perhaps I will derive pleasure from something or someone here.”
Elesa continued to stare at Juniper. Internally she was trying to remember the woman’s name. To Elesa, Juniper had been just another face. Someone’s whose only importance was making Kiko happy. Elesa had never felt the need to waste her memory on someone such as Juniper. It then hit Elesa what the woman’s name might be. “You are… That professor..Jumper isn’t it? Your existence makes Kiko happy. So you must not be vile…What are you doing here?”
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Return to Sender {{Open}}
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le-beau-fou · 10 years
The Edible Woman {Drabble}
It was rare that food passed through Elesa’s lips. When she did eat, it was never in public. Often models were judged by what they ate, or did not eat. Either they ate too much, or ate too little. She was well aware her bizarre eating habits would defiantly be fodder for the tabloids. Primarily the only caloric thing she in took was alcohol. Other than that she would only eat things such as; tomatoes, the skin of grapes, celery, or apples.
Elesa’s stomach pained her as she sat in a café in Kalos. In disguise of course; with a mousey brown wig and over-sized sun glasses. Normally she used a mix of cocaine and pills to curb her appetite. Sadly her dealer was in the town over, and would not be able to supply her for a few hours. If she only drank, it would lead her to lowering her inhibitions, and lead her to eat. When she was drunk, something in her said it was ok. Obviously this was not an option.
Nervously Elesa looked around her, as she placed an order for grapes. Her hotel was quite far from her current position. She feared if her hunger increased, she may binge eat. That was absolutely not have. Even though eating outside was foreign to her now, it had become a necessary evil.
Elesa could not help but feel a bit of anxiety. When she looked down at the book she was reading, she could see her fingers shake. Once the grapes arrived she swallowed hard. Her eyes darted back and forth, to see if anyone was looking. No one was looking, she told herself. No one cared about her with the way she was dressed.  She was nobody, so no one would pay attention to her. Right?
With a trembling hand, Elesa began to peel off the skin of the grapes. Over and over again she reassured herself, that this was ok. As she finished removing the skin from the grapes, she looked up between her bangs. A group of young kids were staring at her.
“Look at her!” The boy pointed at her. “What kind of freak eats food like that?”
Abruptly Elesa shot up, and threw money down on the table. Quickly she ran through the streets of Kalos, mulling over the question in her mind. The answer to that question was, yes. She was an anorexic, alcoholic, drug addled woman. All of which she did so she could feel numb, so she did not have to face her problems. She was aware of all of this.
Tears welled in Elesa’s eyes. She thought she could get away from judging eyes by donning a disguise. The boy’s reaction just reminded her, how awful both people and society were. Finally Elesa stopped running, when she saw the sign for a bar. She made her way through the crowd to the bar. With a coy smile on her face, she removed the glasses to reveal her sparkling eyes. “Hello…would anyone of you lovely gentleman care to buy me a drink?”
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le-beau-fou · 10 years
Return to Sender {{Open}}
Normalcy was not something Elesa was accustom to. How could it be? Her first baby picture was publish on page six of the Nimbasa Times. Once she became an internationally known model and gym leader; she could not even sneeze without it being plastered all over the tabloids. So often she found a reprieve in the less savory parts of a city. In dive bars, where you could still smoke and the jukebox was enjoyable. Far away from prying eyes.
As Elesa made her way to nowhere in particular on the streets of Johto. It had been quite some time since she entertained herself with the dirty dealings of Team Rocket. The same thing always brought her back, boredom. Her fellow members were ever so entertaining after long sprints in high society.
Against the filthy pavement, Elesa’s designer heels made a gentle click sound. She stood out like a sore thumb against the backdrop. Pugnacity and ability were not something Elesa lacked. So she thought nothing of being dripped in Chanel as she pasted the dregs of society.
Elesa took out her compact and gazed adoringly at her reflect as she continued on. With a gentle sigh she shook her head, “It is such a shame…That I, the embodiment of perfection is forced to exist in such an imperfect world…” With a quick snap she shut the compact and slipped into her purse.
It was only Elesa’s addition to cigarettes that made her stop. Gracefully she took out her cigarettes, and placed one in between her lips. Several times she flicked her thumb against the sparkwheel. With annoyance she groaned and looked around. Perhaps a fellow Team Rocket member around, or just someone not totally useless. With a bored tone in her voice she said, “Does anyone have something to light my cigarette? No I am not a prostitute, and the likely hood of me wanting a good time with you is rather slim.”
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{Outfit| http://www.polyvore.com/elesa_return_to_center/set?id=123294719}
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le-beau-fou · 10 years
"Watch out!"
"You could have been killed!"
"Run! Hurry up, go!"
"Save yourself, I’ll hold them back."
"Leave me here! Go! Hurry! I can handle it."
"I promise I’ll make sure they don’t hurt you."
"They better not have laid a damn finger on you or I’ll [insert...
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le-beau-fou · 10 years
Werewolf:If you had to spend your life with just one person, who would it be?
That is obvious..My personal assistant/hair stylist/stylist...
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le-beau-fou · 10 years
ϟ Monsters-themed Asks!
Vampire: Someone offers you a chance at immortality. Do you take it, and why or why not?
Werewolf: If you had to spend your life with just one person, who would it be?
Witch: If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?
Ghost: Do you have any regrets?
Frankenstein: Is someone telling you how to live your life, or are you an independent person?
Mummy: If you were to fall into an eternal sleep, do you think anyone would miss you?
Zombie: Do you miss anyone right now?
Faerie: If you could get away with anything, what would you do?
Nymph: What are you like when you’re by yourself?
Mermaid: How far would you go to keep the one you love?
Shapeshifter: What would you change about yourself?
Banshee: If you knew one of your loved ones/best friends had only one day left to live, how would you spend that last day with them?
Siren: If you could make anyone do anything, what would you make them do?
Genie: If you had one wish that would come true and couldn’t be reversed, what would you ask for?
Fury: What is a word/phrase that you dread to hear?
Incubus: What would someone have to do to get in your pants?
Succubus: What’s one thing you can’t live without?
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le-beau-fou · 10 years
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le-beau-fou · 10 years
Wear a playboy bunny outfit for the rest of the day.
Mine buneary suit is in Kalos currently I hope a Play Pikachu outfit will due Pika~
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le-beau-fou · 10 years
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le-beau-fou · 10 years
Who would you protect with your life?
...The only human who exists in my consciousness is Kiko...She is the only person I love...or I have ever loved. 
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