lea-radziwill-cas · 4 years
Today I made udon noodles from my favorite cooking blog SheckEats. It is written by Cornell students who studied food science, which makes it all the more interesting. I had fresh udon noodles so I decided to give it a try. However, as I changed the recipe a bit I will post my updated recipe:
1-2 tablespoons cooking oil such as peanut or vegetable (olive is ok)
Handful chopped shallot
1/2" shaved ginger (I freeze my ginger which makes it easier to use)
1 garlic cloves, chopped
dried red pepper flakes
A sprinkle of sesame seeds 
1/2 cup - 1 cup frozen veggies (edamame)
1 package fresh udon noodles (8oz / 250g)
2 teaspoons chili garlic sauce 
2 tablespoons soy sauce
1 tablespoon toasted sesame oil
3 teaspoon peanut butter 
1 1/2 tablespoon rice wine vinegar 
1 teaspoon of Zatar
a dash of teriyaki sauce or honey to add a bit of sweetness but this is optional 
Fill a medium saucepan with some warm water and set it over medium high heat (to bring to a boil). On a different burner, add the cooking oil to a skillet with the scallion (or onion or shallot). Cook over low heat.
You can shave the ginger and garlic while the scallion cooks. Add the ginger, then the garlic and cook until fragrant.
Add some red pepper flakes, Zatar and sesame seeds to the scallion/ginger/garlic mixture, and add the frozen veggies. Teriyaki or honey can also me added now. 
Drop the frozen udon into the pot of boiling water and cook about 30 seconds less than the package instructions. It likely only needs a minute or so to defrost. As soon as the noodles are defrosted, drain out the water in the sink and add the noodles to the pan with everything else.
Mix, then add the chili garlic sauce, soy sauce, sesame oil, peanut butter, and rice wine vinegar. Mix well, and serve.
I forgot to take a picture but here is one from Scheck’s blog
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lea-radziwill-cas · 4 years
Today’s tennis practice was once again a match. We worked on our precision with the aim of not exaggerating with our use of force. After a 40 min play, we decided to do some exercises to further improve accuracy in my shots. The exercises consisted of running all over the court and hitting the ball in specific areas indicated previously. At the end we rehearsed serving which is my biggest weakness, I am not consistent with my serves, therefore they are not well controlled. This a skill I must further practice. 
Last week’s Australian Open definitely served as inspiration for bettering my skills and becoming a good player.
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lea-radziwill-cas · 4 years
This tennis lesson was exhausting; with Aleks we played a match. In the beginning he was having fun with making me run a lot, but being annoyed, I started doing the same to him. It was a significant learning experience, and I believe it forced me to embrace my technique rather than force. A the end of the game, we practiced smashing, which was a challenge considering how tired I was. 
I can feel my passion for tennis growing. I am excited to see what the future holds. 
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lea-radziwill-cas · 4 years
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I baked fresh buns. These were my first batch thus explaining why they do not look that appealing, but they turned out very well. The original recipe by Adina from “Where is my spoon”, however I adjusted it a bit to fit my ingredient list. Here is the recipe:
500g all-purpose flour
2 ¼ teaspoons instant dry yeast 
300 ml lukewarm water
1 ½ teaspoon fine sea salt
½ tablespoon honey
75 ml water + 2 tablespoons
1 egg 
Use a kitchen scale for the best results.
Mix the flour, instant yeast, and salt. Place the flour in a large bowl, add the lukewarm water, salt, honey or syrup and mix with a spoon as long as it gets.
Start kneading the dough. When the dough comes together, turn the mixture onto a floured working surface and continue kneading until the dough becomes elastic and doesn't stick to your hands anymore.
If using the stand mixer, knead using the kneading attachments until the dough is elastic and comes away from the walls of the mixer.
Place the dough back in the clean bowl, cover the bowl with a kitchen cloth and leave the dough to rise in a warm place until doubled in size, this will take about an hour.
Forming the rolls:
Turn the dough onto a lightly floured surface, divide it into 8 equal pieces and form the rolls.
Knead one piece of dough shortly to make it smooth, form round or elongated rolls. Place the rolls on a baking tray lined with baking paper. Let rest again in a warm place until nicely risen, about half an hour.
In the meantime preheat the oven to 200 degrees Celsius/ 400 degrees Fahrenheit.
Score the rolls in the middle using a sharp knife.
beat the one egg and using a brush, cover the tops of the rolls with the egg wash
Bake for about 20 minutes until golden brown and cooked through. Check if they are done by tapping the bottom of one roll with your knuckles, it should sound hollow.
Once you`ve removed the baked rolls from the oven, brush them again very lightly with the cornstarch mixture, not too much, so that the rolls will be really shiny but still remain crusty.
Let cool on wire racks.
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lea-radziwill-cas · 4 years
In this lesson we discussed clothing. Wojtek had some trouble with concentrating on the task at hand so I came up with a way to make it more appealing. First we watched a youtube video on clothing, and then we collaboratively made a document with all the pieces he has to learn. Because Wojtek loves policemen, we chose the clothes in a police theme. Here are some of them:
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Having this list as a study guide, Wojtek was much more enthusiastic to study. The class was a success and it reminded me how compromise is crucial in a good collaboration. 
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lea-radziwill-cas · 4 years
Final Reflection
In working on my my CAS, I most enjoyed the satisfaction that came from completing this many activities and experiences; especially those which lasted for longer periods of time like HelpMate, Polo, Tennis, Badminton, debates, MUN conferences, and cooking. One of the biggest I have faced was helping Wojtek with his studies during my time at HelpMate. We spent many hours revising and thinking of new ways to study which finally succeeded in by Wojtek becoming one of the top students in his class. I am grateful for the motivation CAS has instilled in me to pursue my interest in a greater quantity than I normally would have. I especially proud to have become the champion of the Warsaw Debate League with my Oxford debate team, in which I initially participated to have a “creativity” activity. Another challenge I tackled in my CAS activities was combining sports with academic responsibilities, especially Polo where I eventually made the Women’s team, because it was very time-consuming; I overcame the challenge by improving my organization and being intricate with my planner and timetable. My experiences in all of these divergent ventures taught me the importance of precision, dedication, and self-discipline. Being captain of the Oxford debate team, I aqcuired the experience of discussing a wide range of sociological topics. Participating in international tournaments such as the Nordic Schools Debating Championship in Copenhagen, expanded my knowledge and experience, and shifted my perspective to thinking globally, but, most importantly, I learned that through discussions and interactions with diverse people, together we can find solutions to problems in an aspiration to achieve our goals. The easiest learning outcome to achieve for me can be seen in my table as that column has the highest frequency – learning outcome 1 (identification of strengths and areas for personal growth). The hardest were probably engaging with issues of global significance and recognizing and considering the ethics of choices and actions, as during the pandemic there weren’t many occasions to participate in such activities. To conclude, CAS was a formative influence on building my identity and interests for which I am grateful and appreciative. 
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lea-radziwill-cas · 4 years
Reflections throughout the years
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lea-radziwill-cas · 4 years
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lea-radziwill-cas · 4 years
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lea-radziwill-cas · 4 years
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lea-radziwill-cas · 4 years
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lea-radziwill-cas · 4 years
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lea-radziwill-cas · 4 years
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lea-radziwill-cas · 4 years
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lea-radziwill-cas · 4 years
CAS project “Młodzi Głosują” (repost)
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lea-radziwill-cas · 4 years
This week’s tutoring lesson with Wojtek was a revision class before his test. The topic was “kitchen” thus, it consisted of all tools used for cooking such as pots, pans, plates etc., certain food items such as onions, tomatoes, eggs etc. and finally a couple of appliances, fridge, oven, microwave. 
Wojtek has been making a lot of progress this year. He is no longer failing, in fact he is now top of his class. I admire his motivation to succeed and improve. I believe that our success in the past year can be accredited to firstly our friendship, and secondly to both of our dedication towards the goal; we have both spent a large amount of time preparing for our classes and working as a team to maximize the productivity of our lessons. 
My experience at HelpMate has taught me to fully devote myself to a cause however strenuous that effort should be. At times it proved to be difficult as this is my final year of high school and integrating school work with working with Wojtek was indeed arduous, or sometimes Wojtek would forget about important dates such as tests or simply leave his books at school thus be unprepared in class to revise; therefore, at times these tutoring classes proved to be more than 3 hours a week. However, seeing Wojtek succeed only proved to me that perseverance is worth the trouble. 
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lea-radziwill-cas · 4 years
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