leafron · 4 years
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leafron · 5 years
Supernormal Chapter 1
The Machine:
    Zhane looked at the machine that he has been building for the last two months. He started thinking about how he got to this point in life. Yeah, he really enjoys being alone - secluding himself from the outside world. No distractions, no noise. Just good ole peace and quiet. Unfortunately for him, his thinking was about to be interrupted. 
            The door to Zhane’s lab opened and in came his sister, Sarah, holding a bag that said ‘Grga’s’. Zhane looked at her with a look of confusion on his face. “What is ‘Grga’s’?” he asked. 
    “You know, it doesn’t even surprise me that you don’t know about the new restaurant that opened a few blocks away from the house,” replied Sarah. 
“It's not my fault that I’ve been busy,” said Zhane.
“Not your fault? No offence, but you haven’t left the house in two months. You sleep on the couch in the storage closet. It’s not healthy, so I decided to bring you a real lunch and not crackers.” Sarah pulled a box of food from the bag.
“I haven’t had the chance to go out and get food. I have been busy with my machine,” he responded. 
“I almost forgot about the monstrocity you have been creating for the past two years. You still haven’t told me exactly what it does.”
“I told you so many times; this machine is going to split dimensions. Do I really have to go into the details?” he explained in an exasperated voice.
“Yeah, that is basically all you have told me. Anything else you want to fill me in on?” 
“You will know the rest in due time,” he replied.
Sarah walked over to the table against the wall, sat the food down, and took a seat. “Come on, you need to eat.” 
Zhane sighed and slowly went over to the table. All he wanted was for his sister to leave him to his work and not worry about him. He took a seat and looked at what he was given: a burger, fries, and a coffee. This was normal for him. Not Sarah buying him food - Cosmin usually does that for him - but getting treated like he can’t take care of himself. 
Zhane ate the burger, got up and walked to the chalkboard, grabbed a piece of chalk, and started to write down his thoughts about what to do next. The voice in his head never stops talking; it keeps him moving forward.
“Didn’t Cosmin buy you a new chalkboard to replace that one with?” Sarah asked while eating her food.
Zhane, while still writing on the chalkboard, replied, “I don’t like replacing old things; that kills memories that will never return.” 
    Sarah looked at Zhane and said, “Oh, I always forget that Chase gave you that chalkboard, but that was six years ago and he killed our parents, or did you forget?” 
    As soon as he heard that, anger filled his heart. He wanted to scream at her, but there was no way he could tell her. “Could you leave? I have a lot of work to do.”
    “Fine, but if you keep running from the truth, it will eventually catch up to you, and sometimes that is the worst possible thing.” 
Sarah got up and went through the door to the lab. 
            Zhane could hear her go upstairs and leave. ‘Finally,’ Zhane thought, ‘I have the whole house to myself.’ He went over to the weirdly beautiful machine. ‘Beautiful isn’t it? Just a little more time and we can finally find your brother.’ 
    “How much more time? We have been doing this for two months. My brain hurts,” Zhane said out loud.
    ‘After we get these parts from your boyfriend, we will finally be done.’ 
            Zhane entered the storage closet and layed down on the couch. Before he knew it, he dozed off into the world of dreams. 
    He was suddenly jolted awake by the sound of the basement door opening, he slowly got up off the couch. “Zhane! I’ve got something for you,” said a familiar voice.
    As soon as he heard who it was he was relieved; he had thought someone had broken in. Zhane slowly got up from his position on the couch, and he walked out of the storage closet. He saw Cosmin standing in front of the table with something in his hands. 
    “Did you get what I sent you to get?” Zhane asked before he knew what he was saying. 
    “Yeah, it’s right here, but before we get to that I have something to give to you.” 
    “It can wait, this has to be done right now; if this succeeds, my work won’t be for nothing.” 
 “Fine, I’ll wait, but it better be worth it,” said Cosmin. 
    Zhane walked over to the machine and went straight to work.  After all this time he could finally finish what he started. His journey would finally be over. About two hours later, the machine was finally finished. 
“Behold! This device will stretch beyond what science can explain. It will bend our reality opening it up to new ones.” 
“Finally, it took you long enough!  Do we turn it on now?” Cosmin asked. 
    “Not yet?  The magnetic polarity might malfunction, and it could cause a magnetic overload.”
    “So that means…”
    “Oh right, meaning that it will go boom and destroy the lab,” replied Zhane. 
    Zhane took a panel off the back off the machine and started rearranging wires.
“That’s weird the wires are out of place.”
    When Zhane finished rearranging the wires, he put the panel back on the machine. He walked over to the front of the machine and started pressing buttons in what seemed like a random order. Suddenly the machine burst to life, lights flashed, and the motor seemed to be running properly. Zhane noted all of this in his mind. 
“Now we can turn it on; this is both of our achievements. Well, more mine than yours, but ours nonetheless.” 
    “Stop talking and just turn it on.”
“Okay!” Yelled Zhane. 
    “Who are you talking to?”
    “No one! Do you want to pull the switch together?” Zhane asked. 
    “Sure, Let's do this.”
    “On the count of three. Ready?” Cosmin nodded, “One, two, three!”
    The machine buzzed to life. 
    The machine was finally alive.  After months of building, their biggest project was finally done. Zhane watched in amazement as their creation finally came to life. His amazement was soon cut off when he heard someone screaming his name. 
“Is that Sarah!?” Cosmin asked over the loud buzzing of the machine. 
“I told her to...” Zhane was cut off when Sarah opened the door.
    “Zhane what did you do?!” 
Zhane never got to answer the question that he was asked because suddenly the machine blew, throwing all of them in different directions. There was a bright light that filled the room. As the light slowly dimmed, they were gone. All that remained was the machine, sitting there like nothing had happened.  
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leafron · 6 years
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leafron · 6 years
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leafron · 6 years
Supernormal Chapter 2
Mysterious Girl
   Zhane slowly opened his eyes trying to fix his vision on something, but he couldn't. Every direction that he looked was filled with darkness. “Can you help me, cracker boy? Help me. I've been watching you by observing your dreams,” said a violet light from behind him.
   “Are you insulting me or asking for help? And plus, my cracker obsession is considered healthy by ‘healthytips.com’,” responded Zhane.
   “You know why it tells you that it’s healthy, it's because the website ends with -.com,” said the violet light.
   “That actually makes sense, thanks for the input,” said Zhane.
   “No problem. Now, can we discuss how you are going to save me?” Asked the light.
   “Sure, why not? What do I have to do?” Asked Zhane.
   “We don’t have much time. Just remember, it hit you in the face when you were least expecting it,” said the light.
   “Oh come on! Not riddles!” Screamed Zhane as everything started closing in on him.
   Zhane opened his eyes to see a lady in front of him wearing a worried expression. “Oh my gosh, Zhane, I thought you were dead,” said Sarah.
   “Well, I thought you were Hawaiian Santa Claus,” replied Zhane.
   Sarah looked at him like he was an idiot.
   Zhane started to think about what the light said to him, ‘hit me when I was least expecting it.’ Zhane looked around the room trying to find what the light was talking about.
   “Sarah, I need your help. There was a light and it said that it needed help. I asked it how to help, and it said it hit me when I was least expecting it,” said Zhane.
   Sarah looked at Zhane like he was even more idiotic, but she answered, “Maybe the door. It literally hit you,” said Sarah.
   Zhane looked at Sarah and said, “Yeah, that makes sense.” Zhane walked over to the door and started to examine it. Sarah continued to look at Zhane like he was insane. Zhane found a sliding door on the door. He slid it open and found a button.
   Sarah walked over to Zhane and looked at the button. “You are not going to push that, are you?” She asked.
    “Why would I not hit the button?” He questioned.
    “Because it could be a bomb.” She said sarcastically
   Zhane looked at Sarah one last time and pushed the button. The floor in the closet started descending into stairs.
   “Of course there is a weird staircase in your lab,” Said Sarah.
   Zhane looked at Sarah and said, “I think it makes my lab more mysterious.”
   Zhane ran to the closet and grabbed two flashlights. He handed one of them to Sarah. Sarah accepted the flashlight, but just stared at Zhane like he was an imbecile.
   Zhane looked at Sarah and asked, “Are you coming or are you to scared?” Sarah, after hearing that, pushed Zhane and started to descend into the passage. “No need to be in a rush,” said Zhane in a sarcastic tone.
   The two of them descended into the passage. It felt like the stairs went on forever.
   “What happened when you got knocked out by the door?” Asked Sarah.
   “Well, I’m not really that sure what happened. I saw a violet light and it was talking to me. It was telling me that I needed to save it,” said Zhane. Before Sarah could say anything, both of their eyes lit up as they saw flat ground.
   “Finally. I feel like we have been walking on stairs for years,” said Sarah.
   “Technically it has only been five minutes,” said Zhane.
   “I hate you. Just shut up,” Sarah responded. “You know, let's agree to disagree, and let's say that I'm a girl.”  
   Sarah glanced over at Zhane, “Why do i even try with you.” Said Sarah. “You don’t try with anyone you think the only way to solve our problems is to fight.”
   Zhane froze when he heard a loud noise come from the other end of the tunnel. “Sarah did you hear that noise, i think someone is down here.” Sarah replied saying “I really think you are going insane, there was no noise.” When Zhane looked toward where the noise came from he saw a violet light.
   “Cracker Boy follow me i will show you what you must do. Now let’s go!” Said the violet light.
   Suddenly the light zoomed around a corner out of sight, and that's when Zhane bolted after the light. This took Sarah by surprise it took her thirty seconds for her to bolt after him.
   After running down hallway after hallway they finally came to a door. “Zhane are you crazy, what are you doing?” asked Sarah.
   “I didn’t get us lost, i was following the light. It guided us to this door.” Said Zhane. Zhane reached for the door knob and turned it, he then pushed the door open. The room was pitch black and the room smelled of burnt toast. Zhane pointed his flashlight around the room revealing what seemed to be some weird infirmary. Sarah pointed her flashlight around the room to trying to find a light switch, after a few seconds of scanning the room for a light switch she found none. “Zhane can you see a light switch anywhere?” asked Sarah.
   “Well i guess we should take a look around.” said Zhane. Zhane started to walk into the room when all the lights flashed on. When Zhane’s eyes finally adjusted he finally noticed how big the room actually was. In the middle of the room there was a chamber, on the right and left sides of the room had control panels. “This is the most amazing thing i have ever seen in my life!” Said Zhane with excitement in his voice.
   Zhane walked over to the chamber in the middle of the room, the glass was somewhat transparent. When Zhane looked into the glass he saw a girl sitting down, she looked about their age. “Sarah come over here hurry!” Zhane Screamed. When Sarah noticed what was going on she ran over to the door to the chamber and started pulling, but it didn’t budge. Zhane then started helping after a few seconds the door was open. “Are you okay?” screamed Zhane.
   The girls eyes opened slowly and the first thing she said was “Cracker Boy my savior you have finally come.”
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leafron · 6 years
This is Zhane, this is a drawing by my friend, here is her tumblr,
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leafron · 6 years
This is my youtube channel if anyone is interested.
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leafron · 6 years
Supernormal Chapter 2 should be out in the next couple of days.
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leafron · 6 years
Sarah: Zhane, have you seen my $300 Purse? I think i left it here.
Zhane: You mean ladybag, and no i havn't seen your lady bag.
(Dialoge from chapter 1)
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leafron · 6 years
Zhane: Why do you think i'm a loser? You know what nevermind i'm going to win this game.
[Kicks ball into the smallest hole scoring the most amount of points possible per kick]
Conor: You know what if your going to ba a loser, at least be a bad winner!
Zhane: What? What does that even mean!
(Dialoge from future chapter in Supernormal.)
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leafron · 6 years
Supernormal Chapter 1
The Machine
   Zhane looked at the blueprints for the machine that he had been making for the last two years. He started thinking about how he got to this point in his life. Yeah, he enjoys being alone most of the day, but something was missing from his life. He most likely will never know what that something is.
   The door to lab opened and Sarah entered, she was holding a bag that said Grga's. Zhane looked at her confusingly and asked, “What is Grga?”
    “You know it doesn't even surprise me that you don't know about the new restaurant that opened right beside the lab,” replied Sarah.
   “It's not my fault that I have been busy.” Said Zhane.
   “Not your fault? No offense you haven't left the lab in two months. You sleep on the couch in the storage closet. It’s not healthy, but that's why I brought you some real food instead of crackers,” said Sarah, as she pulled some food out of the bag.
   “Crackers are real food.” He responded still standing there.
   “Why are you just standing there? Come over here and eat. If I buy you food I expect you to eat it.”
   Zhane looked at her and said, “You need to stop wasting your money on me, go and waste it on your boyfriend.” Zhane went over to Sarah and sat down beside her.  
   Sarah took something out of the bag and handed it to him. Zhane looked at what he presumed to be a sandwich, he unwrapped the sandwich and started to eat it. While he was eating he started to think of what could be wrong with his blueprints. every time he added in the formula it never worked, alternative dimensional travel is so complicated. When he finished eating what Sarah gave him he got up and went over to his chalkboard.  
  Sarah looked up and noticed he had got up and gone over to that chalkboard. “Why do you still have a chalkboard? I bought you a whiteboard to replace that dirty thing with,” Sarah asked while still eating her sandwich.
  Zhane, while still writing the formula down on the chalkboard, replied, “I don’t like replacing old things, they kill memories that will never return.”
  Sarah looked at Zhane and said, “Oh, I always forget that our brother gave that chalkboard to you, but you know that was six years ago, and you do know that he was a murderer? He went into his house and killed all of his family and then he killed himself.”
   Zhane stopped writing the formula and looked towards Sarah, He sat the chalk down. “Can you leave?” He asked in a demanding tone. “I have important work to do.”
   Sarah looked toward him and said, “Fine I’ll leave, but if you keep running away from the truth then the truth will catch up with you, and sometimes that’s the worst possible thing.” Then Sarah left the room through the back door and into her Porsche 911.
   When he finally heard her drive away he looked at the formula. He started going through it again putting in every single variable. After about two hours he finally found the problem. There was nothing wrong with the formula everything was correct. The numbers were right, but he was missing the right parts. He looked around the room and noticed that Sarah left her lady bag, or is it a purse? He went over and for some reason found what he was looking for to be her lady bag.
   After a couple of hours someone came into the driveway of the weird building in the middle of nowhere behind some trees. When Zhane heard the car pull in, because of the loud gravel, he started to get a tarp and throw it over the machine.
   Sarah came through the door, and started to look around. “Zhane, have you seen my $300 purse. I think I left it here.”
   Zhane looked at her and said, “You mean lady bag, and no I haven't seen your lady bag.”
   Sarah looked at Zhane and saw behind what was behind him. Sarah pushed Zhane out of the way, and pulled the sheet off of the machine. “Okay, really, how do you build this in two hours?”
   Zhane looked at Sarah and said, “I also may have used your lady bag for energy, but it's all worth it for the end product.” Zhane managed to pull of a fake smile, and almost avoided getting slapped in the face.
   “First of all, stop calling my purse a lady bag, it’s just purse, and second of all, why would you use my $300 purse?”
   Zhane looked at her with an angered expression. “So let's see here, you have a twenty thousand dollar car and you’re complaining about a lady bag.”
   Sarah looked at Zhane and said, “You wanna argue we can argue, so to start off your car sucks haven't you thought about buying new one, oh wait, sorry you don’t have a job. I buy everything for you.”
   Zhane looked back at her and said, “You bought me that Prius so you can’t just use that to hurt me, and also…., okay I can’t think of anything else. I was going to say something else about your car, but instead i'm gonna lighten the mood. If you look in the corner there is another purse that was in my storage closet. I got it out to replace the other one.”
   Sarah looked in the corner and saw a bright green purse. Her eyes lit up and automatically noticed what it was. “Zhane you could have started with this and then we wouldn’t have got into that fight. I remember this from when i was seven, i asked mom for this and she always said the same thing ‘sorry honey it's too expensive, maybe next year’ i just have one question. How did you get the purse?” Sarah asked.
   “Well the previous owner’s of this establishment left it in the storage closet, i heard their daughter died, and well that’s probably why they left it behind.” replied Zhane.
   Sarah looked at the purse and examined it, she started to look through the different outside pockets. When she finished looking in the exterior pockets she went to the inside. She wasn’t even in the interior of the purse for a second before she pulled out a picture. On the picture was a mom a dad and a little girl. “Zhane come here and look at this picture.” Sarah handed the picture to Zhane. Zhane started to observe the picture he tried to say something but nothing came out. After about five minutes of silence Zhane finally said something. “I know this girl, she was..” Zhane was suddenly cut off by a loud bang coming from the storage room.
   Sarah and Zhane looked at each other both wearing confused expressions. Sarah was the first out of the two to say something. “What in the heck was that noise?” Sarah whispered.
   “I’ll go check it out stay here.” Zhane replied. Zhane started to quietly walk toward the storage door. When he finally met by door he started to reach for the knob. He was two inches away from grabbing the door know when the door flew off the hinges. The door hit Zhane knocking him across the room and into a wall. The force from the door hitting Zhane knocked him out, but him slamming into the wall just made the pain worse for him if he ever gets up.
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leafron · 6 years
The first chapter of supernormal will be up Today
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leafron · 6 years
Well if your going to be a loser, at least be a bad winner
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leafron · 6 years
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leafron · 6 years
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