leahhumphrey · 4 years
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leahhumphrey · 4 years
Research for Encounter
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leahhumphrey · 4 years
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leahhumphrey · 5 years
Dean Stuart
Stuart is an illustrator and an gallery artist. He has been making art for magazines, books and galleries for the past couple of years and he grew up in Indiana and Oregon, where he cultivated and his passion for drawing and storytelling and he stared been pursuing his career in both an illustrator and fine art painter.
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leahhumphrey · 5 years
Ana Vee Valdez
Valdez is an artist, illustrator and printmaker based out of the San Francisco Bay Area . Valdez focuses on the themes of queerness, mixed-race cultural heritage,religion,spiritality, the occult, witchcraft and food. The graduated they got a BFA in illustration. 
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leahhumphrey · 5 years
In twentieth-century there was a literacy, philosophical and art movement.That change the working mind of championing the irrational, poetic and revolutioary.The aim was to revolutionise human experience and vision of life in favour of one, that put value of the unconscious and dream like. The poets and artists found magic and the strange beauty in disregarded and unconventional.
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leahhumphrey · 5 years
This art movement was formed during world war one in Zurich in the negative reaction to the horrors and folly of the war. The artists thought that the war was called into question every of a society capable of starting and the prolonging of it .Their aim was change traditional values in art and to make new art to replace the old ones.
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leahhumphrey · 5 years
Marcel Duchamp
Duchamp early painting were influenced by Matisse and Fauvism, however in 1911 he created his own brand of Cubism, combing earthy tones. After 1912, he created the first of the ‘readymade’. These were ordinary objects of everyday use and one of his earliest readymade was Bicycle wheel in 1913. He also used them in some of a private symbolic language and spoke of using prefabricated objects freed him from the ‘trap’ of developing a particular taste. Some of the movement that Duchamp was in are Cubism and Dada.
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leahhumphrey · 5 years
Drawing in sequence
In today session, the aim were to measurement and proportion skill, your understanding of sequences and your use of gesture to convey motion.The first task was to list words that link with movement like yeet/strut, scuttle,fastlscon ,static,shudder,drift,haste,cronic,momentum,plodding and striking. In the second task we pick a work from the list that we made in the first task and then started to draw the action,frame by frame. The third task was to add movement to the drawing by using colour and mark making. Going on forwarded I will use this method to help me with my animations and illustrations.   
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leahhumphrey · 5 years
Close Encounters
In today session, the aim where to review and apply the elements of visual language to illustrated & animated ideas , to experiment with working from a reference to develop imagined responses to a specific ideas ,review the principle of pose to pose and morph animations ,to develop a working process of terms and technical nuances of frame by frame animation and finally to be able to use and review and integrated approach to 2D and 4D problem solving in art & design.
At first we look at some art work by Katsushika Hokusai and Will Sweeney. We were told to look at both of these image, describe what visual language elements that are there.
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The second task, we told to based are work on the principles of Hokusai’s sketchbook that are simple renderings and characterisation from observation and then we pick an image of a person from a collection. After that we where to make multiple sketches and then re-draw the key image. The third task, we told to based an characterisation of Will Sweeney work and to imagine that Alien life forms have life among us for a very very long time and that inhabiting bodies of human hosts. The final task was to use both versions of our character, the Alien and human to create an morphing frame by frame animation by using the two version of our key frames .Going on forwarded I will use this method to help me with make short animation and next time I will draw the frame out by hand first, then go to the computer.
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leahhumphrey · 5 years
In today session, the aim where to create iconic portraiture using mark making techniques and some traditional mediums, to develop portraiture using an integrated process of both traditional and digital approaches and to make connections to research as we begin our final project.
The first task is to pick an Icon from art history as for my Icon I chose Marcel Duchamp and then print an Hight resolution photo of them. After that we used three different manipulate and they are mono printing, tracing and transfer paper. After that we scan it in and then clean up the piece and then add textures like colours/manipulate and digitally.
The second task, we needed to create an analytical page about the artist that we drew in the first task and pick one of there work and than a quote and annotate what we thought about the work and the quote. Going on forwarded I will use this information to help me with my artist research.
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leahhumphrey · 5 years
Out of control
In today session, the aim were to develop skill in observational drawing, review the effects of control/uncontrol on outcome and make connections to prior learning/knowledge. The first part of the session we look at the object that where in front of us and discuss the similarities of the objects. The second part we picked one of the object and started to draw it with continuous line in miniature and then in A4. 
The third part we stared draw are piece in A2 and with different drawing media like continuous line,2 pens together and touch-without looking. After that we partnered up with classmate that were not on the same table and then re-draw the object and then cut the piece up in to three and then mix them up with the others and then pick the best one and then re-drew the piece that link up with the previous part. 
At the end we review our work and what we did. The questions that we got were, what techniques have we used to remove control? what are the links to past session/learning? How dose this relate to encounter? My answers to these questions are to use the shadowed to draw with and cutting up the piece . This link to Pick’n’Mix as the Exquisite corpse and with Henry Moore workshop. Enouncing different techniques and mix media. Going on forward I will use these methods to help me with ideas and observational drawings.
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leahhumphrey · 5 years
Surface pattern & heat transfer vinyl week one
In today session we started our new electives and my elective was Surface Pattern & Heat Transfer Vinyl. At first, we went around the College to take  photos of Architecture, objects and shapes. After that we printed the photos off,  and drew from them, which introduced us to make the pattern for our final piece.  Finally we started to make a mood board that included the images that we took, sketches that were influenced from these, also our colour pallet.
Next we were taught about the heat iron, which bonded the vinyls to the fabric, there were four different types of vinyl, three were top layers, Glitter Flex, Fashion Spectrum Flex and Flock Flex these types cannot be layered multiple times, however the normal Flex can be layered multiple times and can be layered under the other three.
Going forward I will use these different methods to show diversity through my main course, showing my ability to experiment in other areas that are not directly connected to my main course.   
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leahhumphrey · 5 years
Most forest's are calm and peaceful however,this one was quite different. As there is unwanted spirits that roams the land to feed their hunger. If a human was to wonder into their forest, they will eat your soul. Leaning you eternally trapped within their grasp, no longer able to espare your fate.
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leahhumphrey · 5 years
Stop motion workshop
In today’s session we were told to use the models that we made in ceramics and wood, to create a stop animation. The way we made the stop animation was to move the object then take a photo and repeat that several times until you’re done. Going forward I will use stop motion more in my future works.
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leahhumphrey · 5 years
Setting the scene workshop
In today session we were told to make an concept board and start to make are diorama. In the first part of the session we research different images and colours and then print it off and then draw our diorama. In the second part of the session we started to make the diorama. Going forward I will use the concept board again as it can helps generate idea.
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leahhumphrey · 5 years
plasticine head sculptures workshop
In today session we were told to draw a character face at different angle and facial expressions, then we need to sand down the foam to look like a face shape and then after that we put beads that resemble the eyes and then put plasticine on the foam to make the facial features. Going forward I will use this method to help me with stop animation.
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