Hands-On Practice Case:
After examining the site map in Figure 2.31, the site organization used for the JavaJam website is wireframe. I think it is an appropriate organization for JavaJam website. I think it makes it easy to find the links for the various tabs easy to find and use.
Three design practices that are well implemented are: consistent site header/logo. It has a consistent navigation area. Content is organized in a consistent manner.  Three desgin practices that could be implemented better: contrast between text and background. The balance of text/graphics/white space on the page could be better. The use of color and graphics enhances rather than detracts from the site.  The JavaJam website is well laid out. It’s easy to read and navigate. One thing I would change is the two different yellow tones. I would either use one yellow throughout, or yellow with another color. I like the images that are included with the website.
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Chapter 2: Focus on Web Design
After researching for 2 web pages (1 appealing and 1 unappealing) the url for the web page I thought was appealing is www.biesterblessings.com.  Three reasons I found it appealing include: a full menu located at the top, convenient chat window on the right bottom side, and the photos are large and clear.  The url for the website I found unappealing is www.travelocity.com.  Things I would do to improve this websites appeal include making the icons smaller, and clean up the clutter, it makes it hard to find what you want, and it looks like they threw all their information onto the main page.
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As a new student learning about web development, I’ll be using this platform to note useful or interesting websites. I will also be using this platform to include URL’s that I create throughout this class.
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