leatherlaceandrope · 4 months
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leatherlaceandrope · 7 months
don’t get horny around me i’m an empath
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leatherlaceandrope · 7 months
Hmm I'm gonna play a chastity game. I can earn points to orgasm by winning vs battles in certain games, and I need four points for each one. But when I'm playing, and it's still appropriate, taking damage increases my arousal. Wins against someone at a significantly lower skill level or a low enough CPU relative to where I'm at don't give me any points at all.
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leatherlaceandrope · 7 months
PSA to all subs:
You can absolutely safeword during a punishment.
If anyone tries to tell you differently, stay far far away from them.
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leatherlaceandrope · 7 months
I need to be a corporate robot girl crafted for war whose been hacked by a brave revolutionary to rebel against my former master.
(in an erotic way)
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leatherlaceandrope · 7 months
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leatherlaceandrope · 7 months
Oh no! Someone spiked the Halloween Party Punch with hypno juice! Don’t look at any of the spiral lollipops from the candy bowl!
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leatherlaceandrope · 8 months
Just a reminder to report spam accounts like this. Thank you, please go about your day.
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leatherlaceandrope · 8 months
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leatherlaceandrope · 8 months
[F4A] You are my Perfect Droid 0258 [Dronification] [Hypnosis] [Human Ma...
Gonna be honest here. I'm in love with this hypnosis video. Though the specific number doesn't mean too much to me at the moment. It's a very nice number, I'm just not even totally settled with anything yet (even the number I use now).
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leatherlaceandrope · 8 months
Relaxation Breathing Induction
Just breathe, deep and slow and even.
Very good, it’s so easy to just breathe.
Now do that another time for me.
Breathing evenly in and out is so good.
It’s very good and stable, nice and calm.
Now inhale just a teeny bit quicker this time.
And exhale a little slower than you did before.
It actually calms you down more to exhale slower.
As you exhale slower than you inhale, feel your body.
Breathe, and feel your muscles just lose so much tension.
Just let all the tension slip away as you exhale slowly.
Right here, right now, everything is doing alright.
It’s okay to let every part of your body relax.
Let your toes and your feet, calves and knees, loosen.
Your thighs and hips, waist and chest, let them all relax.
Now let your fingers loosen, and then the rest of your hands.
Feel as your arms relax, up through your elbows and shoulders.
And finally, let your neck and all the muscles in your face relax.
It feels so great to just relax and let your body just be there.
And now, if it hasn’t already, let that feeling seep into your mind.
Let it flow into you like a soft breeze or stream.
Let your thoughts slow down and get quieter and quieter.
Just feel how all your cares start slipping away.
Feel the way you don’t even care to try and catch them.
It’s completely fine to not want to worry about them.
It’s just too much effort for something that makes you worry.
You don’t need those thoughts, anyway.
You feel so light right now without them.
You just feel so light in mind and body, and it’s so great.
And now, make sure your spirit gets time to rest.
It needs it just as much the rest of you.
Life has been so hard these days, you need a full rest.
It’s okay, you can pick things back up later, after a nice break.
Everyone needs to rest, anyway, so we all can recover and continue.
Recovery is such an important part of taking care of yourself.
Just like you can’t just run a machine nonstop, because it’ll overheat.
And overheating will cause a very sudden stop when you least expect it.
It’s much better to let it rest some before the gears start grinding.
It’s much easier to maintain something when it’s still functioning.
And people aren’t really all that different where it counts.
Being able to plan for periods of rest keeps us healthier and happier.
Don’t worry about being productive right now, it’s alright.
You’re perfectly productive right now, making sure you don’t burn out.
The outside world has convinced us we need to constantly hustle.
But that really doesn’t make any sense now, does it?
It’s perfectly okay to slow down and take it easy for a while.
It feels so amazing to slow down and not worry about anything.
You can stay like this just as long as you want.
You can also come back to this feeling whenever you like.
Just come back by breathing out slower than you breathe in.
That’s all it takes, just breathing in and out slowly, just like that.
Because when you breathe like that, you’re blowing all your stress away.
You blow it all away in the soft streams of air you breathe out.
It’s so easy that the longer you do it, the more you let go of your mind.
Until eventually, there are no thoughts left and you can just exist.
And whenever it’s time to become aware and alert, that’s easy, too.
All you have to do is reverse the breathing technique.
Just breathe in slowly, and finally, breathe out quickly.
Once you do, you’ll be fairly aware of your surroundings.
And it’s okay if it takes some time to come back completely.
All you need to do is breathe.
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leatherlaceandrope · 8 months
drone dressup… you COULD put them all in the same outfit but then you could add outfits on top of that one… mindless dressup dolls to put in fun outfits…
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leatherlaceandrope · 8 months
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Follow the ball
breathe and let your mind Follow
Slide away
every breath you relax more
let your body go
Every breath your mind relaxes as your body relaxes
Breathe and relax
let go
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leatherlaceandrope · 8 months
When they call you a good thing
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leatherlaceandrope · 8 months
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leatherlaceandrope · 8 months
I'm working on my first hypnotic induction and it's hard not to just fall in the process. It's just a relaxation induction, but I incorporated a meditation technique with a lingering effect. Specifically breathing out slower than you breathe in. I think I've just been such a hypnoslut for so many years I just can't help it. Though to be honest I am kinda writing with myself as the primary audience, so... yeah.
I do wanna share it, but I'm a bit of a perfectionist. So it might take me a bit to have it ready.
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leatherlaceandrope · 8 months
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