leaves-of-grass · 3 years
DAY 15
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leaves-of-grass · 3 years
wizard hat cowboy brim
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leaves-of-grass · 4 years
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Manuscripts x Book Covers
Keep reading
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leaves-of-grass · 4 years
Magical Times ⌚
Ruled by the moon.
Good day for divination, intuition or healing magick.
Ruled by Mars.
Best for active, goal setting magick.
Ruled by Mercury.
Communication, intellectual magick.
Ruled by Jupiter.
Justice, protection, travel magick.
Ruled by Venus.
Love, family/friends, healing emotions.
Ruled by Saturn.
Planning, preparation, contracts or career magick.
Ruled by the Sun.
Health, prosperity, well being, success magick.
Spells of the Hour
AM - new day, banish shadows.
AM - rid negativity.
AM - determination.
AM - improve luck, victory.
AM - encourage growth.
AM - tenacity, perseverance.
AM - hope, insight, prospective.
AM - conscious change.
AM - assist others.
AM - improve convictions.
AM - transformation.
PM - health, success (suns full energy).
PM - self image, security.
PM - relationships, love, equality.
PM - balancing mind, body and spirit.
PM - harmony of elements.
PM - insight of self.
PM - safety, protection.
PM - diversity, heal differences.
PM - leadership, guidance.
PM - comprehension.
PM - improve clear thoughts.
PM - coping with change.
PM - healing, self development (moons full energy).
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leaves-of-grass · 4 years
🌟Tips for interpreting Tarot🌟
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1. The most important clues may be in the background! 
In the Rider Waite Smith deck, many cards show a figure with a number of significant items behind his or her back. What happens behind one’s back is, for oneself, something unseen, shadowy, something to which one has no conscious access. This could point to the idea that the figure in the foreground is unaware of the nature or scope of their issues. You can’t grasp what you cannot see, and that can reveal a lot about the nature of the card’s meaning.
2. The color of the sky reveals a lot!
Again referencing the Rider Waite Smith deck, the color of the sky on a given card often leads to a simple but important clue for its interpretation.
3. Pay close attention to proportions!
In the image of the Four of Wands, the figures are depicted much smaller than is the case in other images; they fall short. Or perhaps they are of normal height and are painted so small in order to emphasize the comparatively huge size of the wands. This sort of thing can be found in many other cards. 
4. Court cards represent developed personalities or facets of oneself!
The Queen: impulsive, an initiator, an investigator (water type)
The King: thorough, intensive, consolidating (fire type)
The Knight: magnifying, expanding, a drawer of consequences (air type)
The Page: makes something tangible out of or with the element in question (earth type)
4. Pay attention to numbers!
Numerology can play a big role in your interpretations of the cards, especially in the Minor Arcana:
Ones (Aces): Something new with vast potential is indicated when you have many aces in your readings. They are pure energy without form - and it depends on you to shape it and bring the opportunities that they represent into fruition. Because they are raw, they are also unstable, and can very quickly overwhelm if not taking care.
Twos: Coming together in pairs is the theme of the twos, and all the complexities that this union represents. We leave the individuality of the ones, and the twos are a taste of union. 
Threes: Group dynamics rule the threes in the tarot, and they depict different outcomes that can occur when a group comes together - whether they are groups of individuals, or groups of ideas. Because it is also symbolically thought of as completion (the first polygon, the holy trinity, etc) it also indicates an initial completion of a first phase of some sort.
Fours: The fours usually indicate that some foundation has been created and is ready to grow and evolve. To grow and evolve is the key here, because though the foundation is created, there is some disappointment indicated sometimes because things may not have progressed entirely as hoped for - thus, the fours are also the universe’s way of pushing us to grow and move forward.
Fives: Change, fluctuations and conflict are represented by the fives. After the fours, the fives are amplifications of that same energy. When that energy explodes, the fives ask us to look within ourselves for a deeper reason of why to progress. To move forward and beyond these instabilities, we have to push forward.
Sixes: While the fives represent conflict, the sixes represent the movement away from that conflict into a solution, whether they are internal or external, whether that means reconciliation or letting go. They are the cards of overcoming suffering, light after the dark.
Sevens: When seeing many sevens in a reading it usually indicates that it is a time to step back and introspect. The sevens ask us to assess, and reevaluate whether the path that you are taking is what is best for you. Sometimes this is a lonely pursuit, but this period is needed to go forward with your authentic desires.
Eights: A completion of a second phase is indicated with the eights, and usually corresponds to some sort of achievement, whether in the worldly sense, or in an emotional sense. Growth either way is indicated here, and sometimes it can take place in a form where we least expected it.
Nines: Nearing completion is indicated by the nines, and this can take the form of entering a plateau of some sort. What looks like the finish line, may actually be just a transitory stage. While the feeling of completion is here, it is usually just a pause before the final part of the cycle comes.
Tens: In the tens, we see the actual completion of the cycle, that something has come to a full circle - it indicates that from this point forward, we can move towards a new beginning.  ✨🔮✨ Sources: Biddytarot, The Ultimate Guide to the Rider Waite Tarot by Johannes Fiebig and Evelin Burger, Understanding Tarot by Liz Dean
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leaves-of-grass · 4 years
So, you wanna get started with divination? (Masterlist)
Well, I am hardly an expert, but I can point you in the direction of others who are!
Divination Intro
Tarot Cards
How to Get Started in Tarot
How to Read Tarot Cards When You Don’t Know Shit
Tips for Interpreting Tarot Cards
Reverse Tarot Cards
Yes/No Tarot Tips
Moon Phase Tarot Spread
How to Cleanse your Cards
Cartomancy ABC Guide
Cartomancy: The Suits
How to Cleanse your Cards
Tasseography Guide
Preparing a Lithomancy Set
Scrying [Witchcraft 101]
Scrying Tips
A Guide to Greek Alphabet Divination (Runes)
An Introduction to Norse Runeology
Elder Futhark Rune Correspondences
Blooding Runes
Candle Work
Reading a Candle
Reading a Candle (Yes/No Questions)
Lesser known forms of Divination
Seashell Divination
Seashell Divination II
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leaves-of-grass · 4 years
This is by no means completed, up-to-date, or the only way you can view or perceive witchcraft. These are just some posts, found on my blog, put together in a list for easier access.
This is also being updated as I go through my archives, and whats on the list as of [Sept 22nd, 2018] is from start - August 2018. This list will be updated as often and as quick as I can possibly manage.
This isn’t really as organized as I would like it, but I broke it down into categories and alphabetical order such as:
Moon Shit:
2017 Lunar Calendar 
August 2018 Lunar Schedule
Full Moons Of The Year
Lunar Eclipse Dates
Lunar Phases
Magick Of The Moon Phases
Moon Magic 
Moon Magic Grimoire 
Moon Phase Runes
Top Stargazing Events of 2018
Herb Shit:
5 Herbs Every Witch Should Have In Their Garden
Anti-Anxiety Herbs
Big Witchy Guide On Herbs And Flowers
Dangerous Herbs
Gardens  Of The Witches
Herb Masterpost
Herbs For Hexing
Herbs For Protection
Indoor Plants For The Space Conscious Witch
Poisonous Herbs
Reasons Herbs May Not Work
Sacred Herbs Of The Gods 
Top 10 Magical Herbs
Crystal Shit:
Crystals Every Witch Should Have
Gems For Depression
Taking Care Of Your Crystals
Emoji Spells Shit:
Easy Sleep
Spells Shit:
4 Free Spells
A Method To Cleanse And Ward After Unsavory People Leave
Anti-Anxiety Charm
Anti-Anxiety Jar
Bad Habits Tarot Spread
Bad Luck
Bandage Sigils
Banishing Nightmares
Bath For Sunburns
Belladonna’s Spell Page
Celestial Nail Polish Magic
Change Your Luck
Crow Bone Hex
Curse A Bitch
Dreams and Nightmare Protection
Easy Cleansing Ritual
Elemental Ideas
Forest With Me
From My Grimoire
Glamour Enchanted Jewelry
Hail The Glow Cloud
Hex For 2017
Icelandic Staves
Increasing Emotional Tolerance
Lavender Self Love Jar
Love Enhancer
Love / Protection 
Memory Aid
Mermaid’s Breath
New Year Purification Bath
Peppermint Spell
Return To Sender
Ritual For Positive Thoughts 
Ritual Of Gratitude
Self Love And Healing Jar
Seven Useful Powder Spells For Every Occasion
Sew Closed Your Heart
Simple Protection 
Sleep Spells And Sigils
Steps To Strengthen A Romantic Relationship
Stop Nightmares
Using Glitter In Spells
Ward Types and Components
Warmth In Winter
Advice Shit:
10 Common Misconceptions of Baby Witches
10 Daily Witch Things
10 Plants To Survive A Zero Sunlight Bedroom
10 Terms Every New Witch Should Know
26 Activities To Help Your Mind, Body, And Soul
A Collection Of Witch Tips
A Long List Of Ways To Spiritually Protect Yourself
Astral Temple Meditation
Aura / Energy Colors & Meanings
A Secret Witches Guide To Concealing Your Craft
Back To School Magic
Basics Of Kitchen And Cottage Witchcraft
Beginner Masterlist
Beginner Witchcraft 
Being A Witch
Blood Magic
Breaking Astrology Down
Candle Uses & Meanings
Charging/Activating Sigils
Cosmic Witch Masterpost
Daily Witchcraft
Discreet Little Witchy Things
Discreet Witchcraft
Earth Element Correspondents 
Enchanting Items
Everyday Magic Is Easy
Faerie List
Fire Safety
Hearthandhold Reading List 
How I Draw My Sigils
How Runes Work
How To Learn Witchcraft
How To Make Your Own Sigil
How To Use A Sigil Wheel
Incense Uses
Inexpensive/Free Witchcraft
Jarring Tips
Keeping Yourself Protected
Knot, Thread, and Cord Magic
Little Tips For The College Witch
Low Energy Tips
Magic For School/Education
Magical Herb
Modern Polytheism
Modern Witches
Modern Witches
My Advice For Baby Witches 
New Witch Budget Tips
Nik’s Tips For Discreet Witchcraft
Reading Tea Leaves
Rose Water Is My Religion
Salt & Witchcraft
School / Work Grounding
Some Things To Track
So You Want To Talk To Spirits?
Spell Books
Stoner Witch Tips
Tarot Cheat Sheet
Tech Witches
The Wiccan’s Glossery
There Comes A Time When You Need To Stop Researching And Just Practice 
Tips For Discreet College Witches
Tips For Writing Incantations 
Types Of Witches
Types Of Witches And Witchcraft
Understanding Concepts In Witchcraft
Urban Witch 101: House and Home
Violets Witchcraft Masterpost
Ways To Start Feeling Again
Water Magic
Witchcraft In The Shadows
Witchcraft PSA
Witch Resources
Witch Tips For City Witches
Witches With Depression
Witchling Endeavors
Witchy Grimiore Ideas
Witchy Podcasts
Witchy Tips
Recipe Shit:
Anti-Nightmare Pouch
Apple Cider Love Bringing
Black Salt
Budget Witch DIY
Calming Sugar Scrub
Charming Lip Balm
Cleansing And Calming Salt
DIY Gemstone Necklace
Drawing Out A Latent Talent Pouch
Drying Out Roses
Infused Water Magic
Milkshake Magic
Moon Spell Cakes
Moon Water
Peaceful Sleep Sachet
Potion For Sleep
Rose Water
Smoothie Potions 
Soothing Dreams Sachet
Communication Shit:
Crystal Hand Of Prosperity
Dead Dash
Earth Witches Reblog…
Hey There
Like/Reblog if you…
Looking To Follow
Money Bear
Money Pentacle
Witchcraft Asks
Witches reblog if…
Witches Reblog If…
Witchy Asks
Wonderful Weekend
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leaves-of-grass · 4 years
My Compilation of Links
Ask & Ye Shall Receive
Beginner Witch
Baby Witch: Where Do I Start?
Where To Start, Different Take
All Witchcraft is NOT Pagan
Beginner Resources
Herbalism Resources
Witchcraft Info I Wish I’d Known Sooner
Book of Shadows vs Grimoire
Some Advice
Finding A Witchy Label
Advice for Witches in the Cloest
New Grimoire Advice
Deciding What Actions To Use In Spell Work
Ways to Connect with Nature
Energy Work
Developing The Ability to Sense Energy
Can Two People Sense Energy Differently?
Useful Discussions or Tips
How To: Start Manifestation & Visualization
How To: Find a Familiar
Deciding On Purchasing Essential Oils
Honoring The Non-Pagan Dead, Paganly
Animal & Blood Sacrifices: Yes, They Happen
On Losing Yourself And Your Religion
Must You Seal a Spell Jar?
Why Silver Ravenwolf is Actual Crap
Where to Buy Tarot Decks
On Giving Tarot Readings For Yourself
Deity Work
Connecting With Deities
On Communicating with the Gods
Should You Call Zeus Zaddy?
How To: Tell The Gods You Wanna Talk
How To: Recognize a New Deity in Your Life
About Me
Late As Fuck Intro
Where Did I Start? (An Ask)
How Do I Deal With Someone Telling Me My Craft is Bullshit?
Clairvoyance, A Family Thing
About My Anger Issues (An Ask)
How I Got Into Tarot (An Ask)
Where Did “Pussy Ass Anons” Start? (An Ask)
My Start in Deity Work
Why I Don’t Post Full Spells/Recipes
Beginner Witch Series
Starting Down the Path (In General)
Starting Down the Path of Research
Ground & Center
Protection Magick
A Beginner’s Tool Kit
Intro to Reading & Working With Tarot
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leaves-of-grass · 4 years
Cornell’s Digital Witchcraft Collection
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[Cornell University] has a [Rare and Manuscript Collections] section to their library system. Part of this collection is a section on [European History and Culture], which has a vast subsection on Witchcraft! This [Witchcraft Collection] includes:
…over 3,000 titles documenting the history of the Inquisition and the persecution of witchcraft, primarily in Europe.
A small part oft his collection has been digitized into an online resource - this [Digital Witchcraft Collection] consists of 104 (as of this posting) English language books that have been digitized, and are available to view online through their site.
These titles were digitally scanned from microfilm by Primary Source Media in 1998. The resulting full text scans were later made available to Cornell University Library to enable free public access.
You can browse the list [by Title] or [by Author], and can even do [keyword searches].
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leaves-of-grass · 4 years
Stellar Divination ✨
A list of ways to divine using constellations and stars. 
Draw or carve constellations or stars into stones and cast them as runes
While stargazing, gather information from the constellations you see in the night sky
Count the stars in a chosen constellation and transform that number into a numerology reading
Create a pendulum board using constellations or stars with varying meanings
Divine using a starry themed cartomancy deck (ex: the Constellation Tarot or the Compendium of Constellations)
Use a constellation lamp or globe and gather information from those displayed on your ceiling
Assign various constellations or stars to certain crystals based on color or intent, put them in a bag, and cast them like you would with runes
Time your divination using planetary hours and lunar phases
Constellation Correspondences
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leaves-of-grass · 4 years
i want to thank the 1920s-1930s third wheel who saw their two friends lying in bed together in their underwear and stocking garters reading a book with their legs wrapped around each other and said “i am going to take a photograph of this”
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leaves-of-grass · 4 years
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Um… this is the first thing i did in Procreate….
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leaves-of-grass · 4 years
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Prague Orloj (world’s oldest astronomical clock, 1410)
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leaves-of-grass · 4 years
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o to meet with waking eyes the thing you doubted most
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leaves-of-grass · 4 years
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— if the other planets lived nearby.
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leaves-of-grass · 4 years
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Zodiac Sun Painting by Lynn Bywaters
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leaves-of-grass · 4 years
The three virtues of the Magician
Ever since I started studying magic, I’ve apprehended everything in a very scattered way. No head and no toes. With time I started understanding in my own way how to sort everything in my head. This is how I arrange everything while I study. 
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The Virtue of Knowing (Gnosis) 
The passive Virtue. It does not talk about knowledge in the superficial sense of the word. Knowing here is related to the acknowledgement, understanding and observing of the realities, not just cognitive learning. I divide this Virtue in two Hylegnosis, Aithergnosis.
Hylegnosis relates to the knowledge of all things material. Here the studies of Astronomy, Herbology, chemistry and others apply.
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Aithergnosis relates to all that can be known and observed within the Astral Light (in Qabalistic terms, from Tipheret to Yesod). This virtue is related with Clairvoyance.
Meditations within this Virtue deal with passive observance.
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The Virtue of Daring (Thaumaturgy)
The active Virtue is related to the performing of magical deeds. From the performing of visualization and manipulation of energy to the most complex ceremonial magic. Invoking, evoking, transfiguration, transmutation, projection and manipulation.
Meditations within this virtue deal with active visualizations, astral projection and creation.
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The Virtue of Being (Theurgy)
Perhaps the most important Virtue, deals with the sublimation of the self and building the Body of Light. This is the true area of the Magician. It appears as the basis for the expansion and growing of Consciousness.
It’s tools include active and passive meditation, ceremonial magic and daily behaviour.
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