leedxsom-blog · 9 years
The impact happened within a split second, Dasom skirted to the ground, her hands pressing against the concrete as she stared up at the latter, her brows knitted furiously as she shook her head.
“Am I okay?” Dasom muttered, pressing herself up off the ground, before brush her palms down her now rumpled clothing.  “It rained last night, the ground is covered in mud and brush and damp concrete.” She continued, her eyes trained on the latter as she rolled her eyes.
“If you had maybe, I don’t know, watched where you were going, I wouldn’t have been put in this terrible situation.”  Dasom grumbled, her eyes narrowed into slits before she parted her lips to speak again.  “I am just kidding!” She howled, settling her hand against her stomach as she burst out into laughter.  “You looked like I was going to hurt you!”
✖ ︙ ldxsom
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             ❝  Excuse me being rude. I’m in a hurry and you were in              my way and I nearly knocked you over. Are you okay?  ❞
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leedxsom-blog · 9 years
[ SMS | Moronasaur ]:  I do not sell Pizza! [ SMS | Moronasaur ]:  My name is also not Wendy. [ SMS | Moronasaur ]:  How do you not know who you’re texting? [ SMS | Moronasaur ]:  You don’t put numbers in your phone?  Or anything?  [ SMS | Moronasaur ]:  Tch- talk about lack of organization.
[ sms: dumby ] you should try to watch some because they’re entertaining and they make me feel better about myself [ sms: dumby ] what do you mean- isn’t this wendy? [ sms: dumby ] have I been messaging the pizza place the whole time
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leedxsom-blog · 9 years
[ sms: dasom ] what do you meaaaan [ sms: dasom ] you watch American shows, don’t you? [ sms: dasom ] the people in this show try to survive in the wilderness! [ sms: dasom ] and they’re naked and afraid!
[ SMS | Moronasaur ]:  I really don’t know what you are talking about. [ SMS | Moronasaur ]:  ( ̄(エ) ̄)y-゚゚゚ [ SMS | Moronasaur ]:  I don’t watch any silly American shows. [ SMS | Moronasaur ]:  You still have the wrong number.  Still.
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leedxsom-blog · 9 years
“I honestly don’t recall asking if it was necessary.” Dasom muttered, spinning around in her seat before scoffing at the latter.  “I would really just hate for you to be blocking my way when I’m trying to leave.”  She spoke up, crossing her legs thoughtfully as she smiled.  “In fact.  I honestly wouldn’t feel bad if I stepped on you.”
Dark eyes flicker to the intrusion, and he narrows his gaze at the woman, a scoff leaving him. “I handle my alcohol well enough.” Well, not really, but he wasn’t going to let his weakness show. “I appreciate the concern, but it’s unnecessary.”
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leedxsom-blog · 9 years
He greets the stranger with a bow, and a smile, "Hey, I'm Hyunseung, pleasure to meet you! And what do people call you?"
      As Dasom picked her head up from her phone she noted that someone had approached her shortly after she finished her Coffee.  She listened to the latter speak, growing steadily annoyed by his choice of words.
“It’s always too good to be true.” Dasom grumbled under her breath, her arms settling across her chest as she parted her lips with a sigh.  “Lotus.  That’s what people would call me.”
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leedxsom-blog · 9 years
I. Coffee House
Aduro & Dasom
      The moment Dasom spotted the familiar sign of the Coffee House she frequented, she felt her body tense with anticipation as she hurdled toward the building with a sort a urgency.  Her hands gripped the metal handles of the doors as she yanked them open, her chest heaving while she stepped inside, standing in front of a startled crowd of people as they watched her curiously.
As she headed towards the counter Dasom felt a thinly veiled embarrassment washing over her features, she rose her hand to cover the small of her mouth, her head dipping towards the ground as she let her auburn colored hair cover the remaining exposed parts of her face.She sat down in silence at the counter, quickly ordering her beverage as she thumbed through her phone, the Barista probably remembered her from before, Dasom was a hard face to forget as was what came out of her mouth.
Although Dasom had quickly recovered from her moderate discomfort as soon as her drink had arrived, her mind had been focused on other pressing issues, she felt rather equivocal, the mask she put on during the day was beginning to get too hard to keep up with.
“If only people people actually discussed important topics in the middle of public.” Dasom whispered softly, her eyes drifting towards a couple of tables filled with strangers talking to strangers.  “How are you?  Isn’t the weather lovely today?” She mocked the people several feet away from her, her eyes rolling into the back of her head as she exhaled heavily.
“How would you even get to know someone by asking stupid questions like that?” She spoke up, her voice just loud enough for the strangers to hear.  Dasom looked absolutely demented, talking to her drink as if it were talking back, often times she had more to say than what anyone wanted to hear.
“I guess it’s just you and me.” Dasom whispered to herself, staring at the iced tea settled between her fingertips.
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leedxsom-blog · 9 years
ICD-10: F431
Lee, Dasom
Date Of Birth:  21|12|1988      Gender: Female
Insurance Provider:  Dongbu Fire      Insurance ID:  2488620
Patient ID: 100842      Date Of Visit:  21|01|2015
Diagnosis:  Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
The Patient tends to have altered means of behaviors, often tense and aware of many surroundings all at once, that seem to interrupt daily thinking and activities, that were once easy are now hard.
Clinical Information:
When in danger, it’s natural to feel afraid. This fear triggers many split-second changes in the body to prepare to defend against the danger or to avoid it. This “fight-or-flight” response is a healthy reaction meant to protect a person from harm. But in post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), this reaction is changed or damaged. People who have PTSD may feel stressed or frightened even when they’re no longer in danger. PTSD develops after a terrifying ordeal that involved physical harm or the threat of physical harm. The person who develops PTSD may have been the one who was harmed, the harm may have happened to a loved one, or the person may have witnessed a harmful event that happened to loved ones or strangers. PTSD was first brought to public attention in relation to war veterans, but it can result from a variety of traumatic incidents, such as mugging, rape, torture, being kidnapped or held captive, child abuse, car accidents, train wrecks, plane crashes, bombings, or natural disasters such as floods or earthquakes.
Procedures:  ERROR 404; NOT FOUND
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leedxsom-blog · 9 years
ICD-10: F42 R4681 F605
Lee, Dasom
Date Of Birth:  21|12|1988      Gender: Female
Insurance Provider:  Dongbu Fire      Insurance ID:  2488620
Patient ID: 100842      Date Of Visit:  24|06|2014
Diagnosis:  Obsessive Compulsive Disorder | Obsessive Compulsive Behavior | Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder
The Patient shows characteristics that disdain from personal or social interaction, she often tends to stray away from regular encounters, preferring intellectual topics beyond the average human capacity.
Clinical Information:
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is characterized by intrusive thoughts that produce anxiety (obsessions), repetitive behaviors that are engaged in to reduce anxiety (compulsions), or a combination of both. While many are concerned about germs or leaving their stove on, people with OCD are unable to control their anxiety-producing thoughts and their need to engage in ritualized behaviors. As a result, OCD can have a tremendous negative impact on people’s day-to-day functioning.
Procedures:  ERROR 404; NOT FOUND
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leedxsom-blog · 9 years
ICD-10: F602 Z7281 Z72810
Lee, Dasom
Date Of Birth:  21|12|1988      Gender: Female
Insurance Provider:  AIG Korea Insurance      Insurance ID:  1488627
Patient ID: 100842      Date Of Visit:  01|04|2008
Diagnosis:  Antisocial Personality Disorder | Brief Symptons of Socipathy
The Patient shows characteristics that disdain from personal or social interaction, she often tends to stray away from regular encounters, preferring intellectual topics beyond the average human capacity.
Clinical Information:
Antisocial personality disorder is defined by the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual on Mental Disorders, fourth edition (DSM-IV) as “…a pervasive pattern of disregard for, and violation of, the rights of others that begins in childhood or early adolescence and continues into adulthood.” People with antisocial personality disorder may disregard social norms and laws, repeatedly lie, place others at risk for their own benefit, and demonstrate a profound lack of remorse. It is sometimes referred to as sociopathic personality disorder, or sociopathy.
Procedures:  ERROR 404; NOT FOUND
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leedxsom-blog · 9 years
IDC-10: F606
Lee, Dasom
Date Of Birth:  21|12|1988      Gender: Female
Insurance Provider:  AIG Korea Insurance      Insurance ID:  1488627
Patient ID: 100842      Date Of Visit:  02|14|1997
Diagnosis:  Avoidant Personality Disorder
The patient often does not willing attend meetings, regularly avoiding as much personal contact as possible, rarely showcasing comfortable sides of herself.  The patient does not actively pursue physically contact, instead preferring a comfortable distance between all parties.
Clinical Information:
Avoidant personality disorder is characterized by extreme social inhibition (shyness), feelings of inadequacy, and acute sensitivity to actual or perceived rejection. While most people have certainly feelings of insecurity, for people with avoidant personality disorder these feelings are extremely intense and lead to an avoidance of social interaction that negatively impacts their day-to-day life.
Procedures:  ERROR 404; NOT FOUND
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leedxsom-blog · 9 years
ICD-10: F90 F900
Lee, Dasom
Date Of Birth:  21|12|1988      Gender: Female
Insurance Provider:  AIG Korea Insurance      Insurance ID:  1488627
Patient ID: 100842      Date Of Visit:  08|27|1996
Diagnosis:  Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder | Inattentive Type
The Patient shows lack of interest in most subjects, sparsely including herself in discussions, project, work or school.  The patient often times fails to hear or focus on specified tasks at hand, almost always turning to something new.
Clinical Information:
Predominantly hyperactive-impulsive
Most symptoms (six or more) are in the hyperactivity-impassivity categories. Fewer than six symptoms of inattention are present, although inattention may still be present to some degree.
Predominantly inattentive
The majority of symptoms (six or more) are in the inattention category and fewer than six symptoms of hyperactivity-impulsivity are present, although hyperactivity-impulsivity may still be present to some degree. Children with this subtype are less likely to act out or have difficulties getting along with other children. They may sit quietly, but they are not paying attention to what they are doing. Therefore, the child may be overlooked, and parents and teachers may not notice that he or she has ADHD.
Combined hyperactive-impulsive and inattentive Six or more symptoms of inattention and six or more symptoms of hyperactivity-impulsivity are present. Most children have the combined type of ADHD.
Procedures:  ERROR 404; NOT FOUND
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