leelasarchived-blog · 7 years
*  002.  /  ETHAN MONROE.
A hearty, genuine laugh rumbled from Ethan’s chest at Leela’s words and he threw his head back for a moment, shaking it before facing his friend again. “That has to be the single most accurate thing I’ve ever heard but can you blame them? She just has it still. She’s an icon,” he pointed out with a hum, taking a sip of his own drink as he tilted his head. “I figured. There aren’t a lot of people in this world who could hate Meryl for being amazing,” the male joked. “Still…they could’ve thrown you into the mix. It’d only be fair for once.”
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leela affected a soft scoff at ethan's compliment, but it wasn't genuine. she hadn't taken a role within the last year that would've earned a golden globe, so she certainly wasn't going to be upset that she hadn't been nominated for one.  ❝ i didn't deserve one this year. next year, though... ❞  she smiled, the barest traces of excitement writing themselves along the lines of her body. it wouldn't be the first time she'd been nominated. but she'd never won, and for as long as she'd been acting, that was what she'd wanted. to see golden globe winning or, better yet, academy award winning written before her name. to know that she was among the small, small number of actors who could call themselves the best.  ❝ i can't talk about it because of my contract, but... i'm filming something this spring that might be the one. ❞
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she took another sip of moscato, and then with her brows raising, asked,  ❝ what about you? what exciting things do you have planned for the new year? ❞
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leelasarchived-blog · 7 years
*  001.  /  RILEY THOMAS.
“People like that are the fucking worst,” Riley said, smiling wide as they took a deep breath. “It’s really not fair to be incredibly talented and an amazing person. Most of us are trying to be just one of those things,” they chuckled. “That’s a fair point also. 2018 better be fucking amazing to make up for this bullshit.” 
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❝ i'm struggling with it daily, honestly. the least meryl could do is act like it takes some effort to be that good. ❞  leela nodded her head in agreement, lifting her wine glass for another sip before she answered them.  ❝ we're living our best lives in 2018. i don't know if we could take any more of 2017's shit. ❞
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leelasarchived-blog · 7 years
*  001.  /  MARIA DE BORBÓN.
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❝ maybe but she is Meryl Streep — or whatever. ❞ jealous or not, the thought brought a playful giggle to her lips.  ❝ hopefully they’ll give it to Sally Hawkins but then again I think I just wanna give Del Toro a Golden Globe for showing up to work.  ❞ 
❝ i wouldn't be upset if sally hawkins won. she definitely deserves it. ❞  she smiled, wide enough to press dimples into her cheeks.  ❝ del toro is amazing. and speaking of actresses he's worked with... i've not seen molly's game yet, but it's past time jessica chastain won an award. she's been giving award-worthy performances for years. ❞
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leelasarchived-blog · 7 years
What kind of people get on your nerves?
❝ pessimistic people. ❞
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leelasarchived-blog · 7 years
If you were trapped in a room for 24 hours with one person who would you choose?
❝ realistically, no one. i could use about twenty-four hours of alone time. but if i had to choose someone, it'd be ethan. we don't get to spend nearly as much time together as we did when we were working together. and i still can't do my own makeup even halfway as good as he does, so... yeah, ethan. ❞
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leelasarchived-blog · 7 years
Who in Greenwich would you hook up with?
❝ thalia is insanely good looking. i don’t expect anything to happen there, but i wouldn’t complain if it did. i have a thing for women who are at the top of their game, i guess. ❞
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leelasarchived-blog · 7 years
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leelasarchived-blog · 7 years
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leelasarchived-blog · 7 years
“Never stop dreaming. I’m sure Meryl never expected herself to become this kind of icon in the movie industry.” Meryl was pretty amazing but Ben had some other actors he looked up to more. “I believe in you, Leela!”
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“Thank you. It means a lot.” Leela smiled, tipping her wine glass toward him lightly in a small toast. “Next year is my year, I feel it. Get ready to call me Golden Globe nominated actress Leela Mannan.”
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leelasarchived-blog · 7 years
“You know, you have a solid point” she said, lightly. “Do you have anything you want to be that good at?”
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“Acting... Hopefully I am the next Meryl Streep. ‘Best actress of her generation’ sounds like a nice title.” 
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leelasarchived-blog · 7 years
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Cassian ran a hand through his hair. “Well, I haven’t seen her in anything since I think The Devil Wears Prada but I’m sure she’s still wonderful. I don’t keep up much with award shows like that, I’m terrible, I’m sorry.”
“You’re definitely not horrible. If I wasn’t in the business, I don’t think I’d be able to keep up, either. But it’s in the job description.” She chuckled. “The Devil Wears Prada is practically a classic at this point. She won a Golden Globe for that one, too, and totally deserved it.”
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leelasarchived-blog · 7 years
“The woman’s got the chops, can’t take that from her, but I wonder if being on the awards grab ever gets tiring.” Grabbing his glass of wine in his large palm, the corner of Giovanni’s lips tugged into a curl. “Naaaaah,” said the male, taking a sip as he listened to the dark haired beauty seated at the table. “I mean, I only saw Get Out once and while I’m not about the get into the social and political aspects of it while I’m eating, it definitely wasn’t a comedy. Satirical, alright, but…” Sticking his fork into the tender meat on his plate for another bite, the man paused. “Yo, that’s right! Nominating The Martian in that category. It does seem kinda silly. Luckily, that ain’t my job. I get angry tweeted enough.”
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“you know, that’s one thing that some actors like to complain about a lot, and i’ve never understood. having to go on an insane diet to fit into a dress that costs as much as some people’s car, working long hours for interviews and talk shows... it can be stressful, but even on my worst day, i know that i’m living so many people’s dream.” she shrugged delicately. “how many people try acting and never make it? this is a one-in-a-million life. i can’t imagine ever getting tired of it.” leela paused just long enough to take another sip from her wine glass, and then she was smiling. “i'd say so. wrestling fans are... passionate, to say the least.”
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leelasarchived-blog · 7 years
Riley laughed immediately, not expecting that to be the next thing she said. “I mean…Basically. But when you’re that good, everything you do is award worthy, pretty much.” 
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“pretty much. what’s amazing is that she’s not just an incredible actress, she’s an incredible person. you want to be mad that she’s stealing the nomination spots, but you just can’t.” leela chuckled quietly, shaking her head. “not that this has been a great year for actresses, anyway.”
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leelasarchived-blog · 7 years
“I guess they just believe that Meryl deserves all the awards.” Ben chuckled, admitting that the actress was one of his favorites but not to say that she deserves it all. “Who knows, maybe one day that’ll be you.”
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“One day. Speak it into existence for me, Ben,” Leela joked, but only halfway so. She had always considered her own mother her idol, but Meryl Streep’s career was nothing to turn your nose up at, either. “A woman can dream.”
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leelasarchived-blog · 7 years
“I mean, when you’re the best, you may as well be treated as such. Awards and all.” Giovanni, taking another bite of his medium rare porterhouse, chewed thoughtfully before swallowing while watching the woman seated across from him sip her wine. Shaking his head slightly, a light huff leaving his lips. Grabbing the cloth napkin lied across his lap, the suited man wiped the corners of his mouth. “I’m still trying to figure out why Get Out was nominated as a musical or comedy…” 
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“True. It’s almost an inside joke at this point. Any role she gets, she can spin into an Academy nominated performance.” Leela lightly stabbed her fork into the salad on her plate, her lips plucking into a smile that was almost a grimace, a finger rubbing at her temple. “That. The HFPA doesn’t think it can compete with the other dramas this year. Which is ridiculous, because it’s easily one of my favorites of the past five years.” Her shoulders rose in a shrug. “They do that sometimes. It’s always kind of silly. Last year The Martian was in the same category.”
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leelasarchived-blog · 7 years
“Well, some people are just really good at their jobs” she said, with a laugh. “I couldn’t imagine being that good at something.”
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“Being in a room with her is electrifying. She’s on a completely different level.” Leela confided, a smile on her lips. “But to be fair, she’s been acting for longer than either one of us has even been alive. One day you’ll have that much experience doing what you’re passionate about, and people will wonder how the hell you got so good at it.”
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leelasarchived-blog · 7 years
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