leesakuweek · 1 year
Thank you so much, LeeSaku Week 2023 Participants! 💕
(and myself, @valkyriav)
I can’t express my appreciation enough for you all spending time on creating fanworks for this rarepair event! All of your entries were incredible and I loved them very much! Thank you for making my very first hosted fandom event a success. I couldn’t have done it without you guys! 🥰
For anyone stumbling across this post, please check out this blog to see all their wonderful fanworks and please give them some deserved love. Also consider checking out the participant blogs; you will not be disappointed with their other works. ♥️
For the Daily Prompt Challenge Champion role, I will soon create a separate pinned post to display on this blog front and center until the next time I might host a LeeSaku event. Stay tuned for that post.
As a reminder, while the deadline for any Champion roles and thank you announcements have passed, if you wish to still create fanworks, I will still reblog LeeSaku works that relate to this event until the last day of spring, June 20th. The springtime of LeeSaku doesn't end until the last day of spring, after all. 🌸🍃
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leesakuweek · 1 year
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Hi there @nightingaleflow! 😁
Always here for some [Lee x Sakura]! This is my super unbelievably late entry for LeeSakuWeek2023! Felt like a bit of angst for this one 😂
Hope you like it! ✨
Always Be Yourself - [Lee x Sakura]
@leesakuweek - Day 7 Prompt: Heart
@badthingshappenbingo - Tile 21: Mistaken Identity
Warnings: Mild Feelings of Inadequacy. Mild Sexual Scene. Mild Violence. Mild Swearing.
Story Link: [Ao3🔗]
Ao3 ✨ |Story Request Bingo Cards 📖 | WIP Game Always Open ✒️| Ko-Fi ☕
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leesakuweek · 1 year
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We see the shape, right? ❤️
Leesaku week prompt: heart
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leesakuweek · 1 year
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Corpse bride au, my beloved.
Leesaku week prompt: any au
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leesakuweek · 1 year
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Sakura can’t cook but she’s determined to get this recipe right. Lee is just happy that Sakura actually added spices.
Leesaku week prompt: Dedication
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leesakuweek · 1 year
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Lots of flowers with these two.
Leesaku week prompt: Bloom
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leesakuweek · 1 year
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The healing smooches from he. 😌
Leesaku week prompt: healing
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leesakuweek · 1 year
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Listening to The Cranberries be like-
Leesaku week prompt: Dreams…really stretching it, I know.
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leesakuweek · 2 years
Thanks to all who participated in LeeSaku Week 2023 (so far)! 💕
Thank you to everyone who shared your fantastic works this week to give this ship a little more love! 
Check out this blog to see everyone’s lovely work and give them some attention! (And if I missed your submission please shoot me a DM.) 
As a reminder, we have two late window deadlines. If you want to be a part of any closing congratulatory/thank you posts, bragging rights titles, etc., tag this blog with your submission by April 16th.
But the Springtime of LeeSaku does not end in merely one week! This event started on the first day of spring, and so thus I will still reblog any particularly late submissions until the last day of spring, June 20th. 
So for any of you fellow procrastinators or slow creators, or someone who just discovered this event a little too late, you still have an opportunity to create something. After all, the point of this event was to encourage creation of more LeeSaku fanwork, so the more the merrier.  
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leesakuweek · 2 years
Relationship: Lee/Sakura
Rating: M
Warnings: Sexual content mixed with alcohol 
Summary: After pre-gaming with her friends at her apartment, Sakura decides to stay behind as everyone else goes to a frat party. Sensing something is wrong, Lee stays behind to keep her company. But the alcohol ends up loosening both of their inhibitions. Modern/College AU.
LeeSaku Week 2023 Day 5: Any AU
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leesakuweek · 2 years
LeeSaku Week Day 7: Strength and Weakness/Heart
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A child is both a blessing and a curse for shinobi.
So very fragile.
A weakness.
And yet...
A child can be their strength as well.
Lee knows this in his heart.
This little boy; this tiny piece of him and Sakura that took nearly ten whole months to come; this child was his everything.
And he will do anything to protect them.
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leesakuweek · 2 years
LeeSaku Week Day 6: Swap/Any AU
Childhood friends continued.
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It was her hard work and talent that made the Academy teachers put Sakura forward for early graduation. Lee and her celebrated with a vigorous spar.
Because if she manages to graduate this time around, her and Lee might just end up on the same team!
"Team 3! Rock Lee, Sakura Haruno-"
Lee interrupts the sensei with a cheer, "Yosh! We're teammates, Sakura-chan!"
"-and Neji Hyuga."
And Lee wilts a little because Neji... Neji doesn't like Lee. Not one bit.
But Lee wouldn't let that sour-puss Hyuga ruin his good cheer! He's on the same team as Sakura-chan! With Sakura by his side, he could do anything!
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leesakuweek · 2 years
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“Come, come Robin!”
“I’m coming, Star.”
Leesaku week prompt: free day, them dressed up as robstar or an au where they are them idk 🤷‍♀️
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leesakuweek · 2 years
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“I promised you-!”
“Oh, Lee…did you really think I wouldn’t return the favor?”
Leesaku week prompt: promise (or in this case broken promise?)
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leesakuweek · 2 years
LeeSaku Week Day 5: Any AU
Childhood friends.
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"Sensei said that I'm getting better at taijutsu!" Lee exclaims, proudly showing off his bandaged hands.
Sakura gasps in awe, "Wow! I bet you're super strong now, Lee-kun!"
Lee blushes, "I totally am! I can probably even beat Neji now!"
"You're amazing, Lee-kun!"
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leesakuweek · 2 years
LeeSaku Week Day 4: Blossom/Mission
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Sakura leans against Lee's shoulder, relaxing after a long mission. Lee smiles at her, and she feels her heart flutter.
"Sakura-chan..." Lee says, turning to her, "Are you alright?"
She hums, "Just tired."
He reaches out and brushes her hair out of her face. Sakura laughs, giving him a bright smile.
"Oh!" Lee exclaims, hand blurring forward. He holds up his bounty - a couple of freshly picked daffodils. "Do you remember, back when we were genin, you brought me fresh daffodils every day until I got better?"
Sakura gently takes the flowers from him with a nod, "Yeah. I'm glad Tsunade-shishou was able to heal you."
He leans back against her, "I am too. And I'm glad you took the time to bring me flowers. I... that's when I really started falling for you." He admits, a blush coating his cheeks.
Sakura giggles, dropping her head against his shoulder.
She'll never admit it, but seeing him try so hard, even when injured... that's when she started to fall for him.
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leesakuweek · 2 years
LeeSaku Week Day 3: Healing
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Lee can only stare as Sakura huffs angrily. She places her hands on his face to heal the rapidly purpling bruises forming there, a deadly glare leveled at him. She grumbles obscenities under her breath, but Lee doesn't hear them.
He's captivated by the fiery glow in her emerald eyes. Her anger is palpable and Lee knows that if he says one wrong thing, she'll clock him clear across the clearing.
He's never been so in love.
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