leexjun-blog · 6 years
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leexjun-blog · 6 years
(...) he pulls back when the other does, miska becoming too restless, wanting to jump up to jun’s lap himself. a loud laugh leaves junho’s mouth at the sight. his small family is back together, and it couldn’t be better, not really. “all of it sounds great. are you hungry ? tired ? i can order something while you take a shower.”
jun still smiles. soft. warm. fond. there is no one in the world who makes him feel the way junho does. no one out there who can pull this kind of reaction from him, make him feel so absolutely content with so little effort. and jun’s never learned the merit of pets, but miska is slowly on the way to changing his mind about that too, what with the way his hand keeps sneaking out to scratch behind the dog’s ears. all the while up until junho mentions food and a shower, and jun nearly finds himself slumping with relief at the thought of being able to wash the months of travelling off his skin.
“that, actually, sounds amazing,” he tells the younger male, smile widening ever so slightly as he takes in junho’s face. he tilts his head to the side ever so slightly next, gaze flickering over to the bathroom door. he can already feel the hot water streaming down his back, washing away the last remnants of dust that he can still feel on his skin even though he’s done plenty of washing while on the road. nothing beats the comfort of one’s own shower, after all. familiarity. home.
“i will only be fifteen minutes at most, order anything you’d like to have. i’ll pay for it,” he instructs easily, pulling his wallet out of his back pocket and tucking it into junho’s hands. there is nothing in there for anyone to raise eyebrows at, after all, least of all junho himself. what secrets does jun have left in front of this young man who seems to have found a way into the very innermost parts of his soul?
a final smile; wide, warm, somewhat amused - and then jun gently nudges aside the dog and slips into the bathroom, with the same composure and grace that he presents in everything he does. it doesn’t take all that much time to turn on the water, undress and step underneath the steady stream. and although his mind and body in a way are hunkering for the peacefulness of staying underneath the stream of water, he wishes more to be in the couch with his younger friend, cuddled up together, not having to worry about whatever’s going on in the outside world. not for the rest of the week, at least.
and so it is indeed only fifteen minutes later that he comes back out of the bathroom, freshly washed, with his hair still damp, to rejoin his two companions in the living room. and automatically he moves over to junho again, wrapping arms around the boy’s middle once more and burying his face into the familiarly smelling hair. it’s like the smile is permanently etched onto his features now, his eyes closing automatically as he buries himself in the warmth of the other.
“what are we having?” he questions softly. and then, the most important question of all, even though he’s spoken to junho every single day since he’s left: “how are you, how have you been?”
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leexjun-blog · 6 years
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leexjun-blog · 6 years
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leexjun-blog · 6 years
down to skin and bones--
"but seriously,” jun states, eyes sparkling with amusement, expression filled with mirth as he takes in the shape and looks of the older male opposite of him. “you should have been scouted as a model at least once or twice by now. look at you!”
he waves his hand up and down a little in an indicative motion towards his friend, allowing the grin he has been trying to repress to show outwardly as well then.
“you’re like a walking arousal or some shit.”
a chuckle follows those words almost instantly, jun picking up his glass and emptying the last of its contents into his mouth, before temporarily turning his head so he can summon the waitress again.
“you want another drink?” he questions haewon quickly, already beaming a warm yet soft smile at the waitress as she walks up to them and ordering himself another alcohol free cocktail. the mixture of freshly squeezed orange juice and the sweet syrup they seem to have added to it is just too delicious not to have another. ordering whatever haewon wants to still have alongside it, he waits for the waitress to move away again before refocusing his attention on the older male.
eyes wandering over his friend’s features for a moment, jun then tilts his head slightly upwards, closing his eyes despite the shades he’s wearing and basking contently in the warmth of the early summer sun.
he’s all too glad for moments like this, spent in the presence of someone he appreciates, being able to have a random conversation about whatever pops up in his mind. and it’s made all the nicer when it’s in the presence of someone he’s as comfortable with as haewon; a friend he’s already known for over a decade now, ever since he joined the agency, back when his mentor was still around as well.
“i heard you made someone cry again yesterday, by the way. what did they do this time?”
0 notes
leexjun-blog · 6 years
we make quite a mess--
it didn’t take jun long to figure out that the man he had previously met in a fitting booth had somehow managed to make his way into the agency. how exactly all of this has transpired is not within his knowledge, but he doesn’t quite need to know either. the important thing is that seojun (han seojun, thirty, twice encountered by kingsman before he was recruited - jun did his homework) often walks down the hallway from the training grounds to his own quarters without a shirt on.
and jun has found an undeniable need to do his paperwork on a windowsill in that very same hallway ever since coming back to the service.
so it’s no surprise that they have already encountered each other several times over in the few short weeks in which jun has been around again. and not just encountered, but interacted as well, because there is always something to stop the trainee on his path and engage him in a few words of conversation. the first time it had simply been his pen, the next time jun had stretched out his long, long legs right as seojun was passing by, and many more coincidences like that.
this time around, jun’s entire folder of paperwork just so happens to slip out of his fingers at about the moment when the younger male walks by again, falling in such a way that the paper spreads out over the entire width of the hallway, right in the path of the shirtless man. and jun looks down at it in silence for a few moments before letting out a deep sigh, as if unable to cope any longer with the hardships this day has already thrown at him.
sliding off the window sill, he steps forward and leans over to pick up the first set of papers, then comes back up right as seojun reaches, accidentally elbowing the guy as he does so, and then quickly putting a hand on the exact place he hit (those very glorious abs) mere moments after while uttering several words of apology. he stumbles a little because of his surprise, needing to put his second hand on the male’s chest as well to keep himself upright.
he stays like that for perhaps a second longer than would be absolutely necessary, before pulling back and flashing what could be an apologetic smile - or simply a warm one, who’s to say?
0 notes
leexjun-blog · 6 years
i'm a slave to the system i inhabit to my good and bad habits to my have not's and my have to have it's i'm a civilised savage
epik high - slave
0 notes
leexjun-blog · 6 years
(...) it’s only once he has him in his arms that he knows for sure — that it’s jun in the flesh, that he has returned after so long. junho knows he has heard his voice every day for the past months, but this is different, and he can’t stop smiling, his eyes growing slightly wet as he continues to hug him tight, words falling from his lips easily. “i missed you too, so much. i can’t believe you didn’t tell me.” a wet laugh follows that, and he just hugs him closer, laughs against the fabric of his shirt. “i’m glad you’re home.”
the smile on his face only grows wider as junho basically throws himself into his arms. he doesn’t mind it the least bit, allowing the younger male to bury himself against his chest and leaving a warm kiss in junho’s hair. he chuckles softly as junho exclaims his surprise and relief, allowing the happiness to warm him up from the inside out, and using the time to breathe in junho’s scent, to reassure himself that he is truly home again now and that the younger male is safe.
“of course i didn’t tell you, i wanted to surprise you,” he responds easily, amusement filtering through in his voice, although he’s still holding on to junho just as tight. “i was supposed to make it before the deadline, though. i’m sorry i’m late, i got held up at baggage claim.” his hand moves to run up and down junho’s back in soothing motions, his smile not faltering for even a moment. there’s a certain exhilaration in having the younger male so close again, as well as a warmth that courses through his very bones.
“i’ve missed you so much,” he repeats after a moment, his grip not loosening in the slightest but instead merely becoming tighter. to reassure both himself and junho that he’s not about to let go anytime soon, nor is he disappearing off to somewhere again. and he makes sure to let junho know that that is a fact by speaking of his plans for the rest of their week.
“so, i told work i’ll only be back in next week, which means we have the next four days to spend together. and i don’t know about you, but i would be perfectly content staying indoors, ordering takeout and petting miska while we watch some fun movies while cuddled up on the couch.”
and he’s quite a bit more relaxed around junho now than he used to be, with the way he nuzzles the younger male’s hair a little and leaves another kiss in it, then simply hugs him for a little while longer. the smile on his face hasn’t dimmed out in the slightest, either, and it’s only when miska lets out a few happy little whines that he unwraps a single arm from around his friend to be able to lean to the side ever so slightly and pet the dog some more as well.
“how’s that sound to you?”
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leexjun-blog · 6 years
stepping back into the familiar halls of kingsman is strange to say the least. jun is no longer used to the restrictions that come along with the headquarter’s dress code and the many eyes pointed at him. but he’s nothing if not able to adapt to situations he doesn’t quite like, so it doesn’t take him very long to settle back into his work persona; gawain, the knight. high up in the company, respected by most, questioned only by some.
he meets with arthur first, accepting the welcome and sharing a drink with his superior, before the conversation soon moves on to what he has missed during his ‘time off.’ it’s easy to reassure the other his head is fully back in the game again, and he even manages to answer to the questions about yongguk with a sense of calm that he surprises himself with. luckily arthur allows him some time to settle back into work before being given a new mission, because he could hardly imagine having to leave again so soon after coming back.
so to get back on track with things, he is told to go check out the new trainees, and to bring back a report on what he thinks of them and their skills before the day is done. it’s an assignment somewhat beneath him, but after having taken several months off of work for personal reasons, he realises it’s no more than acceptable for arthur to give him a few more menial tasks, to keep him grounded, to remind him he has a certain duty towards the organisation.
no matter everything he has uncovered about it so far.
still, a job is a job, and an order is an order, so jun sets for the trainee facilities like a dutiful employee. clipboard in hand with a pen at the ready, he strides into the training facility with the confident steps of a knight, eyes picking out the agents soon enough and walking over to them first to inform them of his inspection. it’s not that hard to make the necessary smalltalk, then move on so he can start on his actual job.
eyes wandering over the trainees calmly, he takes in what they’re doing, the way they’re currently training. he’s only gone through a quarter of the room when his gaze suddenly catches on someone and his entire movement stops short for a split second. eyes widening ever so slightly, he lets his gaze go over the young man once more to make sure it really is who he thinks it is.
and in the next moment, he puts himself into motion again, striding over to the young man with practised ease and coming to a halt not a step away from him. “jinhwan,” he says in greeting, with a nod of his head, after which a smile slowly starts to bloom on his features. it grows wider and wider, until he’s portraying almost the same level of warmth as his expression held all those months ago when he’d been over at jinhwan’s apartment and they’d talked for hours about painting and jinhwan’s skill with it.
“i didn’t expect to see you here.”
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leexjun-blog · 6 years
Cattel’s 16 Factor Key
Warmth | 34% [ cold, selfish ] Intellect | 58% [ cerebral, analytical ] Emotional Stability | 74% [ level headed, calm ] Aggressiveness | 50% [ modest, docile / controlling, tough ] Liveliness | 74% [ wild, fun loving ] Dutifulness | 26% [ untraditional, rebellious ] Social Assertiveness | 70% [ uninhibited, bold ] Sensitivity | 30% [ coarse, tough ] Paranoia | 70% [ wary, suspicious ] Abstractness | 10% [ practical, regular ] Introversion | 82% [ private, quiet ] Anxiety | 14% [ confident, self assured ] Openmindedness | 38% [ closeminded, set-in-ways ] Independence | 42% [ outgoing, social ] Perfectionism | 54% [ orderly, thorough ] Tension | 38% [ relaxed, cool ]
[ test ]
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leexjun-blog · 6 years
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leexjun-blog · 6 years
it has been months.
jun pushes open the cab door and steps out of the vehicle, straightening in the afternoon sun. his eyes wander over his surroundings for a moment, taking in the familiar buildings and allowing himself a moment to breathe in the air. he doesn’t really know why his shoulders feel so relaxed and his entire body seems so at ease until he realises exactly why he experiences it the way he does.
it feels like home.
the thought brings a small smile to his face, a welcome change after so many hours spent on a plane - yet again. but the trip has been good, in that way that it has been fruitful. jun has uncovered a few more truths about the mysteries laid out in front of them. and all the while he was gone, he’s kept in contact with junho, of course. video calls or phone calls every single day, not letting the younger male feel left behind alone for even a second.
along with the contact, he’s also been keeping junho in the loop about his discoveries, making sure that the younger male does not feel left out and that he knows at almost every moment where jun is and what he’s doing. they’re in it together, after all, and jun in no way wants to make junho feel like the one being left behind. so the journey he’s made over the past couple of months has been one they’ve more made together than just him, a fact he’s more than glad about.
but this also means he has told junho that he’d be coming home. only in order to be able to surprise the younger man, he has told him that he would return the next day only. which means junho still expects a call from him today, and he’s already about twenty-five minutes late for it. so he doesn’t waste any more time looking around the street, but instead takes his bag from the cab driver, thanks the man with a smile and then heads for the familiar building.
the thought reverberates in his mind like a beacon of peacefulness and jun finds himself basking in how easily a single word like that - the single thought of his apartment and junho’s presence - can make him feel so excited to set foot inside there again. he can only imagine the way junho will look, the happiness that his sudden presence will hopefully cause. he can only imagine how nice it will be for him, too, to finally be home again.
and then he finds himself in front of his door, and he puts his key in the lock, and he walks inside like it’s no big deal. and he watches the way miska comes running, letting go of his luggage to be able to pet the dog with one hand, but keeping his gaze on the door to the living room so he can see junho enter the hallway as well.
“hello baby,” he says, once that all too familiar face comes into view, and he starts to smile widely and warm, straightening up again from petting the dog so he can open his arms for the younger male. “i’ve missed you.” he waits for junho to reach him, to step into his waiting arms so that he can wrap them around the male’s frame and bury his nose in junho’s hair. and then he adds two more words. very simple words, but somehow they mean the world.
“i’m home.”
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leexjun-blog · 6 years
(...) “i’m sorry hyung,” he says, voice choked up and his stare at the ground hardens because his words are shaking and he doesn’t, can’t, won’t cry in front of the knight like the weak little boy he appears to be. not when there’s a fresh wave of tears that threaten to fall from his eyes, he doesn’t deserve to cry, not when it’s his fault. “youㅡ i’m so sorry. you’re always going to be waiting, and waiting, and waiting for me and it’s not fair because there’s people who can treat you better. jitae, junho, everyone else except me. but it’s still me you’re looking for.”
“i don’t think i’ve done anything for you to love meㅡ i ㅡ i kill. i killed people, and i wouldn’t mind doing it again.” he rambles, like he’s trying to think of every bad thing about himself to hurl onto jun so he can show he’s not someone to be loved. “i abandon people, people abandon me, andㅡ and i’m too reckless. look at my hands.” he shows them, the bruises on his knuckles, the open wounds and cuts from a fight gone astray, the way that they shake even now. “i’m a fool, hyung, if i think i deserve you.”
he inhales, breathes for the first time in a while. “yetㅡ when i look at you. my chest hurts, and i hate the idea of you leaving me. i don’t know what it is, i don’t know what to call it.” he says in a quieter voice. “i don’t want you to leave.”
when yongguk speaks, it’s the tremble in his voice that cracks jun wide open again, care and love and empathy bleeding out of him as if he’s never felt anything other than these things. it’s the reason he knows he will never be able to not love yongguk, because there’s too much of these emotions inside of him. too much of that care, and anytime yongguk seems like he needs it, to be loved, jun can’t even find in himself the slightest hint of resentment for whatever it is that led up to the moment in question.
just like right now.
he locks his feet in place, forces himself to listen first, not wanting to interrupt yongguk now that he’s speaking. not wanting to rob himself of the words that will be spoken by the young male opposite him. and so he listens to the way yongguk apologises, to the way yongguk once again declares himself unlovable, not worthy of whatever emotion jun may feel. and in a way, it means yongguk declares the way jun feels irrational and not right.
but it doesn’t even hurt. he just accepts that that is the way yongguk feels, that those are the insecurities the younger male continues to struggle with. day after day, time after time. although when yongguk once again brings up his tendency to kill people as a reason for why jun shouldn’t love him, he can’t help the amused little huff that is pulled out of him. because then what should he be called, assassin by trade for several years, with a kill list more than four times as long as the list of people he has taken out in kingsman’s service.
but he doesn’t say that aloud either, because it doesn’t matter. he knows now that nothing he says will change yongguk’s mind, that nothing he does will erase those insecurities. and so he has accepted them, and decided to live with not just yongguk, but that heavy list of baggage the younger carries with him too.
it’s the last words that unlock the hold he has on himself, his feet crossing the distance between them again. not hurried, but quicker than he might have if he didn’t feel so absolutely sad for the younger male standing there. admitting to the depths of his heart, even if he feels unworthy of any of it. it’s that vulnerability, that decision to tell jun of such hidden, disapproved of desires, that makes the knight- no, the man, reach out once more.
his hand touches upon yongguk’s shoulder first, then gently slides further on until his arm encircles the younger male again. his lips land in yongguk’s hair automatically, leaving a gentle kiss. there is nothing hurried in his movements anymore, nothing desperate the way he leaned in the first time, but it’s all warm and loving. he wraps his other arm around yongguk too, and pulls the younger into a hug, against him, allowing him to hear the steady beating of his heart, the gentle reminder of his presence.
“that’s exactly what i’m trying to tell you,” he says, and it’s almost a whisper, lips brushing against the skin of yongguk’s temple before he leaves a soft kiss there too. then he rests his forehead in yongguk’s hair, allowing his hold to become like a sanctuary, a momentary haven of peace. hopefully also a source of comfort for the younger male. “i’m not leaving. i’m right here.”
self control.
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leexjun-blog · 6 years
same shit, different year. jitae nods along while jun talks, unsurprised that either nothing’s changed or that, if it has, it’s above his clearance level. with the way things work around here it’s probably the latter, but those are lines that even he doesn’t bother straying too far from. with no bone to chase, jitae lets the subject drop and pretends to let out a miffed huff.
the dig about his qualifications would be harder to swallow if he didn’t have to deal with them throughout the past year but, as it is, he shrugs it off and grins back at jun easily. “yah, watch yourself, hyung,” he says instead, twisting around to poke jun between the ribs a few times, “i might decide i want to become a knight next and your gut is close enough to meet my elbow.”
like all great kings though, jitae spares his friend some mercy and stops after the fifth poke, lying back on his makeshift throne. he does a little wiggle on jun’s thighs and asks, “are you doing anything later this week?”
jitae’s response to her little joke is enough to make her smile widen, and when the pokes follow, she tenses the muscles of her stomach, chuckling and shifting slightly as if trying to escape the punishment. but not really, because any sort of physical contact is another solid reminder that jitae is really, truly back, and she’s doing everything in her power to allow herself to believe it.
but when he stops and settles, she speaks, more serious than she was before. “if i am the only thing standing between you and your road to knighthood, then i will step aside without need for your elbow, my dear.” fingers brush over hair too short to be probably ruffled again, and jun finds herself morning the loss of jitae’s longer locks once more. but it’s his own choice what he does and does not do with himself - or his haircut - so she doesn’t voice her disappointment anymore.
and then his question makes her smile automatically; warm and excited, filled with love and joy. “i am probably doing something later this week, yes,” she responds, but there’s an amused and teasing hint to those words. “but i’m also always open for anything you might suggest doing with me, because i also am doing something like that, i hope.”
her hand moves to run over his arm, then settles in his side, gentle hold on the boy with the soft eyes and a need for affection that goes on forever. she doesn’t mind, though, happy to give him any affection he craves. happy to be there for him whenever he needs her. it’s nice to feel needed, after all, or even to feel appreciated. not that nobody else does, but it’s nice every time she can feel that way.
in the next second her fingers suddenly tense, attacking his side with little, playful tickles.
nice to meet me--
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leexjun-blog · 6 years
“no!” she says too quickly, too loud, winces at her own faux pas. usually she’d be so eager to spend time with jun - jisoo is starved of affection, and jun gives and gives and gives, gives even when jisoo feels like she’s undeserving of it. was all of that fake? was all of that a ploy to earn her trust? she feels sick to her stomach, like she’d throw up her all her guts, her heart too if she thought about this one second too long. 
jisoo clears her throat, before nodding, doing her best to appear calm. “don’t worry about it jun. i’ll be back soon enough, and it’ll be bad if the delivery comes and one of us isn’t around to open the door.”
she does her best to smile, the way she always does with jun. 
(it is always so easy to smile around jun - like happiness and her go hand in hand. jisoo feels like her face is breaking, like this is the most difficult thing she’s done in a long time.)
“i’ll be right back, i promise.” 
jun pauses, wants to go against jisoo, say something like ‘we can make it there and back before the food will be delivered.’ after all, it’s only a door that needs opening, no other trouble has arisen, as far as she knows. but something about jisoo is just off, and jun has known people long enough to know that everyone has their reasons.
she doesn’t want to force them to stay, doesn’t want to force them to take jun along either. so her frown, that has meanwhile deepened to a heavily worried one, eventually clears and she gives a short nod of her head, relenting.
“alright, if you’re really sure.”
she doesn’t think jisoo will change their mind and so she’s already straightening, stance relaxing as she no longer has the need to go outside any more.
“just be careful. text me when you’re there and when you’re headed back, alright?” automatically her features shift back into worry, but this time of the normal kind that she often expresses over jisoo. based in care and love, rather than sudden bad news.
“i’ll wait for you with the food.”
somehow she feels like she’ll be waiting a long time.
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leexjun-blog · 6 years
(...) “you always say that hyung,” he says at last, exasperation bleeding into his voice and he can’t help how exhausted he looks either with messy hair and pink lips, fingers shaking as he pulls down his jumper. “youㅡ you always say you love me like it’s the easier thing in the world, but i don’t think you do. i’m scareㅡ ”
(he pauses, because he won’t, won’t, won’t say that word in front of jun.)
“i think you love the idea of being in love with me.” he shakes his head. “or the idea of loving someone like me, of fixing me.”
jun just looks at him for a long time, eyes taking in bang yongguk and seeing the life behind the young man. and then he smiles, but there’s no mirth in the expression. it’s an empty smile to go along with the empty feeling in the base of his chest, in the depths of his soul.
“and you keep finding excuses for why my words can’t be true rather than just accepting that i could love you without thinking you need fixing,” he states and the emotion drains from his voice. not in the way he hides it behind the mask of the knight again, or some other sort of pretence, but in the way that he is too tired to still fight yongguk on this in that very moment.
“so, fine. since you refuse to answer my question, refuse to tell me what you would like me to do regardless of what i want to do or what you think i feel. it’s fine. i’ll stop telling you i love you like it’s so easy and you can stop running away from the fact that i do. go back to your life the way it was before, go back and run as far as your feet can carry you.” a part of him is surprised that he can say words like that without sounding done. he doesn’t feel that way either, he’s just... agreeing.
he lifts a hand to run it over his features, then looks at yongguk again and this time his expression is serene. a sense of acceptance has fallen over him as he just looks at the one he loves. “and when you grow tired of it and wish you could find home for a little bit, you can always come to me. because i will be there. i have no expectations, i don’t want you to change, i don’t need you to be any particular kind of way. the you that i love is whichever you is in front of me in that moment, whichever you you want to be.”
he lowers his hands down to his sides, stance still as relaxed as it used to be. he can live, after all, with the boy and his eyes like pools of sorrow keeping a certain distance when he needs it and coming back when he feels like it. if he feels like it. he can live with the world as it is or as it will be, whichever way that is. he can do it now, because he’s looked for the boy opposite of him and found himself reflected.
“i don’t know what you’re scared of, guk-ah, but if it’s anything to do with me i hope you can conquer that fear some day. and if not, then i hope it doesn’t cripple you.” he smiles again then, and this time there’s warmth, just a soft kind of care that settles, too, in the way he shifts his weight from one leg to the other, then barely stops himself from reaching for the other male to stroke his hair.
“so instead of asking you what you want me to do, i’ll just ask you to do whatever it is you want to do, without thinking of how anything you do might affect me. i think that’s more like how it’s supposed to be.” he gives a small nod of his head then, like indicating that his decision has been made and that he’s done thinking, then just looks at yongguk with trusting eyes and that same, little smile.
self control.
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leexjun-blog · 6 years
     min’s still winded from the drop down, adrenaline is high in his veins, blood has rushed to his ears. a part of him wants to calm down, but even he knows they are hardly out of the woods yet, they still need to get out — properly. the guards know that they have gotten to the main room and gotten the info they wanted. there’s no doubt that they will be searching for them, and much to min’s dismay, the guards aren’t as dumb as he would have liked. the whine that falls from his lips is cut short by jun’s words — and they are more than enough to shut him up. his hesitance upstairs probably cost them time and risked the mission alongside their lives. and even though min has been whining through it all, he feels guilty about it, though it doesn’t overcome how annoyed by the entirety of this. they are fine and in one piece, he has the computer, the data — and even though there have been some bumps in the road, they are fine. however, he just decides not to whine anymore, not wanting to make jun’s job any harder than he already did.
     so, keeping his mouth shut, he follows the taller male navigate through the hallways with ease. min had pulled up the blueprints prior to the mission, and jun seems to have memorized them all, while the hacker only knew the higher floors. he thanks him in his head, but doesn’t voice it out loud — it’s obvious it’s not needed anyway. instead, he moves as quick as he can, his eyes and ears alert if there are any other guards around. there doesn’t seem to be any, which is surely a good sign, but not good enough to ensure more won’t come barging in any second. he isn’t sure where jun’s taking them when they enter a room, but once again, keeping his mouth shut seems to be the best way to go with, plus, he’s genuinely tired of running by that point.
     he listens carefully, his lips pursing as he realizes the indications of it. there’s a high possibility that the agent might not come after him, and even though min’s a selfish prick, it doesn’t settle that well with him.  then again, he simply nods. “i know where it is.” there’s another moment of hesitance there, one that lasts only two or three seconds. then the push comes his way, and he decides not to interfere. hopefully, the agent will follow him, and that’ll be it. “see you on the flipside then —” and he shortly jumps up the windowsill to the fire escape, quickly climbing down the stairs. it takes some time before his feet meet the ground, and he begins to run after that too, heading towards the getaway vehicle. it isn’t too close yet still not far, and it takes him a few minutes before he makes it there, unlocks it with his watch. getting inside the driving seat, he finally looks at the way he ran from and hopes to see the agent there.
as min moves through the window onto the fire escape, jun turns back to the door of the room they’re in. entire stance shifting the second he lets go of his worries over the other agent, he moves his hands to pull a few more daggers out of their hidden pockets and heads for the hallways. there’s only one way for the mission to succeed, and jun makes the decision to go down that road in a heartbeat.
the black scarf that’s been around his neck the entire time is pulled up to become a mask, leaving only his eyes visible to whoever might look at him. pulling the hood of his tenue over his hair as well, nothing remains but a shadow of a face. with the knives securely in his hold, jun looks down at his hand again, blood dripping down from it relentlessly now. he rolls his shoulders once to gauge the pain, and hisses at the suddenness of it.
but there is no time to waste, because they’ll be on him soon, and he needs them to not look out the window. so he allows a trail of blood to follow him as he heads into the halway. he allows the blood to trace all the way from the room he came from to the stairwell, then quickly wraps his hand in a piece of cloth to stop the blood so he can disappear into the dark.
he moves like the night, as he was trained to do, flickering in between groups of the security guards with almost practiced ease, causing enough of a commotion left and right to keep the attention of the guards inside of the building. that way min will have plenty of time to escape. he can only hope that the tech specialist will be smart enough to get the hell out of there when jun doesn’t show, like he’s told him to, and not try to mount some ridiculous rescue operation.
he has little time to think of the tech specialist, however, needing all of his attention to continue to outsmart the security guards without getting caught in too much of a mess. he’s trying to leave the least amount of casualties, after all, something about not involving innocents into the situation if he can help it. he doesn’t quite consider the guards innocent, but kingsman’s view on the situation is different, and jun still abides by their rules regardless of how useless he sometimes finds them to be.
when eventually he manages to make it out of the building himself, he exits on the other side of it than where the getaway car was parked, breaking out into a dead run to get as far away from the building as he can manage. only when there are at least fifteen minutes between their target building and him, does he give himself a pause to be able to dial min’s number, so he can make sure the specialist was smart enough to head back to base instantly.
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