lefaspharmaceuticals ¡ 3 years
Ever overeaten and experienced a burning sensation or slight pressure in your chest region? You may have been suffering from heartburn or indigestion, otherwise known as gastroesophageal reflux, or GERD.
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  It means that the acids typically present in your stomach might have “washed up” or found its way into your esophagus, causing irritation. If you’ve experienced this issue, there’s a little bit of good news for you. It’s possible for you to naturally support healthy digestion, preventing or reducing occasional indigestion or heartburn.
Here are eight great remedies for indigestion or heartburn to try.
Stop overeating
When you consume more food than your stomach can handle, increased pressure is mounted on the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) that keeps the gut separated from the esophagus.
And when this sphincter is unable to carry out its job of remaining closed after food items or beverages have passed through it, indigestion or heartburn could occur.
Individuals that experience indigestion pains might want to consider eating smaller, more frequent meals instead of fewer large meals.
Always ensure to eat dinner (last meal of the day) at least 4 hours before lying down to sleep
Whenever you consume large and heavy meals and immediately go to bed, the LES might open and allow the abdominal contents to reflux upward. Ensuring that you don’t overfill your stomach before sleeping or lying down could make a huge difference.
Don’t drink lots of fluid before sleeping
Fluids/liquids could also overfill the stomach and apply pressure on the LES, especially if you’re already experiencing reflux symptoms. Try drinking most of your juices in the earlier part of the day.
Abstain from drinking a lot of fluids with meals
There might be some medical soundness to this practice, seeing as drinking lots of fluids during mealtimes will increase the volume of gut contents. And this practice could potentially put increased pressure on the LES and lead to heartburn. Also, drinking large quantities of fluids could help in diluting stomach acids, which then result in a less effective food breakdown by the diluted acids.
Reduce the stress on your stomach by eating high-quality foods
Note that fried, fatty, and greasy foods generally cause food to stay in your stomach for more extended periods, which could aggravate symptoms of heartburn. They can also make you feel nauseous, constipated, or bloated.
Even though some fats are good, you need to ensure that even healthy ones like coconut oil, flaxseed, or olive oil are consumed in considerations.
Side note: Flaxseed oil should be used moderately. Ensure that you don’t cook with flax oil, although you can use it only in salad dressings or already cooked food.
Improvement your well-being with a healthy meal plan
Always try to consume the right amounts of foods to promote health in not only the stomach but the entire body. Some foods to consider include; salads, nuts, beans, steamed greens, lean meats, complex
Avoid foods that promote heart-burning
If you’re one of those people who experience the disease frequently, you could always avoid ingesting acidic fruits like tomatoes, citrus, vinegar. So it’s best to avoid alcohol altogether.
Avoid foods that promote heart-burning
If you’re one of those people who experience the disease frequently, you could always avoid ingesting acidic fruits like tomatoes, citrus, vinegar. So it’s best to avoid alcohol altogether.
Realizing that stress could aggravate your heartburn
Research has shown that unmitigated stress has a way of significantly contributing to heartburn. Make a point of following the suggested steps here if you’re always prone to heartburn caused by stress.
By following these steps, shifting some simple things in your life, and making healthier choices, you can combat heartburn and have much more robust and more optimally functioning digestion. The bottom line is that you can prevent or reduce the symptoms of indigestion – while you’re taking other steps to decompress from stressful events in your life.
Blog source: https://www.lefaspharmaceuticals.com/index.php/8-natural-solutions-for-easing-indigestion/
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lefaspharmaceuticals ¡ 3 years
Just like the acronym entails, Bile Acid Diarrhea is a terrible condition to develop. It’s not unique to individuals who just took out their gallbladders; the disorder also affects people who have removed sections of their small intestines (like those who have Crohn’s disease).
Recently, new research carried out revealed that a quarter or more of individuals diagnosed with diarrhea-predominant irritable bowel syndrome (IBS-D) might have BAD.
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lefaspharmaceuticals ¡ 3 years
One of the primary issues is encouraging people to seek help. A lot of people are too embarrassed to see their GP about bowel problems, which is a problem because one of the initial signs of colon cancer is a disruption in bowel habits that lasts for more than three weeks.
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lefaspharmaceuticals ¡ 3 years
Whenever someone dies, most family members are not keen on the idea of donating one or more of their loved one’s vital organs. Some people even view it as a kind of superstitious practice or “barbaric way of disturbing the dead.” Also, acknowledging how hard it might be to donate organs, especially when people are still grieving, but we can also view this from a positive stand-point. This practice was created to help save lives. Doctors are mostly trying to keep people alive; vitally, a donor can save up to eight or more people at once. Imagine this as a significant honor of reviving a dead person’s legacy through other people, by saving and keeping them alive.
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lefaspharmaceuticals ¡ 3 years
Kids Constipation Quick Relief – Instant Remedy for Constipation to Relieve
Is your child constipated? When your child is encountering trouble in pooping, it is considered as constipation. Just as in the case of adults, the bowel pattern varies from one child to another. The aspect considered normal for one child may differ from what is termed normal for another kid. While some kids may have bowel motion once or twice a day, there may be others who may pass normal stool once every two or three days.
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Develop an understanding
As an adult, if you ever faced the issue of pooping, you will be aware of how the situation can make you uncomfortable. Young children encountering this issue are not in a position to understand what is occurring. If they are too young, then they may even not be able to communicate their problems efficiently. Gather information about Kids Constipation Quick Relief solutions for staying healthy.
Exploration of the causes Various causes may be responsible for this uncomfortable situation. One of the primary reasons may be attributed to diet. Diet modifications or not taking adequate fluids or fiber may cause irregularity in bowel patterns. Sometimes due to sickness, a child may have decreased appetite, and this dietary change may disturb his system and make him constipated. Bowel irregularity may also arise as a side effect of certain medications. The presence of specific medical conditions such as hypothyroidism may also cause this discomfort. Find out about Kids Constipation Quick Relief for easing symptoms fast.
Looking at the symptoms The symptoms in children may include having bowel movements less than thrice every week or encountering pain while having such a motion. It may even be linked to facing difficulty while passing feces. Chronic constipation paves the way for the development of stretched rectum. Over time passing the stool from the rectum becomes tough for the stretched muscles. Seepage of liquid stool from the stool plug may result in embarrassing situations for the children. Often the child may not be aware that soiling is about to occur. These incidents may be a cause of frustration both for the kid and his family members.
Recognizing the signs Appropriate treatment will assist in the rectification of the problem. Chronic conditions take time to develop, and so the correction will also take some time. Cases of relapse are a common occurrence due to the sudden stoppage or withdrawal in treatment. Toddlers tend to hold on to their bowel movements if they face previous painful experiences. Sometimes children may get used to their washroom at home and may want to avoid using toilets at their school or daycare. On certain occasions, some kids may have slow colon movement. As a result, the colon removes more water, and the stool becomes hard, and so it becomes all the more difficult to pass.
Taking a sensible stand
You should have a conversation with the pediatrician regarding symptomatic treatment. The doctor may prescribe child-friendly softeners. It is well-done research which will help you to find the names of prominent healthcare companies.
Blog source: https://www.lefaspharmaceuticals.com/index.php/kids-constipation-quick-relief-instant-remedy-for-constipation-to-relieve/
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lefaspharmaceuticals ¡ 3 years
In some cases, a low-fat diet might not be the solution for you, after all. There’s a huge chance that if you had your gallbladder removed, you were probably looking for relief. It could be relief from the sharp pain in your upper abdominal region caused by a gallstone attack. It perhaps even sent you to the emergency room because you were desperate for the pain to end.
Luckily for you, the pain went away after the surgery, but unfortunately, you also got diarrhea during the process. Don’t worry; you’re not alone here. It happens to most individuals after gallbladder surgeries. While a lot of people resume their normal lifestyles and eating patterns shortly after the procedure, some aren’t that lucky.
Very few individuals (a non-trivial minority) experience problematic changes to their digestive functioning, diarrhea being the most common issue. Recent studies carried out show that this problem affects about 9% of humans post-surgery.
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If you’re suffering from this problem or you know someone who is, you might want to check out the content below.
What’s Gallbladder?
It’s a small organ that stores and concentrates bile – a digestive fluid the liver produces to aid digestion of fats in the small intestine. Whenever you eat a juicy burger or something fatty, the gallbladder contracts and squirt the stored bile into your small bowel through the bile duct, it shares this duct with the liver. It’s also possible for the liver to secrete bile directly into the small intestine without the need for storage in the gallbladder.
What are Gallstones?
These are formed when the components of the stored bile start clumping together into little crystals. These stones might not be noticeable when they start forming, and it isn’t until they become too much that you become aware of their presence. Research shows that an estimated amount of 10-20% of Americans will develop the disorder at some point in their lives without even knowing about it.
Gallstone Attack
This occurs when the gallbladder contracts forcefully, projecting stones out of the bile duct in the process. And if it gets stuck along the way out, it could cause the individual severe pain and nausea. This gallstone attack is also known officially as “Biliary Colic.” And if these attacks become chronic or the person develops complications, like inflammation of the pancreas or infection of the bile duct, the gallbladder has to be removed.
What Causes Diarrhea After Gallbladder Removal Surgery?
A lot of people believe that post-surgical diarrhea is a result of the body’s inability to effectively absorb fat. But that isn’t always the case – if at all. What happens is that without the gallbladder to mete out squirts of bile when you eat meals with fats, the liver takes over. And when this happens, the liver sends out a steady trickle of bile into the small intestine all the time.
This process tends to overwhelm the small intestine’s limited ability to absorb them back in time for recycling, making it send some of the bile acids (the bile’s building blocks) into the colon. This practice is known as ‘Bile Acid Malabsorption’ or BAM for short, and it results in bile acid diarrhea. Coupled with diarrhea, some individuals tend to experience abdominal cramps/pain, bloating, and occasional bowel incontinence.
Who suffers the Risk of getting Bile Acid Diarrhea (BAD)?
Just like the acronym entails, Bile Acid Diarrhea is a terrible condition to develop. It’s not unique to individuals who just took out their gallbladders; the disorder also affects people who have removed sections of their small intestines (like those who have Crohn’s disease).
Recently, new research carried out revealed that a quarter or more of individuals diagnosed with diarrhea-predominant irritable bowel syndrome (IBS-D) might have BAD.
Metformin, which is a common drug used in treating type 2 diabetes, has also been shown to cause bile acid diarrhea in a subset of people. Another condition known as Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) is also revealed to result in BAD too.
How Bile Acid Diarrhea is diagnosed
Presently, most doctors tend to diagnose based on your response to a trial of medication called bile acid sequestrant. It attaches to the irritating bile acids, allowing them to pass through the colon without causing any trouble. And if the drug improves or even eliminates your symptoms, you can be assured that you have BAD.
How to Treat Diarrhea after Gallbladder Removal Surgery
Luckily enough, bile acid diarrhea tends to resolve quickly when the people suffering from it start taking bile acid sequestrants. If you start noticing that they work too well start causing constipation, you could play around with lower or split doses until you find the right balance.
Sticking to a low-fat diet while following these medications could also provide even faster relief from your symptoms than either tactic would have done alone. Since bile acid sequestrants tend to interfere with the absorption of some drugs and vitamins, you might want to talk to your doctor on ways to space your medications to prevent interference.
FXR agonists (another class of medications) show great promise in the treatment of BAMs by instructing the liver to stop producing too much bile acid. Even though they don’t necessarily have the same side effects of the sequestrants and their delivery method is more appealing to patients (pill form), most people still find it unpleasant and repulsive to consume.
Blog source: https://www.lefaspharmaceuticals.com/index.php/reasons-gallbladder-surgery-could-be-causing-diarrhea-and-how-to-treat-it/
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lefaspharmaceuticals ¡ 3 years
We believe in preventative maintenance and wellness of the body, and undoubtedly the way that you treat your body can be a significant factor in managing the causes of indigestion. Most times, you don’t need to look any further than how much or how fast you ate or drank something. Also, consider any anxieties or medicines you may be taking.
Assuming it is not a more serious medical issue, there are several things you can do to avoid this post-meal discomfort
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lefaspharmaceuticals ¡ 4 years
The general definition of constipation refers to the process of having no bowel movement within three days, or only passing stool three times in a week. This rule might not necessarily apply to everyone since we all have different physiological makeup. Some people might be constipated even if they don’t meet up with this standard.
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lefaspharmaceuticals ¡ 4 years
Could Your Meds Be Causing Diarrhea?
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  Most diarrhea tends to be resolved within 24 to 48 hours if it’s caused by viral gastroenteritis (a stomach bug) or food-borne illness. If your diarrhea is hanging on and doesn’t stop, you might need to take a look at your medications. Here are some well-known offenders commonly linked with drug-induced diarrhea.
Antibiotics are a big one. They are associated with 25% of the cases of medication-induced diarrhea. Though all antibiotics can cause diarrhea, it is more common with amoxicillin cephalosporins and clindamycin (Cleocin).
Metformin (Glucophage) is used to treat diabetes. It has several actions within the gut that may lead to diarrhea—which should resolve a few days after taking it. Pro tip: the extended-release metformin (metformin ER, Glucophage XR) has fewer gastrointestinal effects than the regular release.
Antidepressants: Diarrhea is a common side effect with certain kinds of antidepressants. The incidence of diarrhea is highest for sertraline (Zoloft) at 14%, followed by paroxetine (Paxil) at 8%. For other SSRI antidepressants like fluoxetine (Prozac), diarrhea occurs in 7% of folks taking it.
Beta-blockers are medications that end in -ol used for the treatment of heart disease and high blood pressure. Typical examples include – metoprolol, atenolol, and carvedilol, where diarrhea is a known side effect within the first week of usage. Diarrhea is seen in up to 12% of folks taking carvedilol.
ACE inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBS) are used to treat high blood pressure and heart failure, and all have diarrhea as a reported side effect. The ARB olmesartan (Benicar, Azor) is the biggest offender in this class of drugs, and diarrhea can be severe and long-lasting while you’re taking it. Others include ACE inhibitors lisinopril, benazepril, and enalapril, and ARB’s losartan, irbesartan, and valsartan.
Stomach meds. H2 “acid” blockers like cimetidine (Tagamet) and ranitidine (Zantac), along with the proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) like omeprazole (Prilosec), pantoprazole (Protonix), and esomeprazole (Nexium) may cause diarrhea because they inhibit gastric acid secretion in the gut (they decrease the amount of stomach acid).
Digoxin is a medication used to control heart rate for people with atrial fibrillation. Digoxin inhibits ATPase, which affects the energy for the pump that regulates water and electrolyte transport, which may lead to diarrhea in folks taking it.
Colchicine for gout is a common cause of diarrhea and abdominal pain, shortly after taking it. The cause of diarrhea here is similar to digoxin, where ATPase, the same enzyme inhibited by colchicine, affects electrolyte and water balance in the gut.
Lithium. Diarrhea from Lithium usually occurs in the first six months of treatment and is seen in up to 10% of lithium-treated folks. Higher blood lithium levels (greater than 0.8 mEq/l) are associated with higher rates of diarrhea. Pro tip here is that rates of diarrhea are higher with sustained-release Lithium (lithium ER or Lithobid) than regular Lithium.
Levothyroxine (Synthroid) is a synthetic thyroid hormone used for the treatment of hypothyroidism. Some studies suggest levothyroxine and Synthroid may disrupt the gut flora, causing small bowel bacterial overgrowth and potentially diarrhea. The tricky thing here is to make sure you are not over-replaced (hyperthyroid) with too high of a dose leading to diarrhea.
Gemfibrozil (Lopid) and fenofibrate (Tricor) are used to lower triglycerides and raise HDL (the “good” cholesterol) and may lead to diarrhea by causing an increased breakdown of fats.
Magnesium-containing antacids like Mylanta, Maalox, and Gaviscon tend to cause diarrhea. Magnesium is an “osmotic” agent, so it tends to suck water into the gut, which may result in diarrhea.
Vitamins like Vit C and Magnesium both pull water into the gut (they are osmotic agents), which may result in diarrhea.
NSAIDs like ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) and naproxen (Aleve) may cause both constipation and diarrhea.
The diagnosis of medication-induced diarrhea often relies on the absence of other apparent causes or the rapid disappearance of diarrhea after stopping the suspected drug. It’s worth looking at.
 Blog source: https://www.lefaspharmaceuticals.com/index.php/could-your-meds-be-causing-diarrhea/
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lefaspharmaceuticals ¡ 4 years
How to Tackle Constipation in Kids
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One of the first steps in preventing constipation from affecting your child is to increase the amount of fibre in their diet. The best sources of fibre include fruits, veggies, legumes, and oats, which include pears, berries, artichokes, avocado, broccoli, beans, lentils, and oatmeal. Other ways to prevent constipation include:
Drinking plenty of water each day:
Generally, school-age children require about four glasses of water per day at a minimum. Ask your child’s pediatrician what’s best for your kid.
Get your kid on a stooling regimen:
Children are great at holding both their pee and poop, mostly because they don’t want to take the time out of playing to go to the bathroom. Sounds familiar, right? Try establishing a specific time each day when your child has to sit on the toilet to try to pass stool. The best time for this is about 20-30 minutes after a meal when the colon naturally contracts to pass a stool. It doesn’t seem realistic to get a child on the potty before rushing off to school every morning. And we all know that they won’t do it at school. So, the ideal time is generally after dinner.
Remind your kid that holding their poop causes pain, and it’s better to let it out rather than keeping it in.
Blog source: https://www.lefaspharmaceuticals.com/index.php/how-to-tackle-constipation-in-kids/
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lefaspharmaceuticals ¡ 4 years
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INTEGRITY: We are committed to corporate and personal integrity. We do the right things for patients and our community. We take accountability. We speak up, adapt and accomplish what others cannot.
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lefaspharmaceuticals ¡ 4 years
Our goal is to achieve the highest standard of good manufacturing and marketing practices, corporate and personal integrity, transparency, an energized workforce and an unwavering commitment to make people healthier through our products and services.
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