leftaf · 8 years
Found a collaborator ^
i’m loving all this violent response to nazis stuff that’s going around but i also want to say like be careful out there because not all nazis are fucking clowns like richard spencer. most of em carry weapons and will not hesitate to cut your ass up and leave you dying in a dumpster. if you don’t know how to fight, don’t take one on without backup. and even if you do know how to fight, watch yourself. i don’t want to see any of you getting killed
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leftaf · 8 years
Fun Fact: Michelle Rodriguez is a huge a huge transphobe and an all around horrible person.
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Fun fact: Michelle Rodriguez has admitted that the reason she’s typecast in action roles is because she refused on principle to ever play a female character she didn’t respect, so turned down every role asking her to play a victim or underdeveloped girlfriend character.
She has also made it clear that she doesn’t give a shit about what people say about her roles, as she’s happy to only be associated with characters who stomp colossal amounts of dickhole. 
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leftaf · 8 years
key points:
Kiwifarms was created exclusively to facilitate the gang stalking of and harassment of an autistic trans lesbian, although at this point KF individually targets hundreds of people (mostly trans, mostly women, mostly neurodivergent, mostly people of color).
They hack online accounts, gaining sympathy by posing as friends, exclusively to gain enough access to humiliate targets. 
They call targets families and workplaces posing as journalists, classmates, psychiatrists, potential business partners and a whole range of other ruse identities to gain access to slander targets.
They have publicly spread targets home and workplace addresses and gone personally to their residences, taking pictures and breaking in. 
they have been known to individually follow users, taking pictures and harassing them personally in public. 
Packages and letters are routinely sent to targets residences, almost all of which contain obscene materials designed to threaten the recipients. 
they have also sent sex workers to people’s houses, then called their families to taunt them.
the members of the forum also openly support kinksters and predators, many being members of the dd/lg or “incel” communities. 
The owner and head admin of kiwifarms, null, is a self-confessed pedophile.
despite warnings to “hide your powerlevel”, most users don’t really conceal their identity, many using accounts a quick google search will prove are associated with their real name. lol
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leftaf · 8 years
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leftaf · 8 years
A latin person used black culture to absolve white slave owners. Non-white people are capable of anti-blackness. Alexander Hamilton “broke out of poverty” by being a slave owner. Are they praising him for being a self-made slave owner? And yes, it shows that America is such a different place, because a black man playing a slave owner wouldn't have been widely accepted back in the day, America’s racism has become so much more relatable and discreet. Alexander Hamilton was a monster, a despicable human being along with the rest of the founding fathers. Endearing him to a young audience by using black culture as the brunt of the joke only serves to normalize and absolve who the founding fathers were, slave owners. If you have anything but contempt for slave owners and those who idolize them, then Imma have to ask you to step back from your lil uwu liberalism culture and maybe do some critical thinking as to why an idea like human slavery could be normalized in the first place.
It's just one of the guys from Hamilton, and what that person was referring to on how it's racist is how once the director of Hamilton used the n-word when he was reading out loud what one of his behind-the-scenes scripts were, and since it was censored on the paper, people say he's racist for it.
ahhhi mean ive seen things about how hamilton is unhelpful bc its still telling white history and stuff like that altho i generally think that the issues involving hamilton r not my place to really talk about 
i didnt know who the guy was i just liked the sentiment of the post esp for not specifically calling people who menstruate women
however i can delete the post if it is an issue? 
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leftaf · 8 years
Yo I just wanted to shit on Hamilton. That play irritates the hell out of me and I truly despise the fandom. You’re great skateordie, I’m a fan of your blog, you did nothing wrong and if anything I let my anger drive when I should’ve saved it for people that are actually out here defending Hamilton.
It's just one of the guys from Hamilton, and what that person was referring to on how it's racist is how once the director of Hamilton used the n-word when he was reading out loud what one of his behind-the-scenes scripts were, and since it was censored on the paper, people say he's racist for it.
ahhhi mean ive seen things about how hamilton is unhelpful bc its still telling white history and stuff like that altho i generally think that the issues involving hamilton r not my place to really talk about 
i didnt know who the guy was i just liked the sentiment of the post esp for not specifically calling people who menstruate women
however i can delete the post if it is an issue? 
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leftaf · 8 years
Hamilton is about white slave owners being played by black people, with rap songs. It’s an inherently racist concept designed by white supremacists to normalize their views and endear the founding fathers so people forget that they were slave owners. Racist propaganda sold to white kids in a black person’s voice, using black culture as a funny prop against itself. The director using the N word is just a predictable footnote in all this.
It's just one of the guys from Hamilton, and what that person was referring to on how it's racist is how once the director of Hamilton used the n-word when he was reading out loud what one of his behind-the-scenes scripts were, and since it was censored on the paper, people say he's racist for it.
ahhhi mean ive seen things about how hamilton is unhelpful bc its still telling white history and stuff like that altho i generally think that the issues involving hamilton r not my place to really talk about 
i didnt know who the guy was i just liked the sentiment of the post esp for not specifically calling people who menstruate women
however i can delete the post if it is an issue? 
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leftaf · 8 years
Not only are hamilton fans racist as fuck, but they reblog boring shit like this.
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leftaf · 8 years
People say “Big corporations don’t actually care about LGBT individuals, they’re just pandering to you because they want your money.”
But have you considered, just for a moment, how it feels to LGBT individuals to know that they are considered important enough to pander to? The notion that corporations, plural, are actively chasing gay dollars, lesbian coin, bi bucks, trans tender, is huge. It would have been almost unthinkable even as recently as a decade ago.
It’s considered more financially lucrative, more worthwhile, to pander to us than it is to pander solely to straight white cisfolk. Don’t diminish the importance of that, because that is massive. It’s a huge step forward.
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leftaf · 8 years
awkwardly hedges around the darth jar jar theory because he’s still a supremely racist caricature and i’m uncomfortable
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leftaf · 8 years
when a trans woman says they hate drag they’re probably not talking about the history of it as an opportunity for trans women, especially twoc, to publicly celebrate their femininity. they’re talking about white cis misogynist men wearing us like a halloween costume and spitting on our heritage and getting praised by cis liberals for being “progressive”
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leftaf · 8 years
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Top image, Nazi propaganda in the 1930s.
Second image, UKIP and Vote Leave’s advert today. In 2016.
Beyond parody. Beyond comprehension.
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leftaf · 8 years
saying that within lgbt+ spaces, white cis gay men are the first ones to be heard and the first ones to have their struggles acknowledged, and saying that therefore within lgbt+ spaces, white cis gay men need to sit down sometimes and listen to women, People of Colour and trans folks, is not at all the same as saying that white cis gay men “aren’t oppressed anymore”, nor is it the same as straight cis people telling gay men to sit down and shut up.
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leftaf · 8 years
...To put this another way:
Angry edgelords think “SJW’s” (anyone they disagree with) are enforcing some sort of groupthink conformist echo chamber where discourse is silenced and yet what those same edgelords are so mad about is that the insensitive shit they say, which once went over fine on their 2004 forum communities, is suddenly subject to backlash and criticism when viewed by 500-10,000 people.
They are literally angry because they want their echo chambers back.
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leftaf · 8 years
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I knew dude looked familiar.
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leftaf · 8 years
@communismkills come get your bf
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BREAKING: Sacramento Nazi 
  #MatthewHeimbach #Sacramento #NoNazisInSac
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leftaf · 8 years
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