leftcoastgreenllc · 2 years
Everything You Wanted To Know About Partnership Advisory Board
Does your innovative B2B company host a partner advisory board or a partner advisory council? If the answer is no, we are afraid to tell you but you are at a serious disadvantage. Lisa, who has been the CEO of a tech company for a long time is quite frustrated that the channel growth had halted and not moving according to her wish. Experts say that the top executives in an organization need to accelerate sales by using their channel. This also means they are going to hit a brick wall. Many executives also lament that they are not able to get meaningful insights and guidance from the strategic partners. 
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For each one of us to stay competitive, we must be able to anticipate the strategic demands and requirements of our partners. Along with that, we also need to provide the right mix of incentive programs and various other enablement tools. Being a stakeholder in an organization, it is difficult to know how exactly one should have this conversation. People can be from two different tech companies and also have two different partner engagement structure or models. That said, they will share a similar business imperative, which means they need to engage in a strategy-level conversation along with input from the most credible partners.
PACs take into account as well as explore the future and not just the present. Indeed, your team  is going to have a lot of conversation with the respective partners. However, we are willing to say it is from an operational nature or point of view. Your channel team will be highly focused on winning the business today and also in the future. They will most likely won’t be interested in looking down the road-map and predict specific needs for the future. A structured partnership advisory board can be considered to be the perfect venue which allows discussion of drivers and trends. They also also allow the brainstorming of the implications that may occur due to your partners’ business models. With that idea and concept in mind, you are going to have an opportunity that will allow you to learn different ways to shape up your future plans to make sure you stay relevant to all your partners.
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leftcoastgreenllc · 2 years
What You Must Know About Commercial Loans?
In most cases, commercial real estate loans are utilized for the acquisition or repair of commercial buildings. For the most part, the lenders require that the property be inhabited by the borrower. You must thus occupy at least 51% of the total building complex's floor space. Regardless of where you are in the country, you should be able to settle on the precise form of commercial loan you require before you can even begin the application process. It all depends on the state of the property and also the business that you run. As soon as you have a firm grasp of that concept, you can begin to filter down your list of potential lenders. If you'd like to learn more, feel free to contact us. Continue reading to learn more.
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When it comes to commercial real estate loans, lenders often have three sets of criteria in mind before making an offer. These exact requirements are most likely linked to the business's finances, the owner's personal finances, and the property's qualities.
Commercial loans from a construction lender in Connecticut are often considered as requiring a great deal of scrutiny from the lender. For one thing, small firms are regarded as hazardous, and their success record isn't anything to brag about. Commercial lenders and financial companies will do a thorough review of your financial statements to ensure that your business has sufficient cash flow to repay the loan.
You should have a clean credit history in order to handle your own finances. If you have had personal financial difficulties in the past, your chances of being approved for a loan may be reduced.
The collateral is the specific property that is being funded by the loan. That said, if you fail to repay the loan within a predetermined period of time, the lender will place a lien on your property, allowing them to seize it. To qualify for just a commercial real estate loan, you must own at least half of the property (mentioned earlier). In the event that you are unable to meet this requirement, you may want to consider investment property loans.
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leftcoastgreenllc · 3 years
Overview and Advantages of Using a Business Partnership Structure
There are millions of businesses running across the globe, benefiting the average consumer population. If you and your business partners are seeking ideas to transform the business model, venturing into a business structure is more than likely the answer to your needs. In this blog post, we outline an overview on such structures in addition to telling the benefits of implementing such structures into the whole ecosystem. Let’s jump into that without wasting anymore time!
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For a structure partnership advisory board to work in the best possible way, each and every partner is individually responsible to take care of the debt held by the business. This is in contrary to a traditional business model wherein a partnership is a separate entity that works on its own accords. Here the law and rules makes sure, as well as the business are the same entity. You will also be held jointly responsible liable for the business debts to be paid on time. This basically means should one of the partners fail to pay their fair share of the debt, others have to come to rescue to pay instead. 
All in all, a business partnership structure makes sure you, as the business owner are liable for the acts and omission of the fellow partners. That is why, it is significantly important to enter into a business partnership with someone who you can solely trust and believe in. 
A partnership structure comes with a host of advantages and benefits that includes minimal ongoing costs, as well as lower cost for the initial setup. Here, you won’t be subject to director duties however owe fiduciary duties with the other partners in line. Additionally, a partnership structure would allow you to leverage skills and resources as you continue the work towards achieving a robust business goal. A partnership model would allow you the sharing of expertise, labor, skill, financial resources, and equipment with all the other stakeholders. 
Furthermore, you need to find partners who have agreed to commit to the set terms and conditions with relation to the partnership. They must be able to come up with a convincing commitment to tell you they are the right to operate the business. 
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