lefthandedmarriage 5 days
why is a simple english class making me frustrated...?
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lefthandedmarriage 6 days
lol what is wrong with me LMAO what am i on???? i'm so fucking conflicted. well i dont think i feel that way... one side of me wants to be horrible and the other side wants to be better.
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lefthandedmarriage 6 days
if i were to commit a crime resulting in murder suicide would the police investigate my online presence? probably lol esp if my parents were to tell them i was a recluse.
they'd go through my discord, twt, instagram, tumblr blogs, my personal journal. look at the games i played, the music, they'd see i was interested in tcc. they'd talk to past friends, classmates, teachers, family, my doctors.
they'd deadname me for fuckin sure.
ofc i would not do anything, i just would like to think of the possibility of me snapping. despite not owning any weapons lol
o canada babyyy
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lefthandedmarriage 6 days
my mind is cruel.
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lefthandedmarriage 7 days
also just took an apd (avpd they call it?? ig) quiz/test and i got a 37, which i think was an above average. i plan on taking more to confirm ig cuz one quiz doesn't exactly confirm much
i guess maybe i should bring it up to my doctor?? or maybe she already mentioned it and it went waaay over my head 馃槶 i'm such a tard i can't remember jackshit bleeeh
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lefthandedmarriage 7 days
i hate how interested in tcc i am. more specifically columbine. it's weird. but then again i'm weird.
i think about the multipart iceberg i was watching yesterday. and how oddly similar dylan is to me, minus the weird racist shit, and feet kink thing. and probably a few other things i forgot about.
he's like me, weird, quiet. i'm not sure if i have apd, but perhaps it goes hand in hand with autism? not sure. maybe i should ask my doctor.. anyways. the person also read out the fact that dylan was awkward, and didn't really like talking to people unless he had someone with him, which is like me.
i think he'd be rolling in his nonexistent grave if he found out some mentally ill fagtranny related to him. since i know a lot of teens who related to the two (dylan and eric) often feel lost or something like that. which i mean.. i spent 4 years of my life cooped up in my room on the internet, talking to people i know i'd never meet because even if i did have the components of leaving the country, there's things to worry about, food, money, actually travelling, coming face to face with the person. it's just... uhg.
i didn't mean to ramble on rlly... uhhhm
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lefthandedmarriage 7 days
i hope this kid does not expect me to be friends with him. he's in two of my classes and i helped him because of the teacher, since it was a supply.
i don't WANT to be friends with this kid. i am not anybody's friend. i will not subject myself to any of it. sure i will be friendly but i am not commiting to anything. i don't want to get close with anyone, sure i'll learn your name, but i won't acknowledge you.
it's a fucking fa莽ade, i'm tired.
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lefthandedmarriage 12 days
i feel a little guilty leaving, we were having a nice hot lunch but i HAD to leave immediately. too many people, too warm, too loud, not a pleasant smell. i don't like eating in front of people either.
and my second day here.. yikes.
so many men tho (JOKING....)
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lefthandedmarriage 20 days
"are ya winning, son daughter?"
your "daughter" is transmasc and cuts itself because it thinks it would look prettier with scars on its arms, and believes its a fictions killer, tank commander and templar, all because it cannot comprehend reality.
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lefthandedmarriage 22 days
"why rely on ur mom, bleeh mememem waah, ur 20 yrs old!!"
i feel like so many ppl would say that, esp people younger than me. like annoying highschoolers (like 14-15 y/os).. lol use ur brain idiot.
i'm fucking autistic and a shut-in, what do u expect from me???
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lefthandedmarriage 25 days
even with my headphones in, i can still hear this shit...
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lefthandedmarriage 25 days
how the FUCK am i supposed to sleep when i have muffled music blabbering in the room next to me???
maybe placing my bed how it is was a fucking mistake because i can hear everything little thing my brother does. and it should be common knowledge that i don't have a good sleep schedule either, so i'm up until 3, 4, or even 5 fucking am because my brain doesn't want to shut off, unwanted noises (my brothers fucking music) and/or just discomfort in general..
like just fucking move out already, go live with your girlfriend or something..
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lefthandedmarriage 27 days
in a way, i'm a little excited to go back to school. even though for four years i wanted to cry at the thought of attending school again, and the fact i insisted i'd never step foot in a school every again. sometimes you must over come a fear to het on with life.
i think i may be ready, just maybe.
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lefthandedmarriage 1 month
i didn't grow up. it's like i'm fucking stuck as a sixteen year old whose held onto things and acts like how a sixteen year old would. i'm not 20, i don't feel 20, i can't ACT 20 because i never mentally grew up. i'm not justifying anything obviously.
it's like i'm stuck. time is frozen for me, i am frozen as a sixteen year old. will i ever really grow up mentally?? i don't think so unless i finally finish school, maybe. idk if that'd really work for me.
i want to, but my brain wants me to continue to be ill. it wants to spiral, it wants to so badly to be ill.
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lefthandedmarriage 1 month
they don't realize that they're a good distraction from s/hing. i wouldn't/won't tell them that though.
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lefthandedmarriage 1 month
pause.. i cannot tell if what they're saying is like platonic, or like maybe romantic??? idk and i'm concerned, there's absolutely no way right?
i think they're cool but i'm absolutely terrified, plus they already have a partner??? i'm so confused.
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lefthandedmarriage 1 month
it's not supposed to be warm today, it's a little chilly as my mother would say and im so glad..
time to rise like the dead..... bwaaahh
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