leftistsolidarity · 3 years
Peneliti Sebut Secangkir Kopi Turunkan Risiko Kanker Prostat
, – Ada kabar baik bagi pecinta kopi! Sebuah penelitian menemukan bahwa rutin mengonsumsi kopi ternyata bisa menurunkan risiko kanker prostat pada pria. Pada pria yang rutin minum kopi, risiko kanker prostat disebut menurun hingga 9 persen, jika dibandingkan dengan pria yang tidak minum kopi sama sekali. Sayangnya, belum diketahui pasti apa saja manfaat dan efek dari konsumsi kopi untuk kanker prostat. Maka dari itu, masih dibutuhkan penelitian lebih lanjut untuk mengetahuinya. 
Kanker prostat adalah kondisi yang bisa menyerang pria. Penyakit ini terjadi karena berkembangnya sel kanker di dalam prostat, yaitu kelenjar kecil yang berada di bagian dasar kandung kemih. Gejala khas dari penyakit ini adalah gangguan buang air kecil. Kanker prostat bisa menyerang siapa saja, tapi umumnya terjadi pada pria yang berusia di atas 65 tahun. Lantas, adakah hal yang bisa dilakukan untuk mencegah atau menurunkan risiko kanker prostat? 
6 Penyebab Kanker Prostat
Kopi dan Cara Lain Mencegah Kanker Prostat 
Kanker prostat biasanya terjadi pada pria berusia lebih dari 65 tahun dan tidak bersifat agresif. Sel kanker biasanya juga berkembang secara perlahan. Kendati begitu, kondisi ini sebaiknya tidak disepelekan begitu saja. Kelenjar prostat terdapat di bagian dasar kandung kemih. Prostat merupakan bagian dari sistem reproduksi dan berfungsi sebagai penghasil semen atau cairan yang dikeluarkan bersama sperma saat ejakulasi. 
Baru-baru ini, ada penelitian yang menyebut bahwa konsumsi kopi secara rutin bisa membantu menurunkan risiko kanker prostat. Pria yang minum kopi disebut memiliki risiko lebih rendah mengalami penyakit ini. Selain itu, setiap cangkir tambahan kopi juga disebut bisa menurunkan risiko kanker prostat sebanyak 1 persen. Meski jarang agresif dan perkembangannya lambat, kanker prostat tetap harus mendapat penanganan yang tepat untuk menurunkan risiko komplikasi. 
Nyatanya, ada beberapa komplikasi yang bisa muncul akibat penyakit ini. Sel kanker bisa menyebar hingga ke luar kelenjar prostat. Hal itu bisa meningkatkan risiko kerusakan fungsi saraf organ yang ada di sekitar prostat, termasuk kandung kemih dan penis. Kerusakan pada saraf ini bisa berdampak dan memicu disfungsi ereksi serta inkontinensia urine.
Kanker Prostat, Hantu Bagi Para Lelaki
Kanker juga bisa menyebar melalui aliran darah atau kelenjar getah bening. Sel kanker kemudian menuju tulang atau organ lainnya. Kalau itu yang terjadi, kanker prostat bisa menimbulkan rasa nyeri yang hebat, retak tulang, hingga patah tulang. Maka dari itu, penting untuk segera menangani kanker prostat. Lebih baik lagi jika dicegah. Ada beberapa cara yang bisa dilakukan untuk menurunkan risiko dan mencegah kanker prostat, di antaranya: 
Pola Hidup Sehat 
Salah satu kunci untuk menjaga kebugaran tubuh dan menghindari penyakit adalah menjalani pola hidup sehat. Untuk mencegah kanker prostat, disarankan untuk menjalani diet sehat, yaitu dengan mengonsumsi makanan rendah lemak dan meningkatkan konsumsi buah serta sayur. 
Hindari Makanan Tertentu
Nyatanya, ada jenis-jenis makanan yang sebaiknya dihindari agar risiko penyakit menurun. Mencegah kanker prostat bisa dilakukan dengan mengurangi konsumsi susu maupun produk-produk olahannya. Selain itu, batasi juga konsumsi minuman yang mengandung alkohol. 
Berhenti Merokok 
Berhenti merokok bisa memberi banyak manfaat sehat untuk tubuh, termasuk menurunkan risiko kanker prostat. 
Olahraga dan Hindari Stres 
Biasakan berolahraga secara rutin, setidaknya 30 menit sehari. Selain itu, disarankan juga untuk menghindari stres. Kamu bisa meredakannya dengan melakukan meditasi atau yoga. 
Siapa Saja Kelompok Pria yang Berisiko Alami Kanker Prostat?
Kamu juga bisa menjaga kesehatan tubuh dengan mengonsumsi multivitamin harian. Biar lebih mudah, beli vitamin atau kebutuhan kesehatan lain di aplikasi saja. Dengan layanan antar, pesanan akan dikirim ke rumah dalam waktu satu jam. Yuk, downloadsekarang!
US News. Diakses pada 2021. Coffee Might Help Ward Off Prostate Cancer.
American Cancer Society. Diakses pada 2021. Prostate Cancer.
National Health Service UK. Diakses pada 2021. Prostate Cancer.
Mayo Clinic. Diakses pada 2021. Prostate Cancer.
Healthline. Diakses pada 2021. Prostate Cancer Complications.
The post Peneliti Sebut Secangkir Kopi Turunkan Risiko Kanker Prostat appeared first on Healthacks.
source https://healthacks.net/peneliti-sebut-secangkir-kopi-turunkan-risiko-kanker-prostat/
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leftistsolidarity · 3 years
Gagal Ginjal Kronis Menurunkan Gairah Seks, Benarkah?
, – Ginjal adalah salah satu organ yang penting dalam tubuh. Organ ini berfungsi untuk menjaga kestabilan tubuh, menghasilkan sel darah merah, mengatur tekanan darah dan tingkat air pada tubuh, serta mengendalikan kadar mineral dalam darah. Tapi sayangnya, semakin tua usia seseorang, semakin besar risikonya untuk mengidap penyakit ginjal kronis (PGK) atau gagal ginjal kronis (GGK).
Penyakit ini merupakan penurunan fungsi ginjal secara bertahap karena kerusakan ginjal. Enggak hanya fungsi ginjal saja yang menurun, katanya gagal ginjal kronis juga dapat menyebabkan gairah seks seseorang menurun. Benarkah demikian? Simak di sini penjelasannya.
Salah satu fungsi ginjal dalam tubuh adalah menyaring limbah dan kelebihan cairan dari darah sebelum dibuang melalui urine. Setiap harinya, kedua ginjal bisa menyaring sekitar 120–150 liter darah dan menghasilkan sekitar 1–2 liter urine. Setiap ginjal memiliki unit penyaring atau nefron yang terdiri dari glomerulus dan tubulus.
Glomerulus berperan dalam penyaringan cairan dan limbah untuk dikeluarkan serta mencegah keluarnya sel darah dan molekul besar yang berbentuk protein. Selanjutnya, darah akan disaring lagi di unit penyaring tubulus yang akan mengambil mineral yang dibutuhkan dan membuang sisanya sebagai limbah.
Nah, pada kasus gagal ginjal kronis, penyaringan atau filtrasi ginjal ini mengalami penurunan laju selama 3 bulan atau lebih. Penyakit ginjal kronis ini juga akan menyebabkan cairan dan elektrolit serta limbah menumpuk dalam tubuh. Gejala akan terasa lebih jelas saat fungsi ginjal sudah semakin menurun.
5 Tanda Awal Gagal Ginjal yang Perlu Diketahui
Gagal Ginjal Kronis Sebabkan Gairah Seks Menurun
Penurunan fungsi ginjal ternyata memang dapat memengaruhi gairah seks seseorang. Pada awalnya, seseorang yang mengidap gagal ginjal kronis memang belum merasakan gejala yang berarti karena penurunan fungsi ginjal masih bisa ditoleransi oleh tubuh. Tapi, bila penurunan fungsi ginjal sudah memasuki tahap lanjut, maka gejala yang parah akan mulai terasa. Pada pengidap pria, salah satu gejala yang bisa dialami adalah disfungsi ereksi. Ketidakmampuan pengidap untuk mencapai dan mempertahankan ereksi yang cukup saat berhubungan intim, akhirnya akan membuat pengidap merasa kurang percaya diri dan enggak bergairah untuk melakukan aktivitas seksual tersebut.
Jadi, benar bahwa gagal ginjal kronis bisa menyebabkan gairah seksual seseorang menurun. Bahkan, penyakit ini juga dapat menurunkan tingkat kesuburan pengidap.
Kebanyakan Konsumsi Minuman Manis Sebabkan Gagal Ginjal Kronis
Komplikasi Gagal Ginjal Kronis
Enggak hanya memengaruhi gairah seksual seseorang, gagal ginjal kronis bisa memengaruhi hampir seluruh anggota tubuh pengidapnya. Komplikasi yang bisa ditimbulkan penyakit ini, antara lain:
Penyakit jantung dan pembuluh darah.
Hiperkalemia atau kenaikan kadar kalium yang tinggi dalam darah. Kondisi ini juga dapat mengganggu fungsi jantung.
Sistem kekebalan tubuh menurun, sehingga pengidap rentan terserang berbagai macam infeksi.
Kerusakan sistem saraf pusat. Akibatnya, pengidap menjadi sulit berkonsentrasi dan berisiko mengalami kejang.
Perikarditis atau peradangan pada perikardium, yaitu lapisan yang menyelimuti jantung.
Tulang menjadi rapuh, sehingga pengidap rentan mengalami patah tulang.
Penumpukan cairan pada beberapa bagian tubuh (edema). Yang paling berbahaya adalah bila cairan menumpuk di paru-paru atau yang disebut juga dengan edema paru.
Gagal Ginjal Kronis Perlu Cuci Darah
Itulah penjelasan mengenai gagal ginjal kronis yang bisa menyebabkan gairah seksual menurun. Jadi, jangan sepelekan penyakit ini. Bila kamu mengidap suatu penyakit yang berisiko menyebabkan kerusakan ginjal, sebaiknya segera kunjungi dokter untuk membicarakan penanganan yang bisa dilakukan. Kamu juga bisa bertanya ke dokter mengenai cara pencegahan gagal ginjal kronis melalui aplikasi . Hubungi dokter melalui Video/Voice Call dan Chat untuk bertanya apa saja seputar kesehatan kapan saja dan di mana saja. Yuk, download sekarang juga di App Store dan Google Play.
The post Gagal Ginjal Kronis Menurunkan Gairah Seks, Benarkah? appeared first on Healthacks.
source https://healthacks.net/gagal-ginjal-kronis-menurunkan-gairah-seks-benarkah/
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leftistsolidarity · 4 years
The function of the hormone testosterone for men and women
– What comes to your mind when it comes to testosterone ? Is it a macho guy, aggressive behavior, or violence? The hormone testosterone is generally identified with men. This hormone is more widely known by the general public as a hormone that affects libido, muscle mass formation, energy level endurance, and changes in secondary sex characteristics in men at puberty.
Apparently, testosterone is also produced by the female body. Testosterone is a hormone among a group of hormones known as androgens, but it is the main sex hormone produced by men.
This hormone fulfills important functions for both men and women, most prominently in regulating sex drive. However, men produce much greater amounts of testosterone than women.
What Are the Normal Testosterone Levels in Men?
  Know the Function of the Testosterone Hormone for Men
Testosterone plays an important role in health and disease that you may not know about. For example, is testosterone a key player in the development of prostate cancer? Well, the function of this hormone in men, namely:
Penile and testicular development;
Deepening of voice at puberty;
The appearance of facial and pubic hair starting at puberty; later this hormone plays a role in the cause of baldness ;
Muscle size and strength;
Bone growth and strength;
Sex drive (libido);
Sperm production.
Not only that, testosterone can help maintain a normal mood. Signals sent from the brain to the pituitary gland at the base of the brain control testosterone production in men.
This pituitary gland then sends a signal to the testes to produce testosterone. When testosterone levels rise too high, the brain sends signals to the pituitary to reduce production.
Causes of Low Testosterone in Men
  The hormone Testosterone also has a function in the female body
Meanwhile, if you think testosterone is only important in men, this is a wrong assumption. Testosterone is also produced in the ovaries and adrenal glands of women. It is one of several androgens (male sex hormones) present in women. These hormones are thought to have important effects, namely:
Ovarian function;
Bone strength;
Sexual behavior, including normal libido (although evidence is not conclusive).
The right balance between testosterone (along with other androgens) and estrogen is essential for the ovaries to work normally. Although the specifics are uncertain, it is possible that androgens play an important role in normal brain function (including mood, sex drive, and cognitive function).
Do these 4 sports so that men are not deficient in the hormone testosterone
  Effects of Unbalanced Testosterone Levels
Although it has many functions, but excessive or less testosterone levels in men and women are also not a good thing. Testosterone levels in the blood will actually vary dramatically over time, even during the day.
Symptoms associated with abnormally high testosterone levels in men can include low sperm count, shrinking testicles and impotence, an enlarged prostate. This condition can also cause problems related to acne, headaches, increased muscle mass, increased appetite, and many more.
Meanwhile, in women, Harvard Health Publishing revealed that excess testosterone in women is one of the causes of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), which is characterized by irregular menstruation that interferes with fertility.
It turns out that too little testosterone also invites problems. In men, this condition causes reduced body and facial hair, low libido, infertility disorders, loss of muscle mass, bad emotions and concentration, and brittle bones. Meanwhile, in women, low testosterone causes low libido, reduced bone strength, and poor concentration or depression.
Check with the hospital immediately if you experience symptoms of this imbalance in testosterone levels. Just make an appointment right away , and it will be easier for you to meet your doctor to get the right treatment.
Harvard HealthPublishing. Retrieved 2019. Testosterone – What It Does And Doesn’t Do.
Health Engine Australia. Accessed in 2019. Testosterone.
The post The function of the hormone testosterone for men and women appeared first on Healthacks.
source https://healthacks.net/the-function-of-the-hormone-testosterone-for-men-and-women/
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leftistsolidarity · 4 years
Friends With Benefits, Can Friends Last?
– Classic indeed, but basically friends or friends are indeed a place to share joy and sorrow. Even according to psychologists, friendship is the key to our success in all aspects of life.
Hmmm, the real issue is not what will be discussed. But something that is much deeper and complex. What happens if a man and woman make friends with sexual attraction? Don’t let your forehead continue to wrinkle. The chemistry of love and sex holds thousands of questions, and of course mysteries.
Talking about this, there are various terms that are often used. Starting from friends with benefits (FWB) , no strings attached, friends but intimate , there is even a harsher “terminology”, namely sex bodies.
Basically it is clear, this situation is against the norms and culture in our country. However, we can’t close our eyes and be too naive. Because, this phenomenon may occur in the environment around you. Those in this relationship generally tend to be closed off. Fear that the people on either side of him will give lopsided arguments, even judgmental.
No Covenant, No Shackles
Those who apply this bond are arguably somewhat doubtful about the issue of love. For example, as Natalie Portman and Ashton Kutcher felt in the film No Strings Attached or Friends with Benefits , starring Mila Kunis and Justin Timberlake.
It is as if the minds of men and women who undergo this symbiosis of mutualism, are like what the British novelist Amy Jenkins said.
“ I don’t believe in romance and love. It is just the instantaneous feeling of hormones and chemicals that drive us to have sex. Nothing more mystical than the nicotine in the cigarette you smoke , “
Friends with benefits and their friends involve physical intimate contact, without attaching any commitment to it. In short, each party does not reject the physical relationship offered by the partner. I wish, you don’t need to fall in love with each other and have complicated relationships.
Again, although this is against our norms and culture, but outside, especially in Western countries, this phenomenon is so prevalent. Those who practice it may feel bored and disgusted by “conventional” relationships. In other words, many are disappointed with the dating pattern that tends to tie or shackle because of various kinds of contracts and obligations.
Now, back to the question above, what happens when men and women make friends with sexual attraction? Is it true that this sincere friendship can last or is the opposite, ending in loneliness, disappointment, and even heartbreak?
The Unexpected End
It’s not a scientist if you can’t uncover the facts behind a phenomenon. Apparently, this can be explained in a scientific perspective. There are interesting studies that you can look at on this issue. This research, which came from experts at Purdue University and Syracuse University, United States, was a topic at a scientific conference in Omaha, Nebraska, United States.
The subject of his study is about the Scientific Study of Sexuality’s . According to experts, about 70 percent of people in FWB circles can save their friendship, if they stop having sex.
At the scientific conference, Justin Lehmiller, Ph.D., from Purdue University who was involved in the study, presented a unique chat. The theme is “ Can Friends Who Have Sex Stay Friends? ” He and his colleagues conducted a study to see what happened to 200 FWB pairs through an online survey of about 11 months. The results?
Based on this research, about 26 percent of research subjects remained in a relationship with FWB. Meanwhile, at least 28 percent of them returned to being ordinary friends, without any sexual ties . Unfortunately, only about 15 percent of them make it into real, committed romantic partners.
While the other 31 percent had to bite their fingers, they had to be willing to end their relationship, not their boyfriends or friends. If the title song says from US country singer , Timothy McGraw, “ Forget About Us! “
In conclusion, if you hope that your partner will become your true love one day, it is unlikely that will happen. These findings also suggest that there is a lot that could go on behind a friends romance with benefits.
But once again, don’t dream that this relationship will end in happiness. Because in fact, the story of friends with benefits that ends in a happy ending is only in the film. For example, No Strings Attached, or the film Friends with Benefits itself.
Hmmm, maybe those who carry out this relationship of love without ties, agree with the words of the famous actor, director and writer, Woody Allen. He said, “ Sex without love is a meaningless experience, but as far as meaningless experiences go it’s pretty damn good .”
Have a health complaint? You can ask the doctor directly through the application . Through the Chat and Voice / Video Call features , you can chat with an expert doctor without leaving the house. Come on, download the application now on the App Store and Google Play!
  Is it true that the feeling of love is just a game of hormones?
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6 Tips to Maintain Adam’s Loyalty
The post Friends With Benefits, Can Friends Last? appeared first on Healthacks.
source https://healthacks.net/friends-with-benefits-can-friends-last/
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leftistsolidarity · 4 years
Normal Frequency of Intimate Intercourse So Not Called Hypersex
, – Recently, in Tulungagung, there was a case of a wife who was divorced by her husband because she asked to have sex 9 times a day. The wife is said to have hypersexual problems. So, what is the normal frequency of having sex so it’s not called hypersex?
Actually, the frequency of having sex for each partner can vary. There is no standard of what is normal or what is not. Meanwhile, how to say someone is hypersexual can not only be measured by the frequency of having sex, but also by the impact it causes.
5 Sexual Disorders You Need to Know About
Frequency of Sex
Apart from being a reproductive process, intimate relations for married couples are also recreational in nature, and have benefits for physical and mental health. Regarding the frequency of having sex, it is difficult to determine.
There are many factors that need to be considered by a husband and wife, such as stamina, busyness, and environmental situations. That is why, it doesn’t matter, if sex is no longer done routinely after marriage.
Nobody can determine also how often partners need to have intercourse. This should be determined by the desire and agreement with the partner. Instead of focusing on frequency, the quality of intimate relationships is much more important for building intimacy with your partner.
When talking about the ideal frequency for having sex, research in the journal Social Psychological and Personality Science , reveals that the frequency of having sex does not determine a partner’s happiness. Researchers say that couples who have sex more than once a week are not necessarily happier, than couples who have sex only once a week.
Including Sexual Disorders, Can Pedophilia Be Cured?
So, whether or not the frequency of having sex is normal is determined by whether this activity is enjoyed by both parties or not. No matter how often you have sex in a day or a week, make sure you and your partner enjoy and feel happy about it. Without any element of coercion or an objection from one party.
What is a person called hypersex like?
If the frequency of intercourse cannot be used as a benchmark for calling someone hypersex, then how do you determine this disorder? Hypersexuality is a sexual disorder characterized by fantasies, arousal, and addiction to sex, which are difficult to control. This has a negative impact on health, work and relationships with others.
So, if sexual behavior has become the main focus in life, difficult to control, and disturbs other people, this can be called hypersex. Excessive sexual desire and urge not only make a hypersexual person want to have sex again and again. But also made him masturbate frequently, access excessive pornography, and tend to have multiple partners, to satisfy his desires.
This explains why people commit sexual harassment on trains
Although no official diagnostic criteria for hypersex have yet been found, there are several behaviors that are categorized as a sign of hypersex, namely:
Often have sexual desires that are unstoppable and difficult to contain.
Tend to have more than one partner, including in marriage or an affair (infidelity).
Enjoy changing sexual partners.
Addiction to pornography.
Practicing unsafe intercourse.
Often masturbates.
Likes to peek at sexual activities carried out by other people.
Not satisfied, even though we have frequent intercourse.
Making sexual activity an outlet or an escape from the stresses of life, such as loneliness, stress, depression, or anxiety.
Meanwhile, a person can be called hypersex, if these symptoms have lasted more than 6 months, and have an impact on aspects of his life. In women, this condition is often called nymphomania, while in men it is called satyriasis.
Because it can annoy and harm the offender, partner, and other people involved, hypersex cannot be tolerated. If you or someone closest to you shows indications of hypersex, as described earlier, immediately download the application to make an appointment with a psychologist or psychiatrist at the hospital , so you can get immediate treatment.
If hypersex conditions are allowed, the perpetrator may violate the boundaries of norms that apply in society. In fact, it is not impossible if it triggers a criminal act, such as rape.
Psychology Today. Accessed in 2020. How Often Should Couples Have Sex?
Prevention. Retrieved 2020. This Is How Often Happy Couples Are Having Sex, According to Therapists
Psych Central. Retrieved 2020. Symptoms of Hypersexual Disorder (Sex Addiction).
The post Normal Frequency of Intimate Intercourse So Not Called Hypersex appeared first on Healthacks.
source https://healthacks.net/normal-frequency-of-intimate-intercourse-so-not-called-hypersex/
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leftistsolidarity · 4 years
Two Blue-Line Films Evidence Teens Are Not Ready To Be Parents?
– Dua Garis Biru , an Indonesian film that had reaped pros and cons before being officially aired, was finally released. The reason is cliché, the party thinks this film teaches things that are not in accordance with social norms, namely dating outside the boundaries which leads to pregnancy outside of marriage. The boycott petition was initiated by the Indonesian Teaching Student Professionalism Movement (Garagaraguru) which was uploaded through the Change.org website.
Also Read: 4 Myths of Young Pregnancy that Prospective Mothers Need to Know
Two Blue Lines Film Discusses Sex Education for Teens
The boycott made some of the public who were pro to the positive message in the film Dua Garis Biru also reacted. They created a counter petition that was uploaded on a similar site to invite other people to watch the film and take the positive message they wanted to convey, namely sex education for teenagers.
The film Dua Garis Biru tells the story of Dara (played by Zara JKT48) and Bima (Angga Yunanda), high school students who fall in love with each other. Even though they received the support and trust of many parties, the heightened fluctuation of romance made them think short. This young couple violated the boundaries of dating which caused Dara to become pregnant.
The result was clear, both sides of the family were angry and asked them to take responsibility for their actions. Each parent does not accept that their child must be married by accident (MBA) and asks them to think of their child as a younger sibling. This implies that pregnancy outside of marriage will create new problems for the “perpetrator” and the family, especially in the face of social accusations.
Also Read: These Are The Risks Of Pregnancy For Women Under 20 Years
Message to Teens: Think Before “Freaks”
There are many positive messages to be conveyed in the film Dua Garis Biru . One of them is the importance of sex education from an early age in the family circle, so that the child knows the boundaries of social interactions. That way, children think carefully about the consequences of their actions, before they “go too far” and have a negative impact on life. After all, an unplanned pregnancy has an impact on the mental state of adolescents.
Having children, especially due to unplanned pregnancy, is a challenge for young mothers. The impact is not only on physical changes, but also on the mental condition of the teenager. Young mothers are prone to stress due to lack of sleep, caring for their children, making doctor appointments, which are often done in conjunction with school activities. This condition is exacerbated by the existence of social accusations from the surrounding environment, including family, which young mothers from among adolescents cannot necessarily face.
A study published in the journal Pediatrics states that young mothers aged 15-19 years have a higher risk of experiencing postpartum depression after giving birth, compared to mothers aged 25 years or older. Other mental conditions that young mothers are prone to are baby blues , depression, anxiety disorders, panic attacks, the desire to hurt their children, and suicidal thoughts.
These various risks undoubtedly make teenagers who become pregnant outside of marriage decide to abort the womb (abortion), because they are not ready to accept social pressure from the environment and other bad consequences. Other impacts are related to the risk of pregnancy, such as low birth weight and infant mortality.
Therefore, it is important for parents to provide sex education to children from an early age. Even though it is still considered taboo, early sex education helps children set limits in their interactions so they don’t go too far.
Also Read: The Right Age to Start Child Sex Education
So, getting pregnant outside of marriage at a young age is not only a matter of endangering health, but also mental readiness. If you are pregnant and have health complaints, don’t hesitate to talk to your womb. Now, you can make an appointment with an obstetrician online at the hospital of choice here . You can also ask and answer questions from doctors regarding pregnancy complaints by downloading the application .
The post Two Blue-Line Films Evidence Teens Are Not Ready To Be Parents? appeared first on Healthacks.
source https://healthacks.net/two-blue-line-films-evidence-teens-are-not-ready-to-be-parents/
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leftistsolidarity · 4 years
Sexual Fantasy with a Partner, Healthy or Not?
, – Sexual fantasy is a story where people who fantasize have the main role. The stories vary widely, it is thought that each fantasy is a personal experience or image. Sexual fantasies are special erotic daydreams, also known as voyeuristic fantasies.
Actually, sexual fantasies are still taboo to discuss, especially with couples. Sexual fantasies are very personal and seem naughty, possibly giving rise to feelings of prejudice. Even less common sexual fantasies can be considered abnormal. So, is sexual fantasy healthy or not?
Couples Losing Sexual Passion, What’s the Solution?
Sexual Fantasy Is A Normal Personal Secret
Although it is often considered the body, in fact almost everyone experiences and has sexual fantasies. However, the type of sexual fantasies in each person can vary, as well as the frequency of sexual fantasies arising and the intensity of the urge to do so or how to manifest the presence of these fantasies.
Sexual fantasies can be said to be someone’s wishful thinking about an intimate relationship that is usually outside one’s real experience. The emergence of fantasies can come from one’s own imagination, or it can be stimulated by films, books, photos, conversations, or previous sexual experiences.
Whatever the form of sexual fantasies, from the mundane to the most bizarre, sexual fantasies are normal and not a sign of sexual deviance. On the contrary, sexual fantasies can make your sex life and your partner more passionate.
Even though sexual fantasies are normal, it doesn’t mean you can arbitrarily manifest them. There are several things to consider, including the consent of the partner and the risks. If your partner doesn’t agree, you shouldn’t force them to do these fantasies, especially if they harm your partner.
7 Habits That Can Reduce Male Libido
You need to know that sexual fantasies are very personal, so everyone’s sexual fantasy choices can be different. What you hope for in sex is not necessarily what your partner wants, or is it even considered terrible. This is normal and should be appreciated.
Again, sexual fantasies are very personal, so everyone’s sexual fantasy choices can be different. What is coveted in sex is not necessarily what your partner wants, or is considered terrible. This is normal and should be appreciated.
Personality Influences One’s Sexual Fantasy
The personality of each person can influence the types of sexual fantasies. A person tends to have sexual fantasies that match his real personality. For example, people with extrovert personalities prefer non-monogamous sexual fantasies (more than one partner). This is because they love socializing and hanging out with new people.
While people with liberal or free personalities, they tend to prefer sexual fantasies that encourage them to explore new things in each intimate relationship. This is natural, because people with personalities like this have a high curiosity.
There are many types of sexual fantasies, some common and some even extreme. Here are some types of sexual fantasies that most people have:
“Dominant” or “Submissive”: Fantasy as “Dominant” is usually manifested by giving orders to partners or controlling movements in intimate relationships. Whereas the “Submissive” fantasy, a person who indulges all sexual desires of his partner.
BDSM or bondage (bondage), discipline (obedience), sadism (to hurt), and masochism (to be hurt). Is a fairly common fantasy. Usually, people who have BDSM fantasies crave intimate relationships with coercive elements and violent physical actions.
Having sex in an unusual place. For example, in the kitchen, den, or in the car, can revive sexual arousal that subsided after being bored with the scene in bed.
Tips For Elderly Men Who Want To Have Intimate Relationships
That’s what you need to know about sexual fantasies. If you have problems regarding sexual health, you can discuss it with your doctor through the application . Make sure you have downloaded the application on your smartphone, OK!
Health. Retrieved 2020. 7 Sexual Fantasies It’s Totally Normal to Have.
Psychology Today. Accessed 2020. Sexual Fantasies.
The post Sexual Fantasy with a Partner, Healthy or Not? appeared first on Healthacks.
source https://healthacks.net/sexual-fantasy-with-a-partner-healthy-or-not/
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leftistsolidarity · 4 years
5 Factors That Increase A Person to Experience Balanitis
, – Do you or your partner have an uncircumcised penis? It is better to consider circumcision for the sake of sexual health. The reason is, when we ignore the cleanliness of the penis, the skin of the penis may experience inflammation which is commonly known as balanitis . Not only does it cause pain when urinating, this condition can also create an unpleasant smell that makes self-confidence decrease.
Several things that can cause balanitis include fungal infections, bacterial infections, infectious diseases, skin irritations, and other skin disorders. If this condition occurs, it is highly recommended to see a doctor for treatment. This treatment is also meant to prevent uncomfortable complications of balanitis.
Also read: Is it true that an uncircumcised penis can experience balanitis?
What Factors Increase a Person to Have Balanitis?
There are several factors that increase a person’s risk of getting balanitis, namely:
Diabetes mellitus;
Oral antibiotic use;
Poor hygiene in uncircumcised males;
Low body resistance;
Physical or chemical irritation to the head of the penis.
If you have the risk factors above, then you should be aware of balanitis. Immediately ask your doctor about the condition. Now you can also easily contact the doctor to get a solution to the health problems you have.
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Are there any complications that can occur due to balanitis?
Someone who experiences balanitis and gets treatment late is afraid of experiencing several complications. This bacterial infection or sexually transmitted disease causes the sufferer to experience complications of balanitis such as joint pain, a rash that spreads to other parts of the skin, swollen glands, fever, nausea, and fatigue.
Well, the symptoms of balanitis to watch out for include:
Redness on the head of the penis in the form of a red spot until completely reddened;
Blisters (ulcers) on the penis;
Feels hard, dry, or stiff;
The head of the penis is swollen;
Sometimes a thick discharge from under the prepuce which causes an unpleasant odor due to anaerobic bacterial infection or Streptococcus sp;
Discomfort when urinating
It is difficult to withdraw the prepuce (phimosis);
In some cases it causes impotence;
Causes lymphadenopathy;
It is difficult to insert a Foley catheter;
Itching sensation.
How Are Simple Steps to Relieve Balanitis Symptoms?
Some simple steps to treat the symptoms of balanitis include:
Avoid using soap on the genitals when inflammation occurs.
Using moisturizing cream (moisturizer) instead of soap to clean the genitals.
Use warm water to clean the genitals, then dry it slowly.
Bathing using salt water.
In addition, when undergoing balanitis treatment, you should avoid sexual activity because it is feared that it will cause pain in the penis or transmit the infection to your partner.
Also Read: Beware of Smegma That Can Build Up in Gender
How To Prevent Balanitis?
Some steps that can be taken to prevent balanitis include:
Clean the penis regularly every day using soap. For people who have not been circumcised, be sure to clean the head of the penis and rinse with water. After cleaning, dry the head and body of the penis before using underwear.
If the symptoms of balanitis are related to condom use, use a special condom made for sensitive skin.
If working with hazardous chemicals, make sure to wash your hands before urinating.
Using a condom when engaging in sexual activity with a new partner.
Controlling diabetes conditions and other chronic diseases that may have an impact on balanitis.
Lose weight if you are obese.
The post 5 Factors That Increase A Person to Experience Balanitis appeared first on Healthacks.
source https://healthacks.net/5-factors-that-increase-a-person-to-experience-balanitis/
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leftistsolidarity · 4 years
Know the Risk Factors That Increase Lymphogranuloma Venereum
, – There are many types of diseases transmitted through sexual contact, one of which is lymphogranuloma venereum. Chlamydia trachomatis is a type of bacteria that causes lymphogranuloma venereum that can penetrate the skin and blockages around the lymph nodes.
This disease can affect the lymph nodes or channels, external genitals, rectum, and mouth . There are also several risk factors that increase the chances of lymphogranuloma venereum, namely:
Male gender.
Have intercourse without using safety.
Have anal sex or oral sex or both
A sex worker.
Having sex with someone from an endemic area.
Frequently changing sexual partners
Also read: Watch out, Lymphogranuloma Venereum appears with STIs
Symptoms of Lymphogranuloma Venereum
Symptoms of lymphogranuloma venereum generally appear one month after the bacteria enter the body. Symptoms that appear can include:
Lymph fluid that comes from the lymph nodes leaves the skin
The rectum is bleeding or purulent
Sores appear on the genital area
Feeling pain when defecating
The groin area is swollen
Usually, the symptoms in the early stages are the appearance of lesions in the genital area which later develop into ulceration. Ulcerations are lesions that are shaped like craters on the skin or oral mucosa . 
Sometimes many people mistake lymphogranuloma venereum symptoms as ulcerative colitis symptoms. This is because, lymphogranuloma venereum infection is still considered rare, so its identification is not always clear.
Also Read: This Is What Happens To The Body When You Have Chlamydia
How To Diagnose Lymphogranuloma Venereum?
As explained above, the symptoms of lymphogranuloma venereum are sometimes difficult to identify because they are similar to ulcerative colitis conditions. Therefore, before diagnosing this condition, one needs to first identify lymphadenopathy and genital ulcer disorders.
Sexually transmitted disease screening also needs to be done before carrying out diagnostic steps to confirm the presence of bacteria that cause lymphogranuloma. Several methods of lymphogranuloma diagnosis that can be done, namely:
Chlamydia trachomatis culture . This method can be done by taking fluid samples from the lymph nodes, fluid that comes out of the ulcer and rectal tissue with the help of a needle.
CT scan . CT scans can be useful in detecting the cause of lymphadenopathy.
Colonoscopy and sigmoidoscopy . Colonoscopy and sigmoidoscopy methods can be combined with rectal and anal tissue biopsy to provide more accurate results.
Complement fixation test . This is an immunological test method that aims to detect specific antibodies or antigens in the blood to look for the chlamydia trachomatis bacteria .
Lymphogranuloma Venereum
The treatment to reduce the symptoms of lymphogranuloma venereum is bubonic drainage. The bubo can then be drained with a needle, surgically, or by taking antibiotics. Examples of drugs that are usually prescribed are doxycycline, erythromycin, or tetracyclines.
These drugs need to be consumed regularly for 21 days. Your partner should also be tested to detect chlamydial infection in the urethra, cervix, or rectum. This aims to break the chain of bacterial transmission
Also Read: Has Been Treated, Can Chlamydia Come Back?
If you feel you are experiencing symptoms similar to this sexually transmitted disease, don’t be embarrassed to ask your doctor to be sure. Click Talk to A Doctor in the application to contact the doctor anytime and anywhere via Chat , and Voice / Video Call . Come on, immediately download the application on the App Store or Google Play!
The post Know the Risk Factors That Increase Lymphogranuloma Venereum appeared first on Healthacks.
source https://healthacks.net/know-the-risk-factors-that-increase-lymphogranuloma-venereum/
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leftistsolidarity · 4 years
Know the Facts on Hormone Therapy to Treat Turner Syndrome
, – Turner Syndrome is a chromosome disorder that only affects women. This is related to the lack of part or all of the second sex chromosome in some or all cells. In women with this syndrome, he will have a short posture and have difficulty controlling emotions and focus. Even so, most women who suffer from this disease have normal intelligence.
Turner syndrome is also known as syndrome 45, syndrome X, Ullrich-Turner syndrome, or gonadal dysgenesis. A normal person has 46 chromosomes and two of them are sex chromosomes. In addition, women usually have two X chromosomes. However, in a person with Turner syndrome , both sex chromosomes are missing. Sometimes the entire chromosome also disappears.
About 1 in 2,500 girls are born with Turner syndrome. Even so, this disease may cause more miscarriages in children. In someone who has Turner syndrome, the chromosome has a problem. In fact, chromosomes function to determine human behavior and physical characteristics. In addition, there are two types of Turner syndrome, namely:
Classic Turner Syndrome, where the X chromosome in women is completely missing. This occurs in about half of the total sufferers of the disease.
Mosaic Turner syndrome, where the disorder occurs only on the X chromosome of some cells in the body.
Also Read: 6 Facts About Turner Syndrome You Need to Know
Hormone Therapy for Turner Syndrome
Hormone therapy is believed to help treat Turner syndrome. Hormone is a chemical substance in the body that functions to control the growth and development of a person’s body. This therapy can make a person with Turner syndrome experience a height growth of several centimeters.
The following is hormone therapy for people with these chromosomal diseases:
Growth Hormone Therapy
It is said that a person with Turner syndrome, his body will be shorter than most people. Growth hormone therapy can be performed on people with this disease and is generally performed on children. A child who gets hormone therapy will be taller than someone who does not. In addition, the effect of this therapy will decrease with age. Therefore, increasing the dose is necessary.
Some doctors also claim that this growth hormone therapy treatment can impact unwanted body proportions, such as enlarged feet or hands. In addition, this medication can also cause psychosocial problems due to weight problems that occur. Even so, this treatment can increase lean body mass, so that physical health can be improved.
Also Read: Here are 3 Types of Turner Syndrome that Only Occur in Women
Estrogen Replacement Therapy
One of the treatments for someone who has Turner syndrome is estrogen replacement therapy. One of the important factors of Turner syndrome is estrogen deficiency that results from ovarian dysgenesis or degeneration associated with early follicular apoptosis. Even so, ovarian abnormalities are one of the common symptoms, about 5-10 percent of women who develop spontaneous puberty and 2-7 percent experience spontaneous pregnancy.
These pregnancies tend to be at high risk for miscarriage, genetic disorders, and malformations. However, there have been reports, albeit rare, that pregnancies were successful and smooth in women with Turner syndrome. Estrogen replacement therapy is standard treatment for someone who has a deficiency in estrogen in their body.
Also Read: Know the Symptoms of Turner Syndrome in Adolescent Girls
This therapy is ideally done when the woman is 12 years old or at the age when puberty is developing to reduce psychosocial stress. Estrogen replacement therapy should also be done with growth hormone therapy in mind. In addition, some cognitive impairment in Turner syndrome is related to estrogen function.
That’s the hormone therapy that can be done in people with Turner syndrome. If you have any questions about Turner syndrome, doctors are here to help. The trick is to download the application on the App Store and Google Play!
The post Know the Facts on Hormone Therapy to Treat Turner Syndrome appeared first on Healthacks.
source https://healthacks.net/know-the-facts-on-hormone-therapy-to-treat-turner-syndrome/
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leftistsolidarity · 4 years
Epididymitis in Men, Can it Cause Infertility?
, – Epididymitis is a condition that causes inflammation of the epididymis, which is a number of small tubes that function to collect and store sperm. It is attached to the back of each testicle. A common symptom when someone has epididymitis is pain in the scrotum. Generally, this is caused by infection.
Epididymitis is usually caused by a secondary bacterial infection that can be triggered by a variety of conditions. For example, such as urinary tract infections or sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Bacteria in the tubes that carry urine and sperm from the penis or urethra move through the urinary and reproductive structures to the epididymis.
A person who has epididymitis can be treated by taking antibiotics and bed rest . Some people with epididymitis can develop chronic, and can develop inflammation even though there is no infection.
Epididymitis Cause Infertility
One of the complications of epididymitis that can occur is the destruction of the epididymis, which can cause infertility. This is because the infection does not immediately get treatment. As a result, the infection attacks the testicles, causing infertility and severe pain.
Also Read: Complications That Can Be Caused by Epididymitis
Symptoms of Epididymitis
Epididymitis that occurs in a person will cause several symptoms, such as pain and swelling in one testicle. This disorder generally affects men aged 15 to 35 years. The following are the symptoms that can occur in someone who has epididymitis:
The testicles are swollen and painful.
Pain in the abdomen or pelvis.
Often feel like urinating.
Burning feeling when urinating.
Blood comes out along with urine.
Pain during ejaculation.
Fever and chills.
To make sure someone has epididymitis, ultrasound of the scrotum can be done to show if anything unusual has happened. Most people with chronic epididymitis will experience these symptoms for more than five years.
Also Read: Can Epididymitis Be Cured?
Causes of Epididymitis
Epididymitis can be caused by many things, including urinary tract infections which are rare in men and also infections caused by bacteria. Epididymitis caused by bacteria is the most common occurrence and causes acute disorders. The bacteria in the urethra will enter the urinary structures and reproduce to the epididymis. In addition, the infection can enter the epididymis through the bloodstream.
In sexually active men, Chlamydia trachomatis bacteria most commonly causes epididymitis with two-thirds of cases causing acute disorders. However, in men aged 35 years and over, epididymitis that occurs is caused by urinary tract obstruction caused by E coli bacteria. This also occurs in boys who have not yet puberty, parents, and men who have sex with the same sex.
Non-infectious causes of epididymitis are generally due to reflux of sterile urine. This can cause inflammation of the urinary tract obstruction. In addition, any form of epididymitis can be caused by genito-urinary surgery, including prostatectomy and urinary catheterization.
Epididymitis complications
Epididymitis that is not immediately treated will cause acute disorders, giving rise to several complications. Among them.
Chronic epididymitis: Inflammation of the epididymis becomes more severe, it can even occur when there is no infection caused by bacteria.
Abscess: A ball of pus can build up in the epididymis or nearby structures, requiring surgery to drain the pus.
Damaged epididymis: Inflammation of the epididymis too often can permanently damage the area or even damage the testicles. This can cause infertility in sufferers.
Spread of infection: Infection can spread from the scrotum to other body structures or systems.
Also read: Do not be underestimated, this is the danger of epididymitis for men
That is the explanation of epididymitis in men which can cause infertility. If you have questions about the disorder, the doctor is here to help. Communication with doctors can easily be done via Chat or Voice / Video Call . Come on, download the application now on the App Store or Google Play!
The post Epididymitis in Men, Can it Cause Infertility? appeared first on Healthacks.
source https://healthacks.net/epididymitis-in-men-can-it-cause-infertility/
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leftistsolidarity · 4 years
It's Not Always a Medical Problem, Dyspareunia Is Emotional
, – Dyspareunia or painful intercourse is pain that appears in the genital area during or after intercourse. This problem is often experienced by couples, and more often occurs in women, than men.
In women, one type of dyspareunia that often occurs is vaginal dyspareunia , which is pain that occurs due to arousal disorders, which affects the lubrication of the vagina . As a result, women who experience dyspareunia will feel pain during and after penetration.
Apart from women, dyspareunia can also occur in men. The causes also vary. Starting from an infection of the prostate gland, erectile bending (a bowed erection), to the irritation of the skin caused by an allergic rash on Mr. P. In both men and women, dyspareunia is often associated with psychological or emotional problems.
That is why since the first psychological treatment has always been one of the solutions to this problem. In fact, dyspareunia is not only caused by mental problems, you know, but can also be caused by various physical things. Here are some factors that can trigger dyspareunia.
1. Lack of lubrication
In cases of dyspareunia experienced by women, pain during intercourse is generally caused by a lack of lubrication. Lack of lubrication can be caused by many things, such as low estrogen levels after childbirth, breastfeeding, or menopause . Several types of drugs such as hypertension drugs, antidepressants, birth control pills, and antihistamines can also affect the decrease in vaginal fluid production, thus causing a lack of lubrication when having sex.
2. Health problems
Some health problems can also unconsciously reduce arousal to pain when having sex with their partner. Health problems in question are uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, uterine prolapse, hemorrhoids , irritable bowel syndrome, and pelvic inflammatory disease.
3. Vaginismus
Vaginismus is a condition of muscle spasms in the vaginal wall during intercourse. This condition will make the penetration process very difficult, and cause excruciating pain.
4. Infection or Inflammation
In both men and women, discomfort when having sex can also be caused by infection or inflammation of the genital area. Urinary tract infections and rashes or skin problems in the area of the sex organs are the most common.
5. Stress
Stress will not only trigger various diseases, but also can make the muscles in the pelvis tighten and cause pain during intercourse. The passion for relationships will gradually decrease when under stress.
6. Trauma or History of Sexual Harassment
In some cases of dyspareunia, past sexual abuse can be traumatic. As a result, every time you want to have a relationship with your partner, you can imagine the bad experiences that have been experienced and will be felt psychologically again. Healing trauma is the only way to treat this type of dyspareunia.
That’s a little explanation about dyspareunia and what can cause it. If you need more information about this, don’t hesitate to use the Contact Doctor feature in the application , which can be done via Chat or Voice / Video Call . Also get the convenience of buying drugs online , anytime and anywhere, just by downloading the application on the Apps Store or Google Play Store.
Know the 4 Causes of Pain During Intimate Intercourse
6 Trauma Due to Sexual Violence
It turns out that intimate relationships at menopause are still fun
The post It's Not Always a Medical Problem, Dyspareunia Is Emotional appeared first on Healthacks.
source https://healthacks.net/its-not-always-a-medical-problem-dyspareunia-is-emotional/
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leftistsolidarity · 4 years
Not Only Sprouts, These Are 5 Sperm Fertilizing Foods
, – Most of you probably already know if sperm is useful for fertilizing a woman’s egg. But, did you know that a low and unqualified sperm count can interfere with the fertilization of an egg?
There are many factors that cause decreased and poor quality sperm production. Among them are smoking, using drugs, consuming alcohol, obesity, wearing too tight pants, stress, cycling for too long, eating the wrong way, and often consuming foods that contain chemicals such as pesticides.
Sperm Fertilizing Food
In order to produce quality sperm and the fertilization process can run optimally, you are advised to eat sperm fertilizers. So, what are the types of sperm fertility foods that can help men produce quality sperm?
Foods That Are High in Antioxidants
Antioxidants are believed to increase sperm movement and prevent them from being damaged. Foods that are high in antioxidants and recommended for consumption include green vegetables (spinach, lettuce and broccoli), carrots, nuts, sweet potatoes, tea, and foods made from whole grains such as grapes and berries (strawberries and raspberries).
Foods Containing Selenium
Eating foods containing selenium can stimulate the body to produce healthy sperm. The best selenium can be found in brazil nuts, tuna, sardines, shrimp, beef, beef liver, chicken, brown rice, eggs, spinach, and oatmeal .
Foods Containing Folic Acid
Folic acid is also known as vitamin B9. If you are deficient in this vitamin, then, you tend to find it difficult to produce quality sperm. These nutrients can be obtained from citrus fruits (lemons, mandarin oranges, and limes), nuts, green vegetables, and cereals.
Foods Containing Zinc
Meeting the needs of zinc can prevent infertility (infertility) due to clotted sperm. Foods that contain zinc include chicken, beef, oysters, eggplant, crab and lobster.
Foods Containing Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Omega-3 fatty acids can increase sperm count and blood flow to the genitals. Men who eat a lot of these foods tend to have better sperm quality when compared to men who eat them less. Foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids include walnuts, crab, salmon, chicken, and fatty fish.
Apart from eating the five foods above, you can also increase sperm production and quality by exercising regularly, getting adequate rest, and avoiding stress. If you have complaints about sperm quality, you are advised to talk to an Andrology specialist on the app . You can ask the doctor anytime and anywhere via Chat, and Voice / Video Call through the Contact Doctor service . Come on, download the application on the App Store and Google Play.
Is it true that pregnancy is determined by the amount of sperm?
The post Not Only Sprouts, These Are 5 Sperm Fertilizing Foods appeared first on Healthacks.
source https://healthacks.net/not-only-sprouts-these-are-5-sperm-fertilizing-foods/
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leftistsolidarity · 4 years
Endometriosis Cause Intimate Relationship Painful, Here Are the Tips
– People living with endometriosis know for sure how this health problem causes excruciating pain and affects menstruation, mental health, fertility, sex life and much more. Endometriosis is tissue that is similar to the inner lining of the uterus or endometrium, but grows outside the uterus.
Usually, endometriosis grows on the ovaries, fallopian tubes, pelvic tissue, bladder, gastrointestinal tract or less often in other parts of the body. During the menstrual cycle, this misplaced tissue acts as if it was in the uterus, which is damaged and bleeds, but the body has no way to shed it, thus triggering inflammation.
Endometriosis Causes Painful Intimate Relationships
Inflammation that occurs as a result of endometriosis not breaking down causes cysts and scar tissue to form. Usually, when experiencing this disorder, a woman will feel severe cramps, heavy menstruation, fatigue, uncomfortable bowel movements, and even difficulty getting offspring, aka infertility . If you are one of them, immediately make an appointment with a doctor to get treatment. Use the app now to make appointments at any hospital much easier.
Endometriosis causes irregular menstruation, is it dangerous?
One of the effects that occurs when you have endometriosis is excruciating pain when having sex, although this condition does not always occur in every woman with endometriosis. This is because the penetration that occurs during intercourse can stretch, pull, or push the wrong endometrial tissue, so that pain cannot be avoided.
The severity of the pain can vary depending on a number of factors, including how deep the penetration is, when intercourse takes place, and where the lining of the endometriosis is. If nerves, ligaments, and tissues are stretched during intercourse, the pain can be very significant and often lasts several days after intercourse.
Know the 6 Facts About Endometriosis
Psychological factors also play a role in the pain. When a person has endometriosis, the body begins to equate sexual stimulation with pain, and this makes the pain even more uncontrollable. In the long run, this response can lead to decreased libido and reduced vaginal lubrication, making intercourse more difficult.
How are tips to make intimate relationships more enjoyable?
Then, how to make intimate relationships for people with endometriosis more enjoyable? Here is the review:
Communicate with your partner, so that your partner knows how your condition is every time you have sex. Your partner also helps find the best solution to reduce the pain you experience.
Trying different styles, for some women, being in the top position compared to the bottom one can help reduce the pain as they control the penetration.
Find the right time, because knowing when the pain you are experiencing increases and when it decreases can help you determine the time for sex that is really fun.
Use lubricants, because a dry vagina is a common cause of painful intercourse.
Change the focus, not only how to have an orgasm, but focus on how this intimate relationship becomes so exciting for you and your partner.
Diet Recommendations for Women with Endometriosis
Intimate relationships should be fun to do, and if one is experiencing pain, this activity will no longer be exciting. So, the method above can be done so that intimate relationships can still be fun for both wives and husbands.
Huffpost. Retrieved 2019. How to Make Sex Less Painful If You Have Endometriosis.
Healthline. Accessed 2019. Endometriosis.
Patient. Accessed 2019. Endometriosis.
The post Endometriosis Cause Intimate Relationship Painful, Here Are the Tips appeared first on Healthacks.
source https://healthacks.net/endometriosis-cause-intimate-relationship-painful-here-are-the-tips/
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leftistsolidarity · 4 years
Recognize the Benefits of Forest Honey for Body Health
, – Forest honey or raw honey has long been used as a traditional medicine. The natural ingredients and sweetness of forest honey contain healthy elements that are not found in processed honey. Forest honey provides various health benefits.
Forest honey, which comes straight from the hive, contains healthy bee pollen, bee propolis and antioxidants. Forest honey has more health benefits than regular honey. Some people believe that the processing and pasteurization of ordinary honey reduces many of the beneficial elements. Meanwhile, forest honey is considered to provide more health benefits than ordinary honey.
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Benefits of Forest Honey for Body Health
Honey is a sweet, golden liquid made by honey bees. Forest honey contains bee pollen and bee propolis, these are the sticky, glue-like substances that bees use to hold their hives together. Regular honey may not contain the same bee propolis and bee pollen as forest honey.
These are the benefits of forest honey for body health, namely:
Has antioxidant effects
Some of the main health benefits of honey come from its antioxidant properties. Forest honey contains compounds that act as antioxidants, including phytochemicals, flavonoids, and ascorbic acid.
Antioxidants are able to reduce oxidative stress in the body by cleaning up free radicals. Oxidative stress is linked to many chronic health conditions, including many cancers. By eating antioxidant-rich foods, people can reduce their risk of chronic disease.
Honey contains special, healthy nutrients. Honey naturally contains small amounts of the following vitamins and minerals:
Pantothenic acid;
Honey naturally contains sugar. More than half of the sugar in honey is fructose, and this is often linked to various health problems. But even though it contains fructose, honey can be a healthier choice than granulated sugar.
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Antibacterial properties
Honey is a natural bacterial and antimicrobial agent. It also contains hydrogen peroxide and glucose oxidase and has a low pH level, which kills harmful bacteria and fungi. Due to its unique chemical composition, honey will not allow fungi or bacteria to grow in the body.
Able to Heal Wounds
Research shows that forest honey can be used as a wound healer because of its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. In addition, honey is acidic in nature which helps release oxygen from wounds and accelerates wound healing. You can use forest honey by rubbing it directly on small wounds and burns.
Relieves Cough
Several studies have shown that honey may be just as or more effective than some cough medicines. Given that many cough medicines are not safe for small children to consume, forest honey can be an alternative for children over one year of age.
No doubt honey efficacy for men
Treating Diarrhea
Forest honey may have a calming effect on digestion which may help with diarrhea symptoms. To help treat mild diarrhea, drink a teaspoon of forest honey or mix honey with water. Avoid consuming too much honey, because excess sugar can worsen diarrhea.
Those are some of the benefits of forest honey. Make sure you always choose the right honey for consumption. Before having honey criteria, you can also ask the doctor through the application how to properly consume forest honey. Come on, immediately download the application now!
Healthline. Accessed 2020. The Top 6 Raw Honey Benefits
Medical News Today. Accessed 2020. What are the health benefits of raw honey?
The post Recognize the Benefits of Forest Honey for Body Health appeared first on Healthacks.
source https://healthacks.net/recognize-the-benefits-of-forest-honey-for-body-health/
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leftistsolidarity · 4 years
Premature Ejaculation Can Still Cause Pregnancy, Really?
, – Pregnancy can occur when a partner has intercourse and vaginal penetration occurs and Mr P.’s ejaculation. Unfortunately, there are many factors that make it difficult for women to get pregnant, not only from the woman, but this problem can come from the male side. Is premature ejaculation, a sexual complaint that is quite widely reported by most adult men.
Ejaculation that occurs too fast can have an impact on male fertility. However, is it true that a man really cannot impregnate his partner if he experiences premature ejaculation?
As the 2016 Drug Discovery Today Journal noted , about 20 to 30 percent of men in the world experience premature ejaculation. In addition, it is stated that 1 in 3 men in the world have ejaculated too quickly at least once in their lifetime. However, you don’t need to worry because semen, whether it comes out sooner or later, can still cause a woman to experience pregnancy.
Please note, premature ejaculation is not a direct cause of infertility. However, when a man experiences this condition, problems often arise for couples who are planning a pregnancy. Usually men feel embarrassed, frustrated , or anxious so they tend to avoid sexual activities so that this indirectly affects fertility.
In addition, to get pregnant, the time needed to ejaculate is not very important, as long as enough vaginal penetration. Whenever Mr P goes into vagina during unprotected intercourse and during ejaculation in vagina, there is always the possibility that a woman may become pregnant. Male semen contains up to 100 to 200 million active sperm per 2-5 ml of fluid. Their chances of swimming up to the uterus can occur, in which only one of them can fertilize a woman’s egg.
Also Read: Pain or Psychology, Men Experience Premature Ejaculation
Prevent Premature Ejaculation
Although a man who experiences premature ejaculation can still impregnate his partner, you should find ways to prevent this from happening. This aims to maintain a husband and wife relationship so that it is always harmonious. This condition can arise due to stress, as well as problems involving emotional and psychological issues.
Not only that, but premature ejaculation is also considered a male confidence problem. Visit the doctor to discuss this. The doctor will recommend counseling sessions that involve psychotherapy. Likewise with how to communicate with partners about sexual dysfunction. Apart from counseling, other treatments also involve behavioral techniques, topical anesthetics (which are applied directly to the skin), and some medications.
Behavioral Techniques. This technique is not difficult, men are recommended to masturbate about an hour or two before sexual intercourse. This method is intended to control premature ejaculation during sexual intercourse.
Basic Pelvic Exercises. Men can also do Kegel exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles to prevent premature ejaculation.
Squeeze Pause Technique. This technique requires help from the woman’s side. So during intercourse , women are asked to squeeze the point where the head (gland) joins the shaft to prevent the urge to ejaculate.
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Have problems with premature ejaculation or other sexual problems? You can ask an expert doctor directly through the Halodo application . C. Through the Chat and Voice / Video Call features , you can chat with an expert doctor without leaving the house. Come on, download the application now on the App Store and Google Play!
The post Premature Ejaculation Can Still Cause Pregnancy, Really? appeared first on Healthacks.
source https://healthacks.net/premature-ejaculation-can-still-cause-pregnancy-really/
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leftistsolidarity · 4 years
Watch out, premature ejaculation is a sign of sexual dysfunction
– Do you think you have problems related to sexual satisfaction or sexual desire? It could be that you have a condition called sexual dysfunction . Sexual dysfunction can be experienced by both men and women. Without treatment, this disorder can get worse with age.
In women, sexual dysfunction leads to more pain, response, and orgasm during intercourse. Meanwhile, in men, this disorder involves impotence or erectile dysfunction and loss of sexual desire. However, this is not considered rare, because at least 31 percent of men and 43 percent of women have experienced it.
The characteristics of men experiencing sexual dysfunction that need to be known
Premature Ejaculation, Is It Really a Symptom of Sexual Dysfunction?
When a man orgasms for a short time, usually before penetration or shortly after penetration, this is known as premature ejaculation. Premature ejaculation is one of the three types of ejaculation disorders, which is a sign that a person has sexual dysfunction. Apart from premature ejaculation, other ejaculation disorders that lead to sexual dysfunction are slow ejaculation and reverse ejaculation.
Meanwhile, another symptom of sexual dysfunction that commonly occurs in men is a decreased libido or desire for sexual intercourse. Usually, this is related to a problem with the level of the hormone testosterone in the body. When this decrease in hormones is already in an acute phase, a man may not want to have sexual intercourse at all.
3 Vulnerable Sexual Dysfunction for Women
Lastly, is erectile dysfunction or impotence. This happens when a man is unable to maintain an erection or is unable to get an erection at all during intercourse.
Sexual Dysfunction Can Occur in Women
Sexual dysfunction can occur in women, which can affect the level of anxiety that arises. Symptoms of sexual dysfunction that occur in women are:
Low sexual desire is the most common symptom of sexual dysfunction in women.
Pain during intercourse that occurs due to various factors, such as vaginismus disease, lack of lubrication, or tight vaginal muscles.
Orgasm problems are characterized by the difficulty of a woman reaching orgasm even though she has been stimulated by her partner.
The arousal problem is characterized by the difficulty of a woman being aroused despite being stimulated by her partner. However, in this case, sexual desire is still there.
Apart from factors related to hormonal conditions, sexual dysfunction in men and women can occur due to psychological factors and medical or physical conditions. Stress, anxiety and excessive worry affect sexual dysfunction, and certain diseases such as diabetes, nervous disorders, cardiovascular problems also play a role.
5 Causes Men Can Experience Erectile Dysfunction
If you experience it, don’t be afraid to tell a specialist doctor. If this problem occurs because you are stressed, you can visit a psychiatrist to tell a story and get the best solution to reduce the negative impact that may occur. If this is due to hormones, the doctor can give drugs to stabilize the hormones in the body. Sexual dysfunction is a problem that should not be taken lightly. Immediately handle it because if it happens for a long time it will significantly affect a person’s sexual activity.
The post Watch out, premature ejaculation is a sign of sexual dysfunction appeared first on Healthacks.
source https://healthacks.net/watch-out-premature-ejaculation-is-a-sign-of-sexual-dysfunction/
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