leftribbon-blog · 4 years
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and now that i’m finally here, let’s do an rp ad! like this post for a starter from sakura! i won’t cap it for now, but i might be selective to not overwhelm myself!
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leftribbon-blog · 4 years
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** please note; there is mentions of abuse in this character’s history. proceed with caution!
magus daughter of the matou family clan & rider’s true master in fuyuki’s holy grail war.
actually the second daughter of the tohsaka family line; rin’s true younger sister. was given to the matou family so tokiomi wouldn’t have to train both daughters / not have the two daughters compete. unfortunately, suffered from abuse from this family.
had a loving uncle named kariya who tried to save her but he ended up dying, making little sakura believe that’s what would happen if she defied her grandfather.
in love with shirou emiya; inspired her to change her mindset to ‘give up’ to ‘keep going’ after watching him try and do the long jump for 2 hours. goes over to his house to help clean and cook. is also friendly with taiga fujimura, a teacher at their school and shirou’s legal guardian.
outwardly seems to be a polite yet quiet girl who doesn’t smile or talk to people. deep down she’s got some rather dark thoughts brewing in her head because of the pain and suffering she’s felt.
basically a second holy grail except imperfect, incomplete and turns pretty evil towards the end bc of all of her bottled up negative emotions empowering the servant avenger, whom she made a contract with.
can cook like real well. is going to surpass shirou one day.
the left ribbon in her hair is a gift from rin before she left to live with the matou family.
heaven’s feel? more like heaven’s FEELS because i’m always crying at this route.
deserves all of her recent popularity like i would die for sakura matou and i will.
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leftribbon-blog · 5 years
In truth, Rin is never really sure how exactly she’s supposed to act towards Sakura. The past they share is a complicated one and the distance between them has only ever steadily become further over time. Without a gentle push from Shirou, she’s surprised that she doesn’t find herself making an excuse to walk away from her right now. It’s only because something tells her that she should stay and at least try to talk to her properly no matter how hard it might be to do so.
“You did,” She starts and then realizes that maybe she shouldn’t have said something so blunt but who would she be if she didn’t? “But it doesn’t matter.” Not really, anyway. She’d paid her respects to the people she’d come here for much earlier and was just taking in the sight of everyone else at this point. “I think I needed the company. It’s good that you’re here.”
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“I take it you’ve already spoken to Emiya-kun? Not that I keep up with him these days. It’s a little hard to.”
     “I-I see. I’m sorry.”
This would be the perfect time to run, like the coward she is. But her feet dare not move. They stand placed in the same spot, as though she is stuck to the earth beneath her. She lifted her head as Rin continued to speak, surprised that she wanted her junior to stay with her. Or at least, stay to have some needed company. Sakura was sure Rin would have liked someone else.
     “Thank you, Tohsaka-senpai.”
A quiet voice, like a mouse, and what looks to be a small smile had formed on her face. At the mention of Shirou, Sakura’s smile faltered and she shook her head. The smile came back, only replaced with a sadder incarnation of itself.
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     “I haven’t gotten the chance. I think he’s busy with whatever      life he’s made here. I should... see him, though. L-Like you      said, it’s hard to keep track of everyone in the city...! It’s scary      how people come and go...”
Her mind drifted to Rider, wondering how her servant has been. She hasn’t heard from her in a while, but she’s not even sure if she’s still here. But, it is a dig at her elder sister - like nails in skin. But of course, she would never admit that out loud. Sakura rarely looked at her phone. 
     “What kind of life have you made here, Tohsaka-senpai?"
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leftribbon-blog · 5 years
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– sakura matou ( @leftribbon )
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leftribbon-blog · 5 years
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     “It must be nice... to have someone.”
Just. Smiles sadly.
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leftribbon-blog · 5 years
“She does, yes, but never cute young ladies such as yourself.” It’d be remiss of her to deny Marzia’s aggression towards some people but, much like her beloved owner, there was always a soft spot for those who appealed to her. As if to show her agreement with Camilla’s words, the wyvern gently brushes against her hand and a soft purring noise of acknowledgment. “I do believe she likes you already, my dear.”
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It isn’t often, however, that either of them encounters someone so wonderfully delightful. At Sakura’s offer of treats for the wyvern, Camilla can’t help but smile herself and gently pat Marzia’s head, who seems very pleased at the thought of receiving a treat as well. “I’ve never given her cookies myself but…” The wyvern ever so slowly edges closer to the young girl, beady eyes looking up at her in expectation. She really wants those cookies now.
“I suppose there is a first time for everything. I think she would very much enjoy one.”
     “Cute..? Oh, I’m not sure if I...”
Count as cute. Sakura never considered herself very cute to begin with. Surely there were other girls who were far more cuter than she... and far more desriable as a person. No, Sakura Matou was quite the opposite of cute, if she had to be honest with herself. Fingers gripped tightly on the bag she held, the young magus tried her absolute best to not let her real feelings show.
Instead, she offered another smile at the elder woman and the wyvern. She let out a small laugh at how the creature seemed excited about the idea of eating a cookie, almost like a dog expecting a treat. Digging into the bag, Sakura gently held out the treat for her to sniff - it was shaped in the face of a cat.
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     “A first time for everything. I hope she likes it. But, oh,      I better not spoil her too much...! It’s hard not to; she’s      very cute.”
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leftribbon-blog · 5 years
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     “P-Please cook your meat! If you eat it raw,      you might get sick...!”
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leftribbon-blog · 5 years
@nohright ✿ ( sc )
     “Um... Does she bite?”
It wasn’t really an odd thing seeing a wyvern here, especially after all she’s witnessed back home ( and here as well ), but she did have to do a quick doubletake when she initially walked past them. The woman next to the dragon seemed to be her tamer, and it was quite clear that the wyvern respected her owner. 
Still, even if it wasn’t a surprise to Sakura, she still couldn���t help but feel a little curious about the creature next to her. The lavender haired girl gentle held up a small bag of cookies, a soft smile on her face.
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     “Does she like food? I-I mean, would she eat a treat?      I don’t know if she would eat sweets, but I can give her      a cookie if she wants...!”
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leftribbon-blog · 5 years
@purgedfaith​ ✿ ( sc )
Oh, it was him.
Sakura had only met Kotomine Kirei a few times, but there was always something... off, about the priest. Something odd, something just not right about him. Maybe Sakura can just tell when someone is a little off ( because, after all, it takes one to know one ). Regardless, it seemed like he was here as well. A lot of people from her world seemed to be here; she wondered if this was some kind of strange Holy Grail hotspot.
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     “Hello. Tohsaka-senpai is here, if you’re looking      for her... I don’t know where she is at this moment,      though.”
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leftribbon-blog · 5 years
She doesn’t know why she’s here, in all honesty. But she’s standing at the edge of the lake, paper raft in hand as others around her pay their respects to those that they’ve lost. Rin has never been one for sentiment, at least not openly like this but it’s hard to quit now when she’s already so far in that it’d be a waste otherwise. Slowly, she crouches down at water’s edge and pushes the raft forward and watches it intermingles and is fully out of sight, unable to be told apart from all the others. There’s a sigh, chin in hand before she stands and takes in the sight. What she doesn’t expect, however, is the familiar visage of Sakura, who stands not too far from her. “So you’re here, too.” Is all Rin can manage to say that won’t make things totally awkward.
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“Paying your respects to someone? Or are you just here for the view?”
It’s a little hard not to ignore this place, after losing so much.
Maybe if she hadn’t seen Uncle Kariya or her father and mother here ( -- no, they’re not her parents anymore, she reminds herself. They’re the Tohsakas, and Sakura is not a Tohsaka ), then perhaps she could have simply ignored it and went on her way. But it’s hard to, this time around. She can’t simply ignore the ghosts of her past any longer.
But it doesn’t help her, like it should. It just makes her angry. It makes her angry of the things she could not have, it makes her angry that she had to suffer alone, while no one came to save her. It made her angry about promises that have long since been broken.
-- and unfortunately, a source of her anger has spotted her.
Sakura swallows the anger back, as best as she can. Instead, lavender hues gaze downwards at her feet, trying to avoid the elder magus’ stare.
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     “I... I’m just here. It’s a nice night out. I thought I would...      enjoy it. Did... I interrupt something?”
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leftribbon-blog · 5 years
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now that things have more or less died down, here’s a very late starter call! like this post for a quick starter! i’ll cap at 3, though castmates are free to like past the cap.
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leftribbon-blog · 5 years
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“Oi bruv, can I find out where to get a doctor to look at my eyes? I don’t think they’re workin’ right.” He sounds….incredibly British saying this, really, his h’s going to the wayside and whatnot. 
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     “E-Excuse me...? Caster-san, are you sure it’s your      eyes that’s the problem...?”
She’s frightened.
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leftribbon-blog · 5 years
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What a relief that their act had repelled the hooligans efficiently; within her, there was dreaded suspicion they might take the introduction of another girl — the fictitious sister of their prey, no less — as simply another target to attempt their move. And thus, she had been prepared to retaliate. Still, her eye remained on them, keeping the retreating pack’s shrinking form to the edge of her vision until the distance the two groups had put between them removed one another entirely. Nevertheless, her hand remained attached to that of the girl’s, as if anticipating a comeback, or another hurdle altogether.
“Were you harmed at all? Their display was cowardly through and through, so expecting them to consider any kind of decency or fairness would be unreasonable. That, and I am sorry you were put through whatever they were attempting. Would you require an escort to your destination? Knowing you can make it safely is important rather than assuming and allowing an opportunity for someone else to impose upon you again”. Her tone smoothed; relaxed and far more casual with no need for theatricals. “If you wish, there wouldn’t be any need to feel guilty of asking; there isn’t anything which I require attending. Taking off now, chances are my mind wouldn’t relax from worrying that you were able to make it without more trouble coming your way.
Oh, and if you need back-up or your pretend sister at another date, my name is Mashu Kyrielite”.
     “D-Don’t worry! I wasn’t harmed at all...”
Her plan was to use her magecraft on them to run away, but the truth of the matter was that Sakura had gotten cold feet at the last second. She wasn’t strong or brave at all; she really did need someone’s help in the end. Luckily, someone did come along and she could feel herself letting out a breath of relief. At her offer of a request, Sakura couldn’t help but nod her head a little. While she probably didn’t need an escort, something about this girl made her feel a little more safer.
     “If I’m not troubling you of course... I was on my way      to my housing in this ward. I don’t think it’s too far from      here, but the company would be nice...! Oh, if you’d like,      perhaps you’d like to stay for dinner? I’d like to thank you      for helping me.”
A soft smile, Sakura bowed her head in both thanks and a proper greeting, now that they didn’t need to pretend to be sisters at this current point.
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     “Thank you again, Kyrielite-san. I’m Matou Sakura.      It’s nice to meet you... e-even if the circumstances      weren’t the greatest.”
Was she talking about what just happened or the fact that technically they’re kidnapped and forced to live on some unknown island? Who knows.
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leftribbon-blog · 5 years
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     “Festivals... W-Well, it’s nice that we get to have a      little break after everything that’s happened...”
Maybe she should sit this one out, though...
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leftribbon-blog · 5 years
Her eyes were so wide and childlike, it was difficult to remember that she was nearly a woman grown at this point. It worried him that she seemed to toss caution to the wind, entertaining the questioning of a much older man who seemed to know her name. He meant no harm, of course, and as far as she was concerned he was a knight of this land, but…
“While I am a knight, I would beg you to be more cautious in the future.” He was about to refer to her as Sakura again, but refrained. He remembered vaguely that it would be far too familiar considering her herotage. It would be far too familiar in most places.
But, despite seeming naive, she made the correct guess. A nod accompanied her question, features strained.
“I did. Do, rather, at least in that other place.”
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“Forgive my prying, but did you know much about the circumstances of your uncle’s death? It would be easier to explain, in that case.” A pause, he shook his head, “Forgive me once more - that sounds more than suspicious. I promise you I was an ally to him, not an enemy.” If not one of any esteem, but…
     “Y-Yes... I promise I’ll be more careful...!”
So, it would appear she was right. She didn’t need to know how he knew Uncle Kariya - because she had a feeling she already knew what the answer was. The way he looked as she mentioned his name, it was only an obvious guess. This man was her uncle’s servant from the war. She had never seen his servant around him, ever, for obvious reasons. She was too young to truly understand what was going on, to understand why she had to go through the torture she went through.
She understood now. No longer was she the little girl who lived with the Tohsaka’s. Every bit of that was stripped and rubbed away from her.
But, that wasn’t what she was concerned about. Light pink eyes looked up at the male before her. There seemed to be no emotion in there, or at least something that one could detect as any emotion. They were blank, just like they were when she was a child.
     “I know Uncle Kariya was a master in the war. He      promised he would win, so that I can go home. But      he didn’t and I never went home. I knew he wouldn’t      win, because..”
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     “Uncle Kariya died because he defied grandfather.”
Hollow words, spoken so blankly. There was neither warm or cold in her voice. It was just... as it was. Something she had long accepted. Any one who defied Zouken would be granted with death, that’s what she figured out.
     “... Did you have an emotional attachment to him,      I wonder?”
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leftribbon-blog · 5 years
The only noise emitted was the sharp exhale of breath as he saw her. Grown, now, and an Alraune but her nonetheless. It pained him to see the same dulled look in her eyes as she glanced in the direction he was standing - although it made sense she had not been saved, since there would be nobody left to save her. 
“Sakura Matoi, yes?” His head tilted to one side, a past tick from his life unable to speak. Straightening back up, he coughed lightly.
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“Forgive me, it must be strange for a strange man to suddenly know your name. In a place such as this no less, and with your appearance altered so…” Fading off, he bowed slightly, elf ears showing as his hair shifted. “Apologies. I am…Ah, well, it’s a lot to explain. And I would prefer not to take your time if you do not wish to give it. Nonetheless, as evening wears on, you should be sure to take shelter.”
Oh. There was something... oddly familiar about the man before her, but Sakura just couldn’t put her finger on it. 
Regardless, he seemed to know her even if she couldn’t recall him. The Matou magus liked to consider herself smart - not as smart as her sister, but smart nonetheless - and she had her own conclusion as to who this man was, but she was going to keep that to herself for now. Instead, she closed her eyes ( trying to hide the dulled look in them ) and simply smiled at him.
     “S-Strange... Yes, it is a little strange, I’ll be honest,      ehehe... It’s not every day a rather tall man approaches      you.”
Noting the ear, her gaze went back towards his figure, hoping that this wasn’t a trick of any kind. Cautious, though she tried not to let her seem to be. Like a Venus Flytrap, she wanted to see as innocent as she could. Still, she did offer him another smile before it faded into a serious look and a nod of her head.
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     “Yes... It looks like it’s gotten a lot more dangerous out      here, and I’ll take shelter soon... But I want to know more      about you. You... You knew Uncle Kariya, didn’t you?”
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leftribbon-blog · 5 years
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     “You look very pretty, if it’s any consolation. There was a land full of people who preened themselves to emulate how you look now back home. I guess… try to enjoy it while it lasts? I assume we won’t all stay this way… though I mostly just have new ears.”
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     “O-Oh...! Thank you. You’re very pretty as well. I guess      enjoying it while it lasts wouldn’t be a bad idea... Th-Though,      while it is nice, I hope this is all temporary... Some people      might be having more trouble than me...”
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